Best Free Apps For Android Phones

hello guys , here is top 10 killer hackingapps , that you must need sometime ,so stay tuned. number 1. drive droid.just suppose one of your friend has changed your computer password and leave,and, you urgently need to extract some files

Best Free Apps For Android Phones

Best Free Apps For Android Phones, from the computer or let just say,you computer crashed and you need to email important document to your friend. now, usually,if you want to boot to computerwith live cd or something. but that takes time and other computer.

right? well, this is where drivedroid comes to rescueyou. this small root app, can work as live usbdownload a small linux distro like -- slitaz and mount itnow, connect your android with computer with usband boot from it and there we go.. overall it takes 5 mins to do everything andyou can boot into any computer from just android phone. number 2. netcut.

the list of hacking app cannot be completedwith netcut. so, netcut is similar to wifi kill ( you mighthave heard before) and all it does is kick people off you wifi network ,with just a touchof button, but there are two feature that make it betterthan wifi kill one,let you search device by namewhich is enough reason to use this app and second is you can adjust the internetspeed on any device on your network by moving the slideso, 0 means no internet and 100 means full internet speed. number 3.

market helper.sometimes this happens to all, where you are trying to install a cool newapp from the play store but unfortunately, either the app is not availablefor your device or country? well, in such cases the obvious solution isto sideload it apk. but, with market helper you can spoof yourdevice model, region or carrier and now you can go to playstoreand download the app of you choice though, just becauseyou change your device model number it dosen't necessary mean everywill run on your devices ultimately, it goes down tothe compatibility

of the app with your device. number 4. parallel space. there are times when you want to run multipleinstance of same app like two whatsapp, instagram or snapchat account etc. let just say, two instance of any app. and with parallel space you can do that. so, the way this app works is pretty easy. it creates an isolated environment,and allows other instance of the apps to running

inside it. and since you are running the official appon both sides .there is also a low risk of getting you account banned. number 5. orbot. now, if you are into hacking and anythingthat work with sensitive data ,then orbot is one of the must have tool in your,what exactly does it do? well, orbot is a tor clientwhich provides you an anonymity on the web. so, here is how it works you start the orbotserver

and start browsing. on the surface everything will appear normalbut if you scratch the surface uou will notice, tor bounce your connectionto 3 or more server.and thats preety amazing. number 6. wifi password recovery. so, the list of hacking apps can not becompleted without talking about the wifi and well wifi password recovery is a simple app,that can extract your wifi password of the saved network. so unlike windows and macwhere you can directly see your saved wifi

password android hides all the wifi passwordin system files which you can only access if you haveroot access and apps like wifi password recovery willhelp you with that. number 7.wps wpa tester. have you ever wonder,an android app to hacka wireless network? i mean without any password or anything? and well, yes, if the router has enable wpsby default (which is turn on by default and most peopledon't usually remember to turn it

off) then chances are you extract the, the tldr version is-- most router has wps featurewhich let other devices like wifi printer connect to router by pressing the wps buttonand they share a 8 digit over the, what apps like wps does is,it tries to guess the default wps pin of the routerand try to connect to that router using that. and from what i have seen so far,it does work with 60-70 percent efficiency. number 8.pixelknot. hidden messagesnow, if you are sending encrypted text everybody is going to notice you are up tosomething

by seeing the ciphertext. but what if you want to pass your secret messagein plain sight without being suspected. and well, steganography is the way to go aboutit then. apps like pixelknotcan hide your secret text inside an image which you can then password protect and sendto your the receipt over whatsapp or email all they are going to see a simple imagebut when they open it with pixelknot and enter right password well, there you have itthe secret message. number 9.cryptography. say you want to send someone a secret messagevia public channel like gmail or whatsapp

or the way i use it say, i want to write allmy important banking password in plain paper as a backup for my family. now, there is no way,we can use plain english for these sensitive data. and, cryptography is the solution here. so, basically what it does is --you enter a plain text and it’ll generate ciphertextwhich is long string of sentences that doesn’t make sense to anyone and you can send it viaemail or write it down on piece of paper and to decode it,tell the other party of use same decryption

algo that you use for encryption. though, just to be on safe sidemake sure you use more than 2 encryption so, that no one in the middle can use a toolto crack the code. number 10. zanti. so, what exactly does zanti does? and well it does couple of things. so, when you first open the appit scans for all the device on your network pick the one, you want to targetand then scan for open ports and vulnerability

or the popular feature is man in the middleattack where you can track what victim is browsinglogged the images, or even redirect the victim to different url obviously, this will onlywork on http sites and not on https sites. and although, most of it features are basicyou’ll need advanced skills to make most out of this app. so thats the list of top 10 killer hackingapps, so if you like the video please like this and for more videos please hit the subscribebutton. thanks for watching.

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