[greg] hey everyone, welcome to teachonlinetv,my guest today is a sales funnel success strategist, which you know is something that many of youare very interested in, so we're going to be talking about sales funnels success, andsuccess with sales funnels. she also has a facebook group for female entrepreneurs,female entrepreneurs collaborate with over 11,000 members and are collaborating on theirbusinesses, and is an expert in everything
![Make Your Own Business Cards Online](http://i.imgur.com/AdMNsYi.jpg)
Make Your Own Business Cards Online, from coaching and training, to passive revenue,and of course, sales funnels. i'm really excited to welcome you to the showstephanie nickolich, and i'm looking forward to hearing from you about some of your successesso far, withyour online business and it sounds like it's going amazingly well.
[stephanie] yeah, it's really good, and thisis my second attempt, so i'll just say that. first time not so much, better but i learneda lot of stuff on the way, so it's been a really exciting journey, and every day justit's like the world opened up, so i'm really excited to talk about it. a lot of really cool things going on and ican't wait to share here today. [greg] excellent, and the best way peopleare looking to get ahold of you is stephanienickolich.com and then the female entrepreneurs collaboratefacebook group? [stephanie] that is perfect, yes. [greg] and we'll put the links in there aswell for people.
great, so we'll just see the sales funnelside, that's a really interesting one to me. i've always loved to hear how people are doingwith their sales funnels. i need a light on that area that you wantto share or special strategies that you can dive into. [stephanie] yeah,so sales funnels are 100%lucrative in your business. i didn't start off like, fully immersed, buildingsales funnels, mapping out sales funnels for people because i didn't have one in my ownbusiness, but it was kind of like when the freedom actually started to exist, becauseof sales funnels being set up and like well let's just start just in case somebody doesn'tnecessarily know like what is a sales funnel
i don't really know what the webster's dictionarysays about a sales funnel, but what i feel like a sales funnel is, is it's, like a systemthat's running seamlessly behind the scenes, but that basically allows you to leverageand greatest and get your greatest skills or your greatest strengths in a way that youdon't have to be present. so it's operating as a bunch of pieces thatare happening behind the scenes that get people from that point of interest in who you are,what you do, what you offer, to becoming a paid client, and then moving them down intohigher price point products, services, programs, whatever it is, and so it's like offeringthem, nurturing throughout this, building relationships with people but it's all happeningon rinse-and-repeat, so you can be on a plane
making sales, sleeping making sales, out withyour family making sales all these things can be happening, and you can still be makingmoney, because if you wanted to build something that's scalable and sustainable end of story,you need a sales funnel in place. so i became a new mommy recently, so oncei was like “oh my god, here i am, i'm pregnant†holy crap, right yeah, it's amazing now and-- [greg] you're right and she's 5 months now? [stephanie] yes, she will be 5 months in aweek, so it's been like i don't even know how that happened. i was like “what, i'm a mom†so what ifound was like, wow, okay, so i'm like the
majority of the responsible parent here, andi really need to figure out a way to you know, let me just go take a step back so, last yeari was working 12 to 16 hours a day. i did not have myself fully mapped out inmy business i was still be making a great deal of money, and i'm serving clients i wasfully booked, i was doing a lot of private mentoring, but i had no time, and i need thati'm going to be a mom within the next month, and i need to figure out how this is all goingto work because what was more important to me than anything else was that i was present. it's great to be the provider and your familyor whatever but if you only have one opportunity to see your daughter or your child any certainmilestones in their life, and i was way more
important to me to be present for her thanto be just the one making the money. so i had to restructure things in a reallybig way so i started studying like, psychological buying patterns like what makes people clickthe buy button, what makes people, what are they responsible for, not responding to you,and really looking, and dissecting every single thing that we were doing our business, andmaking sure that the moves we were making were entirely strategic to fill the biggerpicture, and that's kind of how i really just took on this, like, so much passion for creatingsales funnels, and passive revenue, because i saw this is my freedom plan when you getthe first taste of $500,000 of purely passive revenue you're like, “oh snap i want somemore of thisâ€, and so that's kind of how
it just happened, really. [greg] excellent, yeah, and i have to agree. i came from the back end of practicing law. we're going at an amazing rate working fora huge law firm, but i do remember it wasn't the first, maybe a bit of passive revenuethat i learned, but i do remember a day when i went out kite boarding on the water forabout six hours, and i came in and there was $4,000 in sales fully passive and i said needto get on the water more often, and then i went home and did a whole bunch more workon my sales funnels. so i do get that and yeah, definitely amazingand i've seen so many people achieve those
