Children's Place Credit Card Payment

alcohol is injurious to health. smoking causes cancer and can kill. characters and situationsin this movie.. ..are not from real life,they are purely fictional. all characters aremade to talk in telugu..

Children's Place Credit Card Payment

Children's Place Credit Card Payment, that everybodycan understand them. you were proud thatkolkata is in your power. today kolkata is under my control. call out for your leader.

say, brother,taxi seth is going to kill us. please come and save us. call out for him.where is your leader? shout for help! we don't have to shout. goddess kali will save kolkata. our leader will save us. he'll come. he'll come? how will he come?

when will he come? he's not a bus or a trainto tell his arrival timings. he's a storm. hey! nothing will be lefthere when our leader arrives. i'm telling thisfor your own welfare. pack all your bags andrun if you know running. if you can't run, hide yourself. you don't have much time.he'll be here. beat him up!

i'll forgive youif you try to harm me. but i'll kill you ifyou try to harm my friends. how did this happen?who killed so many people? what were you doing whenthey were getting killed? our sir will answer your questions. yes. okay. i'll arrange for the ticketsbut won't come for the movie. listen! i'm already seeinga 70 mm movie here. okay? sir!

what? the press.. will you hang up for a second? what is it? the press is attackingus with questions. what should we tell them? what will you tellthem that they don't know? they'll ask is thepolice department sleeping? why didn't you catchthe killers yet?

we'll tell them that weare in the process of doing that. they'll abuse usand we'll speak morals. all of that is just a routine. send the bodies for post mortem. okay, sir. what is it, gajalaxmi? the minister looks very upset. yes, sir. sorry, sir! looking atthe crime scene we understood..

..that your brotherhad tied some men to a pole. either one of them or anotherman killed all your men. some were stabbed,others' bones were shattered. i think your brother died because.. ..there was a lot of bleedingfrom his nose and mouth. do you get paid to coverthe story like a tv reporter? sir.. i don't want to knowhow my brother died. i want to know who killed him.

catch him wherever he is. i've to kill him with my hands. catch him! catch him! is it a running bus sothat we can run and catch it? what does he think? can i tell when and whyi'll get calls on my phone? how is that possible, sir? you'll know it afteryou get the call. in the same way, the policeget to know after the killings.

hi, sir! good morning! good morning! here are the post mortemreports of all the bodies. the killer is a very strong man. i think he is a youngman under 25 years of age. he smashed all thebones in all the bodies. even their skulls are broken. how can we catch thisstrong 25 year old young man.. ..with just these evidencesin millions of people?

how can i tell you more than this? i'm sorry. i'll catch him. i'll find him no matter whichstate or which street he is in. where are you? o my dear laila! come to me o my dear laila!come to me, my darling! i am crazy after you shall i attack straightinto your heart shall i burn insideyou like a tequila

my dear girls,shall i come to you with my vigor shall i salute you withmy style and make you happy poland, finland and china.. russia and england..i have my fans all over my hand's touch is mesmerizing shall i jump intothe arena with my energy shall i see my mumtaz in you shall i become the emperorshahjahan out of intoxication o gorgeous girl!

what is life without spice o lovely girl, life isinsipid without your company i am crazy for beloved, come to me soon we'll live the full life today boredom in lifeis as good as death show your might to the world shall i make myheart like a chalise and fill it to thebrim with the wine of joy shall i make everyevent one to rejoice

is cherry still asleep? of course.he goes around the city all night. he comes home in thewee hours and goes to sleep. cherry! wake up. what is it, mom? i kept your coffee here.get up and get dressed. you will get late. come on, get up. okay. aunty!

i missed my college bus. my mom told me to askcherry for a ride to college. jimmy! what elsedid your mom tell you? she told me a lot of things. tell me a few things. she told me to giveyou whatever you ask for. really? after getting onto the bike,she told me to.. ..hold you tightly wheneverspeed breakers come.

what else? i feel shy. i feel irritated. i'm not a fool to fallfor your mom's plans. i'm cherry. now go. cherry! please go. what are you reading so intently,saraswati? i'm trying to learn english.

what does brutal mean? utmost cruelty. say it in telugu, sir. you need to learn telugualong with english. yes. why are you readingthis stupid news now? go and finish your work. mom, breakfast. serve it quickly.

instead of being insuch a hurry all the time.. ..why don't you getup early and get dressed? your uncle is your ceo. can't you call him up andsay that you'll be late today? i've been trying to do that. but he's not answering my call. did he forget his phone upstairs? he hasn't come down since morning. uncle!

what's the matter, uncle? why did you cover yourselflike that? are you cold? i'm scared. if they ask for me at office,say i'm out of town. if they are not satisfied,say that i'm dead. why should i lie to them? because you can'ttell them the truth. what is that truth? tell me. i was happily going tothe office in my company car.

i suddenly got a phone call. hello! hello, sir! my sister liked yourphoto at the marriage bureau. please meet her once.if you like her, we'll proceed. okay! she liked me! yeah! i've been desperatelytrying to get married. so that news was likewater in a desert for me.

i thought my lifewill take a new turn. i took a u turn andwent to see the girl. spit out the betel leaves. put those knives aside. change your languageand body language. he shouldn't findout that we are goons. the groom is a software engineer. we should be soft. okay?- yes. look at his lovely hair style.curly hair.

he looks like shoban babu,doesn't he? i'm sure he looks evenmore handsome in person. you said the groom is going to come. why did he send his father? hello, sir.didn't you bring him along? who? chandra babu or mohan babu? i was talking about your.. my father died long ago. i didn't mean your father.

stop asking questionsand show me the girl. oh dear! she looks too young. i'll go ahead with her. take his blessings. no need for that. sit down. i like the girl. that means he'll like her as well. who is that?what are you talking about?

i like you. you can talkto me in private if you want. a girl talks tothe groom in private. how can she talk to thegroom's father in private? you misunderstood me. i'm the groom.i want to get married. then whose photo is this? that's my photo. disgusting! dear!

viju! wait! you gave your teenagephoto at the bureau. but you came to seethe girl in your old age. i'm a little late, so what? not a little late,you are lifetime late. why are you making it a big issue? for example, who's thehero in the movie 'khaidi'? chiranjeevi. what about 'tagore'?

did his fans increase or decrease? they've increased. people who liked chiranjeeviin 'khaidi' 20 years ago.. him in 'tagore' today,don't they? if you liked my old photo,why don't you like me now? fans and marriageare two different things. no, they are the same. do we stop seeingtaj mahal and charminar.. ..because they are old now?why don't you speak?

we don't.- this is the same. nobody stops getting marriedbecause they've grown old. i can't wait anymore.let's fix a wedding date. what did you say? wait! if you thinkof beating me up.. ..even i can arrangefor you to get beaten up. do you know babji in this city? do you know him? if i make a phone call,he'll come and beat you up.

listen to me!nobody can stop this wedding. hey, boss is babji's right hand. we hid our weapons sinceyou are a software man. boss, shall we kill him? wait! i understoodthe matter clearly now. if we fight inside,all your furniture will break. if you want to fight,come to gymkhana grounds. hey! i'm just one are twenty men. bring another twenty men.make it twenty twenties.

you can bring more menbut don't bring fewer men. run! hey! i infuriated themand ran away with fear. those angry men couldn't catch me. but they have my phone number. they are messaging meall the abuses in telugu. they are eventhreatening to kill me. you did all this behind my back? is it not wrong to showyour teenage photo and..

..go to see the girl in old age? i did a bigger mistake than that. what is that? i used babji's name. if he finds out about this matter,he'll surely kill me. you are scared of babji, aren't you?- yes. let's go to his house.- no! we shouldn't touch fireor mess with a hoodlum. i will mess with him for you.let's go.

hi, man! whom do you want? babji. boss is busy in a settlement.wait outside. we ourselves are hoodlums. how dare you occupy our land? i will kill you if youtouch my name or my property. uncle.. look at that girl.

you should havedevotion in a temple.. ..and fear in a goon's house. why are you seeing a girlin his house? turn your head. she's beautiful, uncle.- no! she looks as if she's made for me. listen.. uncle, if i hook up with this girl.. ..we don't have to comehere for any settlements.. ..they themselves will come to is the idea?

you'll get into deep trouble. we came here to clear a problem,not to create it. i don't want this settlement.i'm going home. turn your face this side, please. hey! the boss called you inside. nephew, we got avisual of his cruelty. it's better to leave from here. i'm with you. let's go inside. boss, this is the manthat came to see my sister.

not me, it was my uncle. he looks good. why don'tyou get her married to him? not this one,'s the one that is hiding behind. hello, sir. what nonsense!why do you want to get married.. an age where youshould get others married? not just age,everything is more in him. he is using boss'sname like a credit card. he threatened me thathe'll get me beaten up.. giving a call to our boss. how dare you threaten my men.. using my nephew's name?what is your name? 'jalebi' (sweetmeat)! 'jalebi'? what kind of a name is that?i've never heard it before. my dad had a sweet shop.his specialty was 'jalebi.' i'm special in my family,so they named me that. jalebi!

is that so? what is your name? cherry? is there a storybehind your name as well? just cherry, it's a nickname. his name is a sweetmeatand your name is a fruit. does that give you licenseto use others' names? teach them a lesson. wait! don't thepeople of hyderabad.. ..have a right touse babji sir's name? people are crazy about him.he has love for his people.

so, he used his name. is that wrong? what was my questionand what is your answer? what are you talking about? i didn't understanda thing you said. it's enough if he understands it. babji sir's name is asfamous as 'biryani' in hyderabad. we used babji sir's nameto get a seat in the convent. we used babji sir's nameto get a seat in the college. just as people of hyderabadneed water from gandipet..

