Chase Online For Business

this is fletre kelly. business tycoon.multi-millionaire. playboy. gangster. style icon. he is well-known inthe city for his style. he developed his ownstyle when he was young.

Chase Online For Business

Chase Online For Business, he always got what wanted. his way of living was unique,very different from others. one of the manyspecial things he had.. ..was this black mustang.

fletre's son edger wasvery attached to this car.. ..just as fletre himself was. that's because edgerwas born in this car and.. was in this same carthat he cried for the first time.. ..when he lost his mother in death. that's why edger wasvery attached to this car. excuse me! yes? is shiva here? - who shiva?

r. shiva. wait a this really his name? we don't know.but we call him shiva. i have his photo. here you go. take a look. he? he is prayag. he is there. the car is nice butit needs a lot of work. huh? where is the engine? where does the smoke come out from?

it is very confusing. shiva! hey! what are youthree doing here? - hi! we! you! we all! - hi, shiva! dude! your real name is prayag,right? - but.. how did you find out? buddy! the car needs a littlepolishing. - do it properly. and you need to changethe interior as well. - done. do all that and tuneup the engine too.

whenever i apply brakesit makes weird noises. do it well. the weird noises will stopif we oil the engine. i will do it. buddy! we want you todo a superb job on the car. geeta! where is tom? tom is on leave today. your biceps are awesome. which gym do you go to? winner gym. - oh!my gym is in the same area too.

hmm. the shoulders are good. you will have six-packabs soon if you work on.. ..your shoulders,back and abs at the same time. touch this. - oh i see. hello! - hmm? you can't get that girl. 'jesus! help me to meet her today.' what's wrong?

my cycle's chain is broken. oh. i will repair it right now. - hmm. why am i not able to fix it? that's okay, jerry. i willask my dad to take it with him.. ..when he goes to his office. there is nothing that i can't fix. wait here. i will bringmy toolbox and fix it right away. 'oh no! he ruined my plan.'

jerry went to bringa spanner to fix it. he can't fix the zipper onhis pants. how will he fix this? jerry, bring the toolbox here.hurry up. okay, bye. - thank you. 'he is walking away socoolly after ruining my plan.' your older brother's musclesare awesome. okay, bye. 'he made those muscleswith the help of protein powder.' 'he thinks he is salman khan.' there you are!why did you clutter this table?

move aside. keep everything backin its place. okay? i won't keep made fun of me. really? why did he do that?- what did i do? he said that i can'tfix the zipper on my pants. i see. that is true, my boy. why did he announce it to everyone? okay, little brother. i won'ttell anyone about your zipper. now take your revenge.

stop it both of you. i won't spare you. mom, where is dad? he is building his body in the gym. i will complain to dad.- wait, i'll teach you a lesson. dad! - hmm? make sure there is someonewith you when you work out. there is nobody here tohelp you if something goes wrong. son! i didn't build my musclesby eating proteins like you.

this is natural, son. natural. i was a wrestling championwhen i was your age. even today nobodycan get out of my grip. do you want to see?- no, no, there's no need of that. tell me this,how many times should i work out? it is necessary to workout at least two times a day, dad. i don't have the staminathat i used to have before. so first i need toincrease my stamina. dad, increase your stamina..

..but make sure yourintentions are pure. got it? you got it. okay. dad, i want to increasemy stamina too. how should i do it? one two one.. i don't want a towel. i don't want underwear.i don't want to go to school. i don't want this. i don'twant that. i don't want anything. i don't want anything. jerry! why aren't you ready?you will be late for school.

son! - just a minute, mom. tom! tom! - what's wrong? where are the spanner,the pliers and toolbox? they are there.but what's the matter? it is stuck? - it is stuck? almost done, patient. everything will be okay. here you go.- why did you bring these? i can't open the zipper with them.- oh god! jerry! don't i always tellyou to wear underwear inside?

yes. it will be alright now. relax. - leave him alone. relax. relax.relax. - am i bleeding? no. wear other shorts.- i there some other problem? nothing. my darling, is it very painful? hey! is it very painful?- why are you troubling him? uncle! is jerrynot coming to school?

he is coming in a minute.he is getting ready. vibha! - mom! i told you to leave him alone. okay. - don't worry,brother won't tell anyone. vibha! jerry can'tcome out for some reason. he will take some time.can you wait five minutes? 'can't you keep your mouth shut?' 'was it necessary to talk to her?' what happened to you, jerry?- nothing.

vibha, don't ask him anything.please. - hmm. vibha! don't let anyonesit on his lap, please. oh! so your zipper got stuck today? listen! - yes? don't you have anything else to do? get ready quickly.drop me at the stop. hello! you look very happy today. what do you mean?- tell me. why are you so happy? because jerry's zipper got stuck.

that's okay.but why are you humming a song? because i feel like humming a song. is that so? i also used tosing songs like you in the past. i still remember them. you used to sing songs? - yes. i'm telling the can ask your mother later. okay, okay. why are you driving thebike like a tortoise? go faster. okay?

okay, listen. - huh? i know that you don'tlike singing songs. but you are singingsongs today and.. ..i know the reason behind that.i'm your father.. ..not your younger brother. got it? now go. - crap. yes. - what is going on?where are you? why? what happened? you were supposed togive me the poster today.

yes, i was going to giveyou the poster. so what? those guys are sittingin the workshop. ask them to wait a few minutes. okay. but come soon. - okay. yes, yes.- i told you it will happen. buddy! tom is comingin a few minutes. why the delay?- i will be right back. - okay. what were you saying? 'her name..'

