Best Buy Credit Card Hsbc

good morning to welcome to the financial information channel. in this video, i'm going to give you the information about the checkings account.what is a checking account what is the benefit and how you

Best Buy Credit Card Hsbc

Best Buy Credit Card Hsbc, can open up a checkings account so, let's start with the video the main thing about the checkings account. they give you the chance to have your money in a bank. the

bank is very safe and has a lot of benefit and it is a good idea to have a checking account. so, you can actually make sure that you wait when you get a job. you can actually get paid and have the money deposited into that account without having to wait for that check via mail. so, the first thing about the checkings account second is that you have a transaction

history. so, let's say that you want to find a transaction that you have previously the way that you can actually call. if go either to the bank statement online and actually search on the transaction that you have done. the others to make a new faction, you can go to the bank and i can request a bank statement for specific month. you can

actually see a transaction the reason what you need to find each contraction is actually design to manage your money which is very important. if you want to make sure that you say you wanna spend on things that actually are beneficial to a days, there's for many applications.they can actually do on your computer or your even your

mobile device or you can actually track your expenses. i know, it's a little bit inconvenient but once you get used to it is very very powerful for any money and for you now,one of the main benefits are not checking account is actually generate some, keep in mind that the regular checkings account.they don't do it.however, if you get a credit

union account which is a checkings account to a credit union bank. actually, the credit you know generate higher percentage of interest on your account which is very very helpful.what are the most important things are having a checkings account is this having security most of the banks are members of the fdic. basically, that means that they have

insurance of any money but they have on your account. keep in mind, all the money behind your bank account. can be ensured? i believe right now.the amount is up to 250 thousand dollars on your account which is still a lot of my opinion,there are a lot of options that you can do with your checking account. you can actually pay your bills online

which makes they're easier to make sure that the bill has been paid.when you sign a check via mail to your bill is a little bit inconvenient because you don't know exactly by when done.check is going to be received by the company that you're trying to pay another thing.when you have a checking account.these are actually you save a debit card which you

can actually make transactions either in person online or, if you're gonna go to the bank and withdraw money or even the deposit money or one of the atm machines having a debit card is very helpful. because it actually makes you more accountable you know on your's a hard cash now having cash is great because from places.there are separate

cars however happens if you lose the cash there's no way that you can get it in money back.when you have a debit card any transaction that you do is basically verify nowadays by the bank that you actually made the purchase or the transaction and the way that verifies. but you actually did the purchase is actually have to enter the pin which is

a four-digit pin but you actually create. when you receive your debit card or you create an account on your bank also.when you have a debit can actually travel around the world for example, go to different can go to europe or asia make a purchase or even using the debit card in a hotel,in a restaurant and pay that amount

your debit card which is effective, i talked a little bit earlier at the beginning .so you can actually have your money deposited into our checking account and very, let's say for example that you get paid bi-weekly. that money is going to be deposited exactly on your checkings account on the same day that they send a check which is

very nice that way you can actually get your money from your work know, i'll say sir, now make sure that when you do that you need to commit a form to your employer.submitting your bank information your account number, your routing number from your bank that you open, one of the best things is that you have unlimited

transactions with how a checking account unlike savings can actually do only a certain amount of transactions per month with being charged because in the savings account. you can actually only do certain amount of attraction and then after you meet those transactions you start taking charge any savings account classic do

any transaction unlimited without any issues are now not everything is great for a checking account for example, there are a lot of cons when you open a checking account and one of the first things is that most checkings account they charge you an amount to have that account per, keep in mind that there are ways and most offer the bank offer

the way to have the fee waived if you made certain, please check on each specific bank and find you can have that fee which is charged monthly waived which is very important is going to save you money even though it might not be a lot of the money that you think that you're paying for a checking account is a start to add, one of

the things at a bank account do is sometimes they block the transaction.but actually are bad and good things at the same time. i'll and explain why the thing is if you swap transactions. they have to verify that it's being do that is in the transaction that happens rarely.but sometimes it happens the bank either will call you or send an email to

make sure.that is you at doing the transaction the bank does this to make sure that is you doing the transaction they want to make sure that your account is being safe and is being protected you know and another con that it does is most banks didn't offer a lot of interest even though it does offer high interest. in the credit union is very very hard to

find a good credit a days, that offers are higher interest rate on your account and even if it does we have a limit that you can actually generate interest.for example, one of the best high interest account in a credit union might offer a two or three percent but only up to 10,000 or 15,000 on your account after you pass the amount that account

interest goes back to zero or 0.01 which is very low. in my opinion, now to open an account is very easy, all you need is a state id and just go to the bank. make sure that you bring proof of your address you can actually open and become is very easy my opinion and you need to make sure that you have a minimum deposit account.most banks

required to have a 25 or 50 or even 100 it depends on the, the best one that you can actually open an account.if you don't have one will be at the end of the year.they have a lot of offers.for example, they can offer if you the closest 500.we can actually give you twenty-five dollars on your account our credit even make certain sacrifices.make

sure that you check the offers throughout the year.but i find most of the offers being over at the end of the year for some reason well that's going well that is going to be everything for today my friends. let me know if you have any questions in the comment section.leave a comment on our suggestion where you want me to go more into detail about the checking account

or any other financial information make sure to subscribe to the financial information channel and have an excellent day take care

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