Internet Auto Rent And Sales

thank you very much for joining us fortwo days when i seven produce at ec seventy or six cox prospects an eliana as i said before and indiamoderated stay and stay seminars being presented by dealer on and for anyonewho hasn't ever heard about dealer well

Internet Auto Rent And Sales

Internet Auto Rent And Sales, were an award-winning websitedevelopment company and digital agency and the best known for our leadership inthree and areas sixteen to have to stay tuned best-in-class customer service

and are award-winning website absences in fact you are on his name to the toprated website provided bike driving sales for two thousand levin and dealeron customers were winners at the spring two thousand twelve digital dealer website excellence awardsand that was really interesting because those awards were given solely based onwebsite conversion optimization now cannot still committed conversion optimization and customerservice and de la torre company in the industry offer a

each guarantee program uh... yeah you hurt me hi static at sitei-seventy guarantee program if you want to know more about that and us check us out dealer on it dot com some pretty never heard about leeguarantee program for now we do have a great sound surf here today and once he gets f up an online andsinuses st have jeff clark is the executive vicepresident of business development

curricular on he has over seventeenyears strong sales and revenue growth experience and jeff knows what it takesfor context see previously jets composition dealer dot com isonline digital marketing arena as our national director at search enginemarketing and since then he's been instrumental india rounding mean into magazines two thousand eleven mr five thousandfastest-growing private companies and as the importance of the internet has grownover the past decade jeff has become an expertise area online digital marketingincluding all aspects of managing an

online digital presents jeff clark is an active public speakerin high demand and it can be found a numerousautomotive networking sites now during presentation to have any questions he sees the question feature whichdivided and i think you all issue for writing intake it's located on thecorner of your screen and see if they cannot come directly to me and at the end of the president'sactions bills questions time incest for anybody to your question

hi don't who can respond breaking outsee you later today also don't forget a link to download a copy absurditiesthat not recording is gonna be email later today for your reference lisa please share with friends andcolleagues if you feel like getting even moreinteractive with us join us as we treat out of lebanon and ask questions through face fuck overreacts date through space touches

what does your dealership do to increased six cops concepts so do you cannot comprising discountst_-bill data service website to ask for referrals tds social media have some others secrets wrapping up your sleeve that youcan share was all of us please go to so faced dot com slash still around tell us what you got going on heredealership and i hope you get involved yes your participation makes for u_s_sound out during the show so i'm very

excited for this webinar and staff that looks like we're ready torock it looked like we are well good afternoon everyone again mypersonal and professional apologies for the technical difficulties look like a kid being one of the truckload of a car all this morning so uh... pastry chef what kind ofhanging in there and thanks for uh... thanks for spending the uh... them the better part of the early afternoonwith the morning it'll part of the unit

defiance and i'm very very exciting and so gladyou're online right now dot but mines anyway let's get started and nowand make good use of everyone's time this morning transactions to devil your face off profits and ihave to say if this is a very very hefty claim w profits pets allowed

it's absolutely a lot but uh... as youcan be as we go through arbitrage inpatient a lot of using artemis basically no but we have anindustry have not done a good job and i mean industry from the technical side of reallyenabling dealers to you live to tools that allow them to level the playingfield but at the national franchise planted alot of what i'm gonna show you today really needed you can immediately startto make a difference in sort of open your mind

to what is available and what can bedone outside the traditional marketing mediums that can really help driveconsumers and make them aware a bit value searched part of the dealership so we've covered this part again happypeople portion folks so here's what we're gonnalearn today rb important industry information that everyone needs to know what your total customers are actuallyseeing online everyone knows bath majority of consumers nine out tenactually start research online part of a walking into a dealership

this is more political as it relates to fails but very much so had painting evenmore so uncertain aside so we're going to convert seven proven online strategies that canactually w fixed operations profit that and hopefully all with thetwenty-five minute delay that we had we still have time for two and a fashion so let's get started weston starts a day

epic operations side of our industrycounts for two hundred and eighty seven billion dollars up which dealers captureroughly a third of that here's what most alarming to me dealerprofit versus website content like is long with this picture now thirty eight eighty eight estatestate parts and service accounts for fifty three percent a bit dealershipsprofit acting that be true a lot of people thatactually net being dot true and i keep somedealerships that number of people higher in somecases closed

seventy percent of their properties being generated frompick stocks however as i mentioned at the top of theconversation we had industry as website providers and technologisthad not done a good job of keeping betwen she'll need often times if you look at the averagewebsite less whom three percent of your website it dedicated to parks servicecontact less than three percent it's it's mindboggling we're so focusedsally's that often times we failed to put the proper contact injuries toreally educate consumers about the bell

you servicing their vehicle with thedealership and doing this is our competition it's the pathways but if you move to theminute the mighty here's the mystery prior to the localshade tree mechanic is you can see represented here in thein the middle of this image it dealers this is not

the french at car dealership world todayvery very small portion any pic botha that's not true becauseevery time a turnaround i serve space repair if you look at the industry if you lookat those service dollars we are actually the minority here we really need to sort of level thatplaying it wanted to show you here and it's goingto be too late night polytechnic dept i don't know how do you make it seemed secure gained national bradycampaign

by passports anna and i hope i will do well in thisindustry because i'm not sure what the sweat argos public in the folks at atboise that they will be very happy with the basic stuff scheduled commercial so how could theynot be happy to see it exactly but i'm sharing it with peoplethat will play mccain displeasure with it but i uh... would cell i'm gonna watch it over the plateagain over eleven are intermediate going to be looked at the lake some of youmaking that you may have not

when we ford is over and the deck overyou'll be at the plate it's self and really what you do it that he hadtwo matches ditches really praying like consumer perception the dealership world and about the workshe stepped to the vehicle although dissects packet cap cut ellipsis distributed

