Oklahoma Car Accident Attorney

- we're with john kelly. john kelly has agreed to answer a question that was posted online. he's a car accident attorney in phoenix, arizona. john, the question for you was,

Oklahoma Car Accident Attorney

Oklahoma Car Accident Attorney, "can you explain car accident fees as well as contingency fees?" - yeah sure, car accident fees, most personal injury attorneys,

so if you're injured in a car accident and you have a personal injury claim, there's several different types of fee arrangements that attorneys can use. there can be a flat feewhere you have to pay an attorney up front a flat amount for what they're gonna workthe rest of your case. you can do it on an hourly basis or you can do a contingency fee agreement

which most personal injury attorneys use. so contingency fee agreements, what that means is that you don't actually have to pay the attorney anything until they are successful with your case and that's the waythat my practice is run with a car accident. so what happens is, someone comes in in a car accident we sign a fee agreementthat tells them that after the case is settled,

that i'm going to takea percentage of the fee or the settlement that comes in and that's the global settlement. so there's probably a lot of questions with that which i can try toaddress a few of those. that means basically that i'm working your case until we are successful on the case without any money paid to me. now when that gets settled,

i would take a percentage of that. so one of the things that you have to consider though, with a lot of personal injury attorneys that is not always discussed right off the bat are, "how are the costsassociated with the case going to be handled?" so expert witnesses, people that are coming in to do evaluations, engineers, anyone that needs to testify at trial.

these are all people that need to be paid up front so you want to make sure that you ask your attorney, "i understand that i'm going to be paying a percentage of the settlement, the global settlement of the case, but how are we going totake care of the costs?" some firms and attorneys will say, "look, i'll front all the costs but i want those all recouped at the end." others will say,

"look, i'm willing to front the costs and not get that recouped." so it's something that you can ask your attorney about and negotiate. now the percentage is another thing that you want to know about and most attorneys in arizona are about a third of the settlement; some are a littlehigher, some are lower.

so you want to talk about that too. and then finally, you want to understand how that fee is going to work in the end. so what happens is once your attorney; let's say that you didn't go to trial you actually settled the claim. that's when you actuallyget paid on your case you don't get money until you actually are successful in settling your case

or winning at trial. so when your attorney settles it, they typically have to put it in their bank account, their client trust fund for a few days. all the money will go to the firm, they'll pay all yourmedical care providers, they'll negotiate any liens that you have meaning anything that the medical care providers are wanting as far as payment

and sometimes they can get reductions on the amounts that they want. and then they'llpay you the rest and so some of the timesthere's a question of, "well is it worth it to me to pay an attorney, you know apercentage of the fee?" so some of the thingsyou have to keep in mind is that the attorneys know how the insurance companies work. we know how to makesure that you're getting

the maximum benefit of your fee, your settlement. we know how to make sure that we're looking at all avenues of settlements. so if there's other insurance policies that are available we'll look at those and try to get that money too. we know how to read yourown insurance policy and a lot of times you have extra benefits thatyou're unaware of there. and then we're aware of getting reductions

in a lot of yourmedical expenses that allow you to have moremoney in your pocket in the end. so those are some of the things to consider and i hope this is helpful. - excellent, thanks for your time and if you have any more questions; oh we're having some reverb there. if you have any more questions you can actually just post your comments,

or questions in the comments section below the video and john has agreed to get back to you with answers. thanks for your time john.

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