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>>gordon: welcome to the "700 club". president donald trump will meet with his cabinet and will lead on

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Sears Credit Card Payment Online, his executive orders on immigration. >> he placed a strong

emphasis on unity and faith. >> we are going to do some great things over the next 8 years. >> despite the protest over the weekend, donald trump spoke on his

message of unity speaking to staff as he is sworn in. >> we will with our faith in god, we will get the job done. >> and read bible versus from office. >> from isaiah 31, those will

soar like eagles and not grow weary and walk and not be faint. it is our duty to support president donald trump as he places the interest of the american people first.

>> for president donald trump, in worship. >> saturday he attended a prayer service at the national cathedral. the trump team asked and more than doubled

the event more than previous presidents. first lady melania trump was moved to tears while listening to a performance at the hymn "how great thou art". this week, president donald

trump will cover obama administration's agreement. >> we serve president trump, vice-president pence. >> president donald trump has invited benjamin netanyahu to washington.

this is to discuss bringing israel to jerusalem. >> netanyahu is invited for sometime in february. they had discussed ways to advance the u.s. special relationship and security in

middle east. netanyahu described the conversation as warm and they had discussed iran. >> absent from discussion was moving of tel aviv to earlier, television journalist said

washington would announce the move on monday. but said in a statement that they are in a very beginning stages of this discussion. >> he applauded trump and

said it sent a clear message to the world that it recognizes jerusalem as the capitol as of state of israel. breathing a sigh of relief after the inauguration and now waiting

to see how trump will follow through pledges. chris mitchell, cbn news, >>gordon: we'll all be waiting for this. this is going to to be an exciting

time. we'll have coverage of it right here on cbn news. we'll be right back with more of the "700 club" right after this. >>gordon: when randy and connie started their second

business, they didn't want to make the same mistake as the first one. they made and investment. >> they closed their doors to their business in washington.

>> losing that i didn't want that to happen, but the stress during the time was done. >> combined with credit card spending eventually left them with a mountain

of debt. >> i took a poster board and i drew a mountain and listed all of our debts and i looked up words on finances and started speak it. in deuteronomy, it says that

god is the one that gives you the ability to get weather. >> in 2001, randy became a christian and they learned about tithing. >> if you give it to god, and

you return it, he will pour out a blessing he can not contain. >> they started a business again. >> i said, god, i can be a lot more comfortable here if i had 3

months of living expenses which we didn't. >> 3 months living expenses meant $9,000. >> a couple decided to give them a gift.

no strings attached. >> at the end of the evening, they handed us a check for $10,000, which was exactly what i asked for plus the tithes. >> soon he opened his

business. >> since i have been blessing lord, he's been providing me ever since. he just provides. >> they were able to get out >> it's a way for us to give and i know that it's going to help

people. >> i appreciate the "700 club" that they are like our first responders and there is an earthquake on some catastrophe, they are there to help

give the hand in the name of the lord, you know. >> they recently moved the business to a new garage and hired new employees. >> he provides. of i have seen it happen to

me, i have seen it happen to other it works. >> he goes over and beyond of what you need. that's my favorite scripture. how can you not give back. the word says to give.

the same measure you give will come back to you. >> following god's principles has been the key to their financial turn around. >> if you are not tithing, you are

shooting yourself in the foot. the blessings come from honoring god and giving and he will provide, just trust him. he always does. >> here is the vers that inspires

connie. never think that it's your own strength and energy that makes you wealth. always remember it is the lord your god who gives you the power

to become rich. and that was a word for israel. i think it's a word for the united states today. we don't need to think it was our own

provided these wonderful blessings. it was the lord our god when we remember him and put him first. that's when the blessings continued. >> first billy and victoria

walked down the isle and then straight into thousands of dollars of debt. getting in there was easy, but getting out was a step of faith. >> when billy and victoria married,

they were ready to live the american dream. but with entry level jobs, they couldn't afford to get what wanted. they did however have good credit. >> i had a great credit score.

to get something i wanted and needed it was easy. >> they were buying furnishings and two cars and before long they had thousands of dollars in loans.

>> we were trying to stay above the zero mark on the bank account. >> billy tried to deal with problem but it got worse. >> i was in debt more than a year. >> she knew something was

wrong with billy. but she didn't know what it was. >> billy was depressed. >> it was a depression and i didn't want to be around people knowing that it was my fault.

