New York & Company Credit Card

- oh wow, that's just heavy! you can feel all that cheese on there. this was worth every singleminute of the trek to get here. (upbeat percussive music) good morning everyone, it's mark wiens

New York & Company Credit Card

New York & Company Credit Card, with in new york city. i'm loving the view ofthe city this morning. today, we're gonna head over to brooklyn and on our way first to eatat a famous pizza place.

today, you could say i'm ona bit of a pizza pilgrimage. we're on our way to thesubway and should be about a 40 minute ride orso, maybe it will take us about an hour to get tobrooklyn to the pizza place. (lively reggae music) we're going all theway from 34th street... where is that? where is 34th street? here, harold square, allthe way over to brooklyn.

and we're gonna get off on avenue j. that took exactly 40 minutesand according to google maps, it says di fara is a oneminute walk from here. i'm getting excited. right now it's right at 11:30 a.m., so it's about 30 minutestil they open at noon. looks like i'm the firstone here today, oh yeah! i'm in a little bit ofa dilemma right now. i'm not sure whether i should order

the regular pie, whichis a circular pizza. or the square pie. people both say that they are amazing. some people like the square pie, some people like the circle, regular pie. i think i might have to keepit classic with the circle pie. that's my thought before they open. can i get one regular pie? - [man] okay.

- [mark] with half pepperoni? - [man] of course, what's the name? - [mark] mark. - [man] okay mark, about 10 minutes. - [mark] thank you very much. - [man] al, half pepperoni, al! and she's making us do more work. hey mark! - [mark] thank you.

- [man] there you go. - [mark] thank you,can we get it in a box? - [man] yeah, if you want. - [mark] yes please. - [man] it's 31. - i think ying and i will take it to go. so i put it in a box. this is fresh out of theoven and i don't wanna... i do love my chili but i think i'll

put it on the side for now. just put a bunch of chilion the side for later. and they do have a coupleof tables and seats inside, but with a box of pizza this big there was just no space to sit down. so i decided to get it to go, but i cannot walk far to taste it whileit's hot and fresh right now. i have to taste myfirst piece immediately! and i would just like toreally quickly mention

that dom demarco, who isthe pizza legend at di fara. and he is a literally, a pizza hero. and i saw him on a tv program from vice tv at this place making the pizza. and he looked like he had so much passion and just an amazing, an amazing man. he was not making thepizza today when i came. so i was a little bitdisappointed, but that's okay. i am still very happy it'sstill within his family.

okay, let me just open this up. oh, that aroma! and what i loved is thatafter it came out of the oven he immediately, whoa that is a heavy box. he immediately, as it cameout of the oven, he took a handful of basil and hechopped it up using scissors. so you can smell that aroma ofthe fresh basil all over it. i'm gonna start withthis piece right here. just the regular cheesewith lots of basil on it.

and you can see that oil andthat oh, it's hot and fresh! oh and there's a little cornerof pepperoni on here as well. oh wow, that's just heavy! that is amazing! that is outstanding! okay, this was worth every single minute of the trek to get here. oh, that crust paired with that cheese. the ratio is beautiful and it just gushes

with that olive oil and you can taste that fresh basil chopped on there. and the cheese it's salty but not too salty, it's perfectly salty. the tomato sauce is not very tart it has more of like asweet tomato-y flavor. oh, you can just see that cheese and sauce oozing out of the crustwhen i take a bite, when it condenses in there.

so that cheese is just a perfect melted-ness mixed with that sauce. this is a beautiful thing. next up, i have to go for the pepperoni. this place is legendary for a reason. it's so good! the combination, the simplecombination of ingredients but just made perfectlyand cooked perfectly. i know one of the thingsthat they really stress

is how it's cooked and the done-ness. so it is crispy on thebottom but not burnt. it is just a beautifulgolden, lightly blackened, crispy-ness on the bottom,gooey on the inside where that sauce meets the cheese. it's just incredibly good. after eating two pieces ofpizza, then we ended up walking over to the nearest park to sit down and to enjoy the rest of the pizza.

and so we made it to the parkand immediately as you open the cover of that boxyou can smell that basil. that basil makes all the difference. okay, i'm gonna go forthis piece over here. this is mostly a cheese piece just with a few cut-outs of pepperoni. okay, and it's not so hot anymore but i think it's still gonna be amazing. yeah, that is just a brilliantcombination of flavors.

