Real Credit Card Numbers 2013

sir, this call is about to drop down your interest rate on your existing visa and master card. ok? oh yeah ok. can you talk to my wife? she handles the money. ok. hello? hey hi, how are you doing today?

Real Credit Card Numbers 2013

Real Credit Card Numbers 2013, i'm fine how are you? that's good sir, i'm good. this call is about to drop down your interest rate on your existing visa and mastercard. ok? uh, i'm not interested. thanks. no no no no.

ok, was there - i'm going to give you back to my husband. sir, your other was not interested. oh she's not interested? oh, yeah. so, are you interested? do you have a visa or mastercard? oh yeah, we have lots of credit card debts. ok. and what about your balance? how much do you owe on your card? about like a hundred and seventy five thousand i think.

ok and what about your credit limit? what's the credit limit? yes. it's a million dollars. heh heh you're kidding with me, right? no. no i used to be very wealthy you're just kidding.

no i don't kid around maam, sorry. you give me your credit card? give you the credit card? yeah. if you're interested, just give me the credit card. no, it's my credit card. why would i give it to you? because we are going to negotiate with you then. yeah but why would i want to give you my credit card? what are you going to give me if i give you my credit card i want to verify if you're the credit card holder or not.

but how do i know you're not going to take my credit card and go shopping with it. (hangs up) (wife laughs)

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