Associated Bank Business Online

you should be good to go um if anybody runs into any technical difficulties or you're not hearing me sending the message and i will open up the control panel again and take a look anyway thank

Associated Bank Business Online

Associated Bank Business Online, you thanks again for joining us to this webcast this is exim online essentials for insurance brokers this is the first of

this kind of webinar and one in what we hope will be a series that we'll be delivering over time this particular webcast the target audience are relatively new users of vol exim online or for very new users or those who don't use it that frequently but we're looking for sort of a general refresh so we're not going to take the time to dive into

all aspects of ul that's just more than we have time for what i think people can digest and i think we'll probably going about 45 minutes or so to complete this um so a general overview of exim online its key functionalities and other information that brokers should know before they even start to go into exim online you should also know that there

are already two webinars on exim banks web page one of it and it's under the learning resources tab one of which goes over the express application and another one that goes over the single buyer application now those would caps were done close to two years ago so exim online will look a little bit different in those webinars but i'm told that for

the most part not much has changed so if you're looking for a fairly intensive dive into those application processes i suggest you check those out and sometime hopefully in your future we'll be able to update those to show the latest and greatest and exim online you can send in your questions because we have a fairly large number of folks on the call we're

going to ask you to sending these questions in writing i'm using the question tab which hopefully you can see on your screen we won't be opening up for questions but we will be looking for questions from time to time on the screen as i mentioned hopefully this is being recorded and will be posted on the

website and then lastly before we get started you should receive after the webinar and email with a link to a 30 second for multiple question portal choice question survey on the webinar and we would ask you to take 30 seconds to answer those questions that will help us in designing future webinars of this kind going forward okay i have with me

also just so you know some technical backup assistance here lindsey grant is here from a multi buyer underwriting and lauren kirsch who's our internal guru on all things exim online so i may be referring to done sometimes time for some assistance or correction and and also ask them to chime in if they think i'm missing something key or

have misstated something as i'm also still getting used to exim online my stuff okay so this is what we're going to cover in this webinar it's basically the various products that you can access on ekam online uol's basic functionalities so key account maintenance best practices how you get a new our account who to contact at x a

day for various situations in the arise tips for navigating the system how to actually access exim online and importantly how to help you your client create its own user account and then how a broker gets associated with a next borders account and then we'll close with sort of a high-level overview of the various links on the brokers landing

page so as you know exim online is a web-based application and policy management system and here you can see the url which we suggest you store in your favorites and if you choose not to you will show you a little bit later how you can actually find it on the website so very sweet of box that you can access

a little eczema mine are shown here all the insurance products can be done on the system including all multi buyer single buyer financial institution buyer credit letter credit and even medium-term insurance and medium-term bank guarantees although we'll be focusing in this webinar just on the insurance and probably with a bias

towards the multi buyer a product specifically so ul is a comprehensive platform that enables brokers and your clients to manage their exim bank business from the front end to the back end and everything in between i won't read off all the different functionalities here but all the way from obtaining a letter of

interest in submitting an application to finding a claim so all those things can be done on the system a couple of bets to keep in mind when using it to my mind i'm east broker agency can have multiple key loyal registered users we do ask though that each registered users submit a copy of the standards of professional

conduct and service and a copy of the resident license this is a new requirement it's not something were to go back and ask for from existing brokers but only brokers going forward each user will get its own unique user id and password um and well we don't prohibit it we do strongly advise against the sharing of ids and passwords

and the reason is that gol will assume that any activity done yoel is being done by the person who accessed uol using a particular id and password in it for some reason whether it's in a cleaning situation or otherwise there's a need to go back and reconstruct what happened it could get rather confusing and then

made worse case scenario potentially you know issues again we don't prohibit it but we advise against it when at all possible and finally when a new account is being set up we do need to hear from the protocol primary contact we set up the brokerage and registered it with us on whether or not that particular new or additional ul user should have

commission viewing rights we will need to know that before we can set up the account that is something that the primary contact will have control over i'm just going to open up control panel here briefly and see if there are any questions i think there are fine i apologize for that so just by way of background

how is it grow courage getting ul account well they have to register as you know as an exim bank a broker and submit a number of materials that comprise the application and those are identified here and once we've processed documentation we're satisfied that it's appropriate to register the broker you'll get an email from chantelle bragg