a brilliant pizza. it was definitely better wheni had that very first piece. right out of the oven whenthe cheese was sloppy. i'm gonna go ahead and dip in that chili. or maybe i'll unfold andjust sort of go down. oh, yeah. alright. i think i would have to say that i enjoyed the regular pizza, nopepperoni, just the pizza

with cheese and the basil on it the most. that was the best. just that basil, justincreased the flavor. and that olive oil, it was fantastic. and although i didn't have a chance to see mr. dom, thelegend, making the pizza i still could feel the passion and the love of pizza at di fara. walking through the neighborhood,

it's a really niceneighborhood here in brooklyn. and i just looked up thedirections, we are on our way over to a different subway station called flatbush, next to brooklyn college. and we're gonna takethat a little bit north and head next to eat some caribbean food. so we're heading just a couple stations from flatbush to president station. this restaurant is called gloria's.

and they serve caribbean food. and i think, this is brooklyn, but i think this areais called crown heights. and as soon as i enteredthe door you could just smell the aroma of the spices in here. and they do have a few tableswithin this little restaurant, it's a small restaurant butit has some nice high tables. and so we sat in the corner here. and i got the large portion and it's huge!

that is heavy! and i got the chicken curry. oh, that steam! that steam was ridiculous,it smells so good! it came with rice and peas,and this is a side of pumpkin. and i'm not sure, i think she gave me some kind of a vegetablewhich was called like cam-boo-la or something like that, i can't even remember thename but that's what i tried.

and then ying got the fish curry. oh ying, that looks awesome. a whole fish steak and thatcurry smells incredible. and then some kind of,maybe collard greens and mixed vegetables. grab my fork, ah i cannotwait it smells so good! okay i gotta begin withthis chicken curry. oh and let me mix it with some of that. that chicken curry...

it's so hot and fresh. and the spice blend is superb. you can taste, i think,some cumin in there. and maybe some garlic and ginger. and then that vegetable that's like a... it's some kind of purã©ed vegetable. i don't know what thatvegetable is but it's awesome! it sort of has a littlebit of a spinach-y... that sort of slimy,spinach-y texture to it.

but at the same time it's purã©ed. it has a little bit of a sour taste to it. and that is amazing, thatvegetable is awesome. and then with that red rice on the bottom. and then mixed in with the spices from the chicken curry, wow! that is absolutely asensational mixture of food. okay now let me try forsome of that pumpkin. whoa, mmm-hmm.

it's so nice and sweet andthen balanced by being salty. it's a creamy purã©e as welland you can taste a little bit of those pumpkin fibers inthere as well, it's wonderful. and then it's lightly spiced,maybe i can taste a little bit of the pepper in there or maybe that's coming from the curry that's mixed in. i'm very happy with thismeal in front of me. this chicken curry isjust absolutely awesome. and i love how it's all mixed together

within this tray as well,you get little bites of... well you get rice, thenyou get bites of that curry with all those spices, thenyou get that creamy vegetable, and then the sweetness from the pumpkin. it all just works together. i'm gonna get everything in one bite. yeah. let me taste the fish curry. oh, that's very firm.

look at all that spice! maybe it's king fish? and then that beautifulblend of spices again. you can taste the tomato,it's a little bit spicy. and that blend of dry spices in there just is fantasticallydelicious, so much flavor. i'm so full right now thatwas so hardy and so flavorful. and the combination,actually i really liked it. 'cause the chicken curry isfull of spice and turmeric.

and i loved it with that pumpkinbecause you get that sweet touch mixed in by thatnaturally sweetness. you've got that creamy vegetable and then all on a bed of rice. awesome place, theowners are very friendly. and she told me that the restaurant serves mainly trinidad style food. it's worth making the trip out here to crown heights brooklyn forsome delicious caribbean food.

just 30 minutes ago we were in what felt like almost the caribbean. eating delicious trinidad food. and now back into the middle of manhattan. actually i'm still kindof full from lunch, so i think i'm gonna end the vlog for today right here, and call it a day. but again, i just wannaemphasize the reason why i love new york city somuch and why it's such

an amazing city isbecause of the diversity, it's such an incredible melting pot. alright, that's it for today's vlog see you on the next video,thank you again for watching.

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