'nisha. no.' 'okay, i will ask her now.' 'hey! oh god!' 'oh no! where did she go?' sorry. yuck. no. don't take it.don't take it. it doesn't look good. no. don't take the blue one. green. perfect. perfect. excuse me.

buddy, i will callyou back in a minute. hi! what can i do for you? sorry. i thoughtyou were talking to me. it's okay. no probs. hi! how are you? what took you so long?they have been waiting for you. i'm here now.- now wrap up the work. where are they?- they are sitting inside. what is this?we have been waiting for an hour.

we could've taken two trips by now.this is not done. half an hour. - how longwill it take? - just half an hour. hurry up - it will be donein half an hour. - hurry up. don't worry.- it will be done. come with me. what's wrong?- why don't you get my hint? buddy, are you okay? - i'm great. will you tell me now? - i saw her. who? saw who?- that day in the traffic.. ..just like they show theentry of a heroine in the movies..

..don't you remember thegirl that i told you about? she. tell me more. - i followed her. then? - she wentinside a shopping mall. then what happened?- then she went into a shop. you are beating around the bush.come to the point. then i called up another number. which other number? you told me the methodyou used to impress rosy.. ..and suzie. i used the same method.

oh! that number method? yes. then she spoketo me and apologized too. really? 'that method really worked for him?he is lucky.' what is her name? she didn't tell me her name. did you take her phone number? no. - you didn't take her number? facebook,whatsapp, hyke or something else?

how and where will we find her? how long will you guys take?- i'm coming. wait a minute.i know her car number. - oh. love at first sight. wow! you fell inlove at first sight? you see the girl from a bus. then you both meetin the shopping mall. and you are alreadyin love with her. this sounds like an ancientlove story to me. - shut up.

friend! love is a garden.- what do you mean? and lovers are likeflowers in that garden. like rose, jasmine and lotus. what love! buddy, be happy. - hmm. we can go to any lengths for love. we even cancelled our trip.- i think this is crazy. it is not good to changeyour plans for a girl. but we will still go. what i mean to sayis she is a good girl.

you are very lucky. buddy, slow down.we are approaching her house. is this her house? - yes, yes, yes.please stop the car. she is the girl.she is the girl. - stop the car. reverse. reverse.reverse. go behind. go behind. are you sure she is the girl? that's the car. it is the same car. yes! let's go. back, back, back.

what happened to him? listen! - what do you want? brother, give me the tab. you want the tab? here you go. you want the tab?get lost. he wants the tab. brother, give it to me.- you listen to me. when i went to our uncle'shouse in the summer.. were born as the resultof a mistake by our parents. or else there was no chancefor you to be born. get lost.

thanks. 'i think he has gone mad.' listen! 'what happened to him?' take this too. where is my tab? - in my bag. i see. you are taking it with you? please let me take it to my school.- why? - please. are you taking itto show off before vibha?

no, i want to show itto suraj and other friends. please let me take it. suraj? doesn't he geta+ in all the subjects? - hmm. and what do you get?f? g? concentrate on your studies. he wants to show it to suraj.get lost. let me see how youwill drive your bike today. i will deflate the tires. this is the punishment fornot giving me your tab. take it. hey! stop!stop! where are you running? stop!

you donkey! i'll teachyou a lesson after you come back. same to you. mom! darn! what's the time? - 9.30. - okay. hello, muscle man!good morning! oh god! hi! - oh dear! - what's the matter? a dumbbell fell on my feet.i'm not able to walk. oh god!

do you do dieting? - some times. me too. but i forget aboutmy dieting when i'm hungry. how many days did ittake to make this six-pack? one year. that means i'll needat least fifteen years. will you have some protein water?- no, thanks. your thigh looks very solid.please let me touch it. hurry up. hurry up. buddy, help me to get in.

get in. get in. hurry up. hurry up. - push me inside. it is hard to climb the steps. hi! hi! are you talking on the phone? no, i was waiting for a bus. oh, okay.- what happened to your car? i think oil has leakedinto the carburetor. - huh? no problem. i will tryto start once again. - okay.

i told you.a problem in the carburetor. - okay. okay, bye. 'oh no, she is leaving.i have to ask her.' 'no, forget it.i will do it some other time.' okay then, bye.- where are you going? me? just here. - oh, me too.come in, i will drop you. oh, thank you. by the way, i'm tom.- oh. hi, i'm diya. hey, nice car. - i know.

redesigned in bangalore. i spent just 300,000rupees for the redesigning. the one who did it became rich. men won't be able to drive this car.they will go crazy. you know, driving is in my blood. can't you hear the horn? you ruined my day earlyin the morning. - you.. he came from the wrong side,didn't he? yes, you are right. - yes.

the driving cultureof this place is pathetic. absolutely. you know, if you reallywant to know a person's attitude.. should justobserve his driving. hey, put on the seatbelt. yes, i forgot. sorry. so, you can't drive, can you? i understood thatas soon as i saw you. one minute. - yeah, it's okay.

priya! - listen, there's a problem. why? didn't you get the tickets? i didn't get the tickets.but that's not the problem. then? - actuallythere is no one at home. where is everyone?- they all went out. they will be back tomorrow. actually sam is comingto my house now. hello! oh! uh..- hello? - priya! one minute. hello? - okay, okay.

i know you won't mind it. but you know this isthe last week of his holidays. and since there is nobody at home,this is our chance. still, i'm sorry.- okay, okay, just hang up. nothing is going tohappen as you are imagining. okay, okay, i know.i will call you later. we will go to watch amovie tomorrow. okay? - bye. bye, diya. - bye. - bye. diya will be here soon. you may go.

