Free Credit Card Numbers With Cvv And Expiration Date 2013

mihai ionescu: hi everyone. welcome to payments live. we have an office-hours-stylesession today. we will have some productannouncements and feature announcements and, of course,we will take questions from

Free Credit Card Numbers With Cvv And Expiration Date 2013

Free Credit Card Numbers With Cvv And Expiration Date 2013, stack overflow groupsand the moderator. so let's start with a fewannouncements first. a very exciting one, the newmerchant center for wallet for digital goods api merchantsis now fully launched.

if you remember, last year wehad the product manager for the new merchant center on theshow and he demoed some of the new features. and now it's all reality. and over the past few monthswe migrated everyone. all new sign ups will nowgo directly to the new merchant center. so i'm going to demo someof the features. i'm going to switch tomy screen right now.

and if you see-- the merchant experience iscompletely redesigned. we have a new, modern ui, and,in particular, you will see features that apply directlyto your api. in the past, there wassome confusion-- which features applied todigital goods merchants, which applied to checkout merchants. that is no more the case. you will only see stuff thatapplies directly to you.

let's start with lookingat the orders page. so a very straight design, amore intuitive way to present the orders. you can see we have some colorcoded way to help you decide which orders have gone through, which are still pending. a very nice feature isthe subscription. i'm going to show a subscriptionorder right now. and, very nicely from this page,you can now directly

cancel subscription. it was not possible in theold merchant center. peng ying: very cool. mihai ionescu: whatelse can we show? peng ying: i'm glad that wefinally launched this. it has taken a while. but we're still steamrollingalong with our products. so i guess i'll showoff the next feature, or feature function.

whatever you call it. and that's the ability to reallyeasily specify taxes, the taxes that you collect whenyou sell a digital good. so what google previouslyallowed, or what google wallet for digital goods previouslyallowed was for us merchants, instead of specifying your taxrate or collecting your own taxes, google provided a taxtable that you just check box next to the states that youcollect taxes in, and we would automatically collectthose taxes for you.

and what we've done is we'veexpanded that internationally. so now we can collect taxes onyour behalf for regions in canada, and internationally invarious countries in europe. and we understand that sometimesin europe it's vat versus sales tax. so that's all handled foryou behind the scenes. within your tax tables, justcheck the boxes of the countries that you accepttax in, or that you collect tax in.

mihai ionescu: so let's showsomething in the [? view ?]. all right. so in the [? view ?] you canselect the per country tax or you can select the global taxfor everyone that shows the per country tax. so for, let's say, france, youcan specify the taxing here. it's probably pretty high. [laughing] peng ying: it's probablysomething like 17.5% or 20%.

mihai ionescu: you can also gocanada, by province, and do something similar. one nice thing about the us isthat you don't really have to know the taxes for each cityor for each state. you can use our ownpredetermined google tax data. and then those wouldbe automatically filled in for you. peng ying: yeah, that'sreally handy. so, basically, on our back endwe have a zip level tax table

that we're using tocollect taxes. in addition to that, so i thinkwe recently launched-- well, we recently launched ourbusiness insights page. mihai ionescu: oh yeah,very exciting. peng ying: yeah. which is kind of like analyticson your commerce sales or commerce business. we actually brought mark on, whowas a product manager of commerce analytics.

the guy will talk about theproducts and some more details about the ways to leverage aproduct to kind of enhance your business. it's in one of our previousgdls, so you can find it on youtube if you lookup commerce gdls. at a high level, what itdoes is it allows you to get better data. well, it provides an easilyviewable version of your data. right?

so an easily analyzableversion of your data. so you can see where yourcustomers are coming from. you can see who are yourhigh spenders. you can see what regions yourmost valuable customers are accessing your website from. and then that will help you, inturn, target your marketing to kind of improve sales. mihai ionescu: so i'mshowing here a nice chart of revenue plots.

and you can also do orders. you can change the time periodwhen that is happening. and, where available,you can actually get demographics data. and this is just asmall set of the features we plan to add. stay tuned. this is one of the areas wherewe have plans for serious improvements.