>> several months later, he told victoria about the situation. >> i finally took off the mask and showed her i wasn't the head of household that i knew i was. >> i went to a job i don't

like to pay people i don't know. i need help. >> the couple put themselves on a strict budget that included only $50 a month for groceries. >> it did take a lot of

sacrifice, a lot of beans and rice. >> then they knew there was something else they needed to do. >> god confronted us both about the >> they learned to tithes consistently.

>> i had to repent and say i'm sorry, help me fix that. >> then billy says he had another revelation. >> in the new testament, it never says 10% and done.

it just talked about generosity and giving out of your heart and being cheerful about it. >> they learned to become cbn partners. >> this is something god called me to

partner up with. >> and god blessed billy with awesome job. >> i never thought of going from being a machine operator from a factory to being a sales man. i never thought that my

income would more than double. once we started being good managers, we had more to manage. i called cbn and said i want to sign up for pledge express, but also i want to

double more than what we are giving. >> it's digging wells and providing water for those who don't have it "orphans promise". >> they soon paid off their debt and

their car loans and no longer eating rice and beans. >> it was god. there was no other explanation for it. >> have crazy faith. it's simple as that. here is the verse that

inspired billy. it comes out second corinthians. remember this, a farmer who plants a few seeds will get a small crop. but the one who plants generously will

get a generous crop. for god loves the person who gives cheerfully and god will generously provide all you need. and then you will always have everything you need and plenty left

over to share with others. you saw it come true for billy and victoria. it will come true for you if you just apply the same principles. if inspired by the same versus. it will happen to you because

god stands over his word to perform it. >> i have some wonderful news. some existing cbn donors like the couple -- you saw. they want to match your

giving $85,000. let's pray. lord, we ask for over this and we ask for blessings for the couple who made this possible to give this challenge. you will open the windows of heaven

and pour out a blessing they can not contain. we ask it all in jesus' name. we are asking you to join the "700 club". member: $20 a month, just $0.65 a day.

some of you can join at a higher level. gold member: $40 a month. 1000 member: $84 a month (1,000 a year), at whatever level, now is the time to call. toll-free phone number:

1-800-700-7000. terry? >>terry: when you join the "700 club", we want to say thank you with something we believe will change your life. pat robertson's best selling

series the "the secret kingdom" and the law of expectation. for the first time ever we are offering them together in one dvd. take a look.

>>> pat's written a number of books over the years but the "the secret kingdom" was not only in the new york's best seller but as people talked about how it changed

lives. we want you to have the principles of the kingdom of god. doesn't everybody need to know what those are? just call us now, toll-free phone 1-800-700-7000. tell us you

want to join the club level and we'll send this to you right away. call now, this is our gift to you. >>gordon: at a time when businesses struggle, becky ran two

successful companies. here is her financial strategy and how you can make it work for you. >> becky harmon is a pioneer in home design.

she learned when you work hard and give generously, god can take care of the rest. >> he will give you a sense, a desire, a stirring. if you take one step

towards what god is leading you to, he will show you the next step. >> after becoming christians early in their marriage, they learned about what god says about your finances.

>> we learned from our church and from studying the bible and giving to cbn. i thought cbn was a friend. it was sound and wise and pat robertson just in stilled a sense of confidence.

>> they began to give regularly to the church and cbn. >> i learned from god about a hundred fold return. i had a crazy idea business. it was a balloon bouquet business.

>> it was an instant business success. >> our tax expert said you earned more than $100,000 this year. after that it was when we learned it was a >> becky soon sold her business for

profit. then she invested in a house that had been on the market for months. it sold in days. >> it was just an immediate we increased our income about 30% a god keeps growing it and

blessing it. >> becky says obeying god is the key to a successful life. >> we don't have to ask to give to god each week. god finds a way to give it back to

you. it's fun, exciting, it's an adventure. >> these are the words of jesus, give and it will be given to you. a good measure, shake down, running over will be poured into your

lap. with the measure you use, will be measured to you. becky walked out with that secret and she started giving and he gave back. one of the ways for

becky was to give her innovative business ideas. she said that's a good idea. let's start doing that. is it balloon delivery, is it staging homes, is it doing what i love to do

and will satisfy me and it led to not just a 30, not just a 60, but to a hundred fold increase. that's what god wants to do for his people, but you have to put it into action.

