Vanguard Small Business Online

who is it? who's there? who are you? chrono... i see! so your name is "chrono," too. i'm...

Vanguard Small Business Online

Vanguard Small Business Online, a dream... i'm surprised you can sleep at a time like this. that's actually reassuring to me. you'd better not be half-asleep at the critical moment.

r-right... what was that dream? transit vehicles are going through musashinodai. 3,000 meters to the target point. no changes to the route. we don't see the enemy's movements, either. smooth sailing. the goals are to secure the units that he summoned, retrieve the depend cards, and apprehend myoujin.

would you wait, ibuki? bro... i can't agree with sending them. it's too dangerous! after comin' this far, we've got no intention of bein' left behind. we won the ultimate stage. we have the right to be here. we have a reason to fight. each of us do. in the end, we let them go. meanwhile, i'm in a safe place.

i should have gone, too. no, you shouldn't have. there's something that only you can do, mamoru. by staying here, you can maintain your position and normalize the association on the surface. chris... you're our "trigger," too. but... you don't have to worry about your sister and the guys.

kai, ibuki, and the rest are with them. there are also a lot of pros on the course prepared by the souryu foundation, too. most importantly, knowing them, they'll be okay. transit vehicles have reached the target point. and so it begins... we're breaking in! turn 27storm ryuzu's lab! we're in! no resistance from the enemy.

it's too quiet... kind of strange... this is how it was when i snuck into that last place. so i expect we'll get a reception from... yep, these guys. they've encountered the enemy defense system. here they are. no sense holdin' back. let's get 'em!

yeah! they've engaged the enemy guard robot force! they broke through! keep going straight ahead, ibuki. there's a strong response to the stride force there. the summoned units should be that way. this is... they're... ...the summoned units! seriously?!

secure them! absolute justice is here! don't move, villains! how dare you just storm in here?! you're definitely not gentlemen! who's this brat? are you on ryuzu's side? i'm a member of company! and i'm no brat! absolute justice! absolute hero!

i'm the envoy of justice... ...hiroki moriyama! scared? i won't let you lay a finger on any of these units! i call on absolute defense! how's that?! i'm the hero who's gonna save this world! and i'm not gonna let you goofballs stand in my way! ryuzu isn't here. go.

leave this to us! you guys go, too! right! good luck. hey! kamui, you're so cool! shut up! katsuragi, you go, too! those guys will be fine! just go already!

they're our "triggers." we're counting on you. all right, fine! so how are we gonna secure these units? we can't take that huge thing home. then we'll have to occupy this facility. ibuki, katsuragi, and try3 are moving into the deepest area of the facility! it's in your hands, ibuki. capture ryuzu, whatever it takes! what the heck is this room?

welcome, everyone. nice to meet you. i'm sousuke wakamizu. what's with him? wakamizu is going to show you some hospitality. i've lost ibuki! i think they blocked the transmission. ibuki! can you hear me?! ibuki! no good! there's no response. where are we?

how did i end up here? is it to your liking? wakamizu applied the girs system technology to create this image space. image space? it's wonderful, isn't it?! like a field in the flesh! or rather, it feels like we're really on the planet cray, doesn't it?! i can't see chrono and the others. have we all been separated?

you're... the dark zone branch chief! satoru enishi. i am one who agrees with ryuzu myoujin'sideals, and a member of company. company... we meet again. it seems you and i have some connection. violence is strictly forbidden here, by the way. all disputes are settled through vanguard. that's ryuzu myoujin's ideal. and right now, i follow that ideal as a member of company.

it's been a while. why don't we play? what's goin' on? where is everybody? seems like they're blocking transmissions... what the...?! ryuzu myoujin! it is good of you to come, my chosen ones. this is him... your body... this is the price i paid for summoning the units.

my body would be even more wasted away without the support of these machines. i have guided you here out of respect. girs crisis... you have prevented me from summoning the final unit and pinned down my location. well done. and yet, i'm disappointed. kouji ibuki... at the very end, you made a very foolish choice.

you stormed into my castle at the head of a small army, using physical violence in an attempt to gain control. there is nothing i hate more. i pity you people... ...and despise you. oh, come off of it! don't act so high and mighty when you're the one who's usin' the units for your own ambitions, like tryin' to steal vanguard's future! and ain't it your fault that my dad's dead?!

i see. vanguard... yes, we must resolve things in a rational and logical fashion, like vanguard itself. kamui! shion! tokoha! you people are pygmies before the mighty skill of wakamizu! our cause is just! vanguard will change the world. the twelve depend cards are a testimony to my compact with gear chronicle's zodiac time beasts.

when they are all gathered, the power of the zodiac time beasts will open the stride gate, allowing me to lead the world to a perfect future. a world without war, hatred, or sadness... a perfect world, maintained by reasonand intelligence, made manifest on earth. this is my desire. this is my ideal. it is my "justice"! you used am, didn't you?! it has nothing to do with you.

yes, it does! she's my friend! leave am alone! don't involve rummy labyrinth in your scheme! how much do you know about them? friends? more like transient emotions of convenience. what do you know about us?! open your eyes. realize those transient emotions have put you in harm's way. mind your own business! what do you intend for those two?! there will always be a price to pay for a just cause. it can't be helped.

you're scum! now i understand what you and your pals are like. and i swear we won't let you get your way! i'm going to protect am and luna! there's no way you're interested in ryuzu's ideal. so why have you joined him?! what's your true motive?! talk! why did you take down kiba?! smoldering anger, seething resentment, billowing misgivings,

and the faint fear that clings to all of those emotions... i understand your inner thoughts so well, it's as if i could reach out and grab them. all of your emotions come through loud and clear. it's just as i imagined. you're going down the path that i constructed. so keep on coming, shion kiba! how is this "justice"? manifesting a perfect world?! it's utter nonsense! and my comrades are going to secure the summoned units!

we're takin' the units outta here! y-yikes! we're also confiscating the depend cards. your ambition isn't going to be realized. ryuzu myoujin, i'm taking you into custody! don't push your luck, youngster. are you sure you should be talking to me like that? know your place! you will not destroy my ideal! what is it?!

what the heck is goin' on?! remember this!justice will always triumph over evil! punk! what's so funny? you and your friends have done your best, but we were a cut above. what's that supposed to mean?! the units have just been sent to another place. w-what?! sent?! company was buying time so the necessary stride force could fill up to send them away.

what?! and now our plan is finished. as such, it's truly unfortunate, but this ends our fight for today. let's finish it another day, in another place. you dirty... don't you dare! the units... all disappeared. what happened? we were just fighting! it looks like we're the only ones still here.

they played us for fools! darn it! there is one more unit that i need to summon. but first, let's have a trial. to see who is right, you or me. to show the truth about governing this world... it seems i'm near the end of my rope. but even if this body is destroyed, my ideals will never die. "for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again."

no way! what the heck is that "company" they were talking about? i don't know the particulars, but they're definitely our enemy. ryuzu was our main target, but he died right in front of us. i don't know what to think! instead of us solving things, the mysteries have only gotten deeper. yeah. we'd better be more determined than ever. ryuzu myoujin

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