Free Business Credit Reports Online

[music playing] hi. marvin augustin with startlogic. startlogic haspartnered up with google to help american businessesget online with a free website.

Free Business Credit Reports Online

Free Business Credit Reports Online, if you went to inthe past to create a website, then you used homestead. now, you'll be using startlogic. the startlogic siteexpresso web builder

is mobile responsive, whichmeans if someone accesses your website with a mobiledevice, a tablet or mobile, then it'll easily adjustthe size and position to better view your website. so let's get started. here is our agenda. today, i'm goingto show you all how to create a startlogic account. upon creating astartlogic account,

we're going to talk aboutpicking the style and color. from there we're going to talkabout customizing the website further, grabbing a domainname, and then publishing. and then we're going totalk about website tracking. now, i've done over 100 eventsfor getting your business online with google and, ifyou recall, and you attended these events, then i've toldyou that this is a classroom and you need to take notes, payattention, and ask questions. just because we're on video,remember, i can still see you.

so please do takenotes and follow along. so here we go. so now, you want togo to click on the getting startedbutton on the top right. from there, you want to goto build your website link. once you're doneclicking on that, then you want to go tocreate your free website. when you click oncreate you website, the next step is to agree to theterms of service on startlogic

and then sign in with google. once you sign inwith google, you're officially in thestartlogic account. you want to createa security question, and enter a securityanswer, and then hit submit. from there, you'll be waitingfor a few moments for it to load, and then you'llclick on ready set build. the moment you hiton ready set build, you'll be taken to thebusiness questionnaire.

now this is where the nuts andbolts of the program begins. so now you want to enter yourbusiness name, business phone number, business address,and where you're located. we're going to takethis information to better optimize your websiteand easily place information that you've alreadyplaced in there. this is what makesthe site expresso web builder with startlogicso easy to use and create a new website.

we're generatingthis website tool for novices like you, who'venever built a website before. so please do take advantage. so once you're doneentering that information, the next step is tochoose your industry, then select the purposeof your website. we have three options. you go products,services, and/or both. go ahead and chooseone of those,

and the next step is to enternearby cities and regions that you service. do keep in mind thatwhatever you enter here, please don't reiterate whatyou entered as far as your city and town in thebeginning of the form. so do make a note that. when you're done, go aheadand click on continue. now we're going to talkabout choosing a style. now, depending uponwhich purposes you chose,

you'll see respectivestyles that better fit thatbusiness purpose. go ahead and pick a styleand it'll automatically update within thesite expresso tool, then we want to talk aboutchoosing a background color for your website. now, at events inormally ask businesses to think about the logo colorsin order to choose a website. and the last event i didin maui, which was awesome.

loved being there. i spoke to a smallbusiness owner named kenny. kenny's business wasbasically helping plants grow more efficiently. his colors were,believe it or not, red, white, blue,with a touch of green. so just think aboutit for a moment. if you had thosecolors in your logo, which color schemewould you choose?

white. white is the safest color tochoose because it doesn't clash with that logo color andit automatically blends in. so when you're thinking aboutwhat color scheme to go with, choose a color scheme thatgoes best with your logo. once you're done,we're going to move on to actually settingup your header. your header setup isdirectly underneath where it says style and color.

go ahead and double clickunderneath style and color where it says header and thedialogue box will appear. from there, you want toenter in the business name and even upload a logo. so you can upload a logo,and enter business name, and then directlyunderneath that, you can decide whether or notyou want to show both, or just show thebusiness name or logo. when you're done, hit ok.

now we're going to move iton to actually customizing your website. here, you want todouble click the hero image to enter your own image. if you don't have yourown image, don't worry. we actually have ahuge image library that allows you to choosefrom tons of images that are high definition and arecompatible with the website. so do take advantage ifyou don't have your own.

if you do have your own, youclick on upload your own image. and you'll be good to go. now, a couple of things to keepin mind when entering an image. there are three compatibleimage file extensions that work best with thesite expresso website. those are .png, .gif, and .jpg. if you do not have oneof those extensions, you can easily convert it. also what you need toknow is that, if you

have a large imagethat you're uploading, it's going to take too longfor your pages to load. i'm going to tell you right now,if marvin goes to your website and it's taking too long toload, i'm going to leave. and you don't wantthat to happen. so here are my suggestions. keep your images underthe following parameters. one of them is pixels. so i would recommend stayingwithin 500 by 500 pixels.