look, i'm very busy. i can't wait. you may go. no problem. i'll manage. sure? - sure. wait a minute. keep this bag. it has the files of my cases.i'll take it back later. why? - i will miss my flightif i go to keep the files back. which case are you working on now? divorce case of a movie star.the verdict is tomorrow. here comes diya.

hi, uncle! - hi! i'm in a hurry. i'm gettinglate for my flight. - okay, see you. see you later. - take care. shall we go, dad? - let's go. nobody else can do business here? will he decide everything? both our fathers startedthis business together. i got my share and he got his. why does he want to registerthe business on his name?

that's not possible. i workedvery hard for this business. forget about registeringthis business on his name.. ..i won't give him any shares in it. look, mr. martin!it's no use telling me all this. i'm only his lawyer.i'm here to make the documents.. ..and get your sign. that's all.i don't know anything else. then i don't have to talk to you. yes. okay, can directly talk to edger. i will come after that.

oh! so you think thati will agree to this? that won't happen.- okay. see you, martin. edger! he is refusing to sign.he is very arrogant. hey! hey! hey! wohoo! he is speeding. look at him.he is speeding. so fast. why are you speeding? - yeah! make your handprint! go! why are you speeding? yeah!

wohoo! hey! come on! stop! stop! teach him a lesson. what? wait for me. - run. run. a new chef? get me a coffee. oh wow, when did youstart reading novels, martin? i will not sign, edger.

martin, let me talk to you. - hmm. listen to me.did you read the agreement? first read will benefit from this deal. i will give you 20% profit.i'm happy with 80%. do you think this is a joke? martin, look!i'm not in the mood for jokes. the better option for you sign the papers. i have a lot of work to do.- are you in a hurry? first drink the coffee.

this book is clever too. you just need to know how to use it. edger! none of your men are capable,martin. everything is mine now. whatever is yours is mine now. my lawyer will meet you. no change. uncle, give me this bottle.

leave the bottle.i brought this from home. hi! - hi! are you going to office? come in. will you drop me to my office.. diya! - hmm? are you going to watcha movie today too? - yes. are you going with priya? - yes. hi, priya!did you reach the theater? - yes. which movie? - 'i found my hero.'

what? it is the movie ofthat hero with muscles. - yes. i won't come. i just don'tlike heroes with big muscles. yes, tell me if there's anothermovie. i will definitely come. you first come here.then we will decide. - okay. bye. were you scared? you should be in totalcontrol when you are driving. yes, priya. - hey, listen.our movie plan is cancelled. shilpa is getting her surgery done. she called me for blood.she wants b positive.

what is your blood group? my blood group is ab positive. if you know anyone thathas b positive blood group.. ..bring them to the hospital.i will meet you there. okay. do you know anybodythat has b positive blood? i'm positive,because my blood is b positive. yes. i know someone. tell me. which is the latest movie?

wait, let me see. - alright. but download a good movie. - hmm. what is going on? shiva! come here. come on, get in. b positive. 'they are making great progress.' shall we go? - okay. why did we come here?

buddy, what is going on?- yes, we are here. wait a minute. i will call her. - okay, okay. tell me. what's the matter?- come with me. diya! what's the status? - theyare preparing for the surgery now. they need blood.did you find someone? uh.. - okay, come with me. come on.

i have to donate blood? tom, give me something to eat.i'm feeling giddy. i'm very hungry.- here, eat this bun. throw that bun to the dogs.give me the oranges. i ate them.- what did i do to suffer this? listen.. - yes?- you are a very kind person. you willingly gave yourblood to a total stranger. so, what is that girl's name? her name? - name. sheelu. - sheelu?

my blood is flowingin sheelu's body now, right? of course, yes. - doesshe know that i gave her blood? it is not necessaryto tell her that. but how will i knowwhom i gave my blood to? wrong. look,after doing a good deed like this.. ..we shouldn't brag about it. yes. you are right. god won't bless us forit if we brag about it, right? yes. - can i meet her?- no, you can't meet her.

that poor girl is in the icu. here, drink this will feel better. sister! - yes?- how is that girl now? she is fine now.there's no problem now. there's no problem. tom, she is fine now. - oh, great. there's no problem.we don't need your friend's blood. huh? - okay. it is okayif you don't need it. - but.. tom, thank you so much.

for what? - for helpingme in the time of need. it's okay. any time. right? 'you rascal..' diya! - yes. tom, we both aregoing to the hostel. we have to pick up some clothes. okay, we are leaving too. let's go. -yes, let's go. - okay. 'i will see you outside.'

let's go. - hmm. tom! will they give my blood back?- don't worry about it. what do you mean by that?i gave my blood.. do you think i'm a fool? once again, thanks, tom.- it's okay. i will call you.- okay, call me. definitely call me. okay, bye. - yeah, bye. hmm. - bye. - bye. you sacrificed meto get your work done.

you gave me a bottle ofjuice for donating my blood. why did i agree to come with you? whose unlucky facedid i see this morning? and they gave me thiscotton to rub myself. she said she will call me. did you give her yourphone number? - no.. i knew didn't give it to her. okay, get the car.- which car should i get? the car..we don't have a car, do we?

you.. you have ruined my day. let's take an auto.let's go. - give that to me. i will never come with you. why are you notworking out nowadays? answer me. - i'm too tired. i had to take the bus, that's why. why didn't you take your bike? i didn't take thebike for no reason. hold it.hold it. hold it. but you like..