..they need babji sir's name. what do you say, uncle? are you flattering him? uncle!- what? let him speak. go ahead. you tell me. they stand besideyou but don't know.. ..the power you have in the public.

power star pawan kalyan movie.first day, first show. will any of them get a ticket? we won't get. but i will get it becausei use babji sir's name. if you take babji sir's name.. ..the police won'task for your license.. ..the traffic policewon't ask for your rc.. ..they won't askyou money in the bunk. is it wrong to use sucha powerful person's name?

what is your point? will you use hisname everywhere you go? we'll know what isour value in the market.. ..when we talk to suchpeople every now and then. you are correct, sir. sir, if you don't mind,can i take a photo with you? uncle, click a photo. you just used his name till date. will you use the photo now?

just wait, sir.please put your hand on me. brother, i'm going to the college. is she your sister?- yes. uncle, click a photowith her as well. hey, what is this new twist? why do you want a photo with her? click a photo, uncle. this is not working. will you click a photoif it starts working?

why do you needa single girl's photo? what's wrong in that? they'll get publicity. they'll print postersand distribute them. can't you see thatthey are ruffians? you go to the college, dear. please go, dear. sir, which collegeis she studying in? why do you want to know that?

why did we come here?what are you asking him? uncle, if we know whichcollege she studies in.. ..we won't go to that area. if any of my friends go there,i'll warn them.. ..saying that babji sir'ssister is studying in that college. what do you say, sir? correct. final year,shreya engineering college. give him all the code, postal address..

..height, weight,zodiac sign and everything else. someday he'll come with a good plan. what are you saying? i came here to meet babji sir. why do you talk as if icame to flirt with his sister? shut up! do you know where you are? why are you talking about flirting? you are in babji sir's house. why are you involvinghis sister in all this?

stop it! sir, no matter what they say,i'm a huge fan of yours. it is enough if you understand me. i can understanda man by his words.. ..and his character by his eyes. you are great, sir. you can meet mewhenever you want to. thank you, sir.just a small request. please tell themnot to harm my uncle.

they won't harm him. thank you, sir.- go. bye. sir, you are super! what happened to your voice, uncle? did you lose it? not just my voice,i might lose my life because of you. why did you want totake a photo with that girl? they will kill you.

i don't care what happens. i like that girl. i love her. do as you wish. drive carefully. where are we going? we are going to her college. madhu! you've rejected me everytime i proposed to you. if you don't say you love me,i'll jump down from here. will you say it or should i jump?

madhu, don't give him time to think.say you love him. otherwise he'll jump.he'll jump just one time. the tv people willshow it hundred times.. ..and shut down the college. but the tv people are not here. we don't need tvs and cameras, dear. everyone has cell phones. the students arealready shooting it. say it, dear.

what is this, sir?- wait, sir! does she have to love everybody.. ..that climbs to thetop and threatens her? listen to me andget down immediately. i'll get down if shesays that she loves me. madhu, there's no time.say that you love me. don't think, otherwise i'll jump. he is someone crazier than you. nobody is crazier than me.

madhu, will you sayit or should i jump? say it, dear.if he really jumps down..'ll go to prisonand i'll go to the court. why did he climbhigher than that fellow? madhu, i'll jump downif you say that you love him. that boy is notfrom our college, sir. but he climbed up in our college. who are you? it doesn't matter who i am.

only what i want matters. madhu should notsay that she loves him. i've seen people jumpingdemanding to be loved. but he is demanding a refusal.he is a weirdo. what will you do now, dear? if you say yes to one,the other man will jump. don't worry, dear. please don't make her nervous. decide which one willjump and which one will stay.

what is this, brother? i put in the tender but you'retrying to take the contract. why are you ruining my efforts? why are you putting in efforts? it's useless to try andcall a phone that's switched off. stop overacting and get down,i'll tell you a truth. what is that truth? i'll tell you if you get down. he got down.he put some magic spell on him.

you can threatenanybody for your love. but you shouldn'tthreaten the one you love. that girl is mine, so go your way. what? is this the truthyou wanted to tell me? brother,you don't know her brother babji. he is a can't win with him, you'll die. how will you win with him? he himself can't win with me. why is that?

you concentrate on your studies. you'll understand all this later. where are you going? i'm going to meet madhu. why do you want to meet madhu? i'm holding my heart tightso that it doesn't stop beating. come, let's go home. come with me, uncle. where are you taking me?

you handled the situation very well.- thank you. thanks, son. bye, son.- okay, sir. thanks a lot. will you just thank mefor taking such a big risk? what else will she say? what else will babjisir's sister say? let's go. wait a minute, uncle. if you don't mind..i think i love you.

why are you walking away? i'll tell it to my brother. god, please save us. why do you never get worried? what will you get by worrying? you will die. okay, let's go. babji! babji! did you see what that rascal did?

he went up to the tenthfloor and threatened.. ..that he'll jump down ifour girl didn't say she loves him. no, uncle. whatever it is, did he do it or not? he used your name behindyour back all this while. now he is using your family. if we leave him,tomorrow he'll demand.. ..that she shouldget married to him. why are you sittingwithout saying a word?

will you get her married to him? when did he come? ask him. cherry told me whatactually happened there. should i tell them as well, sir? no need. a guy threatenedthat he'll jump down.. ..if sister doesn'tsay that she loves him. cherry risked hislife and saved her. did he save that guy?

no, he saved sister. it is not about climbingup and down a building. he harassed her tosay that she loves him. if you get an electric shock.. ..l'll hit you witha stick to save your life. does that mean that i hit him, sir? the whole drama revolvedaround 'i love you,' sir. by mistake i must'vesaid i love you, sir. will i ever talk wronglyabout you or wrong you?

babji! don't believe him. he is saying yes withhis eyes and no with his lips. sir, they are jealous thati might become close to you. that's why they are paintinga wrong picture about me. and they are even usingyour beautiful sister for that. how dare you stand before us and.. shut up! it's up to me whetheri believe them or not. i trust you.thank you for saving my sister.

you may go. you are super, sir. uncle, let's go. i knew that flatteryblinds a person. but he proved thatit can break a family too. i'm very angry.don't utter proverbs before me. i will break all your bones. you said something tohim and something else to her. and you said everything to me.

they will kill you if they find out. oh, i won't let them find out. go! move! do your work. move! did you call me, dear? i shouted your name. where is he? i don't know.i cut off his friendship yesterday. it's not enough ifyou cut it off with him. tell him to cut it off with me.

he should come tome in ten minutes.. ..and say that he doesn't love me. otherwise i will get you killed. yeah! sir, why are you happyafter being abused by her? i expected a tsunami,but it was a simple cyclone. go. thank god! now i know thatthis girl doesn't love him. if i make him say the same,i'll get rid of this nuisance. it was so much fun.

excuse me.- yeah. it's not good for a girlthat drinks cold coffee.. take such hot decisions. who are you?what are you talking about? even though i'm facing you,this topic is hers. if the topic is hers,why don't you tell it to her? i'm afraid to tell it to her face.i might love her again. cherry! what did you come here for? and what are you saying now?

okay, i'll say it. is it wrong if a personthat travels in an auto.. ..dreams of driving a car? not at all. is it wrong for ahandsome guy like me.. fall in love witha slim and trim girl like her? no. just shut up! okay. if you want to talk to me,come directly to me.

why are you troublingmy bachelor uncle? please don't create a scene. if you use a creditcard with no balance.. will be declined,it won't give you money. don't scare my unclewho is already scared. i'm dropping out. goodbye! thank god! my dear fellow,you'll have a good future. why did you stop?

i'll tell her something and be back. what is it again?- i'll tell you. excuse me! hello! you can agreewith me if you listen as well. no country thrives ifit insults lovers and laborers. a beautiful girl like youshould promote love, not break it. when you reject a lover,think why you are rejecting him. think about it witha cool mind. bye. finally,did you leave that girl or not?

will we leave the threadif we lose the kite? sir, an enquiry based onthe detection of sniffer dogs.. ..revealed that some peopletook a man called singh.. ..from here just beforetaxi seth was murdered. this is the house, sir. does this mean that singhkilled all those men, sir? no, that's not possible. how can a few goons kidnap a man.. ..that could brutallykill so many men?

their leader is somebody else. sir, i found this slip inside. their next target is hyderabad. since he booked a ticketfrom kolkata to hyderabad.. ..the criminal isdefinitely in hyderabad. yes, i reached hyderabad. go away. hello! don't givemoney to such people. do you know about them?

they beg for money with a sad face.. ..they finance money witha daily interest of 10 rupees. they do real estatebusiness on city outskirts. they beg in the morningsas a side business. got it? did you take some finance from them? no way. these are thegeneral topics at signals. i told you what everybody says. don't tell everyonewhat everybody says. go.

you have high fever. why are you beggingunder the hot sun? i need to do thisno matter how sick i am. otherwise they will kill me. who?- dasu. fever? will yougo to apollo hospital? you get fever, headache,and cough only if you are alive. you'll get none ofthese after you die. boss, please don't kill my son.

show these sentiments while begging. you've to bring 100 rupeesa day whether you live or die. otherwise,you will have no life at all. and he also pulls outthe eyes of newborn babies. he is a very good dancer. since he'll become agreat man if he dances well.. ..he chopped off his legs. his men are spread in busstands and railway stations. they pick up newchildren that come here..