kind of results, and it's just it can be life-changing. definitely, especially for us parents, youknow, get more time with the little ones. [stephanie] exactly, everybody when it's awin-win for everybody. [greg] yes, definitely. so you study the psychology of it that's interestingbecause, i do see a lot of people, they kind of go and look at what other people are doing,they implement it, you know if they drop in some landing pages, they drop buy buttons,throw on some autoresponder emails, but maybe to understand why are they setting up thatway? so are there any specific things that cameacross that one you to set up sort of specific
strategies? [stephanie] yeah, so first of all, the mostimportant page, and anything in the sales funnel is the page. it totally gets forgotten. if you know you're not really skilled in thesales funnel arena, and i still thank you page, that's the perfect place to upsell somebodywe give something of value you're driving them to a page, now you want to see how theyare converting at that page. my other biggest piece of advice is we testeverything. so we come up with variations of headlines,we come up with variations of pages, it might
be the same exact copy, and you might endup with two different images to give you a perfect real life example. we have a webinar training that's actuallya part of our nurture sequences, once they get in the sales funnel, and one of the pagetwo identical pages, it's just two different images. one covered at 29% the other one at 49% isalmost doubled just for changing up an image so it's like--- [greg] what's the difference in the image? [stephanie] one was like me in the water ona beach, and the other one was just like a
white me on like a white background, so theone that was in the beach performed significantly better than the other. [greg] oh really, i guess we're visualizingourselves on the beach, eh? [stephanie] maybe, i guess i don't exactlyknow why i’m imagining, probably because of the lifestyle of the photo you know likepeople go like “i want thatâ€. [greg] yeah, we found some little things thatcan make the difference. i've seen this scenario where, i could belots of these tests where if you’re if the person that image is looking at the call toaction. if the button is over here, and then i lookedover here, and then it performs better than
if i'm just looking at it, right at you. [stephanie] well, really really random stuff,that we are finding out lately, and we're actually at the point of testing all thiscurrently in our own business model; is that like random images like, not me just like,something like, palm trees or mountains are performing really well with ads. like they're getting really, i have no ideawhy this is but, so it's really important to test everything and that's like one ofmy biggest pieces of advice. [greg] do you have a particular tool you usefor the testing side? [stephanie] so i have a reporting system calledwicked reports.
i use infusionsoft and then wicked reportsintegrated with infusionsoft. basically what wicked reports does, is ittakes it like from the first click on your facebook ad, and it will tell you over thelifetime which ads led to the most positive roi. [greg] yeah. [stephanie] so it will be like, you thinkbecause people get so caught up like, a what's my-- [greg] just making notes here. [stephanie] people get so caught up with like,what is my cost per conversion, and in reality
that really doesn't matter because even ifyou're paying $12 cost per conversion, that over time is leading to 2000, 3000, or closerto 10000 dollar clients. i pay $12 every day for conversion. get focused on what really matters, and theonly way to know that is like, if you have these pieces of software in place that youcan just simply pull a report, and and be like, okay what am i turning up the volumeon, what audiences are performing really well, because even though the cost for conversionmay be really low on a particular audience selection, doesn't mean that audience performsbest over time, right? so this is really important stuff to know.
also like, little pop up thank you pages righttypical industry average performance on a thank you page upsell is 2 - 3% what if youcan just optimize that page by making a small isolated changes? what if you change the headline one day, andthen you run it for a week, and see if the headline performs better, and then you goback, and change the subject line, or you change the background of the page, and youmake small changes so that you know what perform then you split test it. like then you can go from a conversion of29% or 49%. that's double basically.
that's basically double, and i didn't spend$1 more on marketing, which is the best news about it, right? [greg] yep, definitely on the testing sidethat can make a huge difference. i want to back it up just a step for someof the people who made the aren’t as familiar with, i mean you've got a pretty elaboratesystem in place. so at a high level, what's your sales funnellook like, you know, sort of step by step, from the top, is it, are you starting withthe facebook ads primarily, and then going down your page, and i'm signing up for email,or what is that look like you know, the steps that people go through?
