Mesothelioma Activists

thank you, mr. speaker my dear friends minister bennett who dared stand up in order to spread lies should have the decency

Mesothelioma Activists

Mesothelioma Activists, to stand here, before us and answer questions friends, my friends from the right your fear is evident

your are simply afraid you are afraid because in the last two years we uncovered your corruption we uncovered how, behind your ideological positions you took israeli public funds, tax money that the public worked so hard for and you transferred it to your friends for jobs, to private companies, for activists, for private ngos how the jewish home party, who pretends to be more "zionist" than ben gurion how this party took public funds and instead of transferring them

to the failing factories in the peripheral regions instead of transferring it to cities like pri galil and arad instead of transferring them to hospitals to increase the the number of beds instead of expanding classrooms instead of making our public transportation excellent you took our money, and you threw it out —â you gave it away! — to your friends you gave it to private ngos at whose heads sit jewish home loyalists. where is naftali bennett to respond to the issue that nis 33 million was illegally granted to the settler council ngo through the finance committee at the time when he headed it

respond, and answer don't argue with us about zionism because real zionism, my friends, is to distribute the budget equally between all citizens real zionism is to be concerned with the weakest members of society real zionism is solidarity not only in battle, but in the day to day to keep each other safe. that's what it is to be israeli, that is zionism to be concerned about the future of the citizens of this country in the hospitals, in the schools, on the roads, with welfare

that's zionism and you're taking it and you're destroying it you're taking it and turning the public purse into a lease for your own political horse trading you for got about the negev and the galil in order to transfer nis 1.2 billion to the settlements in bonuses you forgot israel. you lost zionism a long time ago friends, when we sing "hatikva" we sing it with all the meaning of the word hope, a politics that has hope a politics that has a future a politics that look to the future and want to make life here better, more secure

that wants to make peace that wants fix the relationships between the various parts of its society that believes in the equality of rights, in equality of budget that thinks that ever single israeli citizen deserves an equal portion deserves to live a truly good life that's the real zionism, and that's hatikva if netanyahu were to write our national anthem, we probably would have to call it the anthem of despair it is against your politics that we fight against the slander and against the lies

and in favor of a politics of hope of a future, of goodness. thank you

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