..saying that they'll provide work. once he finds you,you will die but never escape. why don't you complainto the police? he already killed twopeople who tried to do that. we are living there infear not knowing what to do. where can i find him? why are you sittinghere so leisurely? are you the ones on night duty? yes, boss.

you eat three times a day but.. ..go for collectionsjust one time a day. why can't people givenotes instead of coins? i have a tough time counting them. every first day of the month,it feels like.. ..goddess laxmi is walking in here. why live a cheap life with coins? whether it is ambani'smoney or begged money.. ..the market rate is the same.

whether they are coins or notes.. ..they get the samevalue in the market. should i tell yousomething about change? 25 paisa today,50 paisa tomorrow and 1 rupee later. how much will that cometo at the end of the month? the calculator can'tfit in the whole number. and these bags are notenough to hold all the money. if dawood lbrahim and chotarajan find out the income.. this business, they'llleave their mafia gangs abroad..

..and start a similar business here. look at my son.he looks like a hero. how is my dress, dad? i'll spend 100 million rupees and.. ..make a movie with you as the hero. even if the beggarsin the market see it.. ..your movie will run for 100 days. i don't want to be a hero.songs and fights are boring. i'll become a villain. itwill be fun to do rapes and murders.

you are already doing that. but everybody will seeme if i do it in a movie. why are you beating him? he will die! i want him to die. how dare you come tomy area and beat my son? it is not climate thatchanges with the area. it is courage. can't you bear to seeyour son getting beaten up?

how can others bearto see when your son.. ..tortures their little children? poisonous flowers.he'll just lose his sight. please don't harm my child. she'll keep crying. you go ahead. no! i'm warning you! let my son go! are you mother teresa'sheir to save the orphans? tell him about me.

why do you want to mess with them? they chop off people'shands and legs for coins.. ..and do theirbusiness on busy roads. you look like a young guy. go and chat with girls.don't get into fights. hey! break his bones! kill him! hello! is this the police station? will you treat humansworse than animals?

are these the fingersthat pulled out the eyes.. ..of infants that shouldplay in their mother's laps? are these the handsthat gave begging bowls.. small childreninstead of school books? please let him go. all the parts in mybrother's body are shaken. all his bones are broken.please leave him. what are you thinking, sir? there's no other part inhis body left except his head.

sir, don't mind thathe didn't salute you. brother is not in astate to lift his hands. i have a small request.- shut up! he'll live if you take himin an ambulance instead of a jeep. he can at least spendhis life in a prison. congrats for saving allof them by taking such a risk. you should be doing this, not me. we?- yes, you. you go to see a ministerif he's traveling on road.

but you totally ignorethe small children.. ..that are begging on the same road. for trp ratings,you'll run sms contests.. ..whether aishwarya raiwill have a son or a daughter. you'll give details of gross,share and shake.. ..of a superstar's moviebut ignore such children. media should work for public,not for publicity. look, stop writing about me. there are many peoplethat do good to the society.

there are many peoplethat responded to a newspaper.. ..that stated that a manneeds 500,000 for an operation. inform such peopleabout these people. think about ways neededto help these people. please. you are a real hero, brother. we might've heard aboutliquor mafia or drugs mafia. but human mafia ismore dangerous than that. a man shattered that mafiaand sincerely responded.. the atrocities beingdone in the society and..

..saved hundreds oforphans with great courage. this software youngman cherry is being.. ..congratulated on facebook,twitter and through e-mails. i like him now. i'll finalize him. oh. you look handsome when you feel shy. oh.. why did you comehere all of a sudden? actually cherry has robbed my peace. he gave a new life to many orphans.

i felt he is a good should hook us up. why are you guys torturing me? please. why do you need my mediating, dear? why don't you talk to him yourself? he is very unpredictable.he might suddenly refuse. i have huge, please make him come to me. oh, so you have huge ego.let me take care of that. you have ego,i have fear, and he has pride.

let's forget about this love now. jalebi!- yes, dear. i'm very short-tempered as well. oh god! i'm stuck! i'll try, dear. cherry!- yes? do you like me? i even left the girli love for you, uncle. no, please continueloving that girl.

is this an internet connectionto cut when you don't want.. ..and connect it back whenyou want it? it is my heart. don't give me quotations. huh? she heard that yousaved some orphans. since then she hasdecided not to let you go. come and tell her that you love her. what? won't she loveme if i don't save anyone? i don't want such a girl, uncle.

i want someone thatlikes me just the way i am. why will someone likeyou the way you are? are you abraham lincolnor bill clinton? uncle!- please, i beg of you. okay. i have a huge ego,so tell her to come to me. huge ego?did you hear our conversation? no! why do you ask? even she said the same thing. we all are just kids.why cling to our egos?

come and talk to her. i can't bend lower than this. go and bring that girl to me. she said she'll kill me. don't take her seriously. she said she'll kill herself. don't take her seriously at all. darn! why are you cryingin the washroom, sir?

do i need yourpermission to cry here? won't you let me even cry in peace? okay, sir. continue crying. wash your hands. cherry will getme into deep trouble. oh dear! i don't know how manymurders this will lead to. i fell in love atfirst glance of yours i fell for this smile of yours

i got snared by just one word..i am done for i am retracing my steps my strength is all spent i can't eat anythingdue to your delusion my body is shivering with fever i am overcome with shyness, o god good lord!your beauty has set me on fire i fell in loveat first sight of you god has put up somelink between you and me

that's why my heartis dancing with joy i'll have you as my belovedin the future lives too i like you and offeredmy heart to you i landed in your lapand seek your protection no! no! no! o god! she has intoxicated me! o lord! i'm reaching for the skies you have come with thespeed of light and stole my heart you come to my dreamsdaily and drown me with kisses

i've got a twitchingeye looking for you o girl,your lips are a savory sweet you've changed my did you manage this o god! i feel thecoolness of the moonlight o lord! i am sweatingin the peak of winter cherry is goingaround with our madam. we need to tell thisto boss immediately. it's not sister's fault, boss. even a twig starts blossomingif you water it every day.

shut up, you fool!he watered our girl, not a twig. he is at fault forgiving him that chance. you can understanda person from his words.. ..and his characterfrom his eyes, is it? what did you understand?he made a fool of you. darn! i couldn't hearhis flattery for you. when i stopped him,you cut me short saying uncle! what will you do now? your sister will say thatshe wants to get married to him.

i've to kill him. i cannot tolerate betrayal. he should die before sistertells me about her love. that's like my boy. come on, find him. should we kill him? boss, he is goingaround with a helmet. he stopped at khairatabad signals. what do you want me to do?

a helmet saves from accidents,not problems. follow him.we are starting from here now. yes, boss.- where is he? he went down the flyoverand took a left turn. should we ram ourjeep into his bike? no! babji himself will kill follow him. okay, boss. boss, he came to state home. we are nearby.

boss, won't it berisky to kill him here? it is better to kill him there. the news will spreadin all the state. mother!- yes? take these 100 rupeesand keep this packet with you. i'll come back and get it later.- okay. mother! give me the packet. here it is. boss, he went inside.

let's go.- okay. babji, this murder shouldbe the highlight of all crimes. sir, the dgp is in a can't go this way. give our greetings to know my nephew, don't you? yes sir. let's go now. where is this fellow? boss, he is there. go and finish him right there.

he shot the dgp in a second. it takes 10 days forus to just say hello to him. the murder is cancelled.we don't know his background. we should leave before he sees us. turn around. uncle! my heart is beating fast. i'm in the same condition. why did our familyget involved with him? is he gone?

will he survive aftertaking in so many bullets? you fool! i meant the killer,not the dead man. i think he is gone, boss. why did he get such high fever? i can feel the heat here. this is not some viral fever. he got it because of a sudden shock. did he see any shockingincident from close? yes, we did see something like that.

no medicines will work on him.just forget it. forget what? my nephew? no, the incident you saw. dgp was killed rightin the state home. who killed him amidst so many vips? are they terrorists,gangsters or naxalites? the police are investigatinginto this case. babji, we were very lucky. if we went and askedhim why he loves our girl..

..he would've pointedthat gun at us. which gun, sir? what do you have to do with that? we got stuck in a problembecause of ill-luck. you leave. brother!you were alright in the morning. why did you get thisfever all of a sudden? you are responsible for this. what did i do? you..

i understood. i should behaveas if i don't know anything. go inside. i need to talk to brother. it would be better if yougive him some poison and kill him. can't you see thathe has high fever? what do you want to talk now?go away. wait, uncle!today is a very auspicious day. for what? to kill him? brother, i love someone.

that's a wonderful thing. he is burning likean electric heater. is it necessary togive him this news now? uncle, brother will behappy to know whom i love. he got fever because of that man. brother, the man i loveis a huge fan of yours. who is that? cherry? he is a smooth talker.don't trust him at all. uncle, you didn't likehim from the beginning.

brother will be upset ifyou talk negatively about him. darn! babji, why do wehave to endure this torture? brother, cherry is here to meet you. he is here? what is this, sir?i thought you had a strong body. what happened to you? he became like this afterseeing something shocking. what did he see? they've killed thedgp who protects the state.

he is already sufferingwith high fever. why are you showinghim such crime news? was this the shockingthing that you saw? why will we see that?we didn't see anything. we don't know anything about it. all the fools here aregoing through a bad week. i think she must'vealready told you about me. she said you never refusedher anything since childhood. i came to you with couragehoping you won't refuse me.

i hope you don't have any that a yes? why doesn't he speak? how can we refuse? we agree to it. smile, babji.then he'll believe you. that is a smile. thanks, brother. i'm very happy. thank you. you should actually thank me.- why? who is responsiblefor your love? me!