it starts with that word "give" and then it will be given unto you. you have to put it into motion. we call it the law of reciprocity. it's a universal law because

what jesus announces is for everyone. give and it will be given unto you. if you want to start doing that, give us a call. toll-free phone 1-800-700-7000. say, yes, i

join the "700 club". let's go to wendy? >>wendy: hey there, gordon. do you want to learn the secrets of your life? you can do that through the law of expectation and the "the

kingdom". >> i really love this teaching, the "the secret kingdom" and gordon's teaching on the law of expectation. basically if you believe it, you can

receive it. it sounds so simple. something happens when we expect god to move on our half. when we combine faith with that expectation, it releases the blessings.

think about it if you are a parent, a mom, you want to do that for child. he's a good father and he wants the bless you because you are child. we will bless you with the "the secret kingdom" and it will

unlock the miracles in your life. toll-free phone number: or you can log on to many of you are already "700 club" partners, which is member: $20 a month, just $0.65 a day

which is all it takes to become a cbn partner. it's a brand new year and i would like to challenge you to go to our gold club level. gold member: $40 a month, if

do more, 1000 member: $84 a month (1,000 a year), we will give you 5 of this brand new dynamic teaching. the first time pat robertson put the "the secret kingdom" and the

law of expectation combined for you. we are in the middle of an $80,000 challenge with 25 minutes left on the clock. terry? >>terry: thank you. when you become a cbn

partner, you change the lived of many people around the world like this little girl from china. >> every time ya tong saw this, she was happy.

>> sadly this little dancer couldn't even hear her own laughter or music she danced to because she was deaf. >> other kids were talking. ya tong didn't even hear. her doctor said she would

never hear a single song. you don't understand. my child will never speak. there is no way she will find a job or get married. >> a doctor said a cochlear

implant might help. but her parents are poor and make only about $65 a month. so her mother finally got a job in a factory and ya tong got a cochlear

implant but she couldn't speak. >> she just pointed to anything she wanted to eat and drink. >> ya tong needed specialized speech therapy. >> i felt so sorry for my

daughter. she would never speak. we couldn't do anything else for her. we spent everything already and no one will lend us money. >> when cbn heard about ya tong, we

gave her the hearing aid she and we sent her to speech school. >> now she can communicate with other >> i love my mom and dad. >> it's like the universe has swung open and the world of

opportunity has come to her now because of your help. blessings for everyone who helped us. you brought sunshine into our family. i hope that more caring people will

partner with cbn to help people like us. >> thank you, cbn. i love you. >> like the gates of the universe have swung open. god invites you and i to be a

part of that process for people who struggling. that's why we ask right now to join us. you can have an impact. our number is easy. whatever club level you would like to join.

we have a membership at member: $20 a month, just $0.65 a day. if you are a member, you can go up to gold member: $40 a month. >>gordon: in peru, a young mother

struggled to feed her family. she said a prayer, lord, hear my cry and here is how her prayer was answered. >> mirian's teacher asked her students to bring food to class to

help those in need. when it became time mirror yan to contribute, she have food. >> food became scarce after her husband left them. sometimes a small fish is all they had for the

week. >> sometimes there is no feed and we don't eat. >> she would feed her family watermelon when she could afford to buy them. she would pray. >> i bent down and prayed to

god. i asked god not to forsake me when we need him the most. >> she went to her school he then went to her mom and offered to before long people were stopping to

buy. it appears she was the only one selling meats and fresh vegetables. >> i thank god my business is starting well and already thinking about how i

can make it grow to meet the needs of my children. >> we had one more surprise for the family, a fruit basket which presented to mirrorian. >> thank you, "operation blessing".

>> thank you, if you are a member, you are part of the answer to that prayer. a portion of your giving goes to "operation blessing" to help from around the world. "operation

blessing" is feeding 300 million americans. you can be part of it when you join the "700 club". if you are not a member, call toll-free phone 1-800-700-7000. if you are a

member and consider going to gold member: $40 a month, gold member: $40 a month and year), at whatever level, god is speaking to you. call right now.