another way to measureimage sizes is kilobytes. i would stay withinthe kilobytes and the low kilobytes. and the last way tomeasure images is dpi. and i would recommendstaying at or below 72 dpi. now like i said earlier, it'simportant to jot down notes. so i hope you jotthat down as well. the next thing and last thingi want to mention about images is that your images nowcan also be optimized.

if you can recall, whenever yousave an image to your computer that you've taken, it's going tosave that image as a file name with a series ofnumbers and letters. you don't want that to happen. so do yourself a favor. when you save with yourcomputer and before uploading it to your website in siteexpresso, name that image. name your image respective tothat image for your products or services.

keep in mind, youdon't want any spaces, and it can run straight through. now let's move on. now we're going to talk abouthow you can use our image library, because imentioned that earlier. pretty easy. we already have aname for your images already set by defaultbecause of the questionnaire that you answered earlier.

so at this point, you cansearch for that image there, or you can remove thatand type in the image that you're searching for. go ahead and find it, pickit, and you can easily add it to your website. moving on. let's talk about adding text. now, i want to stopfor a second and talk about this, becausethis is very, very

important for your website. if you want to betteroptimize your website, it is important to have content. content is very, very key. and here is a short story. i look like a healthyguy and i would hope that you wouldfeel the same. and i do try to beas healthy as i can. and, believe it or not, ido try to cook for myself.

and i was in themarket for cookware. and my choices were stainlesssteel and cast iron. when i searchedthe web on cookware to find out what wasbetter for me health-wise, i found two websitesthat popped up on the first page ofthe search engines. believe it or not, they hadthe word cookware at least 11 to 15 times withintheir website. that's important to adda keyword associated

with your product orservices within your content. now i know some of you maystruggle with adding content, because i know i do. so we've alreadythought about that in creating site expresso, sowe have a text builder for you. double click to add text. what'll happen next is youwill see write text for me, which i would use, oryou can write your own. it's up to you.

so let's talk about how it workswhen we write text for you. choose write text for meand then hit continue. next you'll be asked tochoose one of two services that you're known for. so, one example is that youhave high quality products. next, you'll be asked howyou refer to your customers. do you refer to them as clients? or do you refer tothem as customers? choose that.

when you're done, hit next. the very last step is to entera short description of what customers likeabout your business. this is important because thisis how you separate yourself from other businessowners on the web. so enter in what customerslike about your business in about one or two sentences. if you don't know what customerslike about your business, then enter in whatwould you like

them to like aboutyour business. from there, you hit continue. and the last couplesteps is to decide if you want toshowcase that text in casual form or a formal form. you also have the abilityto customize that text. once you're done decidingthat, you hit use this text. and then, voila. it's automatically placedwithin your website.

here's anotherrecommendation that you would want to jot down. we recommend that youhave at least 250 words within your home page and 100words within your next two pages. again, like i said,the search engines like adequate content andthis is your way to do it. let's talk aboutthe other elements that you can alsoadd to your website.

you'll notice thatall the elements will be placed in white. they're not active. in order to activate them,you'll need to double click. so remember, toactivate an element, you want to double click. and i want to talk abouttwo elements that you all should use within your website. the first one iwant to talk about

is a call to action element. a call to action on thewebsite is important because you're telling thevisitor exactly what you want them to do when theyget to your website. whether it is you wantthem to buy an item, or fill out a form forthem to contact you. our call to action element,once you double click it, will prompt you to setup an email for contact. it'll prompt you to call.

or you can prompt it toset up and show an address. your choice. so that's one that everyoneshould have within the website. the other one i want totouch on is the coupon. the coupon is great becauseit helps visitors come back to your website and italso helps with conversion. so you can definitelydouble click the coupon and say, for example, if i hada yoga studio, we'll give you 10% off a yogasession, for example.

so definitely use thosetwo, at the very least, within your website. let's just say you'veadded an element that you no longer want to use. no problem click onthat element and then there'll be a resetbutton on the very top for you to remove it. now we're going tomove on to adding more pages to your website.