i went to see hissister and use his name. then i brought youhere and you saw this girl. then this girl liked you and.. hey! stop your nonsense. you got what you wanted. now leave. if you don't mind,i'll take madhu home.. ..and introduce her to my family. how can he refuse?take her with you. wow! you are really great, sir.

please don't flatter me.take her with you. bye! did you call me, sir?- yes. cherry, you take her home. i'll give a party to youruncle for hooking you up with her. uncle, enjoy. thank you. babji sir's sisteris going to get married. what about your sister?

why don't you settle for me? don't give me those serious looks. now my background isbigger and stronger than you. plate! why is the plate so big? food! why did you serve me so much food? it will reduce if youstart eating. come on. can anyone eat so much food?

even he can't eat so much. what is this, sir?ask them to remove half of it. jalebi! i feed otherswith a lot of love. you should finish allthat is served in your plate. you should eat whatever i serve you. you should eat it in whateverway i tell you to eat. otherwise i'll losemy control and kill you. oh! i think this is a murder scheme. others beat you to death,but he will feed me to death.

start eating. i will eat. oh god! my stomach is in pain. i will die!i will get stuck in this! all the parts in thebody are filled with food. how did you eat so much food? i didn't eat, sir.they stuffed the food into me. how can they stuff so much?tell me the real story.

take your hand this a table to rest your hands? what? okay, now.. are you a doctor or a lawyer? why do you ask questionswhen i'm dying? it's not like that. forget that.operate on me and take the food out. i beg of you. we can operate to get the baby out,not the food. this is the body, sir.

we have all the recordingsof the cctv cameras.. the state homefrom the day of the murder. second camera. third camera. hey, who are they?they are present in all the cameras. a famous rowdy called babji.and that is his uncle. what is he saying? his voice was not recorded, sir. is there anyone in theintelligence department..

..that can read his lipsand give us the dubbing? we have someone, sir. who is he? sir, he is the man youwanted to see from intelligence. i think he is a drunkard. yes, sir. i'm always inmufti and fully intoxicated. duty and drink are like my two eyes. do you drink continuously? no, sir. i drink it for couragewhen i've to arrest someone.

after that i drink infear that he many harm me. i drink with joy when officerslike you appreciate me. i drink with sadnessif you don't appreciate me. but you have to drinkall the time, is it? i strongly feel thateveryone in intelligence.. addicted to some habit. okay, show him the tapes. play. stop.

rewind the tape. great! great sync. you've synced the lips perfectly. cbi's duty is to linkor sync something, sir. bring them to my office. will you go aloneor will you take support? you should takefriends to a wine shop. but you should goalone to the criminals. am i correct, sir?

you are correct. i like you. i too, sir.- go ahead. i'm afraid to thinkabout the future, uncle. we can't achieve anythingby being afraid or sad. the remote is in his hands. we should watch whateverchannel he plays. we can do nothing about it. hi! his house is betterthan the mansion house.

who are you?what are you looking at? i'm thinking of howto reveal the matter. we are not doing anymoresettlements. leave. why are not you doing them? should i give you a reason?my son is not well. why is he not well? why are you drinking in my house? are you out of your mind? a vehicle needs petrol to run.

my mouth needs a drink to talk. he is acting too smart. finish him. wait! i'm a cbi agentthat came to interrogate.. ..about the manyou already finished. my officer is waiting in the office,let's go. we never go to the stationwhen the police call us. will we come now for the cbi? we won't come anywhere. just leave. i'm not a policemanto leave when you ask me to.

i'm from cbi.central bureau of investigation. our head office is in delhi,not your street. if you don't come with me,you'll be in deep trouble. come on. go ahead. we'll follow you. hello!- hello! so, what do you do? we do small settlements, sir. you fool! shut your mouth!

what do you mean? we deal with land andfamily matters of poor people. when a couple has disputesand decide to separate.. ..we say, the relationshipbetween wife and husband.. ..should be like fish and water.. ..not like fish andfisherman and unite them. why did you go tostate home on 21st? state home? what is that?we don't know where it is. since our babji was ill,we were at home.

we haven't steppedout for over a week. false. that's a lie. tell me the truth. why will we lie?what are you talking about? even we have a circle of friends. we know ministers and mlas. don't underestimate us. so, did you go to meet them? where did we go? whom did we meet?

what are you asking about? what were you saying there? i said, today is friday,let's go to the temple, babji. the murder took place on a tuesday. darn! how can i rememberif it was a friday or tuesday? do you think wecommitted that murder? since i'm an old man,i was telling him some good things. why are you makinga big issue out of it? oh! good things, is it?

there's something wrongwith those dialogues. that's right. i said those words. why should i lie?i said that dialogue. i said those wordsin that situation. what was that situation? some guy trapped our girl. we got informationthat he was there.. ..and so we went there to warn him. but before that,the matter got twisted like this.

so, the murderer is theguy who trapped your girl? please don't dragus into this issue. was he there whenthe murder took place? yes. oh no, i don't know. please don't ask us about him. my boy has fever. i have chest pain. and i have blood. don't mind that. sir hit you. you may leave now.

is that all? we can go? cbi is very simple. let's go. hey! what is the nameof the guy who loves your girl? charan! his nickname is cherry. what does he do? he's a software engineer. in which company? cg tricks. madhapur, phase-2. sir, why did youlet those criminals go?

you shouldn't save the bottleafter the drink is finished.. ..and the witnesses afterthe matter is finished. they witnessed the murder,but that man committed it. how can you be so sure? they had fear in theireyes and tremor in their voices.. ..when you mentioned him. i noticed that you noticed that. you are right. you aredrunk but your mind works well. thanks for your compliment.

then let's arrest than man, sir. sir should say that, not you. he is not killing ordinary men. he completed his targeteven in the midst of.. many ministers,mlas and security guards. looking at his dedication,determination and.. ..decision power,i can't understand.. ..if he is one manor hundred thousand men. we need strongevidences to arrest him.

based on the details they gave us.. ..get me his whole bio-data. sir!- yes? we've got all the date of cg tricks. see charan's detailsin the staff list. see if he went to workon the day of murder, the 21st. he was on leave, sir. yes! match this photo withcctv cameras in state home.

we didn't find a match there, sir. most brilliant criminal. he made sure he wasn'tcaptured in any camera. but i saw him in tv once, sir. when? he exposed a human mafia last month. the people who gotbeaten up by him.. ..and got arrestedare in the prison now. bring them here.

get down, brother. be careful. be careful.why are you in such a hurry? when you walk, why doesit sound like a robot walking? did you hear thesound of iron rods, sir? except for liver,heart and kidneys.. ..everything else ismade of steel in their bodies. a guy beat them upand powdered their bones. since they couldn'tbe attached together..

..we managed to put themtogether with steel rods. his mashed up all thebones in their bodies. even this is steel, sir. even their skulls were broken. was he the one that beat you? it's him! it's him! his photo is dislocatingall the rods in their bodies. please turn that around, sir. he turned it, brother.

didn't you try totake revenge on him? will we hit the transformerif we get an electric shock? they have intelligencebut no information, sir. we don't need any more information. he is the one thatwe are searching for. cbi! did you catch him or not? i've got intelligence reports that.. ..he is going to killme in the kumbh fair. what are you guys doing?

he can't kill you, sir. when you return from kumbh fair.. ..he'll be standingbefore you in handcuffs. you can go there boldly, sir. go and search! this side. search everywhere.go upstairs. this way. don't leave any room. search everywhere.

what is this commotion? what are you guys doing here? who do you think lives here?babji's brother-in-law. we are searching for him.we are from cbi. i'm cherry's name is jalebi. jalebi? yes. unfortunately,my name is jalebi. you should've namedyourself spicy chips. they go well with drinks.

we searched everywhere, sir.he is not here. whom are you searching for? cherry. where is he? he went to the khumb fair. khumb fair? let's go. pick him. sir, i have a tummy upset. did you get him? no, sir. his phoneis continuously engaged. i think he is talkingto his girlfriend.

keep trying. o my god! feel the way i feel..fill me up with love o cut through like a knife don't shine like the lightningand send shivers down my spine come down like the thunderand give what i seek i am getting intoxicated i am being driven mad this rashness of yoursis causing all this i want to share thislove and offer you my beauty

why can't you be more patient madam! madam! just be my madam i love you, love you, madam my love is true let's seal this pact, my love i saw the dreams ofa happy home and immense love i felt shy seeing allthat and left it to providence i keep smiling in spiteof the burden on my heart

come to me, my love come to me, my protector come to me without any delay i come to satisfy your wish..not necessarily what you asked one must be giventhat which can't be asked don't just walk away like that give me what i seek come to me,the greatest lover of the world come to me,the greatest worker of the world

come to me and don'tlet this chase go begging sir, i've seen khumb fair in tv,but never in person. why did you spend somuch to give me a free trip? i'll tell you.first call up your nephew. may god fulfill all your desires! yes, uncle. put on the speaker. i'm in the khumb fair. even i'm in the fair.

when did you come here? i'll tell that later.first tell me where you are. i'm at lord shiva's temple. we got him. freeze! are youremoving your gun out? should i be quiet whenyou kill everyone before me? sir, my son is a software engineer. how can he kill somebody? you'll understand everythingin the interrogation.

they caught our brother. what now? he is not our brother. no? then where is our brother? let's go to the vehicle. brother will finish him and come. sir, let's go tothe hospital please. i thought he was dead,but he's still alive. he killed my brother and dgp. i should kill him!

