Top 50 Women On The Internet

- "and it turned out thatthe killer was canadian. "mwahahahaha!," said no urban legend ever. so, we've all heard an urban legend at some point in ourlives and if you notice they either always sound far-fetched

Top 50 Women On The Internet

Top 50 Women On The Internet, or exaggerated but these stories are designed that way for a reason and usually that reason is to scare the crap out of the personthat you're telling it to.

but, what happens if thestory isn't just a story? what if it really happened? well, as it turns out,some of the most well-known urban legends aren't legends at all, so i gathered up some ofthe most disturbing ones to share with you guys. so, here they are. 10 creepy urban legends that turned out to be true.

number one is the body in the wall. this urban legend says that, while renovating a home, a construction worker knocks down a wall only to find a bare bonesskeleton staring back at him. well, in 2011, whilerenovating the second floor of the abbeville national bank in louisiana, workers discovered thebones of joseph schexnider, who had been missing for 27 years.

it's believed that hegot stuck in the chimney while attempting tobreak into the same bank all the way back in 1984. did i mention that the police were already looking for him for stealing a car? i guess you could say he's gotsome skeletons in his closet? or at least in his chimney. number two is the old woman buried alive.

this urban legend is about an old woman that's buried after being declared dead, after which the body is exhumed, only for the family to find scratch marks on top of the coffin lid, among other signs of attempted escape. well, as it turns out,premature burials were actually pretty common in the 19th century. in fact, there were over200 documented cases

of people being buriedalive around that time. now, before you're like, "well, damn, how can that be?" keep in mind that this was during a time when the medical professionwasn't exactly a science. i say that we should just be thankful that we're lucky enough thatthey have ways today of telling whether or notgrandma's in a deep sleep or whether she's ready tobecome a root inspector.

number three is the quietly dead guy. as the story of this urban legend goes, a guys is passed out on a bus and everybody leaves him alone, assuming he is sleeping asthe bus makes its rounds, only for the driver to check his body at the end of his shift tofind out that he was dead. well, believe it or not, the real story is a lot worse.

in 2011, robert young and mark rubinson arrived at their friend,jeffrey jarrett's house, only to find him passed out. so, they decided to load him into a car and go partying at bars for the night. the only problem was he was dead in the back seat the entire time. they claimed that they thought he was just passed out drunk,

but that doesn't explain why they used his money and credit cards. you know, you should never commit a crime but if you do, i'm justsaying you shouldn't base your entire plan off the movie "weekend at bernie's." propping your deadfriend up like he's alive is not exactly an air-tight plan. number four is brain bugs.

this one just ... ugh. this incredibly creepyurban legend is about a person that goes tobed and wakes up with a pain in their ear thatgets progressively worse, only to find out that thepain is caused by bugs that have nested deep inside their skull. well, yep. it happened.

in 2013, a 27-year-oldwoman named rochelle harris, returned home after a vacation to peru, after which she startedhearing scratching noises inside her own head. she started experiencing pain and decided to go to the doctor aftera fly flew out of her ear. the diagnosis? a family of eight flesh-eating maggots had nested deep inside her ear canal.

oh, god. i don't know how this happened, but i'm obviously so freaked out by this that if i ever have to go to peru, i'm wearing earmuffs all the time. i don't care how crazy i look. on the beach, whatever. i'll just say that'show we do it in canada. (bleep) it.

number five is calls from the dead. this urban legend isabout a person that gets multiple phone calls from a family member, only to find out later that they were dead when the phone calls took place. well, this actually happened back on september 12th of 2008, when a train crash killing 25 people, one of them being charles peck.

family members reported missed phone calls which had came from charles' cell phone, that had called several ofthem a total of 35 times, all of which occurred after he died. of course, many of hisfamily members believe that he was trying to get a holdof everyone desperately, to say that he loves them,but how do they know that? as far as they know, hecould have been calling them desperately to get someone to clear

his browsing history off his computer. you don't know what kind of freaky (bleep) that guy was into. number six is creatures in your toilet. this one will pucker your butthole. this urban legend is abouta man that gets out of bed, half-asleep in the middleof the night and walks to the washroom to do his business, only to get bit by a giantrat right in the bum.

