Shell Credit Card Account Online

kyla: hi, everybody, and welcome todownloading transactions into quickbooks for nonprofits and charities. just a little bit about readytalk which isthe webinar tool that we will be using today. you will all be “silent.” you should be ableto hear me through your computer’s mc and speakers. if for some reason you do justwant to call in and hear over the phone,

Shell Credit Card Account Online

Shell Credit Card Account Online, there is an alternate phone linethat we will be able to give to you. just let us know if you’d like that.because you are all muted today, you will need to ask any questions via the chat should see that on your screen now. if you have any questions, comments, eitherabout the readytalk platform or about the content

of the webinar, just chat us in there,and we’ll be able to answer your question. it’s usually a little easier if you chat asopposed to raising your hand. so if you have a question, don’t feel the need to raise yourhand, just go ahead and chat us the question. if you do lose your internet connection,you can reconnect at any time using the link that you used to join for the first time.if for some reason you are still having problems, you can callreadytalk support at 800-843-9166. this is a reminder that we aregoing to be recording today’s webinar, and we will be posting the webinar both onthe techsoup website and on our youtube page. we will be sending out the recording aswell as additional materials either later today

or tomorrow, so you will havethose for your perusal if for some reason you need to leave early oryou just want to review it later. again, this is downloading transactionsinto quickbooks for nonprofits and charities. my name is kyla hunt. i am going to beyour facilitator today from the techsoup end. and with us for the content piece isgregg bossen from “quickbooks made easy.” also assisting with chat is techsoup’sbecky wiegand, so you’ll see her name pop up in the chat box.with that, i’m going to goahead and hand it over to gregg to get us started. gregg: hey, everybody, and thankyou, kyla. that was wonderful, as usual. this is me. that’s the picture of me,gregg bossen. and i want to find out if anybody

has heard me teach before. so just chat there,“yes, i’ve heard you” or “no, i haven’t,” something like that, so that i can findout how many people have heard me teach before. i am a cpa with an accounting practiceactually in atlanta. i specialize in nonprofits. i’m from atlanta, georgia, so that’s mysouthern accent coming out, although i don’t think i have one, other people do. let’s see,mary has heard me, so that’s cool. this is good. i can see what you guys are saying. kyla: i saw somebody saythat they’re your biggest fan. gregg: oh, really? that’s cool. great. i’mpaying that person for that comment, so that works. i specialize in nonprofits. and then i’mthe owner and founder of “quickbooks made easy.”

we specialize in training for specificindustries. one of my biggest industries that i train in is nonprofits. i have trainingseminars live around the country. as a matter of fact, this is a list ofupcoming seminars. we actually have one next week in san antonio, texas, that yes youcan still sign up for. during the summer, i’m going to take some time off andi’m also going to do a lot of writing, coming up with new training products.then starting in the fall, we start again, and those are some of the cities thatwe’re going to. if you are in one of those cities, i would recommend that you cometo the seminar and you can see me live. of course, you’ve got to see whether i’many good first. so we’ll talk about how to sign up

for live seminars and also how toget the training products in a minute. this is the agenda for today. this isa little out of order. the second thing, which says “benefits ofdownloading transactions,” the second bullet, that’s what we’re going to do first.we’re going to talk about why it’s a good idea to download transactions. then we’re goingto spend the majority of the time actually doing it. so we’ll be demoing all of thedownloading of transactions, both for checking and for credit cards. i’m really excited aboutthis because i did teach this. i developed this class and taught it a couple of weeks ago for about 12or 13 people. this is the first time i’m teaching it on the big screen here. and i don’tknow that i’ve seen a class on this before

but yet so many people want to knowhow to download. so i’m excited about it. it says we’re going to do questions atthe end, but we’ll do questions whenever. whenever i feel like taking a break, i’llstop and i’ll ask kyla to ask me any questions, although i can kind of see peoplehere. i can see what people are asking. no, i haven’t taught invegas yet but maybe i will do that. so let’s get startedhere because we only have an hour. the first thing i want to cover is whatthe advantages are of downloading transactions. just so you’ll understand what we’re talkingabout here, is instead of manually entering transactions, we’re talking about from our onlinebank account or credit card account online,