- which will be attached a registration letter which will be addressed to the primary contact that would be the person who submitted the the application materials and will contain the brokerages registration number as well as various other requirements related to training and minimization and production and so on and so forth in that email

from chantelle she will provide instructions to contact her so that a user id and password can be set up for that particular individual or any other individuals who will need account at that time also one thing to keep in mind is that some brokerages do have a presence in multiple locations and in some cases that were courage firm may

want victims commission's to be paid directly and independently to each separate office and we can do that but in order for that to happen each branch office needs to register separately in its own name and get its own broker registration number so the process that we just described in the previous two slides would apply to each of those

offices otherwise the firm only needs to register once and commissions will be paid pursuant to the direct audit instructions that we received at the time that it was registered okay a number of situations will arise from time to time we will need to contact some of the exim bank and here are those some of those situations are in the

person or people that you should contact i already mentioned chantelle who is before the pivot point for the registration of new brokers and the establishment of the initial gol account she would also need a point of contact if you want to add new users for example new employees come into the firm would ask if you also copy me in those

situations because i'm trying to keep a master list of all of the brokers who are registered in using exim banks products and services if there's a need to deactivate an email user you can do that as well for example if an employee leaves a firm in that case you can contact the email address shown here to say that empty and also copy me there

are folks there who are experts on managing the system and can do that for you very quickly and conversely if you need to reactivate exim bank exim online user who for whatever reason was deactivated that can also be done and you should also direct that to that bit you could also be set your passwords by communicating with a pimp

although there is a forgot your password link on the login page and it's probably eating faster for you to use that rather than to send emails to that bend although that is an option on we do ask folks not to create multiple accounts for the same person using different user ids and passwords we've seen some situations where one

broker had 8 to 10 different accounts which is a unnecessary he also creates a lot of confusion when things go wrong and we have to dive into the system and try and correct it so please let's try and stick to one account per person and if you've forgotten your user id again you can also contact that pin as well a couple basic tips for when you're

using eol you'll see these buttons on a number of the screens throughout the platform and you should use them to move forward backwards or to save information or to continue don't use your browsers or arrows at the top of your screen as they may or probably will kick you out of the system and you may need to log back in and you also risk losing

information that you've already entered all transactions that take place within eol are given a tracking number and all communications by yourselves to exim bank should include those tracking numbers to help identify the specific transaction or policy that you're communicating with about and those tracking numbers will also appear and

all of the automated messages that come out of the email system to to you ok talk about accessing yoel it is accessible on the web page through the tools for exporters link which will review all these series of links and you can log into exim online by clicking on the exim online login and this is what will come up when you

log in to the home page before we sort of dive into some live demonstration of exim online a couple things to be on the lookout for when you first open up the login page one is you may from time to time see some messaging in red at the top of the screen that will typically be there for one of two reasons either the system will be down for maintenance for

whatever reason which will typically happen during non-business working hours and therefore should not affect you but you would want to be aware of that or there may be some updates and enhancement to improvements to eol in which case there'll be a notification about that and typically often a link to detailed information about those changes

in improvement to the extent that it's appropriate and necessary we'll certainly try and alert you to those ahead of time so you don't necessarily have to learn about them the first time by logging into bol also we mentioned that there is a forgot your password link on the login page and that's where it is i'm not going to open it up here

right now but you can certainly do that it's a simpler than calling or emailing someone at exim banks who take care of the system for you ok that was sort of the introduction that were i wanted to go through to orient you to some of the basics on exim online now i want to turn to how to help you create an aol account and how to associate your firm 50

accounts so give me a moment here i'm going to switch to the exim online test system you so this is the login screen i just happen to be in the test environment right now but in otherwise we'll look and feel the way it does to you as a broker when you're when you're using it

so if you want to help your customers create account you'll see the link down here towards the bottom of the middle of the screen where it says register for a user account very straightforward and so you'll click on that and before continuing we'll need to agree to the disclosure and privacy information related to that which we will agree to

that so the first question is does your company already have an exim online account in this case we do not so we're sitting at the new account so we want to make sure that this is clicked no and then we will press continue and here this will take you to the screen when you're enter the basic information i'm not you going to take a minute here now

to try and do this so if you'll bear with me i'll make up a company name i'll let the mexican company we'll need to enter your nine-digit duns number so make sure you have that before the company you have the company's duns number before you start this process and i'll just make one up

then you will need to choose your next code as well and this link here will take you to a master list and we'll try to find something fairly innocuous here i'll do baked goods store so we've endured all that information and we'll press continue and that will take you to the next screen which will enable you to set up a user id a password which will

