Fake Credit Card Numbers That Work 2013

gritty urban saga so some bad news hascome out here and target corporation has issued astatement that says that their servers have been hacked now this is not some small hack wheretheir website will be down for few days or something and this is amajor security breach were credit card

Fake Credit Card Numbers That Work 2013

Fake Credit Card Numbers That Work 2013, information debit card information on yet thecertification authorization number on the back of yourcard the the expiration date on your card all theinformation that is required to

basically charge things to your car hasbeen stolen i now target is imploring you and i'm imploring you as well that's why i made thisvideo cuz i understand there are some people who don't have time to check thenews or on they're they're fed up with ourwith the negativity and news so they don't watch it anymore ijust wanna cannot fill in the blanks here up forpeople who are watching news lately on to let you know checkyour car to pay check your statements don't think that you're special and youdodged a bullet here

this targets as this affects fortymillion customers 40 million people okay don't thinkyou're special don't think dodged this check your card check your statement tomake sure that no one charging things i was recently on yahoo's site and they said that there's alreadygentleman who's been charged over a thousand dollars worth fraudulenton purchases merchandise and so that that should let you know that thesethese hackers are being frugal they are being slick and they'renot pulling some sort of a

entrapment the with sean connery havethey're not pulling some sort of i move where they they take a cent or twoadd up every single account become rich offabout they're pulling bold moves when they take over athousand dollars from customers at a time and i don't know anybody personally whowouldn't be hurt by losing a thousand dollars out of their count that theydidn't authorize so check your account okay ons not a joke this is not something i'mmaking up to to just try to get a

rise out of people here this issomething that target has officially said forty million customersare affected by this on now this is a point my video herewhere i wanna go of my tangent because on i'm not a newsreporter okay like i report these things i i tell thesethings because i i do care about general populace but also have opinionson these things and that's why i feel that on i needed make a youtube channel wherei'm so this is where i go off on my own now companies like target companies like

like so many companies like facebook google these companies that have beenhacked recently desert confirmed hacks google has been hacked recently facebookhas been hacked recently up sony has been hacked a fewtimes recently okay they need to be hiring the mostcompetent talent in the industry okay i am i'm so fed up with these companies who justchoose to hire the people that um that they know or hire their brother-in-law on i've i i've studied for the gamingindustry i know how the industry is a

okay people hire the people that they know or people that are related to theminstead of hiring the most competent talent i've seen it happen i know how itgoes now this is what needs to stop especially insectors where on people and general populace is counting on the security ok a when iwalk into a store i wanna swipe my card i want walk out ofthere with my game and i want to feel secure that all i did was purchase a game i don'twanna after go check my statements

i don't have to check into the newsreporter go to cnn dot com and see what's going on and make sure that why i bought my gamei didn't get ripped off there's not someone out there saying he he he i got his information i'm gonna go charge athousand dollars to his account now because i'm smarter than the peoplethey hired i don't want that to happen okay that'snot a situation that i go into a store reveling in ideas want it to happen to me okay so thesecompanies need to stop

with their eat elitist attitude where they just hire the people thatthey feel are on their level or feel that they have something in common with them andthen they be looking out the on average person who puts their faithand their money into these accounts when i put my card on file i want tofeel secure okay now i have met people in the publicsector who have nothing to do with it or networking or handlingthe google's accounts or networking and

they are talented people okay people whohave the ability to change things as far asinternet code web sites things like this i met peoplewho have these abilities and this is the thing that that troublesme is because they're working in the public sectorokay to not hire dates company and that's what i but then that reads deceit as type thing thatbreeds people who are upset with the overall status quo up thehiring practices by these companies and it needs to stop these companiesthat we trust

you just are high and the people who aremost competent on day think check that date the grades andcollege then check who is who's the best theseclasses to be recruiting these people rate at acollege because that these people get passed over after you don't walk into the publicsector and work in a retail job or work in on sanitation or something when thesepeople hit those type of jobs and then know they're better than thatas far as networking

computer networking on just coding programming when they know they'rebetter than that that's what creates this sort of situation where people arejust saying hey! i can come out ahead because i'm smarterthan the people that sony just hired are on smarter people that target justhired so these companies i'm this is somethingi'm saying to them take your time do your research hirepeople who work best for the job instead of hiring who you feel like hiring becausethat's not working okay your cost us all a lot of money allyou cost us

all lot of security and confidencebecause we are not confident in these companiesanymore atleast the people i talk to there's no confidence anymorepeople's confidence going we downhill as far as trusting peoplewith their credit card information about theirsocial security numbers and stuff and because up this on overall happiness andsecurity up the at the people it's beencompromised along with this information so

target you're on blast sony you're onblast google you're on blast in the body else outthere who is taking people's credit card information and not hiring the best people to protect it you're blasttoo gritty urban saga

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