we’re talking about downloading thetransactions and importing them into quickbooks. obviously it’s much faster thanmanually entering the transactions. that’s obvious, so that the main benefit of it. you don’thave to sit and enter each credit card transaction. if you have credit cards which i’m sure a lotof you do, that’s a lot of individual transactions that you have to enter. youprobably end up not entering them individually. you probably end up waiting until the endof the month, entering them lumped by account or something. you know, you total upall the office supplies and add it together and then total all the – but it’s still a pain.and then you’re not really entering the transactions on the date they’re entering them at the end of the month

when you get the statement. so the timingis not really correct. it’s obviously better than entering debit card transactions too,and those are important. those are subtracting out of your bank account, and you don’tfind out about them until the end of the month when you get the bank statement. if welived in fantasy land which some of us do, the person who has the debit cardwould be giving you the receipts every day, but of course that only happens infantasy land. anyway, then you don’t really know what your bank account balance is because youdon’t have the debit card transactions entered. it’s nice to be able to download them. another thing you might be wondering this,when you download a transaction, how does it know

what expense account to put it to? well,there’s an auto-recall feature within the downloading part of quickbooks that will remember. oh,the last time we downloaded a transaction from office depot, we put it to officesupplies, so this one should go there too. it’s smart. it remembers this stuff.when you downloadtransactions, and you’ll see this in a minute, it actually will download all thetransactions, but it recognizes that some of the transactions have actually already been entered inquickbooks. if you write checks in quickbooks and a lot of us do write andprint our checks out of quickbooks, it’s not going to enter those checks again,it’s going to match them to ones that are already in quickbooks. then it will give you theability to add the transactions that have not matched.

so we’re going to do that. we’regoing to download. we’re going to match some transactions. and we’regoing to add some that aren’t matched. one thing that’s really neat is youcan actually point downloaded transactions to accounts receivable or accounts payable.that’s pretty cool, and we’ll do that too. the best thing about it is it’s free,’s almost always free. those are the advantages. this is exactly what we’re going to do. firstthing we’re going to do is we are going to show you how to set it up for the firsttime. and actually, if anybody in here is already downloading transactions andthey’re here because they have questions about it, let me know that. text me up and let meknow that. no, i haven’t been to st. louis.

well, i’ve been, but not to teach. buti would go there as well. that was for deanna. so first we're going to look at how to set itup the first time, then we’re going to show you how to download transactions. then we’regoing to look at the downloaded transactions, and we’re going to show you how tomatch the ones that have already been entered into quickbooks. then we’re goingto show you how to enter the other ones. we’re going to look at dealing withsomething called the “renaming rules,” which i will explain to you when we get’s one of the more fun parts, we’ll say “fun” parts, of dealing with downloadingtransactions. if you understand the renaming rules and can work with them, they’regoing to make life a lot easier for you.

and i’ll show you at the end how toturn off the feature, in case you decide that you need to. gloria says, “is the line still on hold?”so apparently she’s not being able to hear me. what we are going to do is,i’m going to share my screen now. there might be a second delay but youshould be looking at quickbooks right now, and i no longer can see chat so, kyla,you’ll have to talk to me if i need to know something. just feel free to interrupt me at any moment.thefirst thing i want to teach you is, this is a surprise. this has nothing to do with downloadingtransactions but it’s something that i just found out recently, so i wanted to tell youabout it. we are using version 2013 of quickbooks.

that’s what you’re seeing up on thescreen. those of you who have been using quickbooks for a while, if you got version 2013 i’m sureyou were upset because it doesn’t look as pretty. i had a big old long webinar on the changesbut one of the main things people didn’t like is because it’s not as pretty. it’s notas colorful. this icon bar up here is in black and it’s harder to read the iconsbecause it’s just kind of black and white. people were complaining about it. inaddition to that, the background of these toolbars here in the title bar, in the home page bar,is all in black. well, everybody complained and complained and complained. so they justcame out with a fix. once you download the fix, and that happens automatically, you havethis new preference that i’m going to show you.