steam coming out of your gears right nowi have the chain reaction when i saw this on i heard it it kept does everything we discuss isfor last it appeals to that consumer did have the misconception thedealerships are too expensive too difficult and often times and consumers terms trustworthy enoughto take their vehicles to it they feel when the warranty expired thatthey need to go to the outside and

that's just not true aboitiz as an example of only one of thenational brands that are launching these regional and national campaign toconvince consumers it would not part of its thirty sixthousand and one mile fifty thousand one-mile whatever your particularmanufacture protection it's pork it make sense to abandon the dealershipthat's just not true one of the important things i want tostress here is looking at click through rates buyingsearch engine ranking position the top three positions

commands sixty percent uh... every page in terms of consumer squeaking throughthe gate t_v_ sixty percent of those in the top three positions right if you're not ten or above according to google consumers have less than eighty percentchance of finding it and here's a prime example we did asearch for break service minneapolis and

you could you just ruin your market count on the fact that consumers aregoing to use a make model or trend to identify the service they need things like ray prepare things liketransmission service tent-like all oil changes are batteries oftentimesatkins who will not identified a plant that would mean sauce sort of handicapper hancock if you will to be able to show our dealershipsservices you can look here on the churchminneapolis with i would consider to be

a larger market we didn't find it consumer disability or link that with the abilityto find a precise dealer until we were acting talent here right and two we were at page five at less than two percent of consumersever come off page what what are the real chance of someone's gonna keepdigging to find you it got a lot about you were going towrap your out to you the average consumer doesn't know youdebating minneapolis market miami

california elite dallas where maybe shopis but he so i encourage you to do the searchesand see where you said here's other examples uh... like local service for breaks newdealers above the fold seeping through good will change the same thing through with a car battery replacements these are the basic service s it consumers can't fighters for thebasic services but the chances they're going to be able to find us for the moredetailed service

search engine ranking positions versesthe national brand guide it's no mystery to me for the past decade these naturalfranchise rayan how strong marketing department andmillions of dollars in ad budgets and very very bright people runningtheir strategic operations to make sure that they're dominating thesearch engines firestone controls may be five percentof every searching chandrakant page that exist on the web today fifty five percent to people

sixty five percent hapless minus solarso poor as you can clearly see the franchiseargue with your captures latham five percent of that business less than five percent what are the chances that yourdealership is gonna show up for those basic services without a big model trimsearch so i don't buy that consumer that youprovide the services the national brands verses the averagedealership website when you look at a national brand national rail did youmultiple categories hires maintenance

repairs and offers you've got higher configuration you've got the benefits actually showingconsumer paid by three tires get one freak something out of the national brands doanything hopper real infinite ok departs will get ideas and options as you canclearly see here get out two hundred dollars when youpurchase four bridgestone tyres dealerships don't oftentimes brand thatpipe contacted put up at a disadvantage so what can you do the dealer

you can build a standalone service likei'm sure some of you were sitting there saying we'll wait a minute chapel i havefactory site i at secondary fight now you're tellingme that i need to build a stand-alone surfaced salute with in here's the reason when you look at the average websitetoday again less than three percent of excited dedicated to fixed operationscontact so do we did

new car sales used car sales happened i specials all the other stopservice oftentimes gets lost there's very little contact there suburb you may have manufactures thatprohibit you having a packing their insight some of you may be in a position to takea quick stop at the budget i can't do that you know in a perfect worldabsolutely bogus table outside that would be the goal however there arethings that you can do to look at the current site that you have today

but if you noticed it's like you'reguilty anything about parsons this is one hundred-percent serta subject if you notice for breaking thedealership you've got scheduler at the top eight hundred numbers way making battery charger for onetwenty six twenty four because a lot of peoplein washington d_c_ don't ride their nine eleven pt

uh... during summertime arabs are duringthe winter time here it brought and he also most prominentarmpit only are we here i thought the bottom of the page there high-level sacrifices special coupons and special but one thing that consumers absolutelylove geo who will set it will says that the number one search term with anything service related

is the word menacing yesterday's we don't know consumers to have a service relatedsearches at anything beyond just the search it's the work you pop secondary to that is the word discountconsumers wild a discount bailout some sort of in the senate eliana i'd be interested ask theaudience

how many folks having an automated scheduler at really what the poll the people thatare on line with us we were patient enough to hang through the uh...technical difficulties with us army people listening in today actually have it automated scheduler on their service department multiplexing hearsay fuchs please let let us know what's happeningin your dealership we greatly appreciate

the feedback so on your screen it saysto us into this apparently have and online service cancer please select oneof the following options gas or now and once again majority of the votes and wedwell close to call gone and we did that we have a lot of peoplecome on if the estimate because it and you're gonna tell me having that online service scheduler isstraight for customer service training it's just huge per customer service andhave a lot of great companies out there to do that

you've got time height weight you've goteckstein you've got a lot of other solutions that provide this technology this is something that so grateful like your consumer mucheasier we hear it we're community we all are a industry upimmediately we what things yesterday were all the patient people alright boatwe all want things dot now nothing is more disturbing to a consumer

especially what we do focus groups thatthe caller dealership can be put to a gatekeeper to only get to the serbsdepartment i have to be put on a whole pick up with an update on comedy and iknow that's very rare today and it continues to minimize at technologyadvances such a simple thing to do it's extremelyimportant we really want to take advantage of the sky killers because it's justgoing to continue to drive our level of service service commitmentin that happiness for consumers we have a very sorry for kravis center seventyfour percent bartender

do you have an online service scheduler and the remaining twenty six percentwell not quite yet okay will be twenty six percent thatwere out of did not pay that take the fifth the call to action lookinto it if you don't have a your budget find it because it will certainly paydividends to you one of the other components it's veryvery important again i'd go back sales is a video for maintenance so thatyou would have been and where they are today to really look at what's provides videocontent for their new or used to be able

