Bank Of America Credit Card Payment Address

hi there, i'm alex. debit cards... theyare part of our lives. in fact, canadians areamong the highest users of debit in the world,making over four billion interac debittransactions each year.

Bank Of America Credit Card Payment Address

Bank Of America Credit Card Payment Address, and while over 99 per centare made without incident, we still need toprotect ourselves. debit card fraud costsmillions of dollars every year and affects usall in some way-with

inconveniences and increasedcrime in our communities. it's a threat thatcan hit anywhere. pump number three, right? right. did you hear? going to be some nastybit of weather coming up. you're kidding? no, lots and lots of rain. it's going tostart tonight.

do you want a receipt? no, that's ok. thank you. a criminal doesn't needyour actual debit card to steal from you-justenough information to duplicate your card. first, to grab thecard information, he may use a 'skimming'device to capture data off the card's magnetic stripe.

and second, to steal yourpersonal identification number, also known aspin, he might use a hidden camera concealed inthe ceiling or inside a counter display; or usea 'shoulder-surfing' accomplice who watchesyou enter your pin, if you don't shieldthe keypad enough. armed with this data,a fraudster can encode it onto a counterfeit cardand begin using your pin. the damage canbe upsetting.

i couldn't believe it wheni looked at my bank account. in the space of a day- hundreds of dollars - gone! fortunately, my bankcovered the entire loss. but it was still a hugepain getting things settled. to prevent fraud,there is a new, more secure generationof debit cards-cards embedded with a microchip. rather than swiping it,you insert a chip card into a payment terminal.

cards are verified usingcryptography-a secure, state-of-the-arttechnology. in the near future,the transition to chip technology will be complete,but until then cards will likely have both a magneticstripe and a chip. ok ... so as consumers,what can we do to prevent debit card fraud? one of the bestways is vigilance. don't let your card outof your sight during a

transaction orlend it to anyone. protect your pin. make it hard to guess. don't use obvious informationsuch as dates or addresses. memorize it; never write itdown or reveal it to anyone. if you have a chipcard, insert it whenever possible to avoidunnecessary swipes. check your bankstatements regularly for any unusual transactions.

retailers also have animportant role to play in reducing debit card fraud. first, hirereliable employees, check their references,and get to know them. establish soundbusiness practices. routinely check foranything unusual, such as suspiciouswires or devices, missing or tampered securitystickers, and different device serial numbersthan previously recorded.

treat paymentterminals like cash. keep them out of sightwhen they're not in use, and lock themup at closing. if you discoversomething suspicious, or a paymentterminal is missing, call the police andyour service provider, or business ownerimmediately. another debit card schemeinvolves tampering with automated bank machines.

it's a sophisticated scamthat can lead to big losses. ahhhhhhh... having trouble? it's crazy. thismachine isn't working. what do you mean? well, i entered my pinnumber, it didn't work. i tried to cancel it. now, it won't giveme my card back, and just my luck,the bank's closed.

maybe you're enteringthe numbers too quickly? or i don't know, or notpressing hard enough? why not try again? ok ... one more try. i know i've gotthe right pin. no luck? well, that's moderntechnology for you... letting you down whenyou need it the most. you're right.

can't do anythingabout it tonight. take care. in this case, our helpfulfriend is a criminal, responsible for having installeda card-capturing device. this scam was simplya matter of showing sympathy, observingthe customer's pin, retrieving thecaptured card, and waiting forthe next victim. be observant.

look for things likesuspicious card slots or cash dispensers,or a pinhole camera. if you see anythingunusual about the bank machine, do not use it. report the details tothe financial institution and police immediately. debit cards make it easyto access your money. but the continuingchallenge is to ensure that you are the onlyone accessing it.

more advancedbanking machines, terminals and chip cardsare making a difference in reducing debit card fraud. and so can you by beingvigilant and reporting suspicious activityon the front lines.

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