it’s under the desktop viewpreference, and it says – it’s this one right here “switch to colored icons, light background, forthe top icon bar.” this is the top icon bar up here, so this is what it looks like initially, but ifi click this, ah! now it looks a little bit better. isn’t that kind of cool?the other thing is ifyou don’t like this black color, you can change it, company> file> color scheme. i’ll go toorange. look at that. i don’t think you would like that. we’ll do blue/green. i don’t like thateither. blue/purple, eh. we’ll go back to the default. anyway, wasn’t that cool?kyla, are they commenting on that at all? does anybody like that? kyla: i see nocomments but i think it’s cool.

gregg: no comments whatsoever. kyla: not about that, but wedid have a couple other questions. gregg: not a very impressive responsethere, but anyway as long as me and you like it, that’s all that really matters. kyla: i can see oneperson said it’s very cool. gregg: okay, thank you to the oneperson. all right so now what i’m going to do is i’m going to show you how to setup, and again we’re not talking about going to your bank account and downloading atransaction and then trying to figure out how to import it. this isfairly seamless. this downloading happens

from within the quickbooks program. so i’min the quickbooks program and i’m telling you, this is exactly what you would do backat your office. if you have an older version of quickbooks, you’ve been able to dothis for a while now. this is not a new feature. it’s been around for what i’mgoing to do is, the first thing you have to do is you’ve got to set it up. and youset it up for each bank account on its own. i’m going to go to banking, andi’m going to go to online banking, and i’m going to go to set up account foronline services. i’m going to click that button there. it has to close the other windows in orderto do this. and the first thing it wants to know is it wants to know which account in yourchart of accounts list are you wanting to link

to a bank account. it gives you a choice ofyour bank accounts, but it also gives you a choice of credit card accounts. you can downloadinto a credit card account in quickbooks as well. look at this, other current liability, itwill download into another current liability account, which means if you have a loan,equity lien, mortgage, what-have-you, anything where you can get theinformation online, you can download into this other current liability ifit’s a loan. i think that’s pretty cool. we’re going to do it both for achecking account and then were going to do it for the american express account. firsti’m going to do it for my checking account so i click checking, click it wants to know the name of my bank.

look at all of the banksthat are here. look at all of this. all of these banks have gotten theimport coding documents from intuit to enable them to write an import filethat will work with quickbooks. just for fun, kyla, let me know. i want youguys out there in the world that are listening to me, if you know of a really small bank that youdon’t think is here, let kyla know what it is and she’ll let me and i’ll check acouple of them. so tell me a bank that you’re like, “i wonder if they have that bank?” kyla: i’m watching to see if anybody hasit. here we go, home federal bank of tennessee. gregg: okay, there it is. home federal bankof tennessee. how about that? we’ll do one more.

kyla: okay, let’sdo first bank of conroe. gregg: okay. first bank, there’s probably a tonof first banks, first bank and it’s after that. of – kyla: conroe. c-o-n-r-o-e. gregg: oh, wow. okay thatperson wins. that one’s not in here. where in the heck is conroe? kyla: it’s in’s outside of keaston, i think. gregg: that’s interesting. well maybe it’sinteresting. all right. what i’m going to do is, i like to help as many people as possible, soi’m picking a tiny little bank called wells fargo. what we’re literally going to do isi’m going to walk you through the process,

which means we’re going to be going to thewells fargo website. you do it through the program, and that’s where you create the link. i reallywant you to experience this like it will really happen. so i’m going to click wells fargo, and i’mgoing to click next. it’s doing a little updating the information about the financialinstitution. okay, now here’s something we need to talk about. thereare two methods that we can do this. we can do it directconnect or web connect. both of them will allowyou to download transactions. the difference between the directconnect vs. web connect is that the direct connect, once you go to the website first of your bankand we are going to go through there in a second

to do the original link, you don’thave to go into your bank’s website any more. anytime you want to download transactions,you simply push a button and it goes to the website, puts in your pass code and username, and downloads all the transactions that occurred since the last timeyou downloaded. that’s pretty cool. the problem with the direct connect isthat it costs money. as a matter of fact, it can cost like $10, $15, $20 a month to dothis. now you do get other features when you do this. by the way, that money that you pay,the $10 or $15 a month, it goes to the bank. it does not go to quickbooks. it has to dowith whatever the bank wants to charge for this. but there is an advantage. inaddition to downloading transactions,