..salman khan and sanjay dutt. they are movie stars.and i have a lot of work to do. i know what work you have.- i will kick you. that's my son. brother, get ready quickly.take me to the stadium. i'm taking part ina painting competition. painting competition? you? tom, drop him there.the auto man didn't come today. give that to me.

my dear gracy.. - hmm? don't come so closeto me when i'm working out. i told you this so many times. don't talk likethat before the kids. do you want some? what painting are you going to make? hey! how will you go home? dad will come to pick me up. - oh. you leave. go. come on, go.

hi, vibha! - hi, uncle! i see. hi, dear!i thought you won't be coming today. 'why doesn't he go already?' okay, bye. best of luck. - thanks. 'he keeps blabbering all the time.he has no other work.' hey! - all the best! - get lost. 'i will make a paintingof us together.' thank you.

good job. so nice. very good. show me yours. very good job, dear.very nice. - nice. what's your name? - vibha. 'tell me what you think of it.' see his painting. 'what is she going to say?'

this is so cute. you didn't go home? - no. no, no. he is my brother. brother. okay. he is very cute. what is going on here? five minutes. - okay. 'say something. will youjust keep staring at each other?' what's the age differencebetween you and your brother? diya, actually thedifference is not so big.

just fifteen years. - fifteen years? he is so cute. i wantedone little brother like him. and i wanted an older sister. yup. he is very smart.- he is not smart, he is over-smart. hey, he is so cute. diya, i didn't expectto see you here. - why? your character and painting.. to be honest,i know nothing about painting. my friends are i just came and joined them.

then why did you makeme nervous for no reason? hey! - shut up. that's a nice t-shirt. - thanks. nice dress. - thanks. 'poor girl.' ma'am. - yes. sir, sugarless. - thanks. oh! a fitness freak.sugar-free and all. but i'm not a fitness freak.i just exercise regularly.

oh i see, so you don't like muscles. and that's why you arenot working out, right? - what? no, nothing. but you look good like this. sister, i want a chocolate. - okay. no, i will get one for him. what is wrong with you? - okay. sister, i want to click aphoto with you. - okay, let's do it. let's take a selfie.- yeah, sure. come.

yeah. - is that enough? - thanks. i have to go now. okay? see you. wait a minute. give me your number.i'll send the selfie. 99611.. - 11.. 00.. - 00.. 110.. - 110.. did you memorize the number? what are you talking about?

there's no need. take my number. 9747000053. okay. bye. - bye. see you. - hmm. you have her number butyou are hesitating to call her. i have never seen a manlike you in this whole world. you are such a are good for nothing. idiot. give it to me. i will call her. sit down. there's no needto do that. i will call her.

okay, call her.i will drink another beer. listen! what should i say to her? donkey! can't you say hello to her? what? - hello. useless fellow. - hello. call her. - hello. hello. hello? - you seem to havedialed an incorrect number. please check thenumber and call back. what happened? - it seemsthis number doesn't exist.

what? this number doesn't exist?how can that be? how is this possible? - let me see. there are only 9 numbers in this.- he deceived me. that's means she didn'tget any of your messages. you should do everythingin the right way. you came here withjust 9 numbers. donkey. buddy, what do we do now? there's one way.first type those 9 numbers.. ..and try all thenumbers in the last slot.

one of the numbers will be hers. how? - try it. - but how? give me the phone.let's start with 1. shafi! shafi! is diya there? - not anymore. it was somebody let's add 2. let's see. hello! - hello! it's a girl.

hello, is this diya's number? who do you want? - we want diya. i'm not diya. but you cancall me that if you like that name. i'm a bit busy now. i'm sorry. she had a very sweet voice.- give me the phone. this is not going to work out.- it will work out. shut up. even if it works out, it isnot good to call her at this hour. we are men.we should not be scared of anything.

shut up. - if you behave like this,you will never call her. you are a coward. i'm still waiting for the picture. huh? i'm still waitingfor the picture? look, she texted me.i got a text from her. told you. we just hadto figure out the last number. show me the number. zero. even zero is a number.we forgot to add zero. great! zero, one, two, three..your work is done.

coming soon. coming soon. did she reply? jerry is so cute. jerry is so cute. jerry is so you too reply to her text. and send this smiley with it.okay? your work is done. he is my brother after all. she will definitely reply to'll see. she will. she will. she sent such a cute smiley.what's wrong? do one thing.send her that smiley showing teeth.

these are our personal talks.why are you interfering? i'm just helping you.- shut up. - listen to me. listen.. nobody can help you. going to sleep? smiley. yeah, going to sleep. - what work? painting competition?dog show? cat show? engagement? she is getting engaged? she is getting engaged.

she didn't tell me.- you didn't tell me. sorry, forgot. k drink this.this will lessen your sorrow. 32 calories in 100 ml, sothat makes 208 calories in a bottle. if you count numbers in everything.. will you get a girl?- get lost. may god bless this couple! amen. listen! we will wishthem after the wedding..

