Internet Explorer 9 For Windows 8

welcome back to it free training free windows7 training course. in this video i will look at internet explorer 8 which is shipped withwindows 7. internet explorer has been around since windows95 days and has continued to grow and change with the ever changing internet. because ofthis, compatibility problems are bound to occur when you look at web sites which weredesigned to work with earlier editions of

Internet Explorer 9 For Windows 8

Internet Explorer 9 For Windows 8, windows. the default view in internet explorer is standardmode. in standard mode some web pages may not appear correctly. this is for a numberof reasons. microsoft have done a lot of work to make internet explorer adhered to the currenth t ml standards. however by doing this, they

have also fixed a number of bugs or tightenup the code to follow the standard. web pages that rely on these bugs or internet explorerspecific way to display pages may not display correctly with internet explorer 8. also newfeatures in internet explorer may cause problems with old web pages.when this occurs you can enable compatibility mode. if i open my web browser to the cnnweb site. at the top of the screen you can see and icon. selecting this icon will enablecompatibility mode and cause the web site to reload.if i go to the google web site, you will notice the icon is not present. compatibility modewill automatically appear when internet explorer thinks it may be needed. if i go to toolsand select the option compatibility view settings,

i can change when compatibility mode is default, compatibility mode will use a list supplied by microsoft of web sites thathave known display problems. also notice that any web sites that internet explorer thinksare intranet web site will automatically be displayed in compatibility view. intranetweb sites are web sites that are generally only available to a company’s internal workers.lastly you can select to enable compatibility mode for all web sites. doing this also disablesthe new features in internet explorer 8 so i would only do this if you are really havingproblems. notice that cnn was automatically added to the list when i selected compatibilitymode. this means cnn will always use compatibility mode until you remove it. for this reasoni would only add in web sites that you are

having problems may think that given time, the majority of web site will be updated. however, thingslike help manuals stored in read only media like d v d may never be updated. for thisreason microsoft has introduced a new h t m l tag. the developer of the web site onlyneeds to add this tag to their web site and the web site will always be displayed in compatibilitymode. this is great for the end user since they will not have to do anything on theirend to have the web page displayed correctly. there are also 6 group policy settings forcompatibility mode. these are located in administrative templates, windows components, internet explorerand compatibility view. the first one, turn on internet explorer 7 standards mode, whenenabled will view all web sites as if you

were using internet explorer 7.the next option turns off compatibility mode meaning the user will not be able to use ormake changes to compatibility mode. if you enable the next option, turn on internet explorerstandards mode for local intranet, standard mode will be used for all intranet web other words, compatibility mode will be disabled for intranet sites.the next option disables the compatibility view button. compatibility mode will stilloperate, but the users will not be able to enable it by pressing the compatibility buttonin the task bar. the next option, includes updated web site lists from microsoft, willautomatically enable compatibility mode when the web site being visited is on microsoftlist of known web sites with compatibility

problems.the last group policy setting lets you create a list of web sites that will always be viewedin compatibility mode. that’s it for the compatibility settings. next i will look atsecurity zones. when you visit a web site, internet explorerwill classify the web site into one of four zones. the zone will determine which securitysettings will be applied to that web site. to configure security zones, first i you needto launch internet explorer. from the tools menu select internet options. to configurezones i need to select the security tab. on the security tab you can see the 4 zones ininternet explorer. the first zone is internet. the internet zone is the default zone andis used when the web site does not match any

of the other 3 zones. the next zone in localintranet. this zone is used for web sites that are inside the local company. internetexplorer will generally detect these sites, but you can add them yourself if it does notdetect them correctly. the zone trusted zone is designed to allowweb sites to run with few restrictions. generally you would add sites in here that have securityproblems with but trust not to have malware that may damage your computer.the last zone is restricted zones. sites you put in this zone are potentially dangerous.this zone has the highest security of any zone. if you need to put a site in here thenit is probably a site that you should consider not visiting. however, if you really needto access that site, add it to this zone.

by default, each zone is given certain securitysettings. here you can see a slide bar which determines which settings are used. whereyou place the slide bar changes a heap of other settings, however if you want to customizethe options you can select the option custom level.this will show all the security settings. if you were having problems with activex controlsfor example, you may want to change the settings for them. there are a lot of settings in here,for example down the bottom you can change how user logon are treated. if you ever makea mistake and want to go back, you can press the reset button to go back to the defaults.if i cancel out now and go back to the security tab, i can select local intranet zone to seethe setting for this zone. internet explorer

will automatically attempt to classify sitesthat it thinks are intranet sites into this zone. if you want to see which sites it willalways put into the zone press the button add your own sites press the advanced button. internet explorer should by default pick upsites that are on the same network as the computer as intranet sites. however sitesthat are separated by wide area networks or sites that are hosted by a different companybut considered to be an intranet site, for example if the company acquires anther company,can be added in here. if i exit out of here, i can select the nextzone trusted zones. generally this zone is used for sites that you trust but may be havingproblems with. for example, perhaps they used