and, of course, if there areany other suggestions or feedback you have, pleasecontact us, and let us know. very exciting launch withthe new merchant center. let's now move on to anotherapi-related announcement. this is for the digitalgoods api. we have made some improvementsand optimizations to the way the javascript libraryis loaded. if you remember, in the past, wewere using the google.load method to load the library.

that was creating some issues. depending where you loaded andhow complex your web page was, it could have changeda dom of the page. and there were someworkarounds. you could use some call backsto get around that issue. but still, it's not idealfor such a simple api. we want to make it as simpleas possible to place a transaction. so the new recommended wayis through a script tag.

so now everything isencapsulated in one library called buy.js. and you just create ascript tag and put that library in there. and everything shouldwork just fine. if your page is too complexand you want to do further optimizations, like improvingthe page load time, you can create the script tagdynamically and insert the library at the moment that ismore convenient in your page

loading or by flow. let me switch to ourdocumentation so i can show you an example. so this is our code snippet inthe demo that we recommend everyone to startplaying with. it actually looks smaller andmuch simpler than before. as you can see, we justload the library at the top of the page. and then everything worksjust as before.

one small change with this newlibrary loading method. the signature of the buy methodhas slightly changed. instead of goog.payments,that [inaudible] buy is now google.payments[inaudible] we recommend that you usethe new signature. it's also an improvementand an optimization. peng ying: so, do youknow if changes-- if somebody has used the oldmethod, and then any upcoming changes will only be under thegoogle.wallet domain space, or

will it be under bothname spaces? mihai ionescu: the old methodis still supported. peng ying: ok. mihai ionescu: if you do notwant to change your code, by all means, if it works well,you don't have to do it. we recommend that,moving forward, you use the new method. and, in particular, if you'reloading the library to the script tag, then you have to usethe new signature for the

buy method. peng ying: cool. mihai ionescu: so we updated thedemos to reflect that and added the required notesin the documentation. peng ying: a reallysimple change. mihai ionescu: it isreally simple. but it's helpful depending howcomplex your page was. mihai ionescu: and it gives youmore control of loading the buy flow and optimizingthe experience.

i like that you can-- so i work on some other projectsas well, and i use defer or require.js, whichallows you to kind of defer javascript loading. i think that's what googleload does as well. but now it allows you to takemore control in when you actually load that javascript. mihai ionescu: yeah. it was an extra step.

you had to read thedocumentation for google.load and figure out if you needextra parameters-- peng ying: we kind ofjust included it. now it's as simpleas possible. just include a script, a libraryand a script tag. good. so i think those were theannouncements we had for the new merchant center and thelibrary optimizations. so let's move on tothe q&a section.

peng ying: sounds good. mihai ionescu: all right. let's switch to the questions. so i'll take the first one. the question is related to thedigital goods api, the subscriptions in particular. and the question is, is itpossible to create a digital subscription with noexpiration date? so that is a good question.

and the answer is, yes. it's possible. you can create an open-endedsubscription. and now, with the new merchantcenter, it's actually even much easier to cancelit as well. that's something that was notpossible in the past from the merchant side, in an easy way. so i'd recommend this book inour documentation for the subscription, [? jason ?]

webtalk on field. and look there fornonrecurrences. that's a field in the jwd. and note that it's anoptional field. so that field specifies how manytimes the subscription should recur. if you leave it blank, if youdon't specify it, then it's an open-ended subscription withno expiration date. so experiment with it a littlebit in the sandbox, and then

deploy it into production. and you should have anopen-ended subscription. you can cancel it at anytime or have the customer cancel it. peng ying: very cool i'lltake the next question. wallet for online commerce. since merchants don't obtain thecardholders card data, and therefore cannot perform riskanalysis, does that mean merchants are protectedby google from charge

backs due to fraud? for example, unauthorizeduse of card and similar. so it depends on what youmean by card data. so what you'll get is you'llget a proxy card, a one-time-use card, that's analias for their back end card. in addition to that, you'll alsoget their billing address and their shipping address. so you can still run yourtypical avs and cvv checks against it.

and those shouldstill validate. i think, if your question is, ifyou are doing risk analysis based on a specific credit cardnumber and seeing if that credit card number is used bymultiple accounts and that kind of risk engine analysis,then i don't think that's possible. but you should be reassured thatwe're also doing a lot of risk analysis on our side,because we do have that card and we can associatethe accounts.