..then eat food and leave. okay? please don't do anydrama there. got it? maybe you can get togetherwith one of her friends. anyway, where is the groom from?- shut up. do you want to marry mr.alfred joseph and.. ..catherine's son victorand accept him as your husband? i do. - he is gone. do you want to marry mr.fernandes and helena's.. ..daughter priya and accepther as your wife? - i do.

did he say priya? - yeah. victor joseph, son of alfredjoseph from borivali and.. ..priya fernandes,daughter of fernandes from malad. does anyone hereobject to this marriage? yes, i object. side please. hey, he looks familiar. yes. and that girl is not her. if that girl is not her,where is diya?

we've been in a relationshipfor the past three years. nobody in this worldcan separate us. we left behind love and traditions. you promised toleave this world and.. ..come with me to another world. nobody can separate you and me. i think i came tosomeone else's wedding. you definitely cameto someone else's wedding. i came to the wrong place.

is he mad? she is not the girl i love. carry on. enjoy yourselves. beat him! where are you running to? stop! you need a lesson!stop! how dare you! does anyone elseobject to this wedding? oh dear, i was so scared.he was crazy, wasn't he? why are you smiling? no, i thought youare getting engaged.

ah, i knew you would think that. that's why i didn'texplain it to you. why so? - simply. hello! change your mind or else.. will have toface many more crazy men. i haven't met any crazyman like that till now. i wonder if someone likethat will ever come into my life. how do i say how much i love you?

how do i say thati'm crazy about you? my heart loves youwithout any boundaries. you are in every breath i take. i cannot live without you.i miss you every moment. you are my destination, my heart chose you. you are my companion, my soul-mate. we've been togetherin all our past lives. i feel i have conqueredthe world ever since i met you. all my dreams cametrue after getting you.

i want nothing more. you are my are my boat. you are my god. my love is true.nobody can separate us. i fly in the skies of love now. i'm not myself have cast a spell on me. do you want more? - hmm. dad! diya. tom, diya calling. diya? who is she?

come to me next me. son, do you wantmore flat bread? - no. hello! - why areyou panting so much? do you exercise at night too? no. i came out for privacy? why? don't you haveprivacy in your room? i do, but my little brothercan come at any time for my tab. diya, did you have dinner?- yes, and you? yes, i had dinner.- actually.. - what?

nothing, nothing.i'll tell you tomorrow. what will you tell me tomorrow? let's meet tomorrow.same place. good night. - hey.. same place. the moon is so beautiful. yes, the moon is beautiful. - hmm. she was just a 16 year old trapped her. it is difficult to get away with it. i know that well. that'swhy i asked you for a solution.

that's why i'm so disturbed.i want this case closed. i will take care of everything else. do you know anythingabout her evidence? i know that she has medical reports. she has written somethingabout me in her diary too. the medical reportsare not a problem. but the diary writtenby her is a problem. that diary is the onlyproof of that girl's death. we need that.- will i be safe if i get the diary?

let's see what happensafter you get that. where is edger? - he is in that car. does he always use that car? he uses other cars buthe is attached to this car. why is he attachedto such an old car? would you like to meet him? no, i'll call you later. - okay. see you. - okay. want some?

hmm. - huh? i got a call from your home. your father's state is critical.he wants to meet you. why should i meet him? he is your father, edger.let the bygones be bygones. he is dying.he wants to see you before he dies. now he wants to show love? why didn't he showlove to me in the past? you know the situation very well.come, get in.

want some? - no, you eat. hey.. sit in the car. that side. edger! edger! no, no, i will talk to him. yes, i will call youup after talking to him. it was mary on the phone.she was with him. she said that he diedin a peaceful manner. - hmm.

i want that boy and girl. we have his car number. we can find him with that, right? did you see it? - you saw it. i don't know.what about you? - i didn't see it. we'll recognize the car.we will find him, boss. he is not so powerfulthat he can stand against us. i want them both beforethis car is repaired. hi! - hi, tom! how are you?

i'm fine. what's the matter? i hope yesterday's incidentwon't create any problems. diya, just forget it. forget it. no, will it create anyother problems? - forget it. okay. - when can we meet? evening? - evening.okay, let's meet in the evening. okay. - alright then, okay.bye. - bye. this is goan special. goan special? - isn't it tasty?i told you it will be tasty.

guys! - yes? what happened? - nothing happened. tell us. - nothing happened, buddy. dude, come eat this. come. - sure. it is a goan cake.we got it for you from goa. it's delicious. - really?- it's awesome, man. try it, man. i'll wash my hands first. come soon, or we will finish it. why didn't tom come yet?did they come for him?

hey, i hope tom didn'tget into any trouble. they barged insidewithout asking anything. but who are they?- do you know edger? yes. - they are his men. what are they doing here? maybe they came toget his car repaired. but why will so many peoplecome to get a car repaired? forget them, buddy. eat the cake. give me more cake.

they are you can eat. come on, eat. very tasty. yes, mom? tom calling. i'll reject it. he is calling again. i'll reject it. i rejected your call.why are you calling again? hi, diya! - hi! i saw jerry whilei was going this way. so i thought of meeting him.

mom, she is diya. my friend. yes, we have met. - you've met? diya, did you see our house?- i showed her. my room..- i showed her that too. - oh no.. tom, what will you drink?milk or boost? i want boost. how is your injury?- just a small scrape. diya, where is the car? i left it at home.i was scared to bring it out.

why? why are you scared?i'm here with you. boost is over. drink milk for now. so, did you completeyour graduation? - yes, mba. why didn't you apply for a job? still waiting for certificates.then i'll find a job. mba is good.he did b tech but it is of no use. he works in a workshop. - mom! i'm an automobileengineering consultant. oh! - yes, whatever.

auntie, i'll leave now.- are you leaving? i'm getting late. that's why. visit us often, dear. - okay. diya, how did you come?- i came in an auto. i'll manage. no, i'll drop you at the auto stand. mom, i will.. - okay, son. okay, shall we go? - hmm. oh no, i left my phone with jerry.- i'll bring it. jerry, give me the phone.give it to me.

i won't. i won't. - jerry, you dog! here's your phone. - jerry! thanks. - thank you. so sweet. what are you doing? he is very naughty.- no, he is so cute. - okay. tom! - yes? hmm? okay, go. diya, where does your friend live? huh? she.. she lives there.