sir, as per rules, we shouldn'tfire weapons in khumb fair. forget the rules. take him to the hospital. i'm really sorry.since you both look the same.. ..i unnecessarily doubted you. you are not connected to may leave. sir, who is that man? why do you want to knowabout a murderer? let's go. we are at the railway stationbecause they caught him.

otherwise we would'vebeen in the police station. sunrise and sunset look the same.. ..but the temperatures differ. in a similar way,you are so different from him. just a minute. why are you touching that man? it says that he is a hero. the media writes anythingthey want for circulation. everyone tries to getrid of their problems.

but you are trying to get into one. i want to know aboutthe man that looks like me. rawat! down! down! rawat! down! down!save our lives! you ask us to shut down factories. but the governmentasks us to build factories. what should we do now? the government askedyou to manufacture medicines.. ..not drugs like'charas' and heroine.

because of the illegaldrugs manufactured by you.. ..the air and waterare getting polluted.. ..and people aredying of failed lungs. understand our problemand shut down the factory. the factory is notpolluting the environment. your illegal slums are polluting it. go and dwell somewhere else. go! we won't move! move your factory! it is not some toyto move it around.

it is a factory builtwith 10 billion rupees. people's lives aremore important than money. badvel! yes, brother! if one man gets a scolding,10 men will be afraid. if one man gets beaten up,100 men will be afraid. if one man gets killed,100,000 men will be afraid. grandpa! there's no pollution in heaven.

would you like to join him there? nobody that talks againstme or acts against me.. ..should step into kolkata. he's coming from hostelafter a long time. see properly. i'm seeing properly.don't eat my brains. siddhu is there! where?- there! sister!- siddhu! hi, sis!- how are you?

i'm good. hi, siddhu!- hi! how are you? did you prepare well for the exams? i did what i could. don't make him talk too much. i took an off from thehospital and came to meet him. how can you askme not to talk to him? you shouldn't talk to him.that's all.

he was silent when hewrote his 10 standard exams. so, he came first in the state. if he remains silent even now.. ..he'll come first incentral railway exams too. i have a strong mind, sis.even if i scream around.. ..not a single word willbe deleted from my mind. whatever it is, you will not talk.that's it. what is this?how can she tell you not to talk? we'll continue talking in secret.

shall we go? shouldn't we get a coolie? why? my husband will carry the bags. if you don't talkas your sister said.. ..everyone will think you are dumb. sis, let me talk a little. okay. take a shower and freshen up.i'll cook food. thanks. cousin siddhu! when did you come?

what are you looking at? why are you so stunned?say something. put on some clothesor close the door. everything i studiedis going out of my mind. is that so?now everything will come back. only half came back. if he writes this exam and becomes.. ..a railway superintendent,he'll be settled in life. since he has nobodyelse except for us..

..we'll get him marriedand fulfill our responsibility. why don't you gethim married to my sister? your sister is superfastand my brother is dead slow. how will they manage? he'll sit in a corner like me. i said they'll be happy like us. hmm. my husband went aroundthe whole of kolkata.. ..and brought your favorite fish.

didn't you recognize her?she's my sister. oh! i saw her justonce in your wedding. 'i'm glad he didn't saythat he saw me without clothes.' she attended the campusinterviews recently. she is waiting for the results. is that so? 'wow, you are a good actor.' it's okay. please sit down.

she doesn't look likethe girls of this generation. i think she is a quiet girl. not at all.she is shy as she met you just now. 'shy? this girl?' badvel murdered another man. muslim brother riyazwas brutally killed.. ..for demanding to stopthe pollution from the factory. whenever there's a murderor crime in the city.. ..the names connectedwith that crime are..

..rawat and his brothersbadvel and taxi seth. but their crimes are never proved. the public and thepolice know who killed him. don't the media know? what will you do if we tell you? you'll telecast ittill they kill us, right? who is this rawat, sis? they've been tellingabout him from so long. they are rascals.

kolkata hears aboutthem almost every day. that's why we areplanning for a transfer.. that we can getaway from all these things. don't the police do anything? there are no policethat can arrest them.. ..or men that canconfront them in kolkata. those goons aredoing what they want.. ..because nobody isready to fight against them. if someone confronts them,they'll get scared.

why should we discuss about them?forget it. yes, we shouldn't discusswhat happens around us. no matter what happens to others.. ..we should be happy, right? this is not our state or our city.forget it. even mother teresawasn't from kolkata. she came to anothercountry to serve others.. ..and inspired millions of people. these goons are walkingin the kolkata that she lived in.

someone should confrontthem one day or the other. oh dear, finish your food. listen..- brother! close the case immediately. sir, they are takingrawat and badvel's name. will they take our names instead? change them in the fir. hello, rawat sir! bless me! come in.

greetings! bless me! hello! you are my follower and partner.sit here. no, sir. i'll gain confidencewhen i sit at your feet. he always does overacting. i heard you were called to delhi. you take care ofthe center from now. your brother willtake care of the state. why two politicians in one family? you are correct.the government always says..

..that one is enough andtwo are a crowd in a family. that is about children,not about movies or politics. here, the more peoplethe more benefit. am i right, brother? what about the liquor tender? the minister refused togive us the contract saying.. ..there are enough liquorshops for people to drink.. ..and anymore shops willbring his government down. yes, sir.that minister is a useless man.

he is always concernedabout the people correct. when we occupiedsome land illegally.. ..he created more fussthan the people themselves. you've helped him winand become a minister.. ..thinking that he'llbe useful to us.. ..but he has kept mypromotion still pending, sir. call him up! hello, rawat sir!i understood the matter.. soon as i got a call from you.

i think all your meninstigated you against me. don't act too smartbecause you have a post.. ..and gunmen besides you. i'll make your gunmen shoot you. you should apply hennaonly to your fingers. you shouldn't apply it toyour body because it gives color. try to understand. you and your brother killeda man before 10,000 people. not just me, even my menare trying hard to manage it.

and talking about your men,they created.. ..false land documentsfor mother teresa's lands. he put his mother's nameand he his grandma's name. will the people keep silent? why won't they be silent? is mother teresa still alive?no, she is not. why do dead people need land? so, i put my mother's name on that wrong? shut up! if you say thosewords in the assembly..

..the oppositionparty will abuse you. so what?- stop. you shouldn't think ofpeople when you are in power. you should think about our men. but that's not.. when i come back from delhi.. ..i should see him as the dgp.. ..and these men should be happy. understood?

siddhu! let's go to a movie. why a movie now? i already told themto book the tickets. they'll feel bad if we don't go. who? my fans. fans?- yes. your fans?- yes.

who are they? venu and party. you don't know thekind of following i have. let me show you. come. hail gabbar singh! hail oscar! brother!- yes? you are the president of.. ..kolkata powerstar fans association.

you should display power.why are you so scared? i'm not scared.just a little shivering. why? nandini always used to call me for.. ..pizzas, burgers and cold drinks. today she called me fortwo side by side movie tickets. what does that mean?does she like me? of course she likes you.why are you tense? if she has asked you tobook two side by side tickets..

..she has given youthe signal for love. really? take this ring. wow! just like people in andhraare crazy for power star.. ..people here are crazy for you,brother. really? take this. you are super, brother. catch this. she fell for you, brother.

you are a bengal tiger, brother.- really? you are siddhu siddharth roy,brother. really? you deserve this chain. brother, you are givingaway all your gold. i hope you don't become a pauper. when 50 kilos of goldis going to be mine.. ..why should i botherabout 250 grams of gold? you are right. hi!- hi!

brother,your future wife looks beautiful. she does.but who is the man beside her? he is like a power starwith mega star's features. give me back my ring.- why? give it back.- take. it doesn't matter who he is,brother. he is a vcd, but you are a dvd. you take this.- thanks. hi, venu!- hi, nandini! who is he?

my sister-in-law's brother. brother? i was tense.i'm venu, local power star. huh?- yes. listen!- yes? take the brother andbuy whatever he wants. give him whatever seathe wants to see the movie. she and i will sitin the corner seat and.. how can that be possible? no way! he is my sister-in-law's brother.

i forced him to come to the movie. if i don't sit beside him,not only him.. ..but my brother and sister-in-lawalso will feel bad. let's go, siddhu. why does she need cornerseats to sit with a brother? she said he is hersister-in-law's brother. what does that mean? he can be her boyfriend too.- what? it is like he is riding your horse.

i won't let him ride it. let's go. hey, see what the brother is doing? your girl is doing a lot of things. what is he doing whenshe's doing all that? even he'll do somethingwithout being seen. if they are behavinglike this in a matinee show.. ..they would've donea lot more in a first show. i won't let them do anything. shall we finish him then?

if we do it now,the fans will get disturbed. we'll leisurely finishhim in the interval. we need weapons tosave our girl or property. so, i brought acid and knife. when i stab him with this knife.. pour acid on his face. what should we do? watch the show withoutgetting scared. one popcorn,one coke, medium french fries.

he is there. he is like a free customer. he is watching amovie with our tickets. now he'll drink the colddrink that your girl bought. he'll die free of costwhen i stab him with this knife. let's do it. let the crowd reduce. you said there werefans in the theater. now you say there is public.will you stab him or not?

i will stab you first. we need proper planning. sorry, i didn't see you. will my clothes getdry if you say sorry? they will get dry if you apply heat.give me a hug. pathetic! hey, give me a hug. let me go.- hug me. why are you making thisinto a big issue? let her go.

how dare you touch viju? how dare you touch me? what is that look?will you hit? will you hit me? i came to take their bodies. take them away.- okay. let's go. hey, what is that blood? tomato sauce. tomato sauce?

don't ask me questions.i'm in a shock. go and watch the movie. wash it off. don't wave! that's enough. why are you drinking so much? your liver will get damaged. if i damage my liver,i can borrow some money.. ..go to apollo hospitaland get myself a new one. what should i dowhen my lover is gone?

a country has no harmfrom terrorism and naxalism. our india is backwardonly because of beauty-ism. what does beauty-ism mean? girls use their beauty as capital.. ..and make us go around them.. ..just like theyrotate the interest. they will smile and convince us. for example,we buy shares of a good company. we expect guaranteed growth.

but it shuts down without warranty. even girls are like that. you compared beautywith money in a good way. 5 years! instead of following her.. ..if i had gonearound india on foot.. ..i would've beenin the guinness book. just as they throw thecup after eating the ice-cream.. ..just as they removea small hero's movie.. ..when a star hero'smovie releases..