adding pages is very simple. to the very leftof where it says style, that wealready worked on, you'll noticeit'll say add page. so go ahead and clickon page, or add page, next to where it says page,and you'll see a drop down. and in that drop down,you'll have the option to add additional pages. you'll notice that you cananywhere from a service

page, a testimonial page,or even an about page. it's your choice. also keep in mind that youcan also change the page names and descriptions withineach page that you create. so when you've alreadyadded that page, click on the addpage option and then you'll see a little pencil. click on that penciland a dialog box will appear where you canenter in a separate page

name and a page description. now we're going tomove on to publishing. before we talk aboutpublishing, i'm going to add another storyand a question for you all. once you publishyour website, we all know the search engineswill spider your website and add your website to thedatabase based on your content. and from there, you'llbe at the last couple pages of the search results.

now here's a question for you. how long does it take toget to the first three we don't know the answer. in recent events i'veheard two weeks, which is pretty dramatic, andi've also heard six months. but the true answeris we don't know. but i can tell you, itdoes take some time. and i've seen peopleand small businesses being afraid of beingpublished because they think

someone is goingto see the website. i can tell you all right now,the moment you hit publish, no one will see your website,unless you've given them the direct address to it. so again, don't beafraid to publish. now let's talkabout what happens after you click on thepublish and preview option. once you click on that, it'llbe on the far right hand side. it'll say publish and preview.

from there, you'll see aversion of your website both in the desktop versionand in the mobile version. if i didn't mentionthis earlier, the startlogic logicsite expresso web builder is mobile responsive. and so you want to take alook at how your website will look in the mobile version andmake the necessary changes. make sense? awesome.

once you're done previewing it,go ahead and click on publish. and then you'll see-- anotherdialog box will appear. it'll say, "congratulations,your website has been published. would you like toregister a domain name?" if you know what you wantas far as your domain name, go ahead and clickon yes to continue. from there, you'll betaken to a screen that allows you to plugin a domain name.

now a couple of things to notewhen registering a domain name. in this examplethat i have shown, the domain name saysstasia's bakery. now the recommendationhere is to include a product or a service,as far as a key word that you provide withinyour domain name. in this example,stasia has a bakery. so if i were lookingfor a bakery online, guess what i would typein the search results?

i would type in bakery. see what i did there? that's the example thati want to show you. and so when you arecreating a domain name, you want to makesure that it includes a keyword, like i've said,associated with a product or service. now, one more thing to note. your domain nameshouldn't be too long,

because if it's toolong, it's going to be too long toremember, and no one's going to remember togo to your website. so i would suggest keeping yourdomain name within three words. anything longer thanthat, like i said, is too long to remember. when you're done enteringthat domain name, click on claim your domainname, right underneath. from there, it'll showyou all the domain names

that are availablefor you to register. your domain name that you lookfor will show on the very top, if it's available. go ahead and click on it. if it's not available, it'llshow alternate extensions or even other versionsof that domain name. if it is there, goahead and click on it. and click on claim. from there, thevery last step is

to incorporate yourcredit card information. now, you get a free year usingstartlogic site expresso. that is true. the reason that we're askingfor your credit card information is we want to makesure your domain name is protected against fraud. which means, if someone wereto contact startlogic and want to move or changethat domain name, they'd have to provethat they own it.

and the best way to dothat is the person's going to be paying for it. the second reason we promptyou for that information is to assure your domain nameis renewed automatically the following year. any domain name that's notrenewed on its renewal date will be released back tothe public within 80 days and we want to make surewe avoid that for you. cool.

once you're done answeringthat information, go ahead and clickon register now. from there, you're all set. couple final stepsto decide on is if you want emailwith your domain name. so for example, an email for that would if you want to do that, it'sonly an extra $2.00 a month. the other thing thatyou want to decide on

is if you want domain privacy. what domain privacyis, is that it blocks your personal informationfrom the public database. every domain namein existence is in a public databasecalled whois. and if you don't have whatis called domain privacy, your personal informationwill be shown. i don't know aboutyou all, but i don't want my personalinformation public,

because then i'm subject totelemarketers and spammers. so if you want to avoidthat, go and check the box to protect yourpersonal information. if you don't care for it,just leave it unchecked. and then click on register now. then you're pretty much done. your domain willpropagate within 24 hours. now we want to go backinto site expresso. so choose the link that saystake me back to site expresso.

now we're going to talk abouthow to access your website. pretty simple. on the very top of thesite expresso program, it'll say controlpanel on the top right. click on control panel. once you're done, you'llbe in the control panel, and then right underneath,you'll see site expresso. click on site expresso. and it'll take you right backto where we just came from.