there? - yes. okay, she lives there. let's go. i told you tom will be here.his girl is with him. you are here?come here. just one minute. come. just a minute. - come on. why aren't you answering your phone? what's wrong?i didn't hear my phone ring. did you get intoa fight with someone? edger's men were searching for you.did you beat him up?

he hit diya. so i beat him up.why? what happened? do you know who you beat up?you beat up edger. who edger? - look at him.he doesn't know edger. have you lost it?you don't know him? buddy, we are in big trouble. his men are searchingfor diya's car. thank goodness theydon't know her car number. but they know thecar color and its model. what do we do?- shall we hide her car?

yes, that's a good idea. but why do we have to hide it? you are an idiot. diya willbe in trouble if they find her car. listen, let's hidediya's car in her house. no, let's hide it in stephen'sgarage. - yes, that's better. thank you, buddy.- nice thinking. very good. come with me. what's the matter, tom? - actually.. let me explain.your car is badly damaged. - oh.

we can get it repairedin our friend's garage. let's take it there.- i hope it is not a problem. not at all.- it will be less expensive too. i'll miss you. diya - hmm? go in and get the car keys.we won't come in. why? why don't you come in? did we come here before? - shut up. we'll come some other time.there's no time now.

they will close the workshop. - hmm. what time stephen closes the shop? stephen will be theretill 10 pm, right? yes, he'll be there till 10 pm. then you have a lot of time.come in for five minutes. you can meet my father too. why did you wantto leave immediately? is there a problem?- shut up. - please sit. look, your father in law is coming.

dad, he is tom. hi! - hi! - i will bring tea. sit down.- thank you, sir. - thank you. a total mismatch. thegirl is so beautiful and he is.. maybe she got herlooks from her mother. oh no, this is a wrong match.- what? i mean it will be an inter-castemarriage. - yes, that's right. he is looking at us.- what's the matter? nothing. we haven't met, so..

oh. diya told me about tom.who are you both? uncle, i'm tony.he is shiva. - i'm shiva. why did you come together? uncle, actually we cameto take diya's car for repairing. did you see the car's state? the poor car hasto endure her driving. actually,that is not diya's car. - huh? it is my car. - you modified the car? - yes. that means you are crazy about cars.

not cars, i'm crazy about traveling. i was a vagabond. oh. vaga mount. we have been there. vagabond.i loved going to new places. oh, we do a lot of tripping. shiva loves tripping too.- yes, he is right. get up. - huh? come. get up. - get up, man.

maybe he wants to showus something. - come. i think his old memoriesare hung on the wall. come on. - am i right? look! rajasthan in 1975. and kashmir in 1980. - oh. then dehradun.there i met this old lady. - doll? will you shut up? - old lady. diya's mother.- were you very adventurous? dad, did you start troublingthem with questions?

tom, this was my car.but i had to sell it. there is no problemin the present car, right? performance is good. - yes. but the color is not so i right? - yes, a little. it is a good color.what's wrong with it? it is good,but it is a girlish color. really? - yes. am i right? yes, absolutely.- right? - you are right. you think so? - yes, i think so.

if you want we can change the color. you drive.- no, i won't. - you drive. you were right. - shut up. do one thing.change the color. pick a good color. take these.- okay, uncle. we'll change it. black color will look good.- yes, that's right. - black? it will look fantastic ifwe put two skulls in the front. no, don't do that.just black will do. - okay. okay, uncle.we'll take the car with us. - hmm.

tom, we'll take the drop them. - let's go. it took us so long.- we are finally here. oh no! this place is a mess. what do you want? - weare here to get the car repaired. i understood that.but what is all this? actually we got hungry on the, we bought food. didn't you eat food? - no. have you lost it? - what's wrong? you should've eaten some food first.

you think i'm a small child? why? you should eatfood when you are hungry. don't you understand that?- stop it now. here he is. - who is he? this is tom's friend's car.don't you know tom? how will i know him? and who is this joker with you? he is tony. he works with me. tom, he is stephen.

stephen! - yes? the car needs some work. and we want to changethe color to black. i can do it will look good too. we want a rich look. do you want the colorto be matt or glossy? glossy will be expensive. glo.. glo.. - matt. the front looks empty.we can put skulls in the front.

it will look good.- no, we don't want skulls. no, no, we don't want them. you don't want skulls?- no. okay, i won't put them. will you break it? you are always careless.i'll stop being lenient. first pay me my salary.then i will do as you say. you are always abusing me. why did you go silentwhen i mentioned my salary? it will take four daysto finish all the work.

saturday,sunday, monday and tuesday. you'll get it on wednesday. okay? no problem.the car got damaged in a fight.. we thought thatapart from getting repaired.. ..the car will becompletely safe here. there was a fight?- yes, nothing major.. you go. - okay. - go on. okay. go on. - let's go quickly. come on. - you too.

he is a weird man.he says weird things. let me go. - get out, joker. i liked him. shiva! what do we do with these? take it home and stuff your mouth. he is asking mewhat to do with food. why are you still here? is this thomas's house? didn't you read the board outside?

what does it say? does thomas sir stay here? don't you get it?this is not his house. we were told that this is the house. where is the damaged car? listen, nobody namedthomas lives here. go that side and ask. do you stay here alone? i can't see any children at home.

why? don't you get it?get out of here! go! let's go. tom! - huh? where did we first meet? we met each otherin the mall, right? no, i had seen you before that. where are you walkingaway with my heart, my darling? it is raining. shower all your love on me. drench me completely with your love.

