paul d'oliveira from the law office of d'oliveira& associates what's my personal injury case worth. if youhave been injured in a personal injury accident, such as a car accident, slip and fall, froma dangerous drug, a defective product, medical device, a number of different types of casesyou will be able to collect for your medical bills, lost income and your pain and sufferingamong other loses. our firm handles a lot

New York Defective Drug Lawyers, of personal injury cases. the most difficultpart of determining what a personal injury case is worth is when we negotiate pain andsuffering with the insurance company. they always try to down play a person's pain andsuffering, especially in a car accident type of case a lot of times they'll say well therewasn't that much property damage and your
client has been treating for three, four,five months and we just don't buy it and there was only 1, 000 dollars damage to the car,well you know what that's irrelevant in a lot of cases because you can have a lotof property damage and someone could walk away unscathed and person sitting next tothem can die. so those arguments fail but they always try to make to make those withus, especially like in a rear end collision case. if a person's older and they get rearended, even though there is not a lot of damage they are more likely to have a serious injury.so there are so many different games the insurance companies try to play sometimes with us regardingpain and suffering, but basically it comes down to this if you have a broken bone injurycase that is clearly going to be worth more
money, then a simple soft tissue injury wheresomeone gets rear-ended and they are basically done treating in 2 months. if someone hasa soft tissue injury case , a back injury, neck injury or a whiplash from a car accidentpain and suffering is determined on how long a person was totally disabled or they wereeither bed ridden, unable to work, or unable to do much. or where they have recovered alittle bit, but they are partially disabled and they can do some of their activities,but they can't do many of their more rigorous activities. maybe they can't go to gym, liftup there kid or things like that and they look at periods of total and partial disabilityon figuring out pain and suffering. so if you have an injury case and you want a freeconsultation please feel free to call us toll
free or fill out a contact form online aswe would be happy to discuss your case with you and we charge no fee until you obtaina settlement or recovery. thank you.
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