How To Rent A Car Without A Credit Card

jennifer>> hi, i'm jennifer. i'm here fora credit card banker>> hi, jennifer, it's really nice tomeet you. i understand you're looking for a credit card. you've come to the right place.we have plently of really good credit card products to offer, and i thinkthe one you're going to be really interested in is our "super points perk card". now, oursuper points perk card starts you out at

How To Rent A Car Without A Credit Card

How To Rent A Car Without A Credit Card, a credit limit of about $20,000. a $20,000credit limit, plus.. jennifer>> wait, but--banker>> not only do you get that, but you get a zero percent introductory interestrate, and the apr adjusts within six months-- jennifer>> wait, but i don't need --banker>>.. to a different apr that changes

and adjusts as market climates vary form timeto time, which happens from year to year, usually the adjustment is about once everyyear or once every quarter, depending on the marketconditions, and the apy can fluctuate based on that. but, the big thing is the points.jennifer>> i, i.. banker>> so, in other words, for every dollaryou charge on the super points perk card, you actually get a point. and, those pointsaccumulate and you can actually get things like free flights, free hotels, rental cars,and you also get discounts just for having the card itself. so, as you use the card youalso get rewarded in other ways, you get gifts, you get free gifts from retailers thatare our partner reatilers, so if you

make a charge, for example, they make sendyou a free handbag just as a thank you for using the card at that establishment. youlook really interested in this. let me give you some information and you can look overthe terms and just tell me a little bit about what you want to do next.jennifer>> stop! wait, this is not what i was looking for. this is my first credit card.i want something easy.banker>> oh my gosh, i am so sorry. i did not know that this was your first card. clearly,this is not the right card for you. but we do have something that i think might be alot more helpful in your situation. uh, let meshow you that. it's called our financial first's a card for first time credit users, and it helps you get your foot in the door, andestablish a credit history, and to build that over time. first of all, the credit card startsyou out at a fixed interest rate. the interest rate doesn't change any, at all, as long asyou're making your payments on time and you're usingthe card responsibly. the other good thing aboutthis card is it starts you out at a manageable, low credit limit, so that the payments thatyou have to make, should you make any charges on the card, are well within your budget,and you can afford them. and the other part about this is that it doesn't have an annualfee,

so there's not cost to you for actually owningthe card. and annual fees can add a lot of cost tocredit these days, so there's a fixed rate, there's a low credit limit, that's manageable,and there's no annual fee, so that's the financial firstcard. now, if it does come down to the fact that youreally don't have any credit history at all, there's just not enough credit history, there'salso the option of having a secured card, it'sour secured financial first card. and the way a securedcredit card works, is this: you'll give us a deposit, at the amount you want to set thecredit limit. so, if you pay us $500, we'll

set the credit limit on the card at $500,and we hold that as collateral, or security. you'll makepayment and charges on the card just like youwould any other kind of credit card, and then over time, if you use that card repsonsibly,we will actually refund that deposit back to you withthe interest that it earned while it was in thesavings account. additionally, that card also reports to your credit bureau so that youstart establishing and building that all-importantcredit history. so, when it comes time to get areal credit card on your own, or to get a

house or car, you're getting the bets ratesavailable. jennifer>> that sounds perfect, that's whati was looking for!

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