you are the desire of my heart. you are the intoxication of first love. every moment of my life is filled with you. every breath of mine is filled with you, my darling. my crazy heart beats only for you. you have made me crazy for your love. you have robbed my peace of mind. where are you walking away with my heart, my darling? you are the reason for my living.

you are my morning and my night. you occupy all my thoughts and dreams. you are my questions and all my answers, my darling. love me and accept my love. i have loved you more than myself. let me dwell in your heart. wow, she is hot.- stop talking rubbish. what happened after that?she kissed me. what? kissing is not a big deal.don't be so shy.

will you do everythingafter marriage? - of course. what? you are an idiot.this is 2016 man. grow up. oh no! your dad is coming. did you pay the electric bill? yes, i paid it.the receipt is inside. where is the rest of the money? rest of the, i forgot to return the money. every time you sit here.. ..there's a differenceof one or two thousand rupees.

that's right. that's right. what? - no, tom must haveforgotten about it, uncle. he is not so oldas to forget things. hmm? who are those menstanding there? - hmm? i've been noticing themhere for a couple of days. these are the same peoplethat came to the garage. dad! - huh? - there's a problem. hello! i reached. where are you?

i'm on the other side. come here. why did you call me here?we could've met at home. because i wanted toclick a photo with you here. okay, okay, i'm coming. i'm here. - where? - here! tom! don't be scared. come to me. get the car! go home.don't think about what happened.

tom, dad is not at with me until he comes home. where did he go? dad's colleague died in an accident. i told you about das uncle,remember? dad went to his funeral. tom! those men will come back. they will not leave us alone. we should talk to themand come to a compromise. diya, don't be scared.i'm with you. - hmm.

i want some water. - hmm. hello! - hello! where are you? i'm at diya's house.there was a problem. yes, i know.they came to our workshop. they were asking for diya's address. look, diya is not safe there. get out of there assoon as possible. okay? hello! hello? was there a problem? - no, i'm fine.

did you see his face clearly? one man's face.- alright, which car did he come in? a black scorpio.- did you note down the number? actually, noting the numberwouldn't have helped much. it must be a fake number. but there's no doubtthat they are edger's men. they were not. huh? but they came to thehotel and followed you.

if they are not his men,who else can they be? buddy, if they were edger's men,they would take me. yes, but..what will we tell her dad? her dad is not at home right now. he will be back this evening. we should bring diyahome before he returns. it is very difficult to find them.let's file a police complaint. that would be better. let's go. that car.. - huh?

..comes to our scorpio. it had our logo on it.- are you sure? yes. - then let's goand find out whose car it is. hello, sir!- where is she? - inside, sir. did she say anything?- she doesn't know anything, sir. but there's no need to worry.we'll get the file by evening. don't worry, sir. - hmm. do you know me? i'm a policeman. i will let you go ifi get what i'm looking for.

i don't know got the wrong person. i've played many gamesto reach this level. there are many casesfiled against me. and i've been suspended from my job. it is really difficultfor me to get my job back. if i don't set this right now,i will lose my job. let me inform you this.the lawyer that died.. ..was your father's friend. where is the filethat he left with you?

he didn't give us any file. i'm sure there issome misunderstanding. please let me go. please. but that lawyer saidsomething else before dying. he said that he gavethe file to your dad. try to remember it properly. okay? in the meanwhile i'll askyour dad if he knows anything. where is his dad?- he is downstairs, sir. don't keep them together.- okay, sir.

take her somewhere else.- okay, sir. tom, did you find that place? once you reach the colony,take the first left. and tom, please be careful.they are dangerous people. okay? did you reach or no? i reached. - okay, take care. okay, i will call later. - okay. it is your careful. okay? - okay. see you later.

who are you? - where is diya? oh, that girl? hey, go. catch him!kill him! kill him! you rascal!i told you not to hit me! don't beat me. let me go. he is inside. he is inside. he is inside. go.

uncle! uncle? where is diya?- i don't know where she is. give me my stick. it is there. sir, please tell him not to beat me. i'm in a lot of pain. sir, please.. - where is diya? sir, the acp took her. shut up!

who were they?why did they kidnap you? they.. they want the file.i forgot to take it from the car. do you know where the car is? diya told me that you know about it. it is in stephen'sworkshop for repairing. i told them about it. they said they will leavediya after they find the file. will there be a problemif they get the file?

that acp raped some poor girl. and that file containsproofs against the acp. when i went to advocatedas's funeral.. ..his junior lawyertold me about it. the acp will get away withthe crime if he finds the file. what happened?- drop uncle at my house. i will go talk to my dad.did you call up stephen? yes, i called him up.he kept the bag aside. go take it. okay. - tom!

uncle, don't worry.i will bring diya back. take him home. you were going to giveme the car in two days. it has been two weeks.did you find the fault or not? you are asking me as ifyou told me to find gold. - huh? let me repair the car.go to the police station. repair my car today.i'll take it with me. my friend is here. i willtalk to him for two minutes. - hmm. shiva called me. i hangedthe bag inside. go in and take it.

he came to ask for money, sir. - oh. his friends forgotsome of their things here. repair my car quickly. - i'm on it. sir! this is the car, isn't it? where did it go? he wasn't my friend.i just know him. that's all. many policemen areinvolved in this case. now they will torture stephen and.. ..he will give them my details.

he won't do that.and he doesn't know your address. but you know. oh my god! they will ask me. don't go to yourhouse for a few days. hello! - tom! who is it? - listen! thefile in your hands belongs to me. when and where canyou bring it to me? who was it? whenever you are discussingsomething important..