..she this innocentman for a handsome man. please don't trust beautiful girls. i feel the same.let's go and confront her. if we go to her, she'llsay she is getting married to him. we'll have to pay for thegifts and bouquets. forget it. okay, brother. she married himlong ago in her heart. i've designed the marriageinvitation in my heart long back i've sent it to you in my dreams

i'll offer my lovethe black spot on my cheek i'll welcome you at firstnight with sublime scents i've received the marriageinvitation.. is it true or a dream i replied to my belovedwith my first kiss long back i'll get a lovely garlandof fresh blooms for you i'll entertain you in thebeautiful evenings of the season the new season of love has begun the birds sing tunes of love the breeze has anair of intoxication

the jasmines are readyto adorn your lovely hair your gaze pierces into my heart i desire to embraceyour beauty with all my heart that is how thisstory will go to climax my love for stayedunexpressed for long i wrote this letter oflove for you with words unspoken i yearned for yourlove for a long time i waited for you justas a garden waits for the blooms you sly looks carry lots of news

there are many desireswaiting to be fulfilled doctor, how is my daughter? how is she? are you really her parents? you gave steroidsto a ten year old girl.. make her looklike an eighteen year old.. that you can makeher a prostitute to earn money. we didn't do it, sir.rawat's brothers.. ..badvel and taxi seth did that.

because of poverty weput our children on jobs. but they give steroidsto those small girls.. ..turn them into womenand sell them for prostitution. they are separating smallkids from their parents. half of the taxis inkolkata belong to taxi seth. they kidnap small girlslike my daughter who get into.. ..his taxis, promise them jobs,turn them into prostitutes.. ..and later sell themoff to men in other countries. why didn't you complainto the police about this?

nobody has the courageto confront them, sir. you might not have the courage,i have it. what?- yes. a girl gave this statementagainst badvel before dying. these are her bloodsamples and dna reports. finally i saw a man thathas the courage to confront him. these proofs areenough to arrest him. yes, siddhu. why didn't you come forlunch on your anniversary?

sister is waiting for you.where are you? i came to old binni mills. what? what work do you have there? i came here for an important work. ask your sister to eat food.i'll come later. okay, come soon. where to? we need to see badvel. take off your uniformand come inside.

why did you comein your police uniform? did you come to arrest me? someone has complained against you.. ..for the first timein kolkata with strong proofs. he came to me withoutknowing that i'm your man. if he had gone to someone else.. you should think aboutthe diseases, doctor. why do you botherabout other people? did you really think youcan go against me in kolkata?

he may have sold himself to you. if the police can't do anything,i'll give these proofs.. the media and getyou hanged in the public. yes? badvel! badvel! nobody should questionme even if i sell or kill people. you might kill me today,but one day you'll die like a dog. brother! kolkata belongsto me and my brother.

are you the doctor's brother-in-law? your brother-in-lawcomplained against our boss. boss got angry andkilled him just now. his body is lying there.take it away and burn it. open your eyes. take the body with you and leave. if you talk about policeand post mortem, he'll kill you too. he will kill your sister as well. if they have any kids,he will kill them as well.

who among you is badvel? who is badvel here? who is badvel? me. what? will you kill me? i won't be calledsiddharth naayak anymore.. ..if i don't kill you todayon the busiest roads of kolkata. come! no, don't kill me.please, i beg of you.

so many people musthave begged you like this. did you spare them? yes? kill the rascal! what did my brother-in-law do? will you kill him becausehe complained against you? 'somebody should confronthim one day or the other.' the man who killedbadvel shouldn't be alive. i should kill him with my hands. i'll stay right here.

your husband was right.he is not alive today.. ..because there isnobody to confront them. nobody else should die. kolkata should berid of rawat and his men. he died because hewent and confronted them. how can we life ifyou lose your life as well? we shouldn't run with fear. they should run away with fear. they will run away.

i bind you by oath thatyou should come with us. sister, listen to me. you don't have a brother-in-law now. if you don't listen to me,you won't have a sister too. sister..- let's go. son, i heard that you killed badvel. i came because i wanted to see you. he killed my four sonsand left me childless. i don't know whose son you should live long.

will you stay here? won't you? wait, son! all of usare very happy that at last.. ..there is a man to confront them.please don't leave. we don't need any of this. brother, please don't are our courage. you should be here as our support,as our leader. we will stand behind you. you think you can sneakaway after killing my brother? do you know why you are still here?

because i wanted tokill you with my hands. are you happy thathe stood against me? i will kill him rightbefore you. watch! take sister and go away. we'll be fine. please go. people are ready to die for you. does that mean you are a leader now? why don't you speak?are you a leader? yes, my brother is a leader.

siddhu, i wanted you to be with us. but you should be with these people. the people around are afraid of him. but he should be afraid of you. he should be afraidto hear your name. take her away. i can kill you in one second. your eyes should seeyour empire falling down. your ears shouldhear about your defeat.

looking at the tortureyou've to endure.. goon will dareto walk in kolkata. you will need my permissionto live or to die. naayak! siddharth naayak! can we do nothing? should i taste defeatin the hands of a man that.. not even asold as my experience? i need to kill him!i need to kill him with these hands! boss, he went to thefactory with a big crowd.

study well.i'm here if you need anything. he became an instantleader like instant coffee. brother, we need to chophim into pieces. do something. don't go near him, boss.if you touch him.. ..east, west, north, south,the whole state will be shaken. his fan followingis increasing by the day. they shower flowerson him when he walks. they sing praisesto him all the time. all the current mlas,mps, ias and ips officers..

..everyone is on his side. even the minister whowon with your support met him. you can only hear naayak'sname everywhere in kolkata. he saved the girls thatrawat and his brother.. ..were exporting tothe foreign countries.. ..and became a god to them. he also brought backall the young women.. ..suffering abroad awayfrom their parents back to india. i never thought i'llsee you again, dad.

we don't know whomhe spoke to or what he did. but he gave us our children back. all these years we'veseen people taking up weapons.. do injusticeor to make others do it. for the first time,we are seeing a leader.. ..that took up weapons. i want to see him once, mom. it would've been betterif he has killed us both together. why should we livethis stupid life..

..thinking about himand fearing him every moment? let's go away from here.let's leave this city. he will leave, not us. not just the city, the whole earth. call all the rowdies,goons, partners, supporters.. ..and every criminalthat cheated people.. ..using rawat'sname all these years. tell them that naayakwants to meet them. hello, boss!

why are all the rowdiesand goons of the city here? boss, you wagged your tailbehind rawat till yesterday. why did you suddenlycome to meet naayak? what if rawat finds out? we will be in formonly when we follow.. ..a hero that has followingand a leader that's in form. silly man! follow me. why are you guys waiting here? they asked us to wait here.

we should go in onlywhen our name is called. oh, he'll call usindividually and discuss.. ..the percentage withoutanybody else's knowledge. i'm scared that he'llbeat us up inside. not just you, even boss is scared. just as we coverthe body with a shirt.. ..let us cover our fear with words. hello, naayak sir. you asked me to be here in an hour.

but i came in half an hour. shukla, you've comeas soon as i called you. what will you have?coffee, tea or cold drinks? i'll take a photo with you. photo? yes, i'll tell everyonethat naayak is my friend. i'll use the crazethat public has for you. i committed 100 murdersand 50 rapes till date. i illegally occupiedall the lands i wanted.

i made the whole kolkata weep. but even my neighbordoesn't know my name. only police know did a single murder. you became state famous and a star. just say yes.i'll use your name and.. ..collect 10 billionrupees by this evening. should i do it?will you give me permission? are you ready, sir? 10 billion rupees?how will you get so much money?

even tata and birlacan't get that much money. how will they get it?are they great goons? what will be your property worth? 50 billion rupees. do rowdies earn so much money? you can count that as just change. i'll give you more money than rawat. i'll turn this oldhouse into a palace. i'll shake up ambanisin just half a day.

if you say yes,we'll talk about percentage. 50-50 for the legal schemes,projects, and tenders. 60-40 for all the illegal that okay? i'm not able to refuse your offer.percentage is okay. go inside and sign the documents. agreement for being a rowdy? hats off, naayak sir. which room should igo to for the agreement? he signed with his lefthand to go to the right.

let's go to the right. shukla! naayak sir's partner. policemen,lawyers, judge, registrar! he is making all therowdies his legal partners. this man is a quality man. he is an educated man, boss.not a rascal like us. where should i sign? sir, will you havea look at your properties? okay. that is mine. mine.that is mine. mine. mine. mine.

i see them every day.they are my properties. tell me where to sign.i'll just sign. sign here. please, come on. give me the pen. congrats, are naayak's sir partner now. shukla's luck is shining on him. take a chocolate, sir. why a chocolate as if idid great service to the country? you really did a great work.- what did i do?