need to be entered to confirm that and to enter the primary contact information and choose a challenge question in the event that need to contact exim bank persistence or resetting your password i will enter all that information right now once you do that we they can do a screen that will tell you that you have successfully

created an account and there will be a link there that will enable you to log into the account and you can using it right away okay i'm going to stop and open up the control panel to see if at this point you have any questions see any so i'm going to keep going i'm now going to go into the exporter view so we can see how to associate a

broker with a particular exporters account so to do that i'm just going to the back out of this so once they pictured the user id and password they'll also come to the screening level need to agree to the privacy issues and they'll be taken to their own home landing page what you'll discover as we go through the rest of

this webinar is that the exporters landing page looks very very similar to your own landing page there are very few differences the principle one probably being that and on the exporters home page on the lower right hand corner here there will be a link to maintain broker and that's the link that will actually use to help link the broker to the

account whereas in the same place on the broker page you will have a link to broker commission information otherwise for the most part they look and very similar and as you work the exim online the experience from the exporters and the brokers viewpoint will be would be very similar if not identical so in order to associate a broker with an

exporters account we'll check on the maintain broker tab and this will take us to this screen you'll see at the bottom of the screen brokers who are already associated with this particular exporters account will appear at the bottom you'll have the opportunity to view them or remove them if you so choose we said we're adding a

new broker so to do that you'll click on this drop-down which will give you a list of all of the exim bank registered brokers and you would click on the appropriate one let me see maybe we can test so anyway i will use specific one but if you all you have to do is select that one press the add broker tab and it will

then appear in the screen at the bottom of the screen below and be added to the list of existing brokers so that is how you associate the broker with the account how you associate a broker with a particular application for a policy is done in the actual application process and we'll touch on that a little bit later so now i'm going to go to the

brokers landing page i'm going to log out and log back in as - gopher so here is the brokers landing page and as you can see it looks very very similar to the exporters page primary difference being this program ition link here so let me just walk you through different parts of this home page and

then we'll work walk through some of the actual links and the functionalities um let me point out a couple things you'll see here although it's partially now obscured by the control panel feature my profile link and that will take you to there's also my company profile link down here and that will take you to basic identity information about you and

your company there's also a link here where you can change your password if after having logged in you wish to do so and the experts recommend that you do change passwords in terms of time but that's obviously up to you you'll also see name of your brokerage and the primary contact here and one thing i want to point out which

i think is probably an underutilized feature of exim online is this customer service tab on the upper right-hand screen if you press on that you'll see that will take you to an comprehensive database of instructions and information on all aspects of exim online just about any question you would have about what to do and how to do it on exim online is

probably answered somewhere in this database as you can see on the left hand side is spoken up in specific categories so if you're looking for guidance related to the registration and account maintenance it will open up a series of sub categories each of which you can open up and as you open up each link the content associated with that link will

appear on the right-hand side of the another one or two for example probably a more important one the application submission against here there's a link associated with each application and a series of further links that will give you additional guidance associated with any aspect of the application process general questions access right products

what have you so it's potentially a very very useful tool and my recommendation to to yourselves is to get some familiarity with that so you have an idea where to navigate to when you're looking for answer a few questions and hopefully for you it'll be a more satisfying experience to be able to solve those problems and answer those

questions yourselves and have to pick up the phone or send an email to somebody of course you can always do that but as i say there's a wealth of information here that you can access and we'll press on the home tab to go back to our home screen okay i'm going to use the rest of time on this webinar walk through most of

this landing page for the brokers to say we'll open up some of these and we'll dive into them a little bit but we just don't have the time to go into all of them we will be developing additional webinars going forward that will be devoted to more discreet focused parts of the xml 9 platform but let the purchase from a somewhat logical

standpoint i'm starting with what might be the first step before you apply some insurance policy which is to apply for a letter of interest what of interest is basically a letter that you can generate automatically online that the general indication of exim banks willingness to support a particular transaction and you do it by clicking on that particular

link we're not going to go too far into this process this will take you to an off-site website you should be able to get in using the same login that you used oh i'm being told this is actually going to change coming tax them online in the next by the end of the summer oh okay so this is this is going to be changing but in case you need one you

know in the next couple months i'll give you a glimpse as to what's involved we won't go into all the detail so we'll take you to this page and you'll see down here where they're welcoming they link under forms to letter of interest application and you can click on that to open in form and here we'll give you some guidance and

instructions about letters of interest some of the key factors that you'd want to know about that there is a refundable 15 dollar application fee they're generally issued within seven business days are valid for up to six months and can be renewed anyway something useful to know when the customer is looking for support for transaction would like to