[stephanie] well, okay so, it actually reallydepends on what the end goal is. so we actually like to reverse-engineer everythingthat we do so, you're like okay, i will because if you want somebody to end up in a $10,000program. [greg] let’s say we're trying to get theminto an online course. what's your, what would you recommend as afunnel for people? [stephanie] okay, so free opt-in. most downloaded free opt-ins, in creatingan opt-in first of all, so i won't get ahead of myself, it should be something that's consumed. can be consumed in under five minutes.
so it should not be like a 42 page ebook necessarily,especially if you're targeting like new moms, or mommypreneurs like, i don't have time toread a 42 page ebook, so chances are i'm not going to get to the end of that, and see thenext action step. so be cognisant of who your audience is, thatyou're appealing to when your cropping your opt-in. it's something that can be easily digestedand implemented quickly, okay think like, people want results. [greg] okay, and so just for those who don'tknow, the opt-in side that's something that you're giving away for free.
essentially in exchange for an email. so you opt-in by getting your email. we can be just one page, 10 point checklist,or download, perfect. [stephanie] and solve one problem. don't solve all the world's problems in oneopt-in. because your conversion rates are going tosuck. so just try to solve one problem within youropt-in. the best way that i can describe it, actuallyis that you look at businesses as if i'm going over the business like i'm taking an aerialview, so let's just think that the entire
business is a pie. your favorite kind of pie, or whatever kindof pie, maybe a banana cream pie, i really like those, that the often is the first sliverof this pie, and it's just going to give them a taste, but it also is going to actuallyget the results if they take action. it's not just like useless information, itshould be extremely valuable, because because you think that's the point of entry. that's the moment they get to decide whetheryou are the one for them, or if they kind of want to know more, or if they absolutelythink you suck, and hopefully the other, you know so you give them a ---
[greg] i do see some people doing the wrongthing with the opt-ins and exactly that, and they're not giving great value, and they thinkwell i'm giving this away for free, i just want to get that email doesn't really matteronce they get it. i've got the email, but when you do that,it kind of burned that email address for that connection because they've given you something,and you've given them something not really of value, so i totally agree when you're givingaway, especially stuff for free, so that value is something you would hope people would payfor. [stephanie] oh my god, so i had a real lifeexample about what happened to me, and i just, this person supposedly was the big deal inthe industry, and i'm just like i can't work
with them, because i felt like it was likea word document, and it has red all over it when i got it, and i'm like, what? you’re training like multi dollar salescoaches like, what? this just doesn't align for me, and maybeshe's wonderful at it, but it matters. first impressions matter, because you can'tgo back and do that moment all over again, and you're right, you lose credibility soopt-ins are really important. it's like your new business card, you know? so make sure it rocks. make sure they're going to get rid of theholes, so that's the first thing.
[greg] is it, how do you, how do you get themto the opt-in? what's in coming along, and i don't have alist, i don't have anyone to send this to. i've got my opt-ins, i got my safe downloadwhere i'm going to exchange that for the email, but how do i get people to come at the end? where do they come from? [stephanie] so two, i mean for us two is likeorganic visibility. so i, you know make sure you are where yourtribe is hanging out. if you don't have enough marketing budget,and place yet, it will work for that. when i first started off in this industry,i didn't have a marketing budget.
and well you know i was just committed toshowing up like, i was like a lunatic. i should have said i made like a dominationcalendar, and i still give this to my clients, we still use it in my business today. i don't do it but i don't have it with me,but what i did when i started, was i went through and created like a space where allof my peeps were hanging out, or i felt like this is, okay and it's not on every platform. also like people can get so caught up, andit has to be here, and i have to be here, and we really don't-- i've only really focusedon like two or three, and really like zone in on one.
we completely dominate and for me-- [greg] see, so yeah i was going to say. so you would pick one so everybody's on facebookwe're just going to do facebook groups, rather than trying to be on facebook and snapchatand twitter and--- [stephanie] and periscope and instagram andpinterest, it's like i have a couple pins on pinterest, but it's just not my thing. it's not my life people hang out so why theheck would i even try to be there, you know? so--- [greg] even if this being, even if they wereon all of these platforms, for you to try
to manage 5 10--- [stephanie] that's just crazy. that's just craziness. so at first, it was me, and i was like committing2 hours a day for the first 30 days. i was in the business to be super presentin facebook groups, and i was very clear about who i could serve, and those were service-basedonline entrepreneurs, and so that's my drive, and i know who they are, and they're hangingout on facebook group,s and typically the people the women who are attracted mid thirtiesto early fifties, so they are on facebook. they’re certainly not on snapchat, you know?
so i just committed to being extra visible. i would give them, i would just add value,actually wasn't selling anything. i'm just kind of priming this late you know? sowing the seeds. [greg] so giving advice, answering questions,that kind of stuff? [stephanie] absolutely, like “hey, i'veintroduced myself, and then hey, i'm here for 15 minutes a dayâ€, or an hour or whateverand you know, can i answer some questions for you in relation to whatever--- [greg] and you do this in other people's facebookgroups?