1-800-700-7000. let's go to wendy at the phones. >>wendy: gordon, we just celebrated the new year several weeks ago. if you would like to make changes, you

can do this now. you can join and you will receive the >> >> god has secrets hidden in his word, secrets that he wants to reveal to you and me to unleash the power

of god in your life. this is all in the "the kingdom" and the law of we want you to have this when you give us a call right now and say, yes, i want to join the "700 club".

just call toll-free phone i'm glad you are interested. it's only member: $20 a month, just i'm not kidding. you can't even go to a pop machine and get a soda for that. you can change the world when

we all join together. maybe you have some pocket change in your couch. usually i find change in my car, anywhere in my car. anyway, whatever

you got, we say $0.65 and you can join. if you are already a member, i would like to ask you to increase to our i know a lot of you can do that, if you want to do more this

year, if you want to do something different, go to our gold level. we will give you 2 dvd's and if you can go to our 1000 member: $84 a month (1,000 a year), we

will give you five of our teachings. there is 20 minutes left on the clock. everything you give will be matched dollar for dollar. this is a great time. gordon?

>>gordon: she is tired of dreaming of her dream home and she said she learned this as a child. >> when i went to church and the plate came around, i put all my the basket.

i had been taught that this is the way of worshipping god, this is the way of saying i love you. >> growing up, she gave whatever she could afford to and then she joined a

church that challenged her to tithes and give consistently. at this time she worked part-time getting ready to graduate and still hadn't found a full time teaching job.

>> i was making $14,000 a year in 1984. i said, okay, i'm going to trust you lord in malachi 3.10 and see if i will not open up a blessing >> soon after she began to teach in

the public school system and decided to give more to the >> i know i'm giving to good grounds. people are getting blessed, people are getting operations, wells are dug, so the idea that i can do

something like that is icing on the cake. >> in 2012, sonja began to work on her masters degree. before long she was a professor. >> i was so blessed.

>> sonja soon received her masters and then she gave more to cbn giving more to the "700 club". soon sonja retired. >> i own the floors, the walls, the ceiling.

it's such a joy. this is the house that god built. >> she believes through tithing, god has enabled her to thrive. >> i know it works. i know the law of giving. i know the

law of sewing. the tithes for me has been a privilege. i never paid a tithes, i gave a tithe. >> when you give cheerfully, that's when the blessings happen. this is not a get rich type

of thing. it's a life savings and you saw what happens when you put god first in your you can do this. all you have to do pick up the phone and call toll-free phone

1-800-700-7000, and say, yes, i want to be a part of it and join the "700 i have great news. some partners from louisiana add to this challenge. they want to add $7,000. let's pray.

lord, we ask for blessings partners from louisiana, bless them, encourage them, for we ask it in jesus' name. amen. $105,000 is the challenge. we have 23 minutes left.

>>terry: every week she cried because both her sons needed surgery couldn't afford. then "orphan's promise" decided to help and now she has two sons with very big smiles.

>> she's a mother who lives in ukraine. several years ago she became the sole caretaker of her five children when her husband abandoned them. two of her children are disabled.

he was born with a severe cleft lip and palate. >> he knows he's different and it causes him great pain. he didn't want to go to school because the food would come out when

he ate. other children pointed their fingers at him. he suffered. >> then the family endured setback. christina gave birth to a baby with

the same condition at pasha. >> i was shocked. i said why is this happening to me when i love my children so much? >> as he grew, he seemed to struggle with his disability even more

than his older brother. he learned there was a surgery to correct his lip and he often asked for. >> then my food would not come out anymore.

>> i thought about it all the time. i would have dreams about it that my kids would never get the operation. i was afraid they would blame me because for so long i could

not give them the surgery. >> then she learned that cbn help to families in need. we decided to pay for the full cost of operations. last year the surgeries were performed

and the boys could not wait to smile. >> my lips became normal. >> i'm handsome now. >> they both speak clearly now and they can breathe normally. they play with other children and they

have lots tf friends. they are happy. thank you for helping >> thank you for fixing my lips. >> single mom with five kids would struggle anywhere, but add to that two

children who need surgery and simply are never going to be able to afford it. without it, they would never eat or speak correctly and mocked by others and impact their job

capacity. you gave this mom the hope she needed. you gave the children the future that they longed for. everything is different because of your compassion and kindness.

what an opportunity that you have to step in the middle of a need like this to say, we want to love you in the name of jesus and make a difference. we are asking you to join

right now. lots of club levels we told you about. when you join right now, we are in the middle of a challenge. every dollar you give will be matched dollar for

dollar. when you do that, we like to ask you to join pledge express. when you partner with cbn online, you are automatically enrolled in pledge express. the bank does all the work.