you gave away all yourproperty to an orphanage. what are you saying?i feel as if my nerves are cut. when did i give away my property? that's what the document've signed it. you don't have any legalrights on the property now. with what purposedid you call me inside? with what purpose didyou take my signatures? how can you takeaway all my property.. ..and send me out as a pauper?

hey! i'm shukla!how dare you mess with me? i'll kill a man for each second. there are 100 goons outside. they'll come inas soon as i whistle. what is it, shukla?why are you shouting? am i shouting?you took away my property.. ..of 50 billion and gaveme a chocolate of 50 paisa. shouldn't i shout?should i sing a song coolly? should i sing a song like this?

you didn't understandwhat's going on here. you'll understand thatwhen you go to the next room. you gave me achocolate in this room. will you give mea biscuit in that room? he's very emotional.take him quickly. i came to the next room. what now? you have bodies like oxen. what are you doingin this room when.. ..great injustice istaking place in that room?

didn't you loseyour property like me? you have bodies, i have brain. let's fight together. we'll lose nothingbut our lives in a fight. why are you staringat me without speaking? they don't like menwho lost their property. they look like menthat will beat us up. whistle immediately. they can't hear youeven if you whistle.

we have some goodsound arrangements here. even in a dream ittakes a whole night.. ..for me to lose so much property. how did i lose it withjust a small signature? yes, boss. i still can't believe it. my clothes are intactbut the body is not working. how could they beat us up so nicely? yes, boss. even trainedpolice don't beat up like this. eat the chocolate, boss.

throw it away! throw it! i remember my lost propertywhen i see it. oh god! why are you sitting here? we are sitting here becausethey asked us to sit. are they beating uppeople inside as we thought? why will they beat us up?what wrong did we do? what did you speak tohim and how much did you fix? we don't have to speak anything. they ask you to signas soon as you go inside.

they give a chocolateas soon as you sign. that's it. very simple. is it okay if iincrease the percentage? you can ask whateveryou want for your personality. but you will have to sign. i don't have a pen with me. pens, stamps, chocolates,everything is inside. go. come in, rajput. be it forgery, piracy,fake passports or court stamps.

everything is've earned a lot of money. if you give a second,he'll forge your sign too. shut up!why will i forge his signature? i've earned a lot, naayak sir. that's why i called you up. fix the percentage andgive me the chocolate quickly. they'll give you inside.go and take it. okay, naayak sir. should i meet you againafter taking the chocolate?

no. the whole programgoes according to a process. he must've got his chocolate by now. congrats!all your property is transferred.. mother teresa trust. why will i give themaway to mother teresa trust? i won't agree to it. boss, the music has started inside. the poor man has a loose body. it must've become even looser.

we somehow managed to come here. will he be able to walk till here? or will he collapse on the way? he's here. why didn't you tell meabout the cheating inside? i would've escaped hadyou given me a missed call. okay, you give missedcalls to the others in queue. no need. let them lose theirproperties like we lost ours. i was silent becauseof the same feeling.

even you remain silent. okay. give me that chocolate. i'm coming. why are you guys eatingchocolates like small kids? they are treating uslike small kids inside. they don't feel thatwe are rowdies and goons. go inside, sign the papersand get a chocolate. go! rajput! he is a strongman even though he is thin. he is walking quite well.

they are beating upaccording to the body type. then they must've bashedyou up pretty badly. you've informedabout the chocolates. why didn't you tellus about the sound system? would you've goneinside if i had told you? welcome, raja! you were very excitedwhile going inside. now you all look very tired. did they beat you up inside?

why will they beat us up? we go to a hospitalfor a health checkup. they make us walk on a treadmill. won't you be tired?this is the same. they give us a fruit drink there. but here they give us a chocolate. that's it. go and get it. something is fishy.i'll meet him later. i'll switch off my cell phone.

brother, he is escaping. let's run! oh god! brother, save me. thank god they caught him. i was worried that he'll escape. are you happy?- yes. it's okay if we are ruined.the neighbor shouldn't thrive. that's our indian psychology.i love you, raja. is everybody hereor is there someone left?

who else will be there, boss? all of them look likeuprooted trees in a storm. brother has called you inside. how can we come? nobody'slegs are in working condition. there are manydiabetes patients here. if you delay another half an hour,half of them will die. send us home, we'll leave. will you all comeor should i call brother? no. we'll muster upall our strength and come.

oh god! terrible pain! anyone that does illegalbusinesses, scams.. ..schemes and donationsshouldn't stay in kolkata now. you should leave thiscity in half an hour. we get six months tovacate even a rented place. how can you ask us toleave in just half an hour? i say everything just once. the second time, i kill. our state has weapons to kill him.

but there are no men to catch him. so, i brought these men from tihar. look, he is not a rowdy or a goon. he has a fan communityin every street. he has a fan in every house. if you mess up,he'll kill us along with you. why are you scared?he is a human, is he not? if we press the trigger,he'll be hit with a bullet. yes, but do that carefully.

he's in a weddingreception in his colony. i am a beauty from howrahand you are a hero from andhra at any hour that you choose,i'll be ready for you you may touch and feelmy beauty as you please this is the place for real love nellore is anothername for romance singur is the placefor full-blooded action we shall put up camp in guntur o lovely damsel,i am ready for action

c'mon and i shallshow you what i am made of i shall enthrall youwith my magic all night i shall serve you my beautylike tasty food with wine i like your power andstyle and i became your fan i have come to enjoyyour beauty and show my might you make all sort ofstatements and put me in a fix you are like a juicyfruit from nairobi i will start the gamelike emperors of yore o young prince..your charm puts the shackles on me

take the veil off meand see the cracker that i am your non-stop invitationis forcing me to follow you if you promise to enthrall me,i'll offer my juicy lips to you it is great to have milkand honey before the act of love who sent you? rawat and dig. sir, our men were caught. they revealed your name and my name. he will definitely attack us.

okay, inform him thatwe are in the minister's house. he will come therealone in his anger. one shot, two birds. i got it. why are you so tense? you have to save me. my shadow might leave me,but naayak won't. i lost my property,my men, and everything else. i just have my life left. save me.

boss, he is here. an apple tree doesn't give grapes. i made you a minister,but you went to him. naayak killed the minister! people outside saythat you are a great god. great gods shouldbe in photos and idols. they shouldn't be alive like you. i will take back allthe land you gave to the poor. i will start all mybusinesses that you shut down.

i will hunt down yourfollowers and kill them. i will take the postof this dead old man.. ..and become the minister in a week. hey! - yes, boss? is he dead? he is dead, boss. throw him in the river ganges. make an entry inthe police records.. ..that he is abscondingafter murdering the minister.

only we know that he is dead. people will wait inhope that he will return. 'the goddess saved me.' 'lnstead of proving thati didn't kill the minister..' ' became my goalto kill these beasts..' '..without gettingcaught by the law.' mom, let's go. where to?that's a train bound to kolkata. we are going there.

i'll tell you. naayak! someone came to meet you.- who? someone called cherry.he looks exactly like you. hi, my name is cherry. siddharth. i read about youand came to meet you. one side there is police. one side there arepeople that he killed. one side there are peoplethat want to kill him.

how can we software peoplehandle such hardware men? but he won't listen to me. hello, rawat sir. where did you disappear? just recently i becamecapable of walking again, sir. don't worry, sir. no harmwill come to a good man like you. these days peopledie of septic infection.. ..if a small nail pricks them. you are alive even afterhe stabbed you with a spear.

so, no harm will come to you. he is already a suspectin the minister's murder case. and there are proofsthat he stabbed you. he will be given a death sentence. but still, i have my doubts. for safety,tell our men to kill him before.. ..he is presented in the court. that's not possible, sir.- why? he'll be surroundedby thousands tomorrow.

100,000 people willform a human chain.. bring him safelyto the court tomorrow. long live naayak! even though he looks like a kid.. ..he has a huge fan following. your fan following dependson your works, not age. don't worry, boss.this crowd can't do anything. even millions of peoplecan't affect the judge's decision. he will get a death sentence.

why do they say thatyou'll get a death sentence? you are worried thati'll get a death sentence. but i'm worried thathe is still alive. no harm will come to you. your honor! he is a suspectin home minister's murder. he killed the dgpand taxi seth in a.. ..premeditative,willful and revengeful manner. we also have strongproof that he tried to.. ..murder the current home minister,mr. rawat.

i request the court togive him a death sentence.. that nobody daresto become a criminal like him. do you accept thatyou did these crimes? why do you ask himwhether he accepts or not? you have strongevidences against him. without wasting the court's time.. ..give him a death sentence. wait! the court has some rules. do you accept these crimes?

yes, sir. i did all those crimes. since he accepts his crimes,under ipc sections 302.. ..and 307,the accused is sentenced to death.. wait, your honor! who is this, boss?he looks exactly like naayak. is he the real naayak?i've gone mad. it is like i'm watchinga 3d movie without the glasses. we told him to go home.why did he come here? who are you?you look exactly like him.

my name is siddharth naayak.i did those murders. no, your honor!i'm siddharth naayak. i think he is one of my fans. he dressed up likeme and came here.. take my crimes onto his head. no, judge! he is one of my fans. don't ruin your life to save me. i'm telling you the same thing.don't ruin your.. stop it! what is this rubbish?

if you are naayak, who is he? my fan. if you are his fan, who are you? siddharth naayak. no, i'm siddharth naayak. no, it's me.- no, it's me. i'm siddharth naayak. judge, i know who stabbed me. this man stabbed me. he is naayak.