[stephanie] yes, i did that. so you have to see if that's allowed obviously,so actually in my domination plan that gives all the rules for every group that i'm in. [greg] right. [stephanie] so that i'm sure that this isokay to do, and this is not okay, but there are many groups that will allow you to dothat actually. [greg] yeah, it's not like you're there postingpromotional links, where that would go over the line. [stephanie] no, you're just providing value.
[greg] yeah, people answering questions, andadding value, that's usually a great thing. [stephanie] yes, so you can do that, and thenwork your way up to having a small marketing budget. and then obviously driving traffic, it worksgreat when you figure out what works for your business, like we use facebook ads a lot,you know? we spend a good amount of money on facebookads, but today that was not the case. i started with a small budget. i started with $5 per day, per ad, to do thetesting, and i still do that, and you'll just you know, 20 or 30 variations of the ads.
we will spend a couple hundred dollars 3 to5 days, we will turn off the ads that are not performing, and turn on the ads that areperforming, and that's how you know we really increased our presence, and then you knownow, where we build our list like it's kind of probably, but it really was just becomingextremely visible, and then okay, after that point so i would be having these conversationswith people in facebook groups, and this was before i even had my own facebook group, too. so i would then go back, and just send themlike, i would make up like a little template of the message, and i would be like, “hey,so nice talking today. thanks for taking the time becoming vulnerable,and telling me what's up, i actually have
this free gift that i would love to offeryou, here, you can click this link and downloadâ€, it so you're not all promoting in the groupbut you are building relationships with people. they already know who you are, so you're notlike spamming people. yeah, cause that's not cool, and they cantake it or leave it, right? [greg] and that's the link to your opt-inpage. do you have a page now, we can download ane-book, or pdf, or something like that? yeah, excellent. [stephanie] yeah, and then also you can justyou can also offer other like, tiers of value. you might want to do a webinar training, oryou might want to line up a couple of webinar
trainings that are specific to your area ofexpertise, and then you've already started building relationships with people, so nowyou can absolutely go back, and ask them to join, right? and then it's not like, “who's this chick,she's trying to get me to sign up for something?â€. it doesn't, you've already built like a rapportwith these people, so they're looking forward to hearing from you, and to be completelyhonest, this is how i build my facebook. so i was having conversations with other peopleon the facebook group. i was extremely present for a good 30 days. every single day, some days i would hear crickets,it didn't matter.
i still went back, because regardless if peoplearen't always responding, but they are watching, they are always watching. so all those people that i had you know, givena free gift to, i then went back i just went through all my messages on my facebook inbox,and i had spoken to hundreds of people, and i just went and said, “hey and created thiscommunity and it's for women, and this is what we do, it's like you know, main purposeof building each other up, and whatever i would love for you to join, here's the linkâ€. and within one week, i built it organicallyby 1,000 members. there is no secret sauce behind this, i justreached out and talked to people.
[greg] excellent. [stephanie] yeah, so that's cool too, andthen obviously that's a basis for you know, building long-term relationships with people,as well. so those are all free techniques, except forthe facebook ads obviously that's--- [greg] right, right, and i like that firststep of going out with no marketing budget. i mean $5 a day facebook ads is great, buteven that first step of finding those groups, participating in them, adding value, it'snot scalable to millions of people, but you don't need that. you just need to start to build those relationshipsand get that initial seed.
get that coming in and then like i said youcan go to a 1000 people facebook quite easily. [stephanie] and now actually so things havechanged drastically since i started. so now we have this live streaming option,and i love facebook live. i do a lot of facebook lives, i actually doa lot of facebook lives in my group too, and they've been hugely significant for me, soi think it's because there's other than words, like people are seeing your emotions, peopleare seeing are you comfortable talking about this topic, you know, and you're definitelylearning another layer of credibility when you're doing a video, so i would suggest startputting yourself out there on video get uncomfortable you know you gotta start somewhere.
