How Much Does It Cost To Install Solar Panels

hi, this is amy from the alte store. we're sometimes asked if you can install solarpanels inside, inside some bright sunny windows. so i'm going to show you what kind of resultsyou'd get if you do that. now i've got a nice bright sunny window, southfacing, it's right around noon. perfect scenario here.

How Much Does It Cost To Install Solar Panels

How Much Does It Cost To Install Solar Panels, so we're going to do some measurements andshow what you've got. so first thing i'm going to do is i've gotan insolation meter. so this will actually measure the intensityof the sun. so i'm going to hold it right up to the window.

and i'm getting right about 330 watts persquare meter. now the standard test conditions that solarpanels are measured at is 1000 watts, this is reading about 1/3 of it. so, what is this going to give us for actualreadings from the solar panel? well open circuit voltage of this panel is22.3v, so let's measure the open circuit voltage. so i'm measuring with the volt meter rightacross the plus and minus, and i'm reading 20 volts. that's not bad. so you might think, hey, this is working prettygood. but, let's measure the current now, becausecurrent is really more affected by the intensity

of the sun than voltage is. so if i switch my multimeter over to measurecurrent... the short circuit current of this solar panelis 1.82a, when i've got this connected, i'm reading .55a. so i'm really not reading a whole bunch, i'mreading right about 1/3 of what the standard test conditions would be. ok, now i've moved it so it's just out ofthe direct beam of the sunlight, so we are still in a nice bright sunny room, but thesun isn't shining directly on it. and my insolation meter is reading about 18wper square meter, as opposed to 1000.

so let's do some measurements here. i've got 17v. meh, it's not the end of the world. well, let's pop over to amps and see whatwe've got... haha, .03 amps. so, unless this is in the absolute directbeam of the sun, you're just, it's not going to be doing anything. so, i think that really shows you the futilityof trying to make solar in a bright room. ok, so we're just outside that window, solet's do the exact same measurements. i'm using my insolation meter and i'm pointingat the sun, and i'm getting about 950 watts

per square meter. so that's pretty close to standard test condition,pretty darn good. now let's actually measure the output of thesolar panel. so i'm reading 20.8v, which, you know that'sreally not that much higher than it was inside. but, where it really makes a big differenceis the current. so let's switch this over to amps, and we'llsee what we've got there. so when i switch over to amps, i'm at .8 amps. and it's kind of fluctuating a little as theintensity changes, but this shows you that you really do get dramatically more powerout here.

now another advantage of being outside is,when the sun was over in the east, i was still getting some power here. inside, i was getting nothing, at all. because you are really only getting the suncoming in the window when it's right in front of it. se even though i'm getting a little bit ofpower when the sun is directly in front of the window, if i had that installed earlier,i'd be reading nothing. so, really shows you that while you can geta tiny bit of power out of it inside the window, it's not really going to be enough to makeit worth while.

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