we can determine theaccounts that are associated with that card. so i would say a for most ofthe transactions, or a majority of the transactions,that they will be secure. in terms of whether or notgoogle is handling charge backs due to fraud, i will needto follow up on that one, because i don't have 100%accurate information. but i think we'll leave thatanswer for the next gdl. mihai ionescu: cool.

i'll take the next. so it looks like we havea check out question. so we already coveredthree apis in the first three questions. so the question is, i am amerchant from the united kingdom and i use thestore gadget. i want to add shipping costs,and i get the following error-- invalid attribute,value item weight. this is not a number.

so it looks from the error thatthis is a parsing error. probably a typo in your storegadget spreadsheet, because it says it's not a number. so i would check the spreadsheetand make sure that in the weight field youonly have numbers. you don't have alphanumericcharacters. the usual errors i've seen ispeople say five pounds instead of just five or fivekilograms. so make sure you have nothingafter the number.

that being said, once you fixthat, also make sure that the weights are actually specifiedin pounds. it's a little bit confusing foruk merchants, because when you go into the merchant centerand specify your weight table, the weights arein kilograms there. but in the spreadsheet,you have to specify them in pounds. so it's a little bit more workfor the uk merchants. we realize it's not ideal.

but just to let you know thatthere may be more errors down the road if you don't specifythe weights in pounds in the spreadsheet. so i think this will fix it. just be careful with theweight conversion. the next one. on the roadmap, is there theability to assign a nickname to each of the cards on youraccount so they are more easily distinguishable beyondjust the last four digits of

the card number? mihai ionescu: it's notclear in what context. so it depends on the differentpurchase flows, or on the different flows that you'reentering in the card. so, mihai actually showed meearlier today, in the google wallet application, if you enteryour card in there you can specify a nickname and thatnickname is displayed within the wallet application. but for the digital purchaseflow, you're only given the

opportunity to enter in the cardnumber, cvv, expiration date, and your name. so in that case, you will beunable to enter in an alias. mihai ionescu: so it'sa good point. since we're allowing youto do it in one app, but not in the other. yeah, maybe we should lookat this and fix it. peng ying: well, so if you'recoming from the merchant's perspective, you want the userto enter in as little

information as possible for thehighest conversion rate. but i understand from the user'sperspective it could be a little bit confusing. maybe there's some optimizationsthat we could make there. i'm not quite sure. mihai ionescu: i think thedefault is the card type and the last four digits. so if you have an americanexpress it'll be amx 123, and

you have a visa, it'llbe visa 5678. so it's not that bad unless youhave multiple visa cards. peng ying: multipleamx and visas mihai ionescu: it gets confusingbecause you have to remember the last four digits. peng ying: you're justsupporting the economy at that point, i think. mihai ionescu: so then we'rehappy for you that you have so many credit cards.

peng ying: supportingthe economy. mihai ionescu: yep. cool. let's see. let me take the next one. so this is nice. we already know [inaudible] apis-- peng ying: buy flows, yeah.

a little bit of everything. ask more questions, guys. we're happy to answer anyquestion that you have. or almost any questionthat you have. mihai ionescu: so we have aquestion now about check out integration. it looks like a leveltwo integration. so the question is, do i needan ssl certificate to get notifications from check out?

so this is quite a complex wayto integrate check out. you need to set upa web service. and, to get straight to thequestion, the answer is no. you do not really need to havea ssl to get notifications from check out. starting with version 2.5 ofthe check out api, you can skip adding the sslcertificate. so when you specify yoursettings in the merchant center, make sure you selectversion 2.5 of the api.

and in the api callback contentsthat is sent to you, make sure you select the radiobutton where it says, notification serial number. so that does notrequire an ssl. so, that being said, dependingon how you use notifications, you may not have to setup a web service at all with an api callback. if you do not need them realtime, you can just poll for notifications.