[greg] and when you do your facebook videos,are you doing q&a type sessions or just the lesson? [stephanie] i would like to have a couplepoints that i want to talk about, and then i will always leave it open to come and belike, “hey what do you think about this, or any questions you have in regards to thistopicâ€, you know, i always will give them one call to action. i try to stick to one, sometimes it's two. it's better to just have one, and yeah, somake it like it could be like, something so simple, it could be like “3 tips to boostingyour sales using a sales funnelâ€.
i just made that up obviously, and then youknow, you gave them their 3 tips, and then interact with them. it's really important that you you are exchangingsome kind of dialogue, because then they think this, is “she cares about meâ€. like every time that someone pops up, i'llsay hello to them, i'll ask everybody that's in the room or whatever you want to call itto introduce themselves, because facebook doesn't always tell me who's there. so like who's joining with me, who's hangingout with me today, who are you, what are you doing for work, and where are you from rightnow, like where are you right now, and i'll
explain where i am, explain who i am, andso they're kind of like building that trust, and that know, like and trust factor rightthere. just by doing that. it's a real nice thing to do. [greg] excellent, okay so they click on thead, or they can let you in the facebook page, come over to the opt-in page for them downloadedan opt-in, or something of value given to them, now you've got your email, what do youdo with that to take that through the sale? [stephanie] so, well i immediately upsellthem into something. [greg] oh, okay interesting.
because a lot of people go through a bit moreof a nurturin, friendly process. you go straight down the road and immediatelyyou want to buy something. [stephanie] yep, so thank you page, upsells. so they're on all of my thank-you pages, someof them converted over 8%. which is huge, because i just covered my marketingbudget, plus some, by just offering a thank you page up, so it's not a pushy way, it'slike, “hey while you're here we’ll first of all really important to tell youâ€, onyour thank you page please let them know that whatever they've opted in for is on its wayto them. [greg] right so they don't just feel.
thanks for the email, buy something. [stephanie] “what the heck, you just wantto my email address, now this chick wants me to just buy something right off the bat?â€,but yeah that's been a really crucial part of setting my business up, so yeah, be like“hey, thanks for downloading my money mojo guide, it's currently on its way to your inbox,but wait while you're hereâ€, and we'll split test it too, so we have like a video one,a sort video it's like 2 plus minutes, and then we have like a written out sales page,i would just show them, and it is a special offer. it's not a marketing ploy, so we're givingthem a discount, but it's only available once
on this page, and that's it you can only buyit here. yeah, look again at the special price, weoffered it to you, so you know, and 98% of people may say no, but it's that 2% that mightsay, yeah that can be really beneficial for your business, but they’re still going toget the guides in their inbox or the course guide, or the pdf, or the checklist, or whateverit is. so that's still coming to them, and that willbe there, and then in that guide or whatever it is, just make sure you always introduceyourself. so the first page of whatever, i'm givingaway is clearly the name of whatever i'm giving away, so they know that i'm in the right place,you know everything i do is fully branded.
the next page is like, “hey, this is whoi am, and this is why you're here, just a little bit of background about myselfâ€,because why not? you want to build who you are so they knowthat you didn't pop up out of nowhere like yesterday, you know? you want to position yourself like you knowyour stuff, and then you go into the points of whatever it is with a checklist, or whateveryou're giving away. you always do that, and then the last pageis what you want them to do, now because if you don't tell them what to do, they are simplygoing to do nothing, but this is a great. this is a prime real estate for them to, foryou to tell them what to get again, if only
for 2 -3% of people that take action, thatstill 2 to 3% of people, then it becomes a numbers game. so we'll give them a call to action, and thatis directly dependent on where we actually wanted to go after that where what's the biggerpicture here. [greg] yep, now the thank you page upsell,i'm curious about that one. i do see that we have that stuff built rightinto thinkific, actually, so actually a lot of the stuff for talking about you can toright within our platform, and i see people doing it. the one thing, i'm curious about your thankyou page upsell, is what kind of price points
you're putting in there, because for a lotof these people, they've had little exposure to you. this is their first time, they're just givingyou the email that getting a free download, you're saying here's something to buy, whatprice point are you often offering there? [stephanie] yeah, under $100 for sure. i'm glad that you asked that, that's a goodpoint to me. yes for sure under $100 and usually the onesthat we have, our one thank you page upsells are 77 actually, so it's actually a $97 programand it's actually valued at $797. we sell it for $97 regularly, but we haveit discounted for $77 on our thank you page
upsell, so that's the only time you'll everget exposure to that product for that price point, and we do include also like on thecart check-out pages, we include testimonials from people that had used the product. it’s you know, building some trust and hearing,yeah. [greg] yeah, i love the testimonial side tothat, that definitely helps, but that's that's not your big offering then you go on for moreemail relationship and work? [stephanie] yeah, you know, what happens whichis like super crazy, but it happens all the time, actually just happened last week. so i have a $27 offer sold over a thousandof them, and with that offer so you know a
thousand times 27 that's only $27,000 worthof revenue, and you're like that's not enough to live off of. right well no, it's not, but that producthas led to now i would say over $80,000 of additional revenue, because people that boughtthat product have got so much value at that low price point level, but they're like “ohmy god, how can i get this woman on my team to help me with all the other stuff, becauseif i took away this much in a $27 product what is she going to give me at $10,000 tâ€,but i had somebody last week that had bought the $27 product. she's like “oh my god, this is better thanthe course i paid $4,000 for, like oh my god
you made it so simple, so easy to digest,i'm getting results already†and she purchased my $10,000 program. [stephanie] so we can't we don't rely on thathappening, there's no way for us to gauge who is going to do that, but that actuallyhappens more often than you think. [greg] wow, excellent but i think you identifytheir key to that and people going i think in any step in the process, the key to peoplegoing to the next level is that they get more value than they expected at each level, sothey can give you $27, they got $4,000 worth of value, now the $10,000 decision becomesa lot easier for them because they think they're getting $100,000 of value, which is the waythey are obviously.