hang him to death. no, your honor!he is a little confused. if you send him out for 5 minutes.. ..i will talk to you in private. court is adjourned for 5 minutes. darn! did anyone imagine this? it's like a winningcricket match was stopped.. ..because of sudden rains.what is this nonsense? who is that second man?

he is a softwareengineer from hyderabad. even we got confusedand arrested him first. what? did you seethe second man earlier? yes. we arrested himand later released him.. ..because he is innocent. darn! who made you a cbi agent? take it easy, sir. sir, it's a very long gap. i think they must've definitelychanged places. be careful.

now tell me.which of these men stabbed you? they must've definitelychanged places. this man, sir. but earlier you saidthat man stabbed you. didn't they change their places? no, they didn't. stupid fellow! hang both of themand finish the matter. hang both of them, judge.

sir!- don't leave them. hang both of them. silence! you are a manwith a responsible post. you shouldn't be talking like this. it's okay if hundredcriminals escape. but it's not okay topunish an innocent man. now this case will never be solved. since both of themlook exactly the same.. ..we are not able toidentify the real murderer.

the cbi is orderedto keep both of them.. ..under house arrest withtheir friends and family members.. ..identify the real murdererand bring him to the court. i'm giving them 10 days time. follow them both. sir, it's useless to follow them. if a brave man meetsan intelligent man.. ..cbi or cid can't do anything. stop praising themand do your job. go.

i'm going. i don't what to say orhow to say it to your son. we are humans, dear.we should help each other. do you think you are safe? after 10 days,the judge, these people.. ..and i will come to court. but you won't come. you'll be dead. since he gave a warning to rawat,he is naayak.

no, it's me. if you are naayak,why did he give the warning? i sent him because he was free. so, is that man your nephew? when cbi agents likeyou can't identify him.. can a mere ceolike me identify him? this case will neverbe solved amidst such people. sir, saline. boss, don't increaseyour blood pressure.

you can fight with anyone in life,but not with a lucky man. we killed one man andthrew him in the river.. ..but he came out as two men. boss, listen to me.go to the police station and.. ..tell them that you'venothing to do with naayak.. are not rawat andyou don't live in kolkata.. are not from indiabut from far away scotland. it's better to withdrawthe case and escape from here. how can that be possible?we filed a case against him.

we should make naayakconfess that he is naayak. i will make him confess. bring one family memberof cherry from hyderabad. naayak will confess thetruth for that person's safety. who are you guys? does your daughterlove a man called cherry? yes. so what? rawat asked us bringyour family to kolkata. did her love story reach kolkata?

who is this rawat? don't ask me details.just get into the vehicles. how dare you threaten our boss? even we are goons,we did many settlements. why are you arguing with them? can't you see theguns in their hands? boss, naayak's men are here. where are rawat's men? they ran away.

please come with's not safe to be here. come with you? who are you guys now? we are naayak sir's men. you'll know whenyou come to kolkata. ask your daughter to come quickly. why should she come? even cherry is with us. so he is there now, is it? dear!- yes, uncle?

we have to go to kolkata. come down. i'm coming. i'm applying lipstick. by applying such sillythings you've turned.. ..this peaceful houseinto a public park. where is cherry, brother? where is cherry?- he will be here. welcome! welcome to kolkata. we are forced to goaround different houses.. ..since the time youstepped into our house.

now why did you call us to kolkata? don't worry. naayak sirthought you'll be safe here. naayak? why are youguys thinking of our safety? don't be upset. you'llbe shocked to see the real twist. we've had to leave our statebecause of the current twist. will you make usleave the country too? how can she hug him right before us?disgusting! we are unfortunate, uncle. excuse me, i'm not cherry.

i'm not cherry. why does he say he's not cherry? he said there's a twist, didn't he? how was your journey? it was without our consent. i heard you are like familyto cherry. what is your name? i'm amitabh bachchan.he is abhishek bachchan. is this passport renewal?why the new introductions? jalebi!- yes?

did he lose his memory? why will he bring youhere if he has lost his memory? turn your face. hello! i'm cherry! hug me and find out. uncle, he is cherry. i'm very sure. we saw. please maintaina little distance, dear. how many more should she hug? there are 7 lookalikesfor each person.

shut up, you fool!even two are too much to handle. if another five men appear,she'll have high fever. what is all this about? mom and dad are inside.they'll tell you everything. uncle, why are youdrinking raw alcohol? i feel like drinking blood.what can i do? sir, can i say something? had he given his sisterto me without seeing my age.. ..we would've met inthe engagement party for fun.

you wouldn't havehad all these troubles. just think about this thing. remove the part wherei went to see his sister.. ..from this story,you will understand it yourself. why did you kick me, boss? you rascal! is your sisteran angel or aishwarya rai? why didn't you gether married to him? how can i get her marriedto this old man, boss? no, your sister willget pawan kalyan's son..

..or mahesh babu'sson as her husband. uncle!- what is it? uncle, i got confused again. i kissed siddhuthinking it was cherry. he may misunderstand me.please go and explain. do you want me tobecome the mediator now? sister!- what did she do now? i opened the bathroomdoor thinking it was siddhu. cherry was inside. sorry, sister.

that's okay. why not go to the bedroominstead of bathroom? i went the other day, uncle.but i got confused there too. boss, just like gandhiis a grandfather to everyone.. became an uncleto everyone here. i'll break your face with this. jalebi!- sir? show them both their right lovers. how can i identify themwhen their lovers can't?

only you have clarityabout the whole program here. take them.- okay, sir. let's go, girls. poor jalebi!they confused us in half a minute.. ..even though we've beenfollowing them for 6 months. till they achieve their target.. ..they both willbe naayaks to everyone. and both these girlswill be their heroines. hey are the leader in love

my heart is crazy for you it is mesmerized and pounding hard hey bring happiness to one and all your gaze has a magnetism it is pulling me stronglyand turning this queen into an ace hey leader.. you bring happinessto one and all.. hey leader.. you are great.. you are the one and only leader

you have come towin over our hearts you have come to save our lives come to conquer enemiesand win our love kolkata is my favoriteground with new punch i am like this place..vibrant with energy i am like the sweets herewhich have an amazing taste i have sharp looks andseek to demonstrate my might i shall showcase my powerand youth in everything i do you are cool and oozing energy

there is no one to match you you are my friendand my investment you are the onethat all look up to my lips have becomered due to blushing.. i am ready to offer myselfto you like a betel leaf you may twist,turn and do what you like.. i've come to offer my youth to you o baby girl..come on to dance - i love my leader serve me your beauty ona platter - i love my leader

you are my life andi am your ardent fan you have come to bring joy to all you are man and i'm your queen you have come toconquer our hearts you are the rulerof beauty of mine i have made you siton the throne of my shyness it is great if you cometo my life and rule my world it is festival everydaythat you embrace me you have come to conquerand rule our hearts

you are one without a match rascal! you gave awayour only proof to that naayak. why did you come back? don't worry, mr. rawat.i'll give you a fantastic idea.. ..with which you canfinish both of them together. naayak! i know that you love people. come alone to kolkatasteels in ten minutes. otherwise 200 school kidswill be blown up in a blast. are you searching for the kids?

do you want to save them? i lied to you thati'll kill the children. you came here.this was a plan to kill you. you can't win even if you kill me. i'm not naayak as you think.i'm cherry. really? then why didn'tyou say that in court? should i tell you a small twist? you had called up naayak.but i answered that call. naayak is not my brother.

he is a good are a bad man. he should live to kill you. so, i'm ready to die for him. you both have turned us into fools. i will kill you as per your desire. sis, where's my phone?- i don't know. naayak, cherry is dying for you. come and save've just five minutes. come! one left a while another one is leaving.

is he naayak or cherry? how would i know?- darn! what?- sir, i suspect that they'll kill rawat. boss, naayak is dead. yes! naayak is dead! he is dead! superb news, boss. kill this one as well. otherwise people willturn him into naayak.

that's right.- he'll kill you. he was burnt to ashes. you'll be blown to pieces. put that bomb jacket on him. happy death day! he is beating him up brutally. doesn't he have any feelings? you've only tastedkolkata punches till date. now i'll make you tastecharminar's punches.

why is he puttingthe bomb jacket on him? chocolates for usand jacket for him. boss! their bodies are moving. but, of what usewill their lives be? what happened here? where is mr. rawat? he was blown off. what?- yes, sir.

was he a firecracker or something? if he was a firecracker,we would've seen the remains. but there are noremains left of him. who did that to him?- naayak. there are two naayaks now.which one of them? actually, the one.. shut up! you'll fare betterif you stop your loose talk. or you'll get locked by the cbi. i don't know anything, sir.

then what are you doing here? i heard we get putturoil to heal broken bones. we came here for that, sir. puttur is in chittoor.this is kolkata. sir, this fellow is an idiot. we got into howrah expressinstead of sarkar express. it seems this is kolkata. you got me into a trainfor kolkata like an idiot. the sarkar expresswas on platform number..

sir, one man was blown to pieces. the witnesses ran away. our witness won'tbe taken into account. we'll close the caseas it has no evidences. we'll forget everythingand have a drink. i knew that thiscase won't get solved. yes, gajalaxmi. i'm coming. i hope all the twists are done. will there be any more twistsbefore we get to hyderabad?

what other twistswill be there, uncle? only their weddings are left. please get me marriedalong with them, sir. hey! i'll kill you if youtalk about your wedding again. cherry, you took a bigrisk that nobody will to save me. i can never forget you. brother, i did it foryour loved ones, not for you. you should be safe. okay? i heard you gave summons to..

..vacate gandhinagar colony. that is a government land. people are not for the government. government is for the people.

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