activex controls. it is better to add thesite you are having problem with in here to get it to work, rather than changing the securitysetting of the internet zone. to add a site, select the button sites. atthe bottom there is a tick box that requires the site to be a secure site before it canbe added. it is recommended that you only add secure sites to trusted sites howeveryou can bypass this requirement if you need to.when i exit out of here, notice the option down the bottom, enable protected mode isnot selected for this zone. when protected mode is enabled, the internet explorer processruns with restricted permissions. the reduced permissions stop the internet explorer processfrom doing things like writing to the hard

disk. previously if there was a bug in internetexplorer, a hacker could use this bug to access the hard disk of the computer. with protectedmode on, if there is a bug in internet explorer and a hacker attempts to access the hard diskusing this bug, protected mode will block the attempt. however, protected mode can alsostop software from running that could be run with previously versions of internet explorer.if this occurs, you may need to add the web site to the trusted sites.the last zone is restricted sites. this site has the most restrictions of any zone. ifyou need to visit a site that has malware on it, you should add it to this zone. havingsaid that, if possible you should avoid visiting sites like these, however sometimes you maynot have a choice.

there are only a few more features of internetexplorer that i want to go though. to demonstrate these i will switch to my windows 7 computer.firstly you may want to add additional components to internet explorer in the form of add do this, open internet explorer and go to the tools menu. from the tools menu selectmanage add-ons. manage add ons is divided into four sections.the first section contains all the toolbars and extensions. if you want to install moretoolbars you can select the option at the bottom of the screen find more toolbars andextensions. currently there are no toolbars shown. ifi select the show “pull down” it is currently set to show only loaded add-ons. notice alsothe option for showing toolbars that run without

permission and finally downloaded controls.manage add-ons also includes other items other than toolbars. the next option will show youall the search providers that are installed. currently there is only one installed, howeverjust as before, i can select the option find more search providers at the bottom to addmore. search providers don’t only just includethe traditional internet search engines likes google. you can also add search provides forebay, wikipedia and amazon to name just a few. once you know what you want you wantpress the button add in internet explorer. once selected, you also have the option tomake this search provider the default search provider. notice all so you have the optionto use search suggestions from this provider.

some of the search engines record what yousearch for and thus when you search for items in the future, they can provide suggestionbased on that information and hopefully give you search results that you want.the next option is accelerators. accelerators as the name suggest speed up the process ofdoing things. traditionally you may need to copy and paste text into a dialog box in orderto process it. using an accelerator you simply select the text and it o the accelerator forprocessing. you can see some defaults ones have been installed,but you can always add more. the last option is in private filtering. a lot of web sitesuse content from other webs when you view a page. the most obvious type of this contentis internet advertising. in private filtering

tracks content that is displayed on many differentweb sites. companies can use this content to work out surfing patterns from users. usuallythis is in an attempt to give you ads that you may be interested in. if you don’t wantcompanies to gain statistical information about your web surfing, have a look at inprivate filtering. to see the changes that i have made, i needto close internet explorer and reopen it. at the top right of internet explorer thedefault search engine has changed to google. the next feature i want to demonstrate isan accelerator. if i open the cnn web site for example.a translator accelerator is installed by default in internet explorer. if i select the texti want to translate, right click it and select

translate with bing, i will get a dialog askingwhat language to translate it to. in this case i will choose greek. previously you wouldhave to copy and paste the text to translate it. accelerators are designed to remove afew mouse clicks to speed up the process. the next option i want to show you is in privatebrowsing. to open an in private browser right click internet explorer and select start inprivate browsing. an in private browser window will now open. when using a private browserwindow, all your cache, cookie etc are automatically deleted when you close the browser. it isbasically designed so that the next person using the computer won’t know what you werelooking at. for example, in private browsing is good feature to use when buying peoplegifts so they won’t be able to go through

your browsing history and work out what youare going to buy them. i also like to use in private browsing whenusing an internet kiosk. for example, if i use the kiosk to log in to hot mail. now idon’t have to worry about signing out when i finish. as long as i close the in privateinternet explorer window after wards, no one will be able to hi jack my session if theyuse the computer after me. also in private browsing is equally good for internet banking.there is one trick that i like to do with in private browsing which i don’t thinkthey had in mind when designed it, but it works really well. if change back to my nonein private browser window, you will notice that i can login into hot mail again as antheruser. if you have 2 e-mail accounts this is

one way you can access both at the same time.also i like to do this when editing web pages. when you log into a web site you will seethe web site as a logged in user. when i make changes and i want to see the web site asa guest, i simply open an in private browsing windows and this will show me the web pageas an anonymous user. not what in private browsing was designed for, but a very usefulfeature that saves me logging out and back in when i want to see changes to my web page.this concludes the internet explorer video. in the next video i will look at the internetprotocol the mostly widely used network protocol in the world and the foundation of most networks.remember to have a look at our web page for more free products including exam questionsand study guide. thanks for watching.

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