to specially used vehicles video is so important i would believe that most of ouraudience knows but i'd be i'd be really interested could share this with you uh... and i don't know how many of youknow this bug what happens own you too they acquire due to personal reasons butone of which being due to quit the packet most busy day search engine n the world

people long video they love videothemselves their friends funny banks she cat stupid things you name itbailout that may want to share what are the most important thing thatwe can do in the franchise dealership world is to create videos explain maintenance topics lot of people don't understand what itmeans when the brakes start policy etc i know what it meanswhen they start here on prime some people don't even know what itmeans to actually periodically take a look at their tire tread

how do you told your tires are wary what type of periodic maintenance shouldyou look at what does it mean that you know what kinds of things can you do to to continue to care for your vehicle this video content can be huge a lot ofgreat suppliers of its content one of which we really happened elected topublic cultivating works media they do great job they've got a seriesof video summer very brave specific so if it's important to you to reallyshow this meeting content specific to your brayan

they provide this video content it tokeeping that have on your lap site one of the other things are reallyencourage people to do has worked very big to get customer testimonials aboutthe buying process we're not always is keen to do it on thesurface site and again i would argue services such a key component apostle is happy with their service and are happy with their services bythrough the probability of them buying that dealership in being a repeat buyeror significantly higher so i strongly encourage the use of videovideo content

increase your service photo ops most of you do this as i'm sure arm wecontinue to see an increase in this picture you provide eight hundrednumbers for the serbs apartment it never ceases to amaze me again thecustomers will pick the first phone number on a website or call if they'relooking for sales and the connecting with service but still agree industry we need toprovide these eight hundred numbers right so large obvious in your faithdynamically tractable a hundred numbers

need to be problem latch at uh... personally i've got a chap person sincehowever and making the result used i myself had engaged with the again it'snot my preference i'd like to light always however it's amazing the number of peoplegetting each chat

alive you probably see it on hillside the same thing is very true andservice related site only how would you use a bite radicals on the surface i'mnot surprised acids jessie's life sadistic a week a half ago and i was looking on thestress and asking about something that question about it use live chat got my question answer made my purchaseit was really bad i so i'm a big and it wasn't the first time i use live chat bang-up marxism it works on me

and did you go out with that axles so you you all heard we talked earlierabout video increases search engine book right to build consumer trough forget those of you that followed thedelay those of you did tell continued to educate yourself on the other somewherewill wage if you can do what stories feedakio which takes video search engine optimization you can't optimize videos global loves

video bailout human generated contact again take the time if you have an adagency that specializes in video or if you just hear do-it-yourselfers goout to yourself flip cam there's basic free software outline thatyou can use to at your video content work with your website provider workwith technology provider to gifted stop on your website again consumers early buy t_-shirts weeks humans related byteacher we don't like to read

that we can put on a bot and watch avideo we would much prefer to do that first had relocate caricature so videos really kate you heard me talk about this earlier consumers love special state-leveloffers that look you pop you want to make sure that you havecustomizable specials right have many of the change the market and make sure police please make surethey're up to date nothing makes me crazier than the totalwebsite he expired specials rights

expired combat if you're working with the websiteprovider council internally other when they're done or more or develop their etc a standard everyday cuba to one of the other you can make it a great google analyticsright you can actually install oxo if you can track

the credibility of the skin products consumers loved them my wife god love her she's not on thiscall so i can say this sees creepy about that that they have tobe on cuba testing told twenty percent off picturefive dollars eliana i have for corporation out manualwith its heist and this if if i tell you this this little secretmaybe it won't be so bad because coupons even though they have an x_-ray cindy

baxter you can take one that has fiveinmates on himself well help me out and german retailer purple heart by bothfor the navy certainly shut me down now that's very interesting everyone's looking for a good deal ofcourse i think i'll look for could primary discount or special christ dot that's what they want to kind offeel like they're getting a good deal everybody wants something right and the reality is when they walk inwith that day if you like there

ahead of the gate there left prone to go out in priceshock you but may have a discount enduring the ballpark please by holding you think can beeasily created they can also be used with your directmail company they know there's a lot of serviced apartments that are very bigone direct-mail you can use the same coupon images to get bottoms your directmail copy that jake had while setup images work with your provider put these thingsin place

again remember google state that that number one search term wouldbe needing service related outside the circus search is the work cuba make sure that you have these on yourwebsite eliana friend i was recently upwards ornot to speak to a a audience of consumers detail i do think from outside of school one of the parents came of course youknow what is your daddy do for a living vannatter it explain to people one idealor slightly more confused

you sell cars itself help dealers sell costs the rebounding thing that i got back wasold dealership service his to expend and i said you know thatto be a fact know that that's what i always hurt to not be afraid mr mrs car dealership printableserviceman service right to not be trade to state go ahead dare to compare me to release a report here

look at their oil change perhaps butlook at passports they look at our abstracts they'll go on down the line meeting consumer and also being anindustry person i will never take my car to one of those quick www independentshops the reason i won't do it does becausethe technician underneath my vehicle is not the factory trained and certifiedtak they are not

they are not clapping attack and i'm not letting you underneath my car i have as my personal transportationthat carries myself and my family it's just not going to happen even if it cost me a few dollars moreabout the peace of mind that i require what i find interesting is if so manypeople are reluctant share the price of pictures

even if your service prices hired anindependent repair shops here's your prime opportunity to justify your cost number one we use factory recommended materials we only use only parts we only have factory trained certifiedmechanics working on your people oakdale by the way we provide you are we provide you a freecar wash we provide to be services

whatever you were giving valueproposition dealer you need to be able to state that andfeel good about it and not apologize this is not a game other the race to the bottom to see how wellwe can do it if your dealership specializes in low-priced oil changes and up sellable product that's fantastic but i like that all right let's tellpeople the story