so whenever you log backin, you go to control panel, and you click onthat site expresso. to log back, you're goingto go to and on the startlogic.comwebsite page, you're going to click on login. now, we all created our accountsusing our google account. so therefore, themoment you get to login, there will be a button thatsays sign in with google. go ahead and click onthat, so therefore you

don't have to rememberan extra pass code. now let's talk aboutour help center. how to get help after today. when you're in thecontrol panel or even when you're in thesite expresso program, you can click on onlinehelp, right above where it sayspublished and preview. once you click on that, it'llshow you our help mechanisms. we have our knowledge base.

we have a user guide. we have access to chat support,so you can chat with us. we also have thesubmissions of tickets, so you can even send us aticket with your question that you have. we can also supportyou by phone. our 800 number is 800-725-8064. feel free to call thatnumber for questions. or even add additionalitems like pages,

or even sending online,or on your website. now let's talk aboutwebsite tracking. i'm going to show you all how toconnect your websites to google analytics and webmaster tools. now, this isimportant, because you want to make sure you knowhow your website is doing on an ongoing basis to makenecessary changes to improve you website's performance. that's like pluggingin an ekg all your body

and getting a messageon how your body is doing on a regular basis. this is so importantand i would recommend that every oneassociates their websites to webmaster toolsand google analytics. if you agree,here's how it works. you're going to goto the site expresso from the control panel. from there, you'll see on thetop right, underneath publish

and preview, website statistics. click on websitestatistics and you'll be taken to a page that promptsyou to add google tracking id. click on the add googletracking id and a dialogue box will appear to plug inthe google tracking id. what you want to do nextis leave that page open, and open a brandnew tab and navigate to when you get to page,

it'll say sign into google analytics. or rather, access googleanalytics, on the top right. click on that. and now we'll take you to apage that it says sign in. that will be on thefar right hand side. click on sign in and the verynext thing that you'll see is-- they'll be a form foryou to complete on the sign in page. one of the importantpieces of that form

is to plug in the url that wasshown you when you hit publish. if you don't remember whatthat url is, no problem. just go back to siteexpresso, click on publish, and the url will appear. this is a temporaryaddress until the domain you registered fully propagates. grab that fill that in, and fillout the necessary questions, and then hit submit. once you hit submit, you'llsee a ua tracking id.

now, a lot of timespeople would just try to type that in into thesite expresso ad tracking id. i wouldn't suggest that. i would suggest justcopying that ua tracking id, then going to site expresso,and then plugging in and pasting that tracking id. and then saying, "yes,publish my website now." there will be a bluebutton that says, "yes, publish my website now."

click on that, andyou've automatically just added analyticsto your website. congratulations. now we're going to talk aboutassociating webmaster tools. webmaster tools isanother tool that helps you critiqueyour website as far as improvingit's optimization. this is equally important. here's how it works.

when you go back to yourgoogle analytics account, on the far left hand sideit'll say property settings. click on property settingsand then scroll down to the very bottom of theproperty settings page. there you'll find--it'll say webmaster tools and there will be anedit button right there. go ahead and clickon edit button. from there, you'llsee a button that says add websiteto webmaster tools.

click on add websiteto webmaster tools. then you'll get anoption that asks you to proceed by clicking ok. from there, you'llget another page that'll prompt you to add site. here's where you want totype in the website domain that you registered,so you can make sure your domain nameis added properly. once you're done typingthat domain name in,

hit add site like i said. and then from there,you want to verify. because we want to makesure that google verified it has connected your websiteto the webmaster tools. once you hit verify, you'llsay ok, and then hit continue. and then you've justconnected your website to webmaster tools. i hope this informationwas useful for you and i do want to make surei add a couple more points

before i let you go. we actually have a coupleincentives for all of you that's created a websitewith startlogic site expresso this week. and those incentivesare the following. every single businessthat published a website and grabbed a domain namewill receive some perks. my favorite two perksthat you'll receive is basically a websiteanalysis report.

we will allow you toanalyze your website and see how it's doing asfar as it's optimization. when you're done viewing andsetting up the analyst report, and submit thatback to us, we'll reach out to you once moreand provide you an option to have a 30 minute websiteconsultation with one of our startlogic web advisers. just think about this. you get a free consultant totalk to you about your website.

that's like you walkingin and helping someone in your professionto how to best use your products and services. i think that's pretty key. so definitely takeadvantage of that. and again, like i said, therewill be other incentives that we'll also send toyou, so definitely publish your websites andgrab that domain name. thank you all verymuch for your time.

and thanks for getting online.

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