Internet Explorer 10 Release Date

today i'm here with a first look at internetexplorer 10. so yeah, you guys heard me right, this is already internet explorer10. internet explorer 9 just was released not too long ago however microsoft is alreadyhard at work at the next iteration of their browser so let me give you guys aquick little overview of what all is new. now before we begin anything i want to pointthis out, this is a platform preview,

Internet Explorer 10 Release Date

Internet Explorer 10 Release Date, this is not a beta, this is not an alpha,this is really really early in the development and as such they are not using any ui at all,as you guys can see here this is just a super super basic ui, don't worry this isnot going to be what the final version of internet explorer 10 looks like at all, thisis just purely for testing the browser, i'm

sure they'll have a nice shiny ui with tabsand a back button and all of that kind of good stuff a little bit later on. so thereare a couple of key things that are brand new in internet explorer 10 let me demo them bothfor you. so the first one is support for css3, now this is a pretty big deal ofcourse a couple of the other major browsers such as firefox and chrome now do supportthis and as you can see here internet explorer 10 does as well so purely using css3we can go ahead and take a look at a couple of different gradients, if you'renot really technically inclined you're probably not going to know or care about what thismeans however if you're a web developer

it's definitely really nice to hear that internetexplorer 10 is really staying right up along with everyone else, not falling behindlike they have done in the past. another benchmark i'd like to show you isthe fish bowl, now again these are all internet explorer 10 specific benchmarks howeverthey do work in other browsers. as you can see here this works really quitenicely, this fish bowl is basically an html5 so this all is done in html5, there'sno flash or java or anything like that it's all running in html5 and it's being acceleratedby the gpu. now this is something that internet explorer or rather microsofthas been pushing with internet explorer since the version 9 and they've improved thecompatibility and all of that kind of stuff

in internet explorer 10. now my screen recordermight show this looking a little bit laggy but as you guys can see here it's runningnice and butter smooth, about 50 frames per second, really quite nice. now as faras speed tests and all of that kind of stuff this has only come out this morning so i haven'thad my time to run all of the tests i would like to, however i've spent aboutan hour or so testing it against a couple browsers as well as internet explorer 9 overalli've got to say it's really impressively fast, now i wasn't expecting too much outof this obviously internet explorer 9 just finished up, they haven't had a whole lotof time to work on it but what the tweaks and mods and all of that kind of stuff thatthey've done has substantially increased

the speed. it seems to be a decent bit fasterthan internet explorer 9 and even in some tests it is approaching or even surpassingchrome 10 which is pretty much the fastest browser around so definitely verygood news, looks like that microsoft is going to continue to keep an eye on the speedand not let internet explorer fall behind the pack like they have done inthe past. anyway guys that's it for my first look at internet explorer 10, if you'reinterested in learning more feel free to download it for yourself, i will have alink in the description of this video, you can download it. it is available for bothmicrosoft windows vista and windows 7 so download it, give it a shot and let meknow what you think in the comments below.

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