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- i prefer to be alone on a mountain but they're all gonna be like (upbeat music) (laughs) - the first time i heard about soulcycle

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Pay Victoria Secret Credit Card Online, was seeing a paparazziphoto of vanessa hudgens leaving soulcycle and i said, "oh, what is that? i want to try." - i've never heard of soulcycle,

a place where there'sjust a bunch of cycles. - i did it once with an ex-girlfriend. i'm from the midwest. i try not to get excited or emotional. it was all those things. - i saw pictures on the outside but i never went inside or anything or checked it out. - i just thought it was just riding a bike

without moving anywhere. - i've a lot of friends who've done it. i've heard nothing butgood things about it. - i've heard it's kind of like a cult. - i haven't worked out in three years. i'm not bragging. i'm just saying. - i've never gone twoweeks of working out. - i work out once a month when the gym charges my credit card.

- i'm hungry and then i eatand then i don't workout. - four days a week for amonth is a big commitment. - getting into it, i'm socynical i'll just be like all these people are dumb,what we're doing is dumb. i don't buy into any of it. - spontaneous combustionwould be my biggest fear. - my name's david zint andi have been with the company for close to five years. philosophy behind soulcyclereally comes down to community

where you feel un-judged,where you feel supported, coming together in a dark room, into a sweaty sanctuary where you find the best version of yourselves. you get a full body workout. everything is to the beat of the music so you're able to work a lot harder. you're supported by the people around you so you're able to dig a little bit deeper

and we turn the lights really low so that you can release judgmentor these fears and doubts and then we all cometogether to that music and that's where the magic happens. - my goal for this classis to have a swimmer body. - i would love to havethe ab thing figured out. - put on whatever i want in my closet and not feel like a potato. - you're not a potato.

- (laughs) well i'm workingtowards a french fry. - tone my body. i have gained excessweight in the tummy region. - i weight around 151 rightnow and i want to get to 145. - my hopes are that maybei would lose a pound. - i kind of also want a firmer butt. (intense music) - it's freezing and i got my shorts on. i'm hoping that i don't throw up today.

- it's pouring down rainand i just drove my bike in. bad way to start the morning. - (sigh) very light headed. my hands are shaking; my legs, everything. - i had to leave 30 minutes early. thought i was about to pass out. i went outside, they gave me a wet towel, and i was just trying notto pass out right then. - holy shit.

i was tired this morning. he tapped the back hard. - i think i need a wheelchair. i don't want to walk anymore. i just want to pop mylegs off like a barbie. - i have never done any type of workout where i have consistently dripped sweat to the point where it gets into my eyes. - and i'm actually running kind of late.

i had tea at eight pm so i didn't sleep. - when i woke up, for somereason my neck wouldn't move? - i gotta eat light in the morning and all i could think about right now is how i really, really, reallywant a breakfast burrito. - been smoking for eight years. after 10 minutes of cycling, i'm like loosing all my breath. it's the worst; i feel like i'm 50.

- after eating the right amount, i felt way more energized, i paced myself. - i just got done with a six am. i was really dreading it andi feel so good right now. - oh my god. class was awesome. i feel like i'm in a churchor some spiritual place. - when they're like "givea turn to the right. "turn to the right,"

they're talking about the resistance and normally i'm like"mm, nah it's cool doe." but i've actually been doing it and challenging myself tokeep up with the rhythm. - something weird happened to me. i woke up early and i wasn't exhausted and i was just laying in bed thinking about all of the problemsthat are going on in my life and how i couldn't waitto get to soulcycle

to sweat out all my problems. who the hell am i? - i forgot i'm working out. i was more focusing on mydream, my goals, my fears, and how to achieve all this. - i like that he said, "the next 45 minutes isn'tgonna change your life, but it's gonna help change your day." - the instructor said some stuff

that was pretty easyto roll off and be like "oh whatever, he's just trying to feed us positivity bullshit" but i actually started to feel things which is weird for me. yeah, maybe i should draw about now. - i've been upping my weights so i started with twoand then went to three and now i'm on five sodefinitely seeing some results.

- david's definitely oneof my favorite instructors. my favorite line from class today: at the end of your life,are you living for you, or are you living for someone else? a reminder to focus on your passions and what you want to do versus trying to please everyone else. - our instructor david said, "remember you're notranked, you're linked."

reminding us that it's nota competition in that room. it's really all about pushing yourself to new limits each day. - wow, it was delightful though. i feel energized, i feel great. i can't wait to get thenext one going. whoo! we're going to get skinny or die trying. - you're going to beburning a lot of calories, you're going to startto shed a lot of fat.

you are high intensityinterval training here so you're building lean muscle - i have started noticing my thighs have been getting a little bit smaller. - i've definitely noticedmy leg's gotten stronger. you know, i can crush a can with soda in them with my thighs. - everything is working together. relaxing your shoulders,you're standing taller,

you're being more present. you're getting strongin your core muscles. - i'm feeling stronger. trying to engage my core. - our focus is reallyon that whole posture changing your body so you'renot bulking up your thighs. you're getting lean, you'regetting strong in your glutes. - my shorts, they're actually falling off. normally my fupa holds them in place

and for those of you whodon't know what a fupa is, it's fat upper pelvic area. but they were sliding offtoday so we're making progress and my body feels tighter. - working out is making mewant to eat healthier, too, so i have a salmon salad. and i normally really hate salad. - this was the secondday in a row we did it. i am destroyed right now.

during the class, the instructor came up and just cranked mywheels so far to the right and it ruined me. i'm so tired and i want to goto bed for like five hours. not a great way to start the day. - this is the firsttime i'm late to class. my dog pooped and itgot stuck in its butt. smeared everywhere. now i'm running late becausei had to give it a quick bath,

but today i was actually 147.2 pounds which i haven't been in the140's probably six years. - today was so intense; i got up at 4:45. we did one yesterday. just so groggy. having such a hard time pushing through. - today's the first time soulcycle plus a full day of videoshoots is weighing on me. working and working out for 13 hours.