..the signals don't i right? it wasn't the signals.i cut the call. buddy, who was it? - i'll tell you. hello! - hello? hello, tom? diya? - give it to me. - tom! if you don't bring the file to me,i will kill her. what will you do if i don't come? you will not get thisfile even if you kill her. i have something that you, don't threaten me.

now listen to what i'm going to say. bring diya to the place i tell you.- hmm, okay. i will give you the file. let me take your photo. lawyer! i need your help. okay, sir.i will call up, sir. okay? you cut my call and thoughtyou were being a hero. he was bargaining with me. remember that i will kill her.

now tell me where the file is.- where is diya? look, if you had donewhat i asked you to do.. ..your girl would'vebeen with you now. but you acted like some big hero. i think you don't know who i am. anyway,your scheme is very outdated. tom, i'm back. give the file to theacp and come to my den. i'm waiting for you. diyais with me and your brother too.

dad! jerry.. - they tookhim before i reached his school. edger kidnapped him.what does he want? he asked me to come to him. hmm. tom,it means he is challenging you. answer him and comeback home with your brother. give the file to me. i spared your lifebecause you are just a kid. but he is know him, don't you? he is very powerfuland he has a lot of men.

he can do anything. you can't win against him, son. why do you play with fire? because i like the thrill. you like the thrill?- sir! sir! don't do that, sir. you rascal.. - sir, please.edger will handle him, sir. let go off me. i will kill him.- sir! come on, let's go. he plays with fire becausehe likes the thrill. brother!beat up that man with long hair!

let him go.- wait for some time. let sir come. maybe he doesn't want the girl. you are right.he doesn't want the girl. we'll keep the girl.but first let's teach him a lesson. we've been waiting totake revenge for that day. do you have enough men? let's give him a trailof what he will experience. catch him. brother, save me!

brother! hurry up! brother! brother! save me! brother! - jerry! - brother! brother! brother, look behind. no, let me go.tell him not to do that. don't beat me. i have piles, son. why did you beat me? take this! oh, you are leaving?don't you want this girl?

i don't want her. i just want you. it's not just about my car, tom. i didn't have a goodrelationship with my father. i didn't understand one thing. did he like me or not? i don't know. we haven't spoken for many years. when my father was on his deathbed.. ..everyone told meto meet him one last time.. that his soulcan rest in peace.

so i was going to meetmy father for the last time.. ..but i couldn't reachhim on time because of you both. my father died. and afterhis death i found out that.. ..he had donated halfof my wealth to some charity. i couldn't do anything about it. so i've suffered agreat loss because of you. you can never compensate for it. i wanted you because thatwould give me satisfaction. that would be enough.

my heart will feel muchbetter after i kill you. you are going to up your parents and tell them.. won't be coming back. i promised my dadthat i will come home. to be very honest,i had underestimated you. and you hurt my ego when you hit me. a common man like youhit me and walked away. i couldn't bear that. for a few momentsmy men must've thought..

..that you are better than me. that's why i wantedto finish you before them. i won't be at peaceuntil i kill you. - jerry! brother! get up, brother! oh, will he get up if you call him? call him! wow! now i will have fun. jerry! tom! i can't find jerry.

you are very attached toyour father's car, aren't you? it's not just about my girl. you can come searchingfor me any time you want. i'm going home. tom! i will make you pay for it. i told you that my brotherwill thrash everyone. hey! - what? i want to beat him up.- shut up. let's go home. did you enjoy getting beaten up?- enough now.

what's wrong?- i think we have a flat tire. how do you know?- i will check, sir. it is a flat tire, sir. what? i changed the tires yesterday. it is completely flat, sir.- what a nuisance! lawyer! - yes, sir? you took the file, didn't you?- yes. i took it, sir. you are safe now. but pleasedon't repeat this mistake. sir! someone placedthis under the tire.

what? take a look.- who could've done this? hold this. come on, hold it. what do you want? sir, give us that bag. give it, sir. laughing won't help. who are you? are you their leader? yes. my name is stephen.angry stephen. check the wanted listdated five to six years ago. you will surely find my name.

are you threatening me? - yes. sir! he has a didn't tell me about it. he is a policeman. he'll have a gun. shiva! will you buryme if i die today? don't worry.let him fire the gun first. what's wrong? are you scared? acp sir! they are just rats. why do you want to kill them?

isn't that a service revolver, sir? you've never used it.will it really fire a bullet? stephen! stephen! what's happening? stephen! stephen! get up, stephen! why did you do that? - stephen!stephen! stephen! my brother! he is created a new problem. you got yourself into a new case.. ..even before you couldget out of the old one. i didn't fire the gun.

how did he die ifyou didn't shoot him? that's what i don't understand. stephen! he is not bleeding. why are you talking about blood?he is dead. stephen! stephen! get up. get up, my brother. we are trapped. - is he dead? don't kill me. i did nothing. hey! get up!

i don't think this is goingto be a big problem for us. i didn't shoot him. - let's go. how did this happen? you killed my brother stephen. he took me in wheni was little and raised me. you rascal! time is up. who is he? what is his problem?

wow! there is no blood at all. what happened to this man? i beat him. shiva, my child.i'm really proud of you. stephen,does that mean you didn't die? no. i heard a voice. you got scared of a sound? you clown,i will show you who gets scared. calm down, brother.

this rat saved your life today. call me shiva. you were brilliant today.i'm proud of you, my child. thank you. - let's go now. stephen, we'll take thefile and go straight to.. ..the commissioner's office.we'll give the file to him. what should we do about that man?- let him relax. hello! tom!

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