Walmart Internet On The Go

two years ago seventy five-year-oldinventor dr. bob teamed some college students to try to figureout how to sell his tongue cleaner online. we figured out how to use youtube and effectively sell the orabrush on the internet. we've sold almost a million of these things. even after tens of thousands of commentsfrom our youtube channel saying

Walmart Internet On The Go

Walmart Internet On The Go, why can't we buy you in major stores? why can't i just go down to walmart? we still had a hard time getting a hold of major retailers like walmart one of the wal-mart store managers haveseen our videos and became familiar with orabrush and ordered an orabrush and used it for several months

it for several months and after thathe wanted orabrush in his stores so he contacted us. and said, hey i'd love to carry your tongue cleaner in my store. some walmart managers from other stores were going on a store tour and they went through his walmart, saw our display and were so impressed with just the display that they all wanted it as well. so with in about two or three weeks, we had about twenty walmart stores carrying orabrush. the sales here in utah were so good that we knew it was time to get

in touch with walmart headquarters. to do a broader launch to get it out everywhere. we decided to do so advertising in some magazines and we spent over twenty thousand dollars and it was just not successful at all. in addition to that we sent a video to the buyer at wal-marts headquartersdesigned specifically for wal-mart executives.hi michael thanks for carrying everything a person could ever want ever. michael j. fox?

that's a different michael. any time you'd like to loan me the delorean, i'd love to go back in time. not the same michael. so on the dvd's it was personalized and customized with their names. hi, we're orabrush here are our sales numbers with our test market in utah we had videos of customer reviews, we had out youtube videos that we had put up. we had a lot of mainstream media coverage, we included that as well there was a lot going on that we wanted to makes sure they knew about. so we sent them that dvd and got their attention but we wanted to keep their attention while they were making the decision as to whether they were going to pick up orabrush for a national launch.

so we tried other different things. jeff harmon who is in charge of our marketing decided that we should do a facebook app and that we should target it just at walmart employees right around walmart headquarters. we created an ad that said walmart employees had bad breath and that they better start carrying the orabrush in their store. and within a couple days and just twenty eight dollars in ad spend later got an email from them saying okay we sawyour ad

very funny you can you can stop runningthat ad now. now they already knew about us we wereselling the brush in stores in utah and they were having a lot of success, and they had seen our dvd. but that facebook ad had kept their attention. and let them know that we knew what we were doing online and that we could get this in front of people. walmart was very interested in the sales of orabrush, not necessarily the youtube advertisements that we were producing. but the sales were so good, they just couldn't say no. we had been contacted

by a lot of other smaller retailers andwe've learned that they always want to meet face to face there's a lot of phonecalls involved some of them want us to fax them information faxing its 2011 so we're expecting when we were talking to walmart and messaging them we were waiting for the email that was going to say, you know what why dont we meet face to face. why don't you fly out here and we'll talk about this in person. and then one day we got the email thatsaid

can you support seven hundred thirtyfive thousand orabrushes by august? yeah. yeah, we can handle that. so they send us this request no face to face meeting novideoconference not even any phone calls this was all done through email holy crap! my tastebuds are standing on end. two years ago, were selling the orabrush out of our garage. orabrush is the first company to go from nothing

from no distribution to nationwide retail distribution using only youtube. and we did it in the oral hygiene category whichis crazy because that category is dominated by few big companies. it was walmart that gave their local managers the freedom to pick up local products and try them out and see how they do. and because of that within a year

we're in every walmart in the country i am doctor bob and invented the orabrush were growing too fast! you said you could handle this! b since bob wagstaff visited that marketing class, over a million of these five dollar brushes have sold. no television no newspaper just the internet.

thank michael, thanks for watching, oh and tell walmart that they should stock hover boards again. well yeah, like in the future.

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