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whether they’re telling white lies withthe hopes of boosting their image or gaining more subscribers, these 10 youtubers havebecome notorious for stretching the truth... 1. zoellabeing pretty and popular on youtube sometimes, just sometimes doesn’t translate into literarytalent.

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Pay Sams Club Credit Card, youtuber zoella who is adored on youtube forher hair and makeup tutorials, made waves in 2014 by becoming the fastest-selling debutauthor for her book girl online. this is impressive... if she had actually written the book herself.

zoe was exposed shortly after the releasefor having a ghostwriter to write the entire book, prompting her to take a break from theinternet in shame. 2. richkidstvyoutube isn’t all just funny cat and prank videos. some good can be done. you could raise money and awareness for aterrible illness by pouring buckets of ice on your head. you can even start your own charity- thatcharity being the “i need a corvette fund.”

that’s what drey from richkidstv did. first, he got his viewers to participate ina “raffle” which they entered into by paying through paypal. but after he raised over $100,000, he switched. suddenly, for legal reasons, he had to give90% of the raffle to charity and the other 10% to the raffle winner. the charity he chose was quote “my liveyour dream foundation”. turns out the foundation was less what you’dcall a “charity” and more what you’d call “his bank account”.

but at least he bought a cool car with it. does that make you feel better?3. keemstarkeemstar is best known for hosting the appropriately named web series dramaalert on youtube. but with all the false stories he’s toldover the years, it’s no secret that he’s been involved in of lots of drama himself. he’s taken it upon himself to bring pedophilesto light on youtube- accusing countless people in front of millions of viewers. he most notably accused an innocent 62-year-oldgamer, making him cry on camera while begging

keem’s trolls leave him alone. keem was exposed for fabricating the storywhen it was proven that the man was completely innocent and the actual pedophile was alreadyincarcerated and serving a life sentence. 4. marina joyceanother beauty youtuber but with a whole new twist of crazy. just back in july, fans of marina joyce startednoticing that she was acting a bit strange recently. it was clear that something was wrong.

she seemed to be nervous and frightened whilestaring at an unknown person who seems to be directing her behind the camera. she is also badly bruised and can be heardwhispering “help me” in a recent video. marina joyce fans understandably lost theirminds starting the hashtag #savemarinajoyce in a desperate attempt to get to the bottomof marina’s uncharacteristic behavior. the speculation was that she was involvedin a trap set up by isis. for a while, marina allowed this drama toplay out on the internet while she stayed quiet. the police did get involved and visited marina’shome, finding no evidence that she was in

any trouble. eventually, she came out saying it was alla publicity stunt. 5. sam and niasam and nia are a pair of christian vloggers from terrell, texas. but christians don’t lie, right? in 2015, sam claimed to collect his wife nia’surine that had been left in the toilet to use for a pregnancy test. this story’s getting shady already...

in the video that went viral, he reveals tonia that she’s going to bring another baby into the world. people of the web collectively went “awwww!”and overnight they were internet famous. but it wasn’t to be. only three days later, they announced thatthey had a miscarriage but to comfort their new collection of followers they stated viatwitter “our tiny baby brought 10 million views to her video & 100 thousand new peopleinto our lives. she turned our life around & brought us closertogether.” in other words, they were turning those miscarriagelemons into miscarriage lemonade.

needless to say, serious doubt was cast ontheir story. some point to the couple’s bad acting duringboth announcements and their oddly happy behavior in their vlog just a day after the miscarriageannouncement. 6. sam pepperdo you think sexually groping women in public is a really funny prank? how about kidnapping someone? well, if you do, you may love sam pepper. this youtube star has gotten a lot of flackfor his fake prank videos.

in 2014, he filmed himself pinching the buttsof random women on the street using a prosthetic arm as a decoy. critics of sam’s claimed that this was lessa “prank” and more of what’d you’d call “sexual assault”. then in 2015 he graduated to kidnapping ina video featuring california vine stars sam and colby. in an attempt to redeem himself, sam revealedthat all of his pranks were completely staged. well at least by that logic, we can say thathe’s a fake criminal with a terrible sense of humor.

7. lonelygirl15before rebecca black or justin bieber hit it big on youtube, there was lonelygirl15. bree avery seemed to be a typical teenagegirl from a small town who would vlog about her day-to-day experiences. when the story started to morph into a bizarrenarrative that portrayed her dealings with secret occult practices, she started to raiseeyebrows prompting the internet to start speculating. was it all fake? her growing fanbase quickly discovered thatlonelygirl15’s story line was actually scripted

by a small team of writers. bree was a 19-year-old hired actress namedjessica rose and the operation was produced by a professional agency. 8. fouseytubestaying relevant as a youtuber is difficult. you have to constantly think of new and creativeways to entertain people. but fousey seems to have mastered the formula. all you have to do is pay people from craigslistthirty bucks to act. in his “uber prank” video, he pretendsto hop in cars of random drivers and insisting

them to drive somewhere as if they were anuber driver. unfortunately for fousey, one of the actorsfrom the video came forward to expose him as the fake prankster that he is. but if that wasn’t enough, he recently triedto pull a fast one again by staging a fist fight with fellow youtuber ricegum. 9. matthew santoromatthew santoro could very likely be the shiny, round-headed poster boy for top 10 lists onyoutube. he’s amassed over five million subscribersto date.

but you see, matt doesn’t like researching. he also doesn’t like writing. couldn’t there be a better way? of course there is. you can go to a website, find a list, andthen just read that list for your youtube video. it’s called plagiarism. it’s great for book reports too. well, apparently matthew santoro is a bigfan of this method.

youtuber gradeaundera exposed a number ofhis lists as being exact copies of lists from a website called listverse. in one example titled "10 weirdly famous people",matt recorded the exact same list in the exact same order as posted on listverse. not only that, he reads the content of thelist pretty much word for word. 10. tmartnsee on youtube, honesty isn’t the best policy. it just doesn’t make you enough money. but don’t take our word for it, ask tmartn.

he recorded himself gambling on a websitecalled cs go lotto- an online gambling website where you bet for counterstrike weapon skinsor other things that are just as valuable as cash. in his videos, he wins on this website allthe time and you can too! but before you find your parents’ creditcard, just one more thing. tmartn fails to mention in these videos thathe owns cs go lotto... which according to the federal trade commissionis forbidden and the textbook definition of shilling. this begs the question of how tmartn sleepsat night to which the answer is probably “on

top of massive piles of money”... *****if you liked this video, check out the top ten most hated people on youtube dreaded bymillions! or click here to find out which one of yourfavorite youtubers are making the biggest bucks! until next time, don’t forget to subscribeto keep up to date with the weirdest, wackiest, most strange lists on the net!

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