but let's make sure they understandabout working with our dealership that we have courtesy transportation capriwhy wide behalf starbucks coffee of stones and whateverelse you need about your dealership we have a play boom for your children these are all things are criticallyimportant uses creates unnecessary compares is sam is progressive insurance any have been doing it for years now him seeour prices in the price of all of our competitors and they've grown to be thenumber one insurance company out there

rates so i got news for you i'd know i thinkthat's twenty dollars for car last night he did it for free just because itbrought it's you guys in states you know maybe estate five dollars more back tothe safety so i think it's the a no-brainer ecstatic absolutely did heavy damage okayed itpay we are more expensive it is ok it's no different than the costume andit shows up that wants to pay the base

model price beloit to drive out with anls loaded with full leather navigation in summer you get what you paid for one of the other things i think it'simportant in this is one example we have several uh... this particular slide back ididn't i_d_ installed spring but i'll be happy to share with others later dedicated at pages increase credibilityactually recently built one of the it gives little mini bios about

the actual service tribe stops where they corral for the children theyhave their exports team their paper are guides you have to remember you are humid you our people we want the consumer being able toconnect with you the service rider the does the work ofmy car tonight actually become friends i trust him and look to him for eight bytes

seventeen plus years in the business i don't requires like nobody's businessright however when i find it required i find agreat service advisor that mood something to me we want to be able to put out theirwho's our crews are our service dentro parts manager who were the people that are importantto you i'm really bad sometimes with names likeremember faces however when you get that informationcontained in e-mail address and phone

number extension a little tidbit about something gives you a connection pointwith consumer there were quick to put down their guard people came to buy from people they like suma sales world it's no different thanservice world slavic i don't know how many of you have a blog blogs are so critical to take the fifth sets of being able to

shiite dealerships succeed in theorganic rankings for those of you that has ever gone togoogle done a search for your particular vehicle or your dealership or more brandt inyour market look at the number of search results that are rendered back oftentimes i keep hundreds of thousandseven upon millions of pages how does google differentiate you over someone else google doesn't know you

right they don't hang out if you don'tplay golf together so how do they figure out whether or notyou were the better result for the consumer well there's a lot of differentmeasurable ps or tequila troubles they look at what'sknown as human generated contact anchorage everyone to look at the wordpress law and make sure that your telling yourstory this particular dealer says why should i choose to service with yourdealership i remember three years ago when my planwas born

i was petrified because it had been so long to play hadinstalled of child safety seat interchange it would have been a really nice to knowthat i could with the backlog and look at how to properly installed childsafety seat or streetcars right how to get the proper tire where how to teach

might seem to be thirteen-year-old in a couple years see driving practices and habits doesincome from the parent butted oftentimes craig say hey i reallywant you to read this the importance of not texting in dry in it doesn't have to always be arerelated as you get into the holidays you can post highly recipes you can post a lot ofdepicting some people are on the program i think you know that

i know people are i don't care aboutwhat we know what managing what it's not something that's going to goout tonight however goal will be a sp however consumers care and for those that are active bloggers i write wat hunted i contribute to blockhowever i am not a blog impinges but that doesn't mean it you should beproviding the carpet properly packing it putting out there soto be picked up

by other third-party sources everytime that content is picked up thepushed out syndicated for someone links to you move up in terms of credibility ingoogle docs the more links that are linking to you uh... eighty of your domain quality ofyour contact video all of these things can't repeatyour search engine position this could not be more important as itrelates to certs again remember less than three percent oftentimescontent that you have on your website

so if you could put service relatedcontent if you can add sixty to eighty demandadditional pages or add a separate website it talks about all these importantcategories you were sure to continue to start togrow your patent intake ab what firestone might is to be with theothers that the controlling purcell hugely important point japanese all about service it's greatand i hope we have some sales folks on the line because guess what god

did is the only way if you're ever going tosell a car and actually get paid to do it service department needs to be able toallow consumers the ability to keep the inventory if you notice we don't make a primary but we keep it on the front page to givethe consumer the opportunity to go look at that inventory but they have got two thousand and twoapt one fifty that's pushing two hundred

thousand miles i'd love it because it'spaid for antarctic out that a couple m gains budgets don't stop it served in the backseat subtleties so by reliable and you know what i'mtalking about at least tactics one of the day the clock the daddy haveto buy another cuts when you look at it you'd have tocontinue building teacher inventory that you can't let itget in a way of the service we are a service oriented business

and so much of our sales opportunitiesneed to be able to get from the service lane to the floor i'm a amid creature of of study and i'dlove to watch the behavior one event i dealerships i have the pleasure as itraveled the country ninety twenty groups and the digital dealers in the eighty eight i'd love to go visit dealerships inother markets it's fun for me to go meet people and shake hands of folks thati've done business with i haven't yet had the opportunity to meet

and when i come in one of the things ido at practice two to remove the g_m_ and the department i'd love to go backand searched park and i'd love to watch people for just amoment to see what they don't and they watching them closelytelevision with sally jessy raphael reading yesterday's paper are they on their high powered or on thelaptop walk-in times but i find is that aspeople get up out of their shares with a cup of coffee and they start to rome the showroom floor

they start to get out on a lot make youlook at that you know that ralph's mom anger that expfear that corvette heat or water that gorgeous bmw m six because they want this is a wonderful opportunity foroften to make sure that consumer meadows what we have available so it's perfectly okay to have this in apolitical issue otherwise it's just not right because they're so we focused onthe surface peace this content this conversation is aboutservice but remember we service vehicles

with a plaster hoping to sell marvelous mobile i can even begin to tell youupgrade immobile mobile package growing medium by far or is pro-life five x multiple it's projected idea and up twenty thirteen

mobile will come and fifty five perset all all searches sixty five percent versus twenty thirty two pdt date without we're gonna go threefold over what we are today but twenty percent appol