[stephanie] well, so i would say obviouslythe $10,000 level, is like “hi it's meâ€, it's a constant strategy i've actually includedand that's like, so it's a totally different you know, level of exposure, and totally different,totally different so, but they see it well, this person put that much thought into a $27product, you know she's going to kill it when i get to work with her one-on-one, right? not one on one but you know what i mean. [greg] right, right. [stephanie] like when i actually get to likesee her and meet her in person. [greg] excellent, okay.
so just to take a different tactic at thispoint, i know that you do some drip scheduling, or reschedule the release of content out withinyour program. can you tell us a little bit about why youdo that? [stephanie] you mean the legendary entrepreneurprogram that we just launched? so you got the legendary entrepreneur programjust coming out, you’re mentioning that even within your programs, you like to slowlyrelease them when someone signs up, they're not just really hit with everything you'vegot, you've got a lot of resources for them, and still you slowly release them out overtime we generally refer to that as drip scheduling, but scheduled content release why are youdoing that?
[stephanie] well, we do that specificallybecause now i facilitated quite a few courses i actually have a course that’s a year along,and what i have seen is the way that people take the most action, i get the best results,as when it's served up to them in bite-sized increments. so if i give them all of the goods at once,they actually don't take action as much as they have something to look forward to, theyjust do, they just watch this one module, and their micro modules there only 10 to 15minutes, they are not like 60 minute oh my gosh, so there's absolutely reason to that. because it's very digestible.
it's so easy to do, there's no reason whyyou can't watch this module right now, there's no reason you can't find an extra 10 or 15minutes in your day, so they watch the module. we make it easier for them, it goes straightoff the module that goes straight over to the homework worksheet. that's interactive, you don't have to printit off nothing. you just fill out the questions which arecompletely related to the module or email the answers the answers are emailed to youdirectly, and then you check mark off your custom user dashboard, and you get a star,a star lights up, and you go talk about it in the group.
so you can support accountability, all thatcool stuff, and they keep you on track, and it’s also so they're anxious for the nextmodule. it's like if i revealed all 52 modules atonce they would be like, “oh my god i don't know what to do with this like, i'm just goingto do nothing cause i'm completely overwhelmedâ€, and that's what we wanted to avoid, and iknow even in my own experience of taking a program like, i just log in, and i'm likewhat, where do i start, i'm confused. buyers buy nothing, they buy nothing, theydo nothing, confused people do nothing. so we wanted to remove the confusion out ofthe equation, and we wanted to set them up for success so the only thing they could dowas take action.
