Personal Injury Attorneys South Carolina

what happens if you're involved in amotorcycle accident and you aren't wearing a helmet? are you still allowed to file a claim? my name's kenneth berger, i practice lawhere in columbia, south carolina, and handle cases all over the state. i made thisvideo to answer this question for you. motorcycle accidents often result in severe injuries.

Personal Injury Attorneys South Carolina

Personal Injury Attorneys South Carolina, one of the injuries that they oftenproduce is a traumatic brain injury. those are known as tbi's. now, tbi's can occur if you're wearing a helmet or you weren't wearing a helmet, and southcarolina the law does not require adults to wear helmets while they ride motorcycles.

it might be a good idea, but the legislaturedoesn't demand it. so, if you're involved in a motorcycleaccident, if you're wearing a helmet or if you were not, so long as that accident was anotherdriver's fault, you're still able to pursue a claim. youcan receive compensation for every harm and every loss that you experienced,including the losses related to a traumatic brain injury, because what'smore those can occur for motorcycle riderswearing helmets, or not. if you've sustained a head injury, or another form

of serious injury in a motorcycleaccident and have questions about our helmet law, or your rights to compensation, pleaseknow that we're here to help you. you can call me today for a freeconsultation, or you can also request free copies of my books right from the website. you're not alone, you don't have to comeunder attack from an insurance company trying to blame you for what you're going through. we're here for you.

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