you can upload transactions. in other words,you can write a check, push it, and not print it, but rather send it through the internet to thebank and they’ll print the check and send it out to the vendor. so you can uploadtransactions too. but this costs money, and i’m cheap. to be honest with you, going to thewebsite to download transactions through quickbooks is really quick and easy. it’s not a bigdeal. so i’m going to go with this web connect because it’s free. that’s what i do andthat’s what most of my clients do. web connect is free. you can’t upload transactions, but youcan download. i’m going to click web connect, click next. it’s explaining thatwe’ve got to go, to finish the set-up, we have to go to the bank’s website.we would have to have done this even if we did

the direct connect. it’s just thatwe’ll need to go to the website each time because we’re doing the free youclick it and the first thing that’s going to happen is these help windows pop up because theyknow people have a lot of questions about this. since you’re taking this seminar,you don’t need that because you have me. where we are now is we are in thewells fargo website. do you recognize it? whatever your bank is, you’ll go thereand you’ll recognize your bank’s website. you put in your user name andpassword. now what i’m going to do here, i don’t want you to know my user nameor password so i’m going to stop sharing for a second and it will go backto the slides. kyla, did that work?

kyla: yes, it did. gregg: all right. i’m putting in my username and password. oops, i don’t know how to type. i’m signing on and now i’m on my site, sonow i’m on my site so i’m going to share again. a little bit of a delay and then you shouldbe good to you can see my bank accounts. i’m trying to kind of hide the balances here.this is actually an account we don’t use anymore. anyway, i’m going to click my businessaccount, and this is where you need to understand your own bank’s’ve got to figure out where to go to get to where the downloaded transactions are.i picked wells fargo because a lot of people have that, and i’m just going to scrollover here, and scroll down a bit and you will see

all these individual transactions,but at the top you see download activity. now it may be in a different place for you,but this is where it is in the transaction area at the wells fargo site. i’m going to clickdownload activity. now what you’re going to see, and this is again, it might bedifferent, the screens might look a little different depending upon what bank you’re of the neat things about the web connect, rather than doing this directly butdoing it the free way, the web connect, is that you can pick and choose what timeperiod you want. i’m going to download transactions from february 1 to february can download transactions for more than just ten days. it looks to me like inwells fargo land you can do 18 months at a time.

this is something where youprobably go in once a month or once a week, or once every two weeks,you’d download transactions. when you go in and put a date range,if you forget the last time you downloaded, you just may be re-download some of theolder transactions, it’s not going to do that. in other words, if you pick an olderdate, the second time you come in you say well, now the 2nd time i download i want to do2/1 through 2/28. well, all the old transactions that are already downloaded, it won’tdownload them again. it only downloads once. so you don’t have to worry aboutremembering the date range that you picked each time. then you pick the file format. i did seesomebody out there that was downloading into quicken.

it works a little differently inquickbooks, but apparently in wells fargo land you can download to quicken. butwe want to download into quickbooks. let me tell you something. the first time thati went into this screen, when i signed up for this, quickbooks wasn’t an option and i waslike, i don’t understand. so i called wells fargo, the online tech support, and they justturned a switch on and in two seconds it appeared. so i had to sign out and sign back in again,but then it was there forever. so if for some reason, quickbooks isn’t turned on with yourbank’s website, you may need to call them. but that’s not a reason not to download. it’sstill pretty easy to do this. once it’s on, it’s on. it only took a couple ofminutes.i’m going to click quickbooks right here.

notice there are two quickbooks. one says iif.don’t use that one. that’s for really old files. use the one that says web connect.that’s the one you’re supposed to use. i’m going to click download.thenwhat it is doing is, it has downloaded a file. it’s a file and it wants to know – and the filehas the transactions in it. you could probably look at it. it’s like a csv file almost. you couldprobably open it up in excel and look at it if you wanted to go crazy, but actually i’m not sure that’strue. i like to say things that i don’t’ know are true all the time. we could either savethe file, which seems kind of ridiculous. instead we want to open the opening the file, it’s going to open all the individual transactions,and it’s going to attempt to place them

