Mesothelioma Minnesota Attorney

susan vento: my name is susan vento. i'm thewidow of bruce vento whose claim was represented by mike sieben and his staff. sieben polkhas the finest reputation here in minnesota for representing minnesotans with personalinjury claims and in particular asbestos related claims. [graphic: susan vento, client]

Mesothelioma Minnesota Attorney

Mesothelioma Minnesota Attorney, bruce was a st. paul guy who grew up on st.paul's east side, the second oldest of eight kids in an italian-german family. ended upworking his way through college to become a junior high science teacher and during thoseworking experiences worked on st. paul's east side in several different locations. taughtjunior high science in south minneapolis for

a number of years and then was elected tothe minnesota house of representatives in 1970. in 1976 he ran for congress and he servedin congress until his death in october of 2000. bruce f. vento: from the age of 15 until theage of 30 i was a blue collar worker. i had to work hard to get ahead and by godi did and now this illness that really reaches back from my past you might say comes up andhits you when you’re 59 years young. [graphic: rep. bruce f. vento; d – minnesota] often at night i reflected on my days, actions,and work and asked myself have i made a difference in someone’s life? have i created opportunitiesfor others? have i helped build hope?

my focus changed dramatically this year. iwas diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma in late january. as most of you likely knowmesothelioma is a tumor that’s associated with asbestos exposure. american is a great country with vast resourcesand intellectual fire power, but billions of dollars have been spent on litigation sincemesothelioma was first reported in the early ‘50s; millions alone on experts who arepaid to prove and deny causation alone. susan vento: bruce was a really passionateman, very committed to whatever goals he set personally and professionally and not oneto go off filing lawsuits. but the more he thought about the exposure that he experiencedunknowingly in these work settings and the

devastating affect it was gonna have on hislife, as well as the lives of his loved ones after his death, he felt it was his obligationto do what he could to correct this wrong. [graphic: film of people carrying casket andbells ringing from church] reporter: as the casket clocked in red, white,and blue began to enter the cathedral so too came the memorials. the famous, the anonymous,the grateful arrived to remember the unforgettable bruce vento. male: bruce vento’s death was dignifiedand it was loving and it was holy. there is also a great dignity in the reality that brucea congressman who was committed to the concerns of the working man should die of a workingclass disease. asbestos is not a disease found

in the air conditioned offices of executives,it’s found amongst working people. susan vento: mike and his staff worked hardto get us timely settlements. there were some settlements prior to bruce's death, whichwas very reassuring for bruce, but we also got the sense of peace of knowing that thefolks who were responsible for this exposure were being held accountable. personal injurylawyers play a very important role in this state and in this country and without them,those of us whose lives have been just destroyed because of bad decisions and bad actions,we'd go unrepresented. so we're lucky here in minnesota to have sieben polk. they'reimpeccable. [graphic: sieben polk law firm, premier mesothelioma,asbestos and injury law firm in the upper

midwest. 651-437-3148. 1640 frontage road,hastings, mn 55033,]

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