it saves you time and postage. just say i want to give using express! it's all done for it saves on administrative cost. our way of saying thank you for giving through pledge express. we

have a monthly teaching and every month you will get one. call now. toll-free phone just say i would like to join club", tell us what level and say i would like to do it using

express. we thank you in advance. >>gordon: they were required to move around the country with little warning and a lot of bills. that's happened to robert and christina.

we decided to give them much help on the home front. >> robert and christina enjoy time together with their three kids.. they are careful not to take that time for granted because robert is an army

staff sergeant and often has to leave christina and the boys for months. >> she does a great job of taking care of the how -- household and our >> i'm really grateful that

he see's me that way. he does all of these things for me and the boys and we are a team. >> last year their budget got tight when they transferred from california

to camp lejeune in north carolina and then the weather changed and meant buying new clothes. christina looked for work but didn't have any success. >> we thought how are we going to do this? then i remember things

got so hard emotionally. >> their church, river of life, heard about help on the home front and asked cbn. >> when my staff told us that going to be able to partner

with cbn and help on the home front, we were very excited because we knew together we were going to be able to make a life changing deference. >> just before christmas, he

stopped by to tell them the news. >> cbn and helping the home front have partnered together to help you with a shopping spree. we want to provide food and clothing

that they need. in addition, cbn and helping the home front, want to be able to give you and get the boys the best christmas they ever had. we want you to be get them their wish list.

>> i don't know what to say. thank you, that's all i can say. i'm really grateful. >> i am so thankful more than words can say. >> the family took a field trip to

sears and they picked out clothing and shoes. when sears heard about it, they gave them a discount. this holiday was perfect because cbn made their holiday dreams

come true. >> my heart is overjoyed. i'm very thankful that they would go out of their way to help military families like us. >> just imagine you would be

say you were a part of that if you are a member of the "700 club". if you are not a member, call us now. you are part of it when you join with call us, toll-free phone 1-800-700-7000. when you

call, make sure you ask for pledge express. express! we can send as our gift to you "power for life". ask for pledge express with you call. let's go to wendy at the

phones. wendy? >>wendy: if you want to receive these miracles in your life, you can find out in the "the secret >> i really believe god is saying to

many of you right now, don't give up. don't you dare give up on that dream. get your hopes up. pat said that jesus said this, if you believe all things will be impossible to you.

that means you have to just believe. how do you do that? you get hopes up and listen to the word of god because faith is by hearing. we want you to get your hopes up through the

law of expectation and this will unlock success and happiness success. call now. or log on to how much is it? it's just member: $20 a if you are already there, we want you

to make a difference. we want to challenge you to go to our gold level. gold member: $40 a month, we will give you 2 dvd's. if go more, go to 1000 member: $84 a month (1,000 a year), and you

will get 5 dvd's. that's a lot of dvd's. so one for you and four to give away. again, we are in the middle of a challenge. $155,000 with 13 minutes left

clock. that means every dollar you give will be matched dollar for dollar. we need your help. terry? >>terry: for parents, few things are more difficult but to feed children.

"operation blessing" stepped up to >> their dad injured himself in a motorcycle accident. >> it was terrible. it kept me from working for a long time.

>> he is a father of three and working to support his family was always a priority. >> you expect to support your kids, expecting to immediate their needs.

it's not easy. >> meanwhile, jorge did whatever he could to help. meanwhile the debts increased. 1 day he went looking pot to pot looking for dinner and they

were empty. that's when he learned what his dad taught him. >> it means we all eat or none of us eat. so we went hungry. >> that's when "operation blessing"

learned about the family's we provided tony with a new business selling fresh coconut milk provided him a cart and now he earns nearly $200 a week running then we gave jorge chickens to start

his business. >> they gave us chickens. then i bought more chickens. >> jorge has raised and sold chickens throughout the year. >> jorge has thought about why this happened to his children.