well, sorry to say, but in2007 in portland, oregon, a man named ian meyer did just that. a rat had actually come upthrough the sewer system and gotten trapped in his toilet bowl. he then tried to flush it, which only pissed it off even more. eventually, he caught it but, oh my god. i almost feel bad tellingyou guys about this,

because it's probably gonnamake you paranoid enough that next time you get out of bed in the middle of thenight to go hang a rat, you're probably gonna check to see if the toilet already provided you with one. number seven is the girl in the shadows. this urban legend is abouta man who always felt watched in the shadows of his own home,

only to find out years later that someone had been living in hisattic the entire time. well, a version of this story did occur, because back in 2008, a japanese man that was living by himself started noticing thatfood was disappearing and things were being displaced. well, after setting up a camera, he discovered that a homelesswoman had been living

in his cupboard for an entire year, sneaking out to steal foodand even take showers. possibly, the mostdisturbing thing is that when he watched the tape back, she was only a few feetaway in that very cupboard. i would literally be like, "oh, forgot some milk. "i'm just gonna run out and grab some." and just never come back.

as far as i'm concerned, the girl from "the grudge"can keep the damn place. i'm "audi 5000." number eight is the killer policeman. this urban legend is about a cop that knocks on somebody'sdoor to tell them that there's a murderer on the loose and when they let him inside, he's the murderer and he chops them up.

well, a similar situationhappened back in 1974 when a woman named carol daronch was approached in a bookstoreby a police officer, except that police officer was infamous serial killer, ted bundy. he told her that somebodytried to break into her car so she went with himbut she caught on after he tried to handcuff her. lady, you were able toget away from ted bundy.

you could not be any luckier. if i were you, i would go out and purchase all kinds of lottery tickets, because you could havejust as easily ended up as a fine skin suit. it's just skin, steven. now, number nine is don't drink the water. the story of this urban legend is about how a person moves into a new home

to discover that the watercoming out of the tap and shower head is aweird, dark black color, only to later discoverthat that's the remains of a liquefied dead body. well, just last year in 2013, the hotel cecil in l.a.had this exact problem. they discovered a liquefying dead body in one of their water tanks and what's more disturbingis that that water was

being distributed to the entire hotel through the taps and shower systems. it turned out that it wasbody of a canadian student, but still nobody knowshow he got in there. (gagging) okay, this one's prettygross but it would make for a pretty compelling britawater filter commercial. "brita water filters. "filters out bacteria, harmful chemicals

"and the liquefied remainsof your dead neighbor. "buy now." and, number ten. kidney thieves and ice baths. by far, one of the mostfamous urban legends out there is the story of the guy thatgets kidnapped and drugged, only to wake up in a bathtub full of ice, with scars where his kidneys used to be. well, disturbingly, this actually happened

minus the ice part. in 2008, indian constructionworker, mohammed saleem, was told that he was hired for a new job, except that when he arrived, he was drugged and knocked out, only to later wake up on a steel table with his kidneys gone. but, what's most disturbing is that this is not an isolated incident.

the illegal organ market isvery real and very lucrative in many parts of the world, from china to brazil to egypt. so, next time you're traveling, i'm just saying be very careful, because if you're in eastern europe, someone might be eyeing you down like you're a ticket to a new car. and that's it.

i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i hope i gave you a few nightmares. (evil laughter) no, i'm just kidding. if you want to add me to thebook of faces or twitter, the links to those willbe in the description along with all my othersocial networking sites and, other than that, i will see y'all next saturday.

peace. hey guys. thanks for watching my new video. if you enjoyed it, please remember to click the big red"subscribe" button below to subscribe to my channel. i release a new video every saturday and, while you're at it, maybe click the "like" button,

favorite, share this on facebook, whatever you want. it's all very appreciated and, other than that, i really hope that youcheck the toilet bowl next time you go to hang a ratin the middle of the night, because i'd hate to seeyou get bit in the bum. by a rat. it would be like thetoilet giving you something

instead of the other way around. okay, that's gross. goodbye, now.

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