Most Efficient Solar Panels

0:00:11:000,0:00:15:000 >> tetsuro muramatsu:for japanese people it is very important to coexist with nature. 0:00:21:500,0:00:32:500 >> nobuyuki morioka:solar energy has been my life’s work. i have installed panels for 40 yearsnow. the power source at tsubosaka temple is one of many i have installed.

Most Efficient Solar Panels

Most Efficient Solar Panels, 0:00:40:500,0:00:40:500 >> minoru amoh: togetherwith sharp, we are aiming to achieve the best energy conversion in theworld. 0:00:48:00,0:00:57:500 >> minoru amoh: webelieve we can achieve this with new crystalline solar cells. the thought behindnew single crystalline solar

cells is that higher conversion efficiencycan be achieved by grouping the electrodes together underneath to ensure nothingblocks out the sunlight. 0:01:02:500,0:01:12:000 >> minoru amoh: dupontcreated highly reliable, precision surface-ink printing. without thiskind of relationship with sharp,this technology could not be realized. 0:01:15:00,0:01:21:000 >> nobuyuki morioka:i am about to retire. i hope that the good work with this type of cleaner energywill continue. 0:01:27:000,0:01:30:500 >> motohiro suzuki:i think we will see an increase of solar panels in the future.

0:01:32:000,0:01:37:000 >> motohiro suzuki:my first installation of new single crystalline solar cells was at this24-hour convenience store. 0:01:38:500,0:01:53:500 >> minoru amoh: thenext step for new single crystalline solar cells is expansion to asiaand the rest of the world. our company has been working closely with sharpfor 10 years. we hope to continue developing innovative systems togetherin the future.

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