>> as we passed what we thank god you came to help us. >> what a great little family and how their lives have changed because you did come to help them. today is a great day. so join us to do

even more in this country and around the world by going up the club level. wherever you are now, hop up in the next club level. you see some member: $20 a

$0.65 a day , 1000 member: $84 a month (1,000 a year), $209 a month (2,500 a year), and chairman's member: $834 a month, (10,000 a year). call now. let us know what you feel god

speaking to your heart to do and when you call and say i want to join the do it using pledge express. you will get the monthly teaching and you will be blessed by it. >>gordon: cbn's animated

"superbook" teaches children the stories bible and also taught one child about bullying. >> he met lots of in you -- friends and also met some bullies. >> they punch and they

kicked. >> we were sad that he was bullied. he had to fight back. we told him to be kind. he was angry and hurt. >> that's when she came across cbn's

"superbook". she watched it as a child. >> i like the features of the "superbook" app. it has a bible, games, videos and pictures of characters. >> david especially likes the app and

the audio bible that comes with it. he says it helps him memorize bible versus. 1 day david's mom was thrilled to learn about the letter he wrote to >> while your son was on the

website, he dedicated his life to jesus. >> then david saw a girl bullied, he steppeden to >> i said jesus doesn't like are doing. >> the bully walked away. he says it was the story of

goliath that helped him learn what to do. >> just like david in the bible, i wasn't afraid. >> i'm grateful that he learned about god's love and shared it with

child. "superbook" helped him apply bible lessons to others. >> i love god. >> you can help children become "superbook" kids. they will learn stories of the bible.

you can be part of that by joining the if you are not a member, consider it call toll-free phone number: if you are a member, consider going up another level. gold member: $40 a month,

1000 member: $84 a month (1,000 a year), at whatever level, call now. . toll-free phone number: 1-800-700-7000. wendy? >>wendy: thank you. he went from rock bottom to earning a

multimillion dollar business. what are his secrets for success? >> it was a period of time where i just hit rock bottom. the kingdom played a part of that success and applied the principles

and allowed god to bless us. >> we have compiled these teachings >> i love that what god did. he can do this for you and we to have the "the secret kingdom" and the law of expectation to

this is the number to call the number is on your screen. it's toll-free phone number: >>terry: parts of nigeria are breeding grounds for mosquitos that carry malaria. they are working to prevent

disease. >> he loves to play in a field but the field was getting smaller everyday because it was also the community's garbage dump. >> like many places in

africa, if there is open space, it's open for garbage and there are a lot mosquitos. >> he was bitten by a mosquito carrying the malaria virus. he woke up with a fever and

started to have seizures. >> i was terrified. i kept calling his name but his eyes were shut didn't respond to my voice at all. >> his mother ran with him to a cbn

clinic near their home. he was diagnosed with advanced malaria. we gave him the medication he needed and within 1 day he's well on the road to recovery. we also got them food and

enrolled mom in classes so she can make extra money and then we had local volunteers to clean up the garbage so no one would get sick. >> i learned that cbn would

help people, but i never thought cbn would help us and our hometown and community. how can i thank you. you have truly changed our >> that's what we are out to do is to

change people's lives and show god's forgivesness and love. and they didn't know they can do this and afford to do. will you help us with that. the number is toll-free phone all kinds of club levels to

join up. right now in the middle of a challenge, that number gets dollar for dollar and you are going to do twice as much with your giving. >>gordon: she needed a boat to make a

living catching fish. lilia had to take extreme measures to feed >> everyday even when she was pregnant, lilia waited into the river of her home to feed her fish. >> i was afraid to get into the water

because you can't see below surface. >> she was next deep in the water. here the fish were smaller. some days she caught nothing at all so she and her children went hungry.

>> they said, mommy, i want bread. i didn't know what to do. i cried. i said we will eat bread tomorrow. >> most people on the amazon in peru use a fish to boat.

her husband took the boat when he abandoned her. >> when they came to me, i even thought about killing myself. >> that's when lilia had gone church. she hadn't gone to church for

years. >> i said, lord, forgive me. i felt a weight liftoff me. >> soon she heard about blessing" and we hired a local craftsman to build her a boat.

>> i couldn't stop thinking. really my boat? my mom said yes, it's your boat. thanks to "operation blessing" we are well. >>gordon: thanks to you. if member of the "700 club", you

are a part of that wonderful blessing. if you are not a member, give us a call. say, yes i want to be a part of it. let's go to wendy. >>wendy: this is something

people have been asking for some time. what is the secret for here it is. >>gordon: i want you to have it. i consider it my father's signature teaching. the law of

perseverance, the law of reciprocity, the law miracles. all of that is in the "the it's yours when you join the "700 club". call us right now. we want the go way over-the-top on

this challenge. it's a glorious day. we had $155,000 as the we leave you with these words from hebrew 11. faith is the substance of what we hope for. the evidence is now seen.

god bless you. we'll see you tomorrow. >>>

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