What Is A Fast Internet Speed

music so as we talk about networks andidentify different components of them, some of the conceptsthat are going to come up are speed. for example, do customerswant speedy networks?

What Is A Fast Internet Speed

What Is A Fast Internet Speed, oh yeah. yes. do they know-- doesthe average user know what goes on behind the scenes?

no. no, they just click, andthey want it to work. it's amazing, like the phone. and i never callthe phone company and say, oh, by the way,every time in the last year i picked up, i've got dial tone. good job. they just expect it to work. and our customersare the same way.

they want it to work. so as far as speedgoes, they want it to be effective and fast. let's take a look at thecommon characteristics here. 10 m could mean a lot of things. this case, m, lower case b-p-smeans 10 megabits per second. so that's a lot. i mean just think about that. that's like doing[tapping noise],

hitting it really fast. are you with me? just so screaming fast that wecouldn't even-- i can't really even contemplate it. but this is whatethernet started out as. so an ethernet network, whichwe tie all this together, started off at good old10 megabits per second. so that's what it wouldlook like-- 10 capital m-b. what if it was capital b?

what could that mean? bytes. "bytes," says robert. and he shoots, he scores. so bits are just one signal, anda byte would be eight of them. we'll cover that inthe binary coming up. so then, that's ethernet. and then they came up, andthey said i want it faster. so it went to 100 megabits.

isn't that clever? megabits per second. and they call this-- it'sfaster than normal ethernet. so guess what they call it? fast. it's fast ethernet. so when peoplesay, oh, yeah, i've got a fast ethernetinterface, they're

simply referring to 100megabits per second. and so you can havedevices that are connected at 10 megabits and 100 megabits,and this device in the middle, called a switch, buffersit, works it all out, and allows devices tocommunicate even though they're at different speeds. that's one of the coolbenefits of a switch-- it's going to basicallyallow everybody to connect and forward thetraffic as they need to

on the same streetor the same network. then, of course, thatwasn't fast enough. so we went to 1000megabits per second. and they call that? a gig. they call it a gig. so giga b-p-s. so ethernet, fastethernet, gigabit ethernet, and it doesn't stop there.

they got 40 gig and all otherkinds of stuff coming out. but that's as far as speed goes. one other little scenariothat we should probably talk about right now is this. you may not be familiarwith irrigation, but let me sharewith you a little bit i learned aboutirrigation recently. if we have a pipe likethis and a pipe like this-- and we're talking aboutirrigation pipes, or sprinkler

pipes, what have you. which is going to befaster as far as sending more data through, a or b? a. a. it's got more volume. it can take more. it's just like 100megabit fast ethernet can do more than 10megabit because it's got more bandwidth.

that's another term we can useto get the traffic through. but if we took this,and we coupled it down to a small pipe like thisand then back to a big pipe like this, now whichone's going to have more effective throughput, a or b? i don't know that you know that. b? if this and this are exactlythe same right there-- then both-- they're the same.

if we round itoff, they're going to be pretty muchthe same because this is the slowest pointthrough our network or through the bandwidth. so it's like the weakest link. it's going to controlthe throughput. so in a network, if wehave all gigabit ethernet or all fastethernet, and then we have a server connectedat 10 megabits,

that's going to be possiblya bottlenecking getting all that traffic out.

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