Edward Jones Credit Card Login

but worthy of note alsois the man benson idahosa whom god began to raise in the late 60s into80s a young manmember of assemblies of god church there was a revival that came into the countrythrough the assemblies of god and blew around eastern nigeriain the 50s and 60s

Edward Jones Credit Card Login

Edward Jones Credit Card Login, now he was a benin manand there was an assembly of god church he got born again and was a member of thatchurch working with "bata" company in benin cityand god's hands began to show on him in a remarkable waybecause he was such a man of prayer

he was an unconventional manhe wasn't a very religious kind of person he was a man that loved to increase and prosperso one day he got a motorbike his pastor excommunicated himfor being worldy every church member was to ride a bicyclethe same pastor that excommunicated him from an assemblies of god churchthe wife was pregnant, about to deliver and there was nobody to take her to the hospitalso he came to borrow the motor-bike how does god vindicate the righteousthat's how he got reconciled then one day the pastor was preaching a messageand preaching all things are possibleto him that believe

with god all things are possibleall the faith scriptures screaming and screamingand at the end the young man walked up to his pastorand said, this thing that you are sayingif it is true, that means it is even possible to raise the deadthe pastor said yesi have never done it but if the bible said itthen it is true he said okayi am going to look for one and from when church endedin the afternoon that day

till about 4 4:30 amhe rode his motor bike all over benin cityfrom street to street looking for a dead person from street to streetsomewhere around 4:30 he saw a crowd of peopleand they said one girl has just diedhe said "praise god" he asked to pray for herthey didn't want to agree at first after some time, they allowed him to enterthe room he prayed and this girl came back to lifethat was the beginning of one of the mightiest ministries this nation has ever seenhe started a fellowship that grew to about

500 after some yearsand god sent him to meet with missionary in ilesha, pa eltonand it was elton that agreed for him to be trainedelton told him, the grace of god is upon your lifeyoung man but you need training so that you can have the word that lastselton arranged for him to go to gordon linsay's bible schoolin the united states of america he traveled to christ for the nationsat it's very inception first generation of studentsbut he never graduated the bible school because he just keptfasting and praying

because he had such passionhis passion was for africa the bible school was to last for two yearsafter one year he came to gordon lindsey why should i sitting in a classroomwhen african's are dying release me, let me goso he had a private consecration service for himand he was the only student that actually saw gordon lindseyrelease them because before the others graduatedgordon lindsey had died he came back to benin citywith multiplied anointing it is reported that those who came to welcomehim at the airport couldn't touch him

everyone that stepped with 20 yards of himcollapsed and it was wild fire from that time on his way of spreading ministry and doingcrusades at that time was very raw and to the pointhe is another very forceful personality you know god uses all types of peoplearch bishop benson idahosa was an unconventional manin those days with the miracle working power of godhe will go into little villages and towns all the present south south of nigeriasometimes without any publicity he would go into the market squareand look for the blind or a cripple he would put two drums and a plankhold you like he is trying to give you something

and drag you to where the plank and the twodrums are that is his platform and will heal you instantlyopen your blind eyes or get the crippled walkinga crowd would gather, he would climb the drum andpreach the gospel people will give their life to christa church will start but he was a man that believed in prosperityand god increased him lavishlyhe was first in many things in nigeria he was the first assemblies of god young manto ride a motor bike in benin city and got excommunicatedfor it

he was the first nigerian minister to usea mercedes benz car for which he was criticized and called a thiefand called many names he took, the firenow a pastor can get an airplane and everybody is happyin those days you were called devil for attempting to prosperhe made it popular to preach in babarigain his days every evangelist in nigeria wanted to wearbabariga to preach and some peopledidn't like that but that was just benson idahosahe was the first nigerian minister

to preach on radiothe first to preach on television the first to own mass crusade equipmentand move from city to city in africa and even abroad doing meetingsduring his lifetime, he ministered in over a 130 countriesmany of those meetings were not invitational he went into nations with his own money andarrested nations with the power of godwhen it comes to signs and wonders pentecostal signs and wondersparticularly the gift of the working of miraclesbut the gift of the working of miracles can produce healing resultsit can also make signs to multiply

one of the last miraclesthat happened in benin city before he died, they came to the building siteof benson idahosa university he had traveled for several weeksand when he came back they said materials had finishedhe commanded the materials to multiply and they didarchbishop's story sometimes will make you wonder whethersomebody is not exaggerating a boy fell from a three story buildingand broke his skull on the concrete floorhis skull was cracked his brain waspouring out and

they called for himhe gathered the skulland began to pray in tounges and his skull joined backtogether, the boy didn't need the hospitalsi remember one famous story that happenedthe world council of witches had their headquarters inbenin city at that time, and therewas a very vocal witch, who was alwaysboasting he was a witch he was the head of all witchesand then he announced that

they were going to havetheir conference in benin city by then, arch bishop benson idahosawas already on television so he went on his ownt.v programme and said you have heard that witchesare coming to do their meeting in benin cityhe said they will not come i cancel that meetingso this other man they went to him to interview himthey said this is what benson idahosa saidwhat do you have to say the man laughed and saideven if jesus christ comes down

he cannot stop us, sobenson idahosa went back on air and saidjesus does not need to come down stop this meeting"that is why i am here" they now put them on settogether nta benin city invited the two of thempanel discussion he said the meeting will holdhe said the meeting will not hold that is why i am hereand i saw benson idahosa turn and saidto be honest with you there are no witchesin benin city

the ones that are witcheshave already run away even this man is not a witchand he looked at the man and said the biblesaid thou shall not suffer a witch to liveif you are a witch confess it right nowand i will kill you, right here the man said he is not a witchthat was the caliber of man benson idahosa wasi remember he had a guest one timemany years ago in the 80s and theaircraft was about to take off

from benin cityhe ran to the tarmac because his guesthad no ticket and waved the aircraft to stopthey had to open the door he came, i have two gueststhree guests i want some of youpassengers to get down and some peopleoffered their seat that was the kind of person he washe was a very unusual man he brought, glory,honor andattention to that city people used to travel fromall over the world to benin city

benin was the headquartersof the gospel in africa in the days of benson idahosalagos was larger but more people came to beninbecause of a man's grace why must you walk in low voltagewhen you can have high voltage pay the priceloose the fun you need to loose now consecratesell out god will use youi want you to say amen

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