service traffic comes from a mobiledevice you really have to ask yourself thequestion what is my mobile strategy do you might have in integrated moreapplication with the advent of mobile action withthe increase of mobile cops i have to tell you i'm crazy about my iphone but what even more interesting lookingat the action right generation i have a two year and nine month old son operated i thought about it and i guess

earmarks auriane does not excuse thejury grace erik says it may sixteen things i still don't know how he does he can get to studios he can getpictures he can take a picture he knows where he's games are stillworking up an appointment gained he knows ke he was going to take borrowedanybody safe he gets it to what i mean by that it can be actinglike a raging are just advancing at such incrediblerates over what we did when you look at technology and theavailability of technology and their

knowledge and understanding we have to get their and we have to getthere quickly doesn't have to rely generations are going to college buying cars their little brothers and little sistersare going to be driving sent it's not just social media world anymoreinto mobile world so that they thought the twitter that might spaces yeltsin all the alps all the programs dikesdon't be caught off guard here

have to get with the if you're not start to set off the alarm start happenconversation and kate you know what we need to really talk about this how many of you indian i've bought thepoll this because i i just have to ask eliana how many of you actually use you're smart phone when your boardingtheir plane all right i'd have to set that up

blood sample across so at some point we don't have to do itnow bad weather peabody and how many of use your smartphone for things like that rival six most sad he's are r_v_ really really big reallyimportant it's j steelers anti laurent mississippi actually set up eleven arts not postedyet but if you want to examine your talentthere

twelfths we are going to be doing elevenare solely dedicated to mobile strategies right i want a heck ofa secret for you to know went away but since little company you might haveheard of of it is all i got some from google taxi that mobilestrategies so we rented a straight and that'll be on july twelfth so hopefullywe'll see how that sir you know eliana such a pleasure myselfin the rest of the executive cucumber or strategic partners just read spent

uh... few days at a global headquartersin mountain view and i was just blown away week where mobile cell you know even being technologist andbeing on the side of the industry prodding myself asbeing very technically proficient i had no idea just the advancement there being mademobile i don't know harp on that i'd just wannareally in bad on our listeners that mobile is such acritical critical piece of your

twenty twelve to twenty thirteen andbeyond strategy how your consumers are betting engage you du page search campaigns for pick stocks so many times idyllic dealerships and i page search being done strictly by theinternet fails are and i'd hear i don't want any servicerelated terms and it disturbs me because we all work for the samedealership right we all report to the same owner

itself operates on website serviceoperates on and off so anchorage the service department ifyou don't have a cooperative relationship with the internet apartment sharingbudget and how this works don't be afraid to branch out into your own however you need to be mindful ofcertain things unviable sales we want to go after yearmake model manufacturer in the service world we want to go afterthe type of service and we want to really again focus you hurt me take thisearlier ordeal or coupon are all

keep banks remember the geography what you go afteris also very very different in the field world you can pull peopledepending upon your market in europe your location your demographics and certainly they cankeep the population you have to keep dealers you can't pull people fifty miles sometimes more

i've seen the remote in the pacific northwest they pullpeople from two hours away in terms of service you really need tokeep that really gets tight you've got ten maybe fifteen miles to the consumerspending to go to be able he'd purser and look at com but keywords to not be afraid to go after jiffy lubeand my tifton in g_d_p_ mikey they go after you

there's no reason he can't go after that sometime too many factors fred would youdo it on the sale side and i can understand that however uncertain siteuntil they cause otherwise to me it's open game in terms of tracking attract ability tractors coupon prints your redemptionsand your point calls it was interesting one of our ourlargest partners on server-side we have been closely monitoring theircoupon threats the number one most

pretty coupon was geared towards women index fifteenpercent off concerts it was a three-to-one pray over the nextclose relax let me know noted compound and seeit i got i got to work toward cuba times like this happening necessary fora minute but again weeping appeal to youraudience lookit who's bringing back the accord researched a fifteen percent off dedicated to a fewnotable roger ideal bitter

you know willtracts quote what you want if i've got a three-to-one reductionratio that's why i want to go with it one of the other things you want to bemindful of the hours of operation i don't believe institute exceptional your targeted keywords really need to becured around the hours of your service operations now i can tell you there are some dealerships have eastcoast and other markets that are open

twenty four star most dealerships are not i've seen him as open as early asfiction saddening event there till as late as nine really try to look at doing it during your hours of operation just keepyour cost under control undersell site you want to do with anytime right as we can respond to leap seminar responders long as the cost isreasonable and low we can continue to do eliana

what is it thursday service ninety thousand the conduct office debated the requesting it to theintended that search zena hahahahaha did you guys may have a artistic nothing baker at all and big u_s_ aboutthat manoj what a liar here you go

so i ask you to services images which hegave me back you're trying to tell me a hotdog i didn't have to tell me howabout i ask you to serve this month this is a simple oversight you have to look at the level ofaccountability internal to the dealership and how you're spending yourmoney and wonder what was the waste here

now you might capture one out of housein people it will see this and you know i got a really it goes well hondas are of high quality too i reallyneeded when asked about the debt you maybe two years left on my payment very rarely wiki effort to the consumeritems it doesn't make sense make sure you talk to your providersmaitri pulling the ppc experts have this discussion look at your budget

ask the questions it's a very very important that youdeliver the concept that consumers are acting you walking touch your peoplerefer to the term people inc we want a deeply consumers to the carpetthat they're asking for so if i went out and i did a searchtwenty ballclub honesty bitches ideally where i would like to bethreatened but lady was charged with the service mytwo thousand eighteen you drive me he repeat now lost but they don't do other things well

they've got the eight hundred-number you got traveled but they can get you tosurface i kept the consumer that cares to do with canada finding their waythere but it's not is i think you can see anideal way to do things you also want to create optimizedlanding pages just for your service department again it's time that we startto take some control of the web opportunities that exist day let's getout of that three or four five percent section but keep pages that are strictly servicereplayed again

