Best Buy Credit Card Online Payment

hi, there. my name is ronnie. welcome to thelesson on how to pay with a debit or credit card. one thing that might be a little bitdifficult when you're shopping is understanding what the machine says when you want to paywith a bank card, a debit card, or a credit card. so as an example, this is a creditcard. it's not, but it'll suffice. it'll do. so this is actually a points card for movies.if you like to go to the movies, you can get

Best Buy Credit Card Online Payment

Best Buy Credit Card Online Payment, a scene card. and if you spend lotsof money in the movie theater, you can watch a movie for free. the first thing that the person's going todo is they're going to give you a machine, or a machine will be at the checkout or thecash register. oh, hi, machine. the very,

very first thing that the machine will say-- it will say, "swipe or insert". these are verbs. the first verb, "swipe" -- what youhave to do is you have to take the black strip -- and "swipe" means to quickly push it throughor pull it through a machine. so you're going to be, like -- you can makethis noise if you want. now, the thing that confuses me all the timeis sometimes, i have to put my card in so the black stripe is towards me. some machines,you have to put it so that the black stripe is away from you. the people never tell you, andyou -- what's happening? other way. thanks. so maybe you are able to swipe your card.perfect. so you're going to -- verb -- "swipe" the card.

the other option, "insert" -- this card doesnot have one, but this is card a "chip". it's like a microchip. and you actually insert orput the card into the bottom of the machine. so "swipe" means to do this action. i don'tknow how to spell [swipe sound] -- but "insert" means to stick it in, to put in. so you'reactually going to put it in the machine, or put your card in the machine. the next thing that will happen is you probablyhave to keep your card in the machine if it's inserted. if it's swiped, you usually takeyour card back. they're going to ask you to verify the amount. so on the little computerscreen, it'll say, "amount: $42.75 ok?" it's your chance to press the "ok" button. now,if you decide that maybe the price is wrong

or the person has typed it in wrong, you haveto option to press "cancel". "cancel" means no. not going to happen. no. i'm sorry. "ok"means "yes". it'll tell you the amount "$42.75 ok?" you then press "ok". the next screen that will come up will looklike this: "che sav". what is "che sav"? these are two different kinds of bank accounts thatare common around the world. the first one is "chequing", and the second one is "savings".now, a chequing account means that you can write cheques. cheques are like paper money.if you ever have to pay rent, you're going to use a cheque. a savings account -- morelike a spending account -- is you can't write cheques through it. they're usually cheaperand more efficient in banks than a chequing

account. some people have two bank accounts.maybe you have a chequing account and a savings account. and maybe you have to keep a certainamount of money in one of these. so you get to choose which accountyour money comes out of. the next step it's going to say is, "enterpin". pin? safety pin? what's a "pin"? your "pin" is your "personal identity number".so it's usually for numbers. mine is "777" -- oh, no. not going to tell you. enter yourpin number. so you put in your pin number. now, sometimes -- this happens to me a lot --i try to swipe or i try to insert my card, and i have to tell the person -- i have tosay, "i didn't work." so it means that this black band at the back -- it's not being readby the machine. the machine does not understand

this. some people have techniques where theytake a piece of paper, and they put the card through again. if your card is very old ordirty like mine, maybe it doesn't work as well. that's why the chip is really, reallyhelpful where you insert it in. but anyways, sometimes, if it doesn't work,you have to start again. okay? so you're going toenter your pin number. now, maybe you forget your pin number. it mighttell you "wrong pin", so it means, "mistake! oh, no!" it'll say, "re-enter pin." "re-enter"means you do the number again. hopefully, it's okay. maybe you need to say to the person,"it didn't work." so they have to cancel the transaction. you get to do it again. hopefully,your pin has worked because you remember it.

you enter your pin number. and most machines,at the end of the pin number, you have to press "ok". then, all the magic happens. all themoney comes out of your account. and you'll get a message that says, "processing. do notremove card." this means don't take your card out if it's inserted. if it's a swipe card,there's no problem. but if you take the card out when it's processing, it means it's working;it's taking your money from your bank account. you can't remove it. okay? you have to waituntil you get this message. it'll say, "transaction complete" or "completed". "removecard. i don't have to tell you how important this is. twice, i have forgotten to remove my i went home, and i said, "oh, no. where's my debit card?" i had to go back to the store,and it was there. i was so lucky. two times

that's happened. how manytimes has it happened to you? using a credit card is almost exactly thesame idea. you're going to swipe it or insert it. it's going to ask you the amount. whenyou use a credit card, you will not have a chequing or savings option. but you will probablyhave to enter a pin number. it'll tell you again, "processing", and then,"transaction complete." some banks offer an option called "tap andgo" or "pay as you go" where you just touch the credit card to a censor, and itsubtracts money from your bank account. i don't trust that one. another thing -- a very bad thing, a verytragic thing that could happen when you are

paying with your debit or your credit cardis you could get a message -- instead of it saying, "transaction complete. remove card",you could get one of these ones. this one says, "incomplete transaction. please tryagain." an "incomplete transaction" means it did not work. there was a problem. therecould have been a problem with your chequing or savings. you could've entered the wrongpin number. many mistakes happen. and maybe it wasn't your fault. maybe it was the bank'sfault. so it'll say, "please try again." guess what? you probably would have to enter "chequingor savings" again and your pin number. one of them -- and the last one that i willteach you today -- is a very, very terrible one. the horror, the shock! it is called "insufficientfunds" "insufficient funds" means there's

no money in your bank account, so the transactionwould be incomplete. you don't have enough money in your bank account to pay for whatyou wanted to buy. that's a problem with you and your bank. so my advice is to get a job.get some money. make sure you've got lots of it in your bank account before you go shopping.if you like shopping, next time you go, try and pay with a credit or a debit card. seeif you can do it. i hope so. goodbye.

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