[greg] excellent, okay, and so by releasingthat, going and slowly over time, they come in and get the small amount, they are finishedit, maybe they're hungry for more at that point, but you're saying, no, wait the restwill come in a week so act on that. [stephanie] and the other thing is everybodywants to just jump from their starting point straight into passive revenue, and sell likeyou know super complex sales funnels, like you don't need that right now. i promise you, you do not need to worry aboutcreating passive income if you haven't had any income at the moment, because there'sprobably something else going on there, so it's actually served up to them in a way thatthey needed to get the served up to them,
because we don't start with your own personalyou know, your own personal development, and remove some of that baggage that we carryaround. as humans throughout their life, you can'tcharge the prices you want to charge. you can't become as successful as you wantto become, because you have to work through some of that stuff first, you have to becomemore confident, increase to believe in yourself you have to know who you are, what your greatestgifts are, you have to like be able to communicate that. these pieces are so much more crucial in thebeginning stages then jumping into learning how to create passive revenue, because you'renot going to do it successfully if you don't
have a foundation built first. [greg] right, yeah that definitely makes sense. so you're essentially, the content is slowlyleveling up as they go through it, and that's part of the reason why you're holding offon giving it to them now, as you know you're not quite ready for this, let's work up toit. [stephanie] exactly, yeah. [greg] excellent, and the feedback is goodon that? [stephanie] oh my god they're like going crazy,and the thing is they are getting results like after week 1 and 2 already, they're like“wow i didn't think i needed to go back
to the starting point and go through all thestuff again but when i did it i realized how much i needed itâ€, and they're getting results. people have already gotten more clients, butmore consultations. one woman is like, “i've never not offeredsomeone a discount until i did this course or this moduleâ€, and she's like, “i justcharged full price for the first time in my businessâ€, so basically the course in aweek has already covered its costs, which is incredible. so it doesn't work that way when it's servedup in small pieces, so it makes it so easy for them to take action and action breedsresults.
[greg] excellent, i'm alright just lookingif there is other stuff, i mean it sounds like things are going spectacular for you. this legendary entrepreneur that's just launchedjust recently or going through launch right now, so if they want to find more about thatit’s at stephanienickolich.com is that--- yes, stephanienikolich dot-com/tle so it'slike the legendary entrepreneurs just /tle. yes, it is amazing, it's really--- [greg] so that's for your women entrepreneurs? [stephanie] oh there’s men, there’s menin our group too, but they are super quiet. we have a private facebook group specificallycalled the legendary entrepreneur, that's
for people in the program because one of thethings is, when, even if you buy a product, or program, or service, there has to be somekind of additional support, you know? we wanted to build, and it's actually, i havelive office hour access, i'm there tuesdays and thursdays for an hour while i'm answeringquestions through the journey, because i want people to feel fully supported at any level,you know? any level of the game that they are at, andthe best way to also do that is just to be surrounded by people that are on the sametrack. i know a lot of times like in our family life,you know, our spouses or whatever, if they’re not entrepreneurs, they really don't understandlike, what are you doing all day online?
so it's really important to be surroundedby people that understand, and get us whether it's we're struggling or successful at leastwe have we know we're fully supported. [greg] right, yeah and i think that also addsa lot of value when people are making that purchase decision, so we've looked a lot atpricing online products, and how to change that perceived value, and the value that youactually give them, and things like private facebook groups, things like you're doingthe private office hours. excellent in terms of changing that overallvalue of the product, so it's you know, you can have your on-demand product, but thenadding things like that really, really increases that value and allows you to kind of sellit at a much higher price point because people
are getting a much higher value out of it,and i think it also really increases the success rate of people that come out of those kindsof programs by adding some of that, and i know at thinkific, we're really big on supportand get rave reviews around it because, we had a lot of extra value but just being hereto support people, and that it's not as, i mean you can definitely scale but, it's nota scalable is just hitting people with on-demand fully passive information, but that has alimit in terms of how helpful it can be so, it's great to add all the extra stuff aroundit. so you've got a private facebook group, you'vegot the private coaching hours, is there other things that you've done to change that valueor perceived value of your product?
[stephanie] yeah and so it's a custom userdashboard, so depending on what your sign up date is, that's how you know when the coursesare revealed to you, so you're going to get one a week and i presented you get a new coursewe've added in some bonuses at milestones within the program. so we want to encourage people to stick withit, because most people they want to give up after a certain amount of time, they'relike “oh i haven't logged in†like, if you stick with this we are going to rewardyou based on your positive behavior, and so after 3 months or 6 months the nine monthsand the 12-month mark, the 12-month bonus is like, i'm not going to tell you what itis, but it's like everybody will want it.
well that one is more like, i can't give itaway to everybody obviously but it's like a 2 to $3,000 real thing that will help you. [greg] so you're getting into physical goodsactually sending--- [stephanie] yeah, yeah, that will actuallylike, help you build your business. so it's really, really important that youhave this because, i do believe in the rewarding people for taking action. so yeah, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and12 months, like milestones you get bonuses revealed in your custom user dashboard. they're only available to you, and so it'sanything but you know, between something that
i originally charged $97 for all the way upto $3,000 programs or even like tangible products. [greg] so when do you let them know that that'scoming, so like i said within thinkific you can do a lot of this kind of stuff with scheduling,and releasing things over time, and doing bonuses and that's sort of tick marks as theymove through, and those pats on the back, but i'm curious like the psychology of it. there's a lot of that going on here. when do you tell someone that at 12 monthsyou'll get this thing, because you're saying you're not going to share it with us, nowyou're not going to share it in the sales funnel, do they see it when they're at 1 months,9 months, where you give that carrot?