give the customer the copycat cars thatthey want to but that's not what we started theconversation started wrapped around starts number three make mobile apts works foryou this is a wonderful program this is a program through a companycalled clear mechanic uh... very very t_v_ simple to useprogram you basically take your smartphone you take a picture of the defective part

plug-in in our own number you can wireslid we at easy for me to try it transfer the image sample quote image two webmail website active consumer and the consumer to view the image andshare i found it interesting recently i was in the service department as beinga part of my who happens to run a dealership here in the local pc marketwe're going out for lunch i watched a service advisor walkout

and break the bad news to a consumerthat they had a rather expensive repair and although i wasn't close enough see the response i could third week of artificialexpression of fear was that fear had lifebook which said to me that this is one ofthose unpleasant conversation that mr mrs consumer you had three thousand dollar bearable thus

often the jaw drops and you get yourreaction to my god ceo that's an awful lot of money quiteso much what can i do without doing the i did talk to somebody right you will find it would be provide peopleimages photos illustrations exportation videoit showed in the de facto part it explained given the potential dangersof not making that repair and that also showed them theillustration of the pink have to be done to make that repair correct

you will find it easier to keep buyingfrom the consumer wanting to tell somebody hui depictingto show some we want to use people of israel they liked visual we work hard we spend a lot of moneymaking our dealerships pupil chinese marble floors beautiful entryway nightswaiting rooms or we oftentimes failed to show people the image it's not to take people out to the service areato show the vehicle your insurance company will have orheart attack

well she doesn't like it pictures if notpractical ripping off the park to pull it in theshow some of the fact that part of the practical either take a look at clear mechanic greatcompany great product they are other solutions these are other thing that youcan do to camp the communication the trust factor with your consumers don't if i was a consumer attitudes about that xie lost you know yeah i mean how muchdoes something like that costs to have

to have to have one of the separate watch that was free euro dollars that program cost absolutely not now of course they haven't learned hehad slept the freest sort of the book and if youwere going with that right when you look at the value example butthe old saying the picture is worth a thousand words yeah that kate i would see a picture is worth

thousands aborts it's really the the lead illustrate to aconsumer the problem sort of optimize called actually did hesaw me talk about this earlier chat online automated schedules and it'sreally excited to hear that more than three-quarters of our audience haveautomated schedules congratulations to for being forward-thinking maintain customer support perspirepurchased this was really gets me it was a study that was commissioned bybenefactor and for actually purposes i

need to keep the man akshar uh... quiet most car worksheet today for three yearsthirty six thousand miles the average passenger car or light truckin america need tires depending upon thriving however patterns roads somewhere between thirty and fortythousand lives id number one point service defection inamerica today according to the zoe m it'd pointed beating tires

their study their numbers show that service visits for no tires three point nine on average however for consumer the purchase hiresnine point one if you look at the number of servicespurchased and you look at the profit margin it in fact we higher admitted onacross literally hundreds of thousands ofconsumers to study was issued i had the pleasure of disney dealershipout on the west coast this gentlemen i've known for a numberof years he's to be a a an operator

dealership up to new york weight had shifted into the went throughthe dealership absolutely beautiful dealership looking in orange countycalifornia one of the things that we got to talkingabout important announcing my passion service department what they're doingand for those of you that are out there in california and other californiamarket california well out there part i mean a lot their cards from the customwheels to the chrome to the exhaust to you know if i was adverts uh... onlybusiness in california out by the winery

and one of the car wash but an accessoryshop chuck while cars first unexploited car spot when u whenyou look at when you look at that commitment thepeople put in here it's mind-boggling now not every market indicative of appleone of the things i found interesting why this weakening him what and fred so you do all of these things

how come it's not on your website and he had no answer for yet when i went out to his servicedepartment he had the inflatable michelin man he had a rally fine michell implied hehad all this work for a point of sale stuff but if you were in his service lean youdidn't know it there was no prior configurator onlinethere is no specials there was no coupon there was no mention anywhere on anypage

anywhere within apart but pages aboutwebsite if they actually sold hires and moreover but they also sell aftermarket rims forthe vehicles it keep silent six sets that with higher catalogs for those of you that you cell pires of your tire distribution

how widgets or tools if you can plug into your website the consumer can come and pick and drop the year make model trim level of the vehicle and they can get an assortment of higherspeed huge free products i loved it fantastic you can show prices from

prices install all total installed whatever your valueproposition is extinguishers desires for life whatever really unique an important butyou if you're going to sell hires self hires if you're only going to tell tires whenneeded don't we go to the trouble however there's a lot of money to bemade in the car market i was down in recently to learn how much profitabilityreally comes from selling products

if you're going to do it if you'reconsumers the tools now granted you may see chap yet we saw a high-performance cars carsare very expensive whether there's the radiator gatorbacker whether they're whether they want flaps or whatever they may be what you have to know your audience youhave to know your brand be willing to put things doctor tiresprites from buy three get one free fifty dollar rebate hundred-dollar depart twenty dollar offany additional

eccentric what information out there and make itavailable for your consumers and you'll find that when he bear yourphone will ring you'll get needle dot felt products point number six creek and emailcollection process eliana nesting average consumer has been the numberemail that they have at one two three four

wastes no idea you know i have three without giving away apprise you what itis one one chicken humor at three email addressesthey have a home email address it's dedicated for family they have to work email address and thenthey happy private email address

and that the one that you don't openlyshare with people they have three different points ofcontact more and more and more today copies ormonitoring inbound outbound emails for securitypurpose says information being leaked most consumers don't want to be email totheir work address encourage your service writers just likewe encourage our sales people ask for alternate email address

again a study that was commission we found there customers with the e-mail address inyour geometric twenty percent more likely to use you acquitting seven hundred dollars inadditional revenue over five years so amassing if you've got to have nointerest sparked renewed email just it's no different than phone numbers most of the path anywhere from three tofour founders we have a cell phone we have a hopefullyit works out

