Los Angeles Car Donations

rachel kim, kcal9 news. two popular southern california charities are under fire tonight, andrea fujii with why the state attorney general

Los Angeles Car Donations

Los Angeles Car Donations, is suing cars for causing and people's choice charities. reporter: they promise to change lives, with donations,

but ventura based organization cars for causes and north hollywood base people's choice charities are accused was not giving to those who need it most, kamala harris, and l.a. county and ventura county d.a. was filed lawsuits against the groups, people's choice, claims

100 fir% of sale proceed go to charities but 97% was spent on advertising and add main straightive cost, and cars for causes claim they give moment money from each donation bbut they found 13% go to actual charities. millions went to ads and

employees, no one at people's choice answered, and calls for come were not returned for cars 4 causes, debbie lopez said this is disheartening. i expect that at least you know, 85% of of the i'm donating goes to help people. reporter: gene researches

charities before she gives. i know there are some that take too much, i don't -- i will not give to those. reporter: attorney general web site recommending giving directly to a charity or if a

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