How To Get Rid Of Credit Card Debt

if you have been plagued with overdue credit card debt and its resulting damage to your credit score, you have probably tuned into pitches for credit repair. be careful. do not pay self-claimed experts any money on the promise of better credit in the future.

How To Get Rid Of Credit Card Debt

How To Get Rid Of Credit Card Debt, you can do exactly what they propose to do for you while you are defeating debt collectors and collection attorneys. hi, my name is mel thompson and that is what i did when i owed thousands of dollars in credit card debt i could not afford to pay.

i got rid of the debt collectors and protected my credit score. since then i've been helping others to help themselves to defeat debt collectors and protect their credit scores with mycredit card debt survival guide. if you have been checking your credit score you have probably noticed that in additionto the original credit card bank there are one or more debt collectors with a negative listing on your credit report for that same bank's credit card debt.these multiple listings for each credit

card debt are what really ruin your credit score. each debt collector places a bad mark on your credit score tomotivate you to pay them or settle with them. unless you do something about it that bad mark could stay there for sevenyears from the date of first delinquency of that debt. if you have several overduecredit cards you can see how this multiplier effect can work. two or three bad debts could mushroominto eight or twelve negative listings if you count each bank's debt collector one ormore junk debt buyers who by then sell each

debt as well as their debt collection agencies and their collection law firm. getting the original credit card banksnegative listing off your credit report is difficult. do not let a scam artisttell you otherwise! however, debt collectors and collection attorneysas well as junk debt buyers are covered by the fair debt collection practices act, the fdcpa. unlike original creditors, credit cardbanks

who are not covered by the fdcpa, negative credit listings by debtcollectors are considered collection activities by the fdcpa and as suchmust be removed from a consumer's credit report if the consumer tells the debtcollector in writing to cease all collection activity. the best format for that written noticeis a debt validation letter that should be sent to each debt collectorwithin thirty days of receipt of your first written collection notice. in addition to the instruction to cease all collection activity, that letter should deny and dispute the alleged debt. it

should request specific detaileddocumentation of the contract, a detailed accounting of the alleged amount owed, and proof of ownership if it is from a junk debt buyer or theirdebt collector. unfortunately, self-proclaimed experts do not understand what to put in a debt validation letter. my letter works everytime. just ask thepeople i have helped. you can find it in my credit card debt survival guide at

start educating yourself today!

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