present some indication of exim banks willingness to consider that type of support i'm going to x out at okay and i fix myself out test environments all use for that so let me go back into that so here we are back to the center landing page so after you have a letter

of interest then the next logical step would be to apply for an insurance policy and this is something that you can initiate on behalf of your exporter yes if you are already associated with that particular expertise account if not the exporter we need to start the application associate you with that application of the account it's not

already and the application and then you will be able to continue towards on the application for the export so if you click on that tab it will take you to the list of companies who you have access to in this case we have one and it's called the test company the next screen will invite you to select the type of policy that you want to apply

for and let's select a short term micki buyer jinyu it will take you to this screening which will give you the option of applying either for an express policy or for one of the other multi buyer small business or standard multi-buyer policy there are links here to fact sheets which really take you to links on our exim bank website personally i don't

find the information there add a lot of value but if you're interested you can explore that let's dive just a little bit deeper in the application process see what that starts to look like and then we'll move on so let's start a expression so when you do that you'll come to this initial page which will take you to some

general instructions and guidance on how to approach the completion of the application you'll see a link here to the country limitation schedule which as you hopefully knows is a comprehensive list list of all of the countries where exim bank is open for business depending on the type product and any special conditions that may be placed on

that particular product you'll see on the right-hand side of the screen the various sections of the application itself these can be completed in any sequence they do not have to be completed in any particular order as you complete ception a checkmark will appear under the done column here and so

you'll know you're ready to submit and everything's complete when you have checkmarks next all these entries and then you can submit the application let's go one step further so and i didn't click on company info i could continue which takes you down into the first section of the application form and here you'll enter basic

information that exim bank requests to help keep track of certain statistics then we'll have the applicant's primary contact information and here the perspective a multi buyer application this is where a broker can be added to a particular policy in this case we're already associated with the account and with this policy and so we have appeared

here so i'll stop there we'll continue the process is fairly intuitive they say going forward will provide webinars in addition to the one that's on the website right now and we'll go into more detail about the application process for various types of products so i'm going to go back to the home screen

now and so we have fodder application and it's been approved and we want to act on our quote in this case the test environment has been set up so i don't have anything to show you but it will present a screen that will label you to review and choose to accept to decline the quote

and once the policy has been issued you can then also look at policies enforce or recently expired unfortunately our systems in the flow this afternoon so my apologies for that so here we have one policy that's been down with our test company if you click on the policy number on the left hand side

i think i'm going to have to avoid clicking on too many links or this webinar will be longer than you expected so so this will take you to sort of the home screen for our particular policy we'll have basic information about customers top about the key parameters associated with that particular policy over here on the top left

it'll list any endorsements spc ells ipcl pending applications and any save or not submitted applications you'll also see up here on the upper right-hand side various links to perform various functions associated with that particular policy whether it's to amend a policy to submit an sdc application new policy documents or whatnot

- and the customers want to review you know their policy their compliance particularly endorsements of new policy documents where they can be directed to do that well let's click on that one we have any okay you're sure this procedure about well we do

let's se right so the general terms of conditions for example what that would look like i believe the declaration typically appear as a separate document or not a separation yeah i look like this for different reality type look at one more so that the sp cl belgium

okay so a good advice from our underwriter i check it a lot okay let's go back then to the landing page let's go through a few more of these i think we've already gone on longer because of our delayed in the editing intended - you saw in that screen that

we just looked at that you can apply for an s pcl is also separately up here where you can do that as well as for an iv cl the case of the bank there are separate tabs let's say you've got an issue policy and you now want to report some shipments you can open the report shipments tab that will bring up the policies that you

have various company then you can click on the policy number and the first thing you'll have to do here is click one of these options with respect to the status of overdue receivables i'm not going to dive too far into this one and actually when z knows this part of it pretty well let's go a little bit further

now we'll open up this page here where you can see basic policy parameters at the top we will show you existing buyers who have spc ells it will enable you to search for or add a new buyer using the filter tab here you see an awesome shot and ecl's as well

the pages where you would enter the details you would need in order to add a particulars again i won't go into that level of detail for this purpose but just to give you a flavor for what it looks like and how it works and of course there are some additional tabs on the upper and right side of the we shaved new or save statements support

no shipments the depending depending review shipments i'm going to go back again let's just go back to the homepage i would point out that if you have started an application and you saved it you can always go back and restart it or finish it by clicking on this particular cat here continuous aid application you