and we have an apifor that as well. and then you can getnotifications for specific time periods, in bulk. it's up to you. so there are various ways todeal with that, and it looks like you have the knowledgeto implement that service. peng ying: and that's what'shappening with version 2.5 of the api as well, is thattypically you would use an ssl certificate of your serverto kind of encrypt that

transmission when we're pushingit to your server, which is what the xmlnotification typically is. but in 2.5, which we call thebasic api, i think, what's occurring is that we're sendingyou a notification telling you that you havea notification. at which point, you then makea request to google, and to pull that notification. so you're using google's sslcertificate to encrypt that mihai ionescu: so it'sa little bit

more complex handshake. but it saves you money andtrouble down the road, because you don't have to addthe ssl certificate. peng ying: there's also,i think, a free ssl certificate provider. i believe it's called somethinglike startcom. i forget the name, but thereis a free ssl certificate. i haven't tried it myself, justto give you fair notice. but i have seen it, and i'vetried to download a cert.

didn't complete it for somereason, i forgot why. mihai ionescu: there ismore work involved. if you can avoid it, if youdon't really need it, then don't use it. use the 2.5 versionof the api. peng ying: all right. i'll take the next question. when will wallet offer theability to save coupons at participating merchants?

i could see increased consumerusage at the point of sale once coupons anddeals are saved for nfc enabled merchants. for example $5 off nextpurchase, or of $20 or more. at duane reade. so last year we actuallylaunched with a few merchants of the ability of the tap andsave ability, where you could tap an nfc sticker and then savean offer to your wallet. and right now, we arecontinuously working on

improving that product, becausei think the api-- i think we're tryingto make the api a little bit more generic. and i don't know how much detaili can dive into here. it's something that we'redefinitely working on. i've done some research aboutthe space myself. something like consumers saved$4.6 billion dollars by using coupons in 2011. i think that's the stat.

and we completely understand. we understand that there is abusiness need for it or a business want for somethinglike that. and we're definitelyworking on it. so we have a couplemore questions. so we want to acknowledge thatwe receive a lot of questions about the future roadmap andnew features that we're working on. so we cannot really give youdetails about those, in

particular nfc availabilityand new launches. but we like that youasked about them. and we are definitely goingto forward them to all the parties involved. and whenever something newcomes up, you will be the first to know on this show. we usually have productmanagers, people from the engineering team, come on theshow and give you details about new products when we'reready to launch them.

so it looks like we have onemore question that we can give you a definite answer on. and that one is from a merchantfrom australia. so merchant from australia isasking us, if i'm using the digital goods api can i chargecertain users in us dollars versus australian dollars? and the question isyes, you can. and this is a very nice feature,and one of the nicest things about the digitalgoods api.

you can charge customers in thecurrency of their country. and this is very convenient forthe customer, because it's a very transparent transaction,and they will not incur any currencyconversion fees. that usually happens whenthey're charged in a different currency. and on top of that, there maybe extra credit card fees. so there is a list of availablecurrencies that you can find in the respectivedocumentation, either for the

web api or for the [inaudible]billing api. and all you have to do is changethe currency field in the jwd of the order andspecify, in this case, us dollars, usd, instead of aud. and the customer will see that,ok, i'm charged $10, 10 us dollars. there's a set up of availablecurrency. you cannot do this in allcurrencies on the planet. but it's pretty large.

and it covers most countrieswhere you can expect to have a good set of paying customers. and also from your perspective,it's very nice. you will not have to worryat all about currency conversions. even though you're charging inus dollars, you will be paid in the currency of youraccount, which is aud, australian dollars. conversion happens automaticallyat the same time

the order is placed. and money goes straightinto your account. peng ying: i think google syncsthe forex rate, multiple times in the day. i've heard once an hour, butdon't quote me on that one. so you'll get a pretty accurate conversion rate as well. mihai ionescu: so that'sa great way to get more customers and definitelyincrease the revenue.

when they see that they're notcharged extra fees, they're more willing to paythe transaction. it looks like we're at theend of our questions. thank you, everyone, for sendingquestions and sending us feedback. we're looking forward to showingyou new products in the upcoming weeks and answerany other questions you have. and if you have feedback aboutthe merchant center, please send it our way.

peng ying: we are actuallyreally excited to show you some new products. mihai ionescu: yes. peng ying: upcoming weeks. mihai ionescu: all right well,see you next time. bye bye. peng ying: see ya.

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