- my body didn't get usedto it in the beginning when they would say, "turn up the dial. "turn it all the way to the right." i was like "ugh, i can't do this." today i was like "oh,i'm pretty much towards all the way to the resistance." like what, excuse me. - we had a morning class with david. for the first time i got emotional.

- it was the first time that i understood the soul part of soulcycle. there was one point during thecrazy slow emotional version of destiny child's say my name and it really got to me. i was about to cry which is crazy. - i like to push my feelings down. i don't like to feel things, but sometimes he says stuffthat hits me in a weird way.

touches on this un-foundspirituality i have. - he said, "when people put you down, and when people saysomething negative about you, or don't believe in you, it's really a reflection of themselves." and that just really resonated with me. it got to the point where i was about to cry but ididn't know if it was tears or if it was sweat dripping in my eyes.

- he said some really cool new things that really stuck out to me. what are you gonna do today that you'll be proud of in a year? that meant a lot to mebecause i'm directing a really cool project. it made me want to work on it even harder. - i was just pushing;my body was exhausted and sweat was pouring downme and he would say something

and it started to kind ofhit home which was weird. i didn't know how to handle it. - he also said, "useyour voice for the people "that don't have a voice." and that really spoke to me, too, because i have a tattoothat says something similar. everything that he says is general enough where you can apply it towhatever job or situation, relationship you're in.

- this class made me realizethe point of soulcycle is to find your soul. the person you were when you were a child and when you had that child-like wonder. - definitely can feel adifference when i go to class as opposed to when i don't just the way i carry myself and my interactions with people and just my overall attitude.

- he placed a candle down and i was like "oh, fuck. this darkness,my friends are here." we had drive to all get upand to work on our bodies. i finally understood whypeople love it so much. - today was my last soulcycle class. i'm a little sad. (laughs) - final soulcycle class with the boys. soulcycle has done a lotof good for all of us. it really brought us togetherand really changed us.

- it was the first time i'vedone it and i wanted it to end. i was so into it. i'm also feeling likean odd sort of comradery with the guys which is really cool. i've never really had that. it's usually me, alone,trying to figure it out, but it's been nice to really come together as a group and do this. - it became so part of just my instincts.

when i wake up i texted "guys, i'm awake!" with an emoji or somethingand then i get other texts and that encourages me to get out of bed. - i don't believe it's the last class. i got used to it so much. you know, it's part of you right now and i just feel like "oh, dafuck am i going to without it?" sad that we're not going to have such a positive energy every morning.

- david, our instructor,said something this morning that i think that is a good final note. every time somethinggood happens in your life is because something has changed. i have changed because of soulcycle. - getting into a consistent habit, working out is completely new to me. i was in the 140's this week. i haven't seen those numbers on a scale

since i graduated college. i wanted to be able to get intoshape by the time i was 30. i didn't want it to be adownhill slope from there. - so i don't know if it's becausei've repressed my emotions for so long that now they'rebubbling up in soulcycle. i had these momentswhere i'm just pedaling and i'm putting everything into it and i feel like i almost want to cry which is so weird to saybut there's just something

about putting your all into everything and then having somebody scream positive motivational things at you that knocks me off of being able to hold back these feelings. - david actually said so manythings that just hit home. and it hits and i'm like "okay, i'm just going to ride this bike." and then he says somethingelse and i'm like

"ugh, he needs to chill." i just want to fall offthe bike and be like ahh! he said, "don't kill your own joy. "there's always going tobe somebody that's going "to stop you from doing whatyou want to do in life." oh, wait, who is it? oh, it's you. and i was like that's so true because wealways talk ourselves down

and we tell ourselves we can't do it and we're not good enough. wake up in the morning and wejust start bashing ourselves. i need to stop. - the biggest, biggest result is the fact that i haven't been smoking for almost a month now. quitting cold turkey been thebiggest achievement of 2017. decided to look at life differently.

appreciating my body and my health. i just hope i stick with it forever. - we're all going through something. everybody's fighting a battlethat you don't know about. we're all just trying toget through this crazy thing called life and you have more in common with the person next toyou than you would think. - he's talking a lot about not bringing that negative energy andwhat people think of you

and your life and just thinking about how i do that so much. i make so many decisions based on what other people think of me and that dictates so much of my life and it made me startto kind of think about if i just stop doing that and really go after what i want, what that would look likewas kind of life changing

and bigger than just riding a bike. - more people should get out there and push themselves to getoutside of their comfort zone because that's when you'regoing to see the results that you want in your life. - definitely going to miss it. i'll probably end up takingsome classes on my own every now and then when i need some soul, which might be often.

- i didn't really knowwhat to think about this and now i'm actually thinki'm going to keep going at least once a week. it's just such a niceboost of positive mojo. i carry that throughout my day and to my relationships. - whether soulcycle or not, go take a class with friends. they'll keep you accountable

and you can help keep them accountable. - this is on the down low but - it was you! - no, no, no, no, no!

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