can also make a payment here when i say you i mean un the exporter premium and in the worst case scenario you can also follow clay ah all these for the delay here i also said i mean it's a very busy part of the exim online last form unfortunately last time this happened i

wasn't able to back out and i have set wait for them wait for it to finish but it did finish here we go so you can initiate playing here we'd enter the relevant form a spec to the policy we'll check the policy down below and you can either do a claim so you can

file claim okay i don't want to get us caught in that war too many more times let me just point out a couple more final items over here on the right side of the page on the miscellaneous are some useful tabs we already mentioned company profile you can look at your historical

transactions fairly comprehensive dump of the actions withdrawn canceled denied expired as well as policies and force in this case we have the one here at the bottom and i think i'll do two more one would be broker commission's obviously of interest to everyone here click on that

it will take you to this screen where you can search for your commission's by particular month in a by particular year and it will produce some results you can also click on the new statements review activity icons and you will be able to drill down deeper into a higher level of detail into premium run a

policy by policy basis so let me finish with the search portfolio which i think is a very useful aspect of exim online and here you'll see that we've got the capability to search all of your policies across a number of different general categories whether it's applications quotes policies shipments premiums will reduce

claims let's click on some of these to see the options available so in your applications here you could start a new application to draw one and look at the saved applications you can look at quotes that you're waiting acceptance you can look at the influence policies all to cancel to expire and so on and so forth and you

can then and after you click on one of these use these filters here to drill down even further and get closer to the specific information that's here that you're looking for so we've actually gone a little bit longer than we had originally ended so i'm going to stop there i'm going to go back to the broker homepage i'm going to open up the

control panel i'm going to see if there any questions unfortunately if you can and i think you can see the screen it will show who's asking the question i'm not mistaken and hope you don't mind me there's a question here dmv number is required - sorry i'm trying to figure out how to open this up oh yeah oh yeah yeah sorry

we're going to try to open up the questions so we can read it a double click it here is perfect come when you see it below okay so i guess that's right there okay okay maybe this is not so much a question but a comment um see that renumber is required to submit an

application okay okay here's the request to spend some time on managing the policy i'm not sure that there's a specific part of the application that request your had in mind i assume that pleasure is referring to this part of the screening we can do that i will spend too much more time

going on going into this because again we're going to be dis developing additional webinars that we'll dive into various aspects of this and we found that if these goes on too long people start to tune out or they just don't listen so we touched on rapport shipments click on make a payment but in this particular case in the test

environment i'm not sure we're going to get a the true james here no transactions available back for to reduce you have a transaction number basic calls the information will appear at the top and then you'll be asked to

identify you know which to buy or borrower make this comment i don't know exactly where done i guess you upstate overview the user the broker or the customer can get in and provide kind of an ongoing update which is very useful for us both updating the amount due and setting it to zero when it finally is completely

repaid or i've had customers that make comments that are know exactly where they were getting in and commenting every month what's the status lies which which is probably a good way to manage the policy activist well thank you i'm gonna just put down the you and update you over dues have here i guess once one is there yeah they can do it

information that could be asked to enter to touch them file a claim and i want to do that one again because i'm going to be going i won't touch on maintain letters of interest it's not something that you've done at least i'm very often click on amended policy so so i just wanted to say that on everything you saw on the left all those

links of men to policy reporter shit and reported overdue are you can do from that side but also they're available on the right side when you select your policy as those quick links that ed showed earlier when we were looking at policy docs so there's two ways to get to functionality so just depend if you want to go directly in and to the left

and select make report shipment or report it overdue or to the right you're looking at your policy policy details and then from there all of those same quick links are available so just wanted to point out from either side of the landing page you have the same functionality available to you or exclude support

so this was the amend of policy and it's not gonna let me do any things because we're in particular test environments and the information is not there so let me go back to the questions because i want to stop there to say we've gone on a while here look see okay i don't see anything anything else to answer here so with

that i'm going to close the webinar thank you for your patience in our slightly delayed start do take some time to answer the thirty second survey hopefully you'll get that via email because we do want to benefit from the insights you can provide and how to make these these webinars more useful going forward as i said we are developing

additional webinars and additional manuals to accompany these webinars going forward with the idea that over time we'll develop a comprehensive inventory of both online and offline tools that will tell you everything you need to know about exim online and exim bank so thank you very much for your attendance and if anyone has a question

and they want to contact the offline please feel free to do that thank you and enjoy the rest of your day

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