so there are multiple points of contactwith people and based on the trust level do you have with that consumer askingwhich informational which digital which email address you get you want to create a tracking mechanism i've seen dealerships that actually didfifty two hundred dollars spinster service writers for collecting the most email addressesor optical analysts people change jobs people trying to pull sp people move they get divorced they getmarried things

change the landscape dotted say that a so wewant to make sure they were constantly updating these email addresses don'twait till you get a bounced email to realize on my god i don't have the right email last but not least point number startingto get him out of typing accessories now i can tell you that the loaded so many dealerships have tried itstruggled with it i and a staunch advocate accessories

cannot tell you help passionate campabout this it cannot ever come before the sale do not showed people accessories before thecar's been purchased you can show someone in excess rightvehicle but don't let them really start getting into all thetreasury auctions until that buyers order signed him to work

throughout the night don't let it get norway here is the mind-boggling part the average truck wire ashu the buyerliked rock work truck sold in america six months a purchase spending average of twenty three hundreddollars an aftermarket parts accessories withina hundred eighty days of purchase of that vehicle

twenty-three hundred dollars dealerships capture very little of thatinundated yourself look at that point like an awful hangover okay like think about this for saket if i had that minor they by a truck boxthey buy roof rack they fight brush marks big bike tubular staff grails ofproduct they buy it back spender it by custom wheels and tires that bythe clock system you see where i'm going here these things are critical

behind the pacific itgi most excessrights vehicles sold in america today so you've got your truck by richardoffer a richer four-by-four jerk or about your mustang crew and you know what you got your mom's soccer moms that parents thereby utility vehicles that like tovacation so they want to buy a wraps that what we're raft license plate frameholders cargo or an actress dealers implementing accessories prosser

report on average opinion ditional fourhundred and seventy five dollars per vehicle soul except thirty billion dollar-a-yearmarketplace start to look at ways that you canintegrate these component into what you do i'd tell you couple personal storiesabout my stuff about excess writing vehicles butwe don't have the whole time i'd love to accessorize and i think mostpeople who were real car lovers enjoy that

start looking at ways that you can do itdidn't make it a compliment between confronting sales department the parks department in the service department a militantstarting some of you may do it make do with great success and if you do congratulations most people binders trouble the sales department is an incident liketo sell it so they don't up charges service department

service department finds it difficult toknow when the parts are coming in so there's a break and that chain ofcommunication everyone's entitled to a profit centerfrom the salesperson to the parks department service department the consumer deserves to be happy start looking at companies impropertheir products and look at other dealerships that do this to figure outat the right thing for your dealership abdullah dot on the socks isn't great

information thank you so much staff iwill say that ran out of her because of our are difficulties in a very verybeginning past eleven are self don't wanna take a too much time withquestions any questions that aren't answered dont worry chest and email youback today with any answer directly but there's still a couple of questions cell our first question to you caskets fromthomas he says how do i convinced my are haha insecurecrescent catching been smite owner to spend money on a separate servicerelated site when idealistic already has

a factory site as well as a secondarysite information but fights gtalk sometimesjust could comet could you come up with ahard question for you sounds society thomasnet you know comet great question uh... it's not an easy conversation hap dealerships are continuing to look attheir budget from the continuing to look

at whether dedicating their dollars you know what i would say to you is this how committed dealership to growing thatpeace the business and how critical that piece of the business to your dealership if your dealership that blue dot to anexceptional job at all other areas it might be an argument that you'regonna find difficult however i will tell you chimney i think it's a no brainer andmrs again more than

half of your revenue according to a mediator all thestatistics we look at come from the service the park there's a tremendous amount of scalesthat exist within that department and when you look at the revenueopportunity and when you look at the apt spends atthe dealership i_q_ dealerships even today in please don't take this thewrong way i am still very much a believer in thepower of traditional media i'm one of the few digital dies

and in industry experts that will say toyou the traditional media is actually a goodthing but it's gotta be synergistic with yourdigital media the messaging needs to be considered and you need to find the right place isto spend your money in that traditional because mathematical eyeballs what you can go out and you can find away to invest thousand dollars fifteen hundred dollarstwo thousand dollars abuse ships ad budget

and you can show thirty forty fiftypercent lift the number of all rose the average aural price point the uppsala services it's a very veryeasy argument to half when you look at your service absorption and you look atdale doing the bandwidth of your search department you can see that by opening up the leftby giving these opportunities for

consumers connect with you journeys other channels that our ally significant number one the first thing i don't thinkit's so much the money that's the argument i think what you're going to find yourown words but i think the u_n_'s who's going to manage it who's going to be responsible or

might service manager is incredibly busydot at the top by parts to park uh... uptight by g_m_ doesn't have time so i don'tthink it's a matter of having conversation about combating themoney because the money's minimal i think it's a matter of figuring outwho's going to be responsible for it i hope that answers your questions expressing date at ril fastest you know we keptthese nice people on our weather quite quite long back real quick questiontranscends he says when it comes to

yet is that you talked about earlier doyou recommend victory shows or should we make them ourselves i don't think anything's better beenhelping video uh... guided terrible i've seen some on aquatic an interestingtopic videos i think the professional answer graceand i think they're important but i think nothing to speak like a realvideo uh... again i'm not talking about goingout and buying a green screen investing tens of thousands of dollars in videoquick that production people or an expertise

most ad agencies today have the ability to come out come on when they shoot your commercials talk with your g_m_ talk with your honorabout shooting some service lane videos and about having a conversation withcustomer uh... get a couple of testimony tina nothing is more powerful than thatand having it on the website i saw one recently admitted that you wish escapesme at the moment there was a

uh... a gentleman had an older vehicle it was uh... it wasan older shadi he had it for years today to to repair shop after repairshop after repair shop and no one could quite figure out the problem this particular dealership not onlyfigured out the problem in with so happy he shot the video himself and send it tothe dealership assistantship posted at cell exceed that acting better rarity