[stephanie] right now, it's all question marks,and we just told them that there's values behind the things that they get as the programcontinues on, and that when they get to that point it unlocks that, i don't know what pointwe are actually going to tell them what that is, because we have to be kind of carefulwith that, because some people might be starting the program and you might be at the 12-monthmark so, yeah. [greg] eventually, eventually what's goingto happen is you're going to give it away, and maybe the cats out of the bag. i guess part of it couldn't be you got tokeep this a secret. [stephanie] yeah, i think that there is somethingbehind the anticipation, like this is like
a highly sought-after 2 -$3,000 thing to helpyou build your business, and i was like well you'll find out when you get there so justhang in there. [greg] i love it, it's very gamified. [stephanie] it's absolutely gamified. so my project manager came to me, and she'slike, i kind of have this vision for this program, so that it is actually based on me,and everything that i do, and she's like, i kind of want to make it like a gamificationsomehow. looks like we can totally do that, and she'slike are you sure, and i'm like we can totally do that and she was like basically just writesomething up like, what do you think it should
look like, and then come to me you’re, kindof work on this together, and then i'll submit it to the developer and the design team, andjust bring it to life and it totally can happen. and so it happened and, she's like “oh mygod how does this, how is this even possibleâ€, and i'm like anything's possible over, hereyeah, okay, i think we really, really put so much into it because, the user experienceis really important to us. i wanted to stand out from any other programthat's ever been released to the market. [stephanie] that’s whole thing, it's likeeverything that we do in business is extremely well-thought-out, and there's a lot of passionbehind it, and if you're skimping on the way that it's delivered, people are going to noticethat, and you know?
it’s a lot of times, people don't reallysee everything that happens behind the scenes, but when you do, it's a custom user dashboardthat's like, specific to you and you get to put your dream goal at the top, and put youravatar for your picture, and you just like, and there's something special about it, andthey really can see how much time we've actually taken behind the scenes to make this happenfor them. [greg] excellent, yeah, it sounds like a wonderfulprogram, and so end result for most people is it a different for each person? is it always building that online businesses? is it any business?
[stephanie] building an online business froma to z. it's anybody that's really looking to increasetheir exposure, their income, and online space, so maybe there they really could be just startingout they, could be really good at what they do, but they don't exactly know like systematically,and strategically how, and monetize this. how to actually make something out of this. so it's a really good program, it definitelystarts with a lot of the mindset work, a lot of the inner work, because if you don't havethat happening first, then you can't actually get to the next level. so it's nuts and bolts it's everything that'scovered in the program, but it's released
at specific times, like i said we don't getinto sales funnels, and then moving into passive revenue until like month 4 or 5 because itshouldn't be a priority right now if you're making $0. [greg] okay excellent. well i'll tell so people are looking for moreto learn more about stephanie. sounds like the best starting place is stephanienickolich.comand stephanienickolich.com/tle. and for those of you who are interested inlearning more about the sales funnels, so it sounds like you have some great sales funnels,so i always just just say go and even you know sign up to get into one, and then seewhat kind of stuff you feed them.
so that we can learn from how you are runningthose psychological sales funnels on us, so i guess stephanienickolich.com/tle is a greatplace to get started to sort of learn about that kind of sales funnel, and see what you'redoing, if they want to learn a little bit more about that, also if the course if they'reinterested in the program. excellent, thanks so much anything else youwant to add? [stephanie] no, thanks for having me heretoday, i really appreciate it. i love hanging out with other entrepreneursthat are really on a mission to do incredible things and you know, everybody has these reallygreat gifts that the world needs you, the world needs every single person here withus today, and you know what, i fully immersed
myself in my purpose and got rid of whateverthat negative stuff that was going on it was like, i'm just a small town girl can i reallydo this? and i got out of my own way, i was able tomake a huge significant impact on a lot of other people's businesses, thousands at thispoint, and i love what i do and as a result i can be i can leave a legacy for my family. so you know, wherever you are make sure thatyou are supported. there's a lot of people out there that careabout you and have your back. [greg] great, thanks so much, stephanie. i really appreciate your time.
[stephanie] thank you, bye. [greg] thanks.
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