but i'd really like to tell made videosand and the produced videos but the stock videos from your your video providers out there areand again there are more and more fun they're doing service related videos there's another copy and it's katie andand maybe i'll have the opportunity bottleneck t_v_ if the other company so unity works media and auto net t_v_up to a really great job automat t_v_ has a lot of the more very specifictight videos showing the replacement of a watercomparably rotor things of that nature

again i don't know if you want to go by that in that but those are two great sources for that that video content iraq's mixer looks at sites on the nextside issue and minds says that they might not be poor peoplewaiting for twenty minutes for technical data base well contribute they would part of the mildlywide-eyed i will say this dennis

my my most recent car purchase actuallyelise and i want a what kind of car what the dealership is anything but i willsay that's the last time daylight savings time team around he sent me anemail with a link soooo video does also posted on yourblog which i was really neat cuz i totally get it the reason i clicked on it was becausethere was a video cassette thirty second idea specifically on how to change the time in my car

it was fabulous date on the email account time and project activities and so glad he said that that reminds me that those are some of the most viewed and well-liked and will respond tovideos people don't feed the owner's manual surprised racist

while reading instruction manual toassemble pink by what i read another suits is being black setting up your blue toand simple think like that that can really be very much appreciated fromyour consumers callous hires a colin powell sounds has had anactive sexually helpful stuff to the states emerged they didn't send at a time when i i would have beenordered a sense it at a time when i actually need information instantnosedive sneaking treat was great i

thought that was just that sustains themyou know five stars in my head for their customer service certify with that ini'd filed that under customer service those fantastic ok one other reallysuper quick question day dreaded what with the percentage of people outside service providers over dealer services so davis secular percentsay it's per se members high-tech beginning to ask i think it was so that i know thatinteresting question i would want to do

some research i could speculate on thati think i can give you up from my southern roots of the madeupward estimate com i don't know uh... i do know all part of the reason that we startedthis whole program date was this was actually brought to our attention fromone of our dealers up she called me one day and and openedup to myself and into our c_e_o_ about a lot of the child user andcredibly competitive market and service defection was very big forhim and again i think a lot of it has to dowith the consumer perception that

dealerships are difficult uh... and they're expensive and so we started exploring as westarted doing some research idea i'd previously owned uh... a piece of theaccessories company so i had a pretty good working knowledge of a lot of what was possible on thepics operation side we dug into the thing that we started we launched our first beta this over ayear ago and which is really blown away with theresults that we saw

and what we found was if he didn't somuch what the dealership dot the lack of what we communicate that the billable so i i i will be happy to be again andtalk with our our friends over it at in eighty eight and quaint is right downthe road from us to talk to uh... some of our pick stocks partner toexceed what percentage of consumers is that our using are abandoning thedealership is going to be independent pair shops many crack cocaine in a makes

gets and tears in your hands well or it may make big smile becausethe reluctant because of the doubt their owns they're cute they're so muchavailable there so much opportunity and and one of the things that i'm justso excited about is being able to so you guys today withthe seven action steps as you can see this is my email addressthese are my phone numbers i'd love talking about this stuff and anything that i can do to help youadvise you uh... there's a lot of great webcompanies out there there's a lot of

great technologist the people that canhelp you through this by employees to do anything start todayto look at that works for anti start ask the question started look me competitively shop peoples in our market place to see whatother kind of poor internecine maximize our bmw three series personal or we don't always do that withour services but we don't always see how easy it is for consumers to get yesbecause we take for granted blurred as we know what we do

challenge you to be a consumer inc likeconsumer thanks have a conversation that someone it doesn't know what you knowand hostility leading questions will be ever-changing evolution we'rewatching more and more of this happen eliana thank you for or for reallybetting that today and again my most sincere apologies to all of you for that fifteen minutes twenty minute delay wehave put the technical issue uh... but and i was so thrilled to be a partof this and i would love nothing more than that to be back in the future and iwould like to hear from some of you about your successes and challenges

and my myself and my team here are morethan happy to do anything we can support you and thank you so much thanks m_s_f_ atmosphere area of fantastic shouts and out for all of you that are stillout there and that in our land as when you leave this webinars are gonna ask ifyou survey questions your feedback of course this always greatly greatlyappreciated thank you jeff sadness presentationsamber waves has tapped the our so any questions that weren't answered duringthe time allotted will be answered by

directly later today i'd checked himself i want to remind our audience that alink to download a copy of today's levin are courting skimpy email to you latertoday for your reference precipitation friends and colleagues and see if that has all city list on thedealer on website within twenty four hours such a strategylaurent dot com slash modernized to cure upcoming webinars schedule access sidebar past that interest youends may not notice that we had a fantastic blog empty laurent all kindsof automotive goodies from what's

happening to iran two hundred dancinggeneral so check it out if you are on dot com slash blog and feel free to reach out tous on any one of our social media outlets space that's where lesson in everywhere solicitous andconnect with us and invitations will be coming out tomorrow for next week'slaminar using a car stopping data oh howdy drastically improved yourwebsite to know that site a day to make money which is his doubtspresent of data mid-season gives great

by the time next week so it should be noexception now next week he's gonna show you house you can drastically improve yourwebsite conversion i die i still think that that's a weapon either any of ussadness so this is the another campus presentationby your friends at iran and don't forget to runs weekly webinars are always heldevery thursday at twelve p_m_ eastern nine a_m_ pacific and have some reallygreat weather subjects and for this year but if you have any questions comments orsuggestions regarding the second ice and

our topics please feel free contact medirectly again my name is eliana ad hearing from you said tracking downonline or email me at eliana at blair on dot comthey just a very much for sending this time with us today we hope to see youall on a future rather not continuingeducation series he sells a gun

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