within your quickbooks file. it’s goingto give you one more shot at maybe saving it and doing it later if you want to, but i’mgoing to import the transactions now. i’ll uncheck this so this window will go away. there’s not really a need for this window anyway, but they’re just giving you another chanceto save it. but we just want to import them now. i’m going to click, ifyou’re not listening, listen to me because this is where people make a mistakethe first time they go in here without training. what people do is, it wants to know whereyou want the transactions to be imported to, in other words which accountin your chart of accounts list. do you remember a few minutes ago, we toldit which bank account we wanted to download into,

but for some reasonit’s asking us again here. one of the options is create a newquickbooks bank account and it gives you a name that you can change. people do this all thetime. they take this one and then what happens is it creates a bank account and itdownloads the transactions to that bank account. then when you go into your chart ofaccounts list, i can’t get to it here, but when you go into your chart ofaccounts list you’ll have two bank accounts: the one that you’ve beenusing all these years and then a new one with the downloaded transactions. thenyou have to merge the two into the same account, and you end up losing all your old bankrecords. it’s a big mess. so don’t do that.

instead, i want you to do isclick use an existing quickbooks account. then you get your drop-down list of yourbank accounts. here’s the checking account, and we click continue. your web connectdata has been successfully read into quickbooks. you can view the data by going intothe online banking center. we are done. we could go into the online banking center rightnow, and if you do that – or we can go into it later. so i’m going to exit out of thisscreen. i’m done. everything’s finished. but what it’s doing is it’s gone into this– what this is called is the online banking center. we’ll come back to this in a second, butwhat i wanted to explain to you is the transactions are here and we are going to addthem into quickbooks. they’re here

but they’re not completely inquickbooks yet. i can escape out of this window and just go back into my regular oldquickbooks, go home for the day, and whenever i wanted to actually put the transactions inquickbooks, in other words, finish the process, i go to banking > online banking >online banking center, and i end up back at that other window. i didn’t mentionthis before, the online banking center can be viewed in two ways. one is side-by-side and theother is up-and-down. the up-and-down method was around for years, and if youchoose that method, what that means is you see for whatever bank account you’redownloading into, you see the register at the top and then at the bottom you have alist of your downloaded transactions,

and you try to take them fromthe bottom and place them into the top. in the newer versions of quickbooks2009 and after, you have a side-by-side mode where all your downloadedtransactions appear on the left side of the screen. and then, on the right side of thescreen, you manually put them into quickbooks by moving them to the right side of thescreen. we’re going to use the side-by-side mode. that’s what most people use. i’m goingto click do not display this message in the future so i’m not going to be given thechoice any more. i like the side-by-side mode, so i click continue. now we are at thepoint where we will finish entering the transactions that we’ve downloaded intoquickbooks. so i’m going to stop for a second

and see who has questionsabout setting this thing up. kyla, do you want to see ifthere are any questions for me? kyla: yes, there are a bunch of questions.there were quite a few questions at the beginning, just people wanting to verify ifthis works in versions before 2013. gregg: yes, and i mentioned it buti’ll say it again. i’m using version 2013 but it works in all the versionsof quickbooks. it’s worked for years. you’ve been able to downloadtransactions for years, so it’s not a new feature by any stretch of the imagination. kyla: okay, great. does it handle creditunions and specifically, canadian credit unions?

gregg: any bank that is on that list it willhandle and yes, there are tons of credit unions that it lists. so that person whowants to know about a canadian bank, we should probably go back and see whetherit’s on that list. even if it’s not on the list, there are still manual ways to of getting animport file. you want to talk to the bank about it, just to see whether they create a file thatworks with quickbooks. but it’s kind of a question for the bank, if we don’t see it onthe list. so we will look and see in a minute. kyla: so that’s basically what you would,because we did have a couple of questions asking what to do if their bank is not on thelist, so you would just talk to the bank? gregg: yes, you want to call the bank and theywill know whether or not they have an import file

that is compatible with quickbooks.then what you would need to do is manually, you’ll have to download it and then go tofile > utilities > import. if they give it to you in an ii format, the bank does, you’ll clickhere. if they give it to you in a web connect format, you’d click here. rather than using thefeatures that we’re using, you still can do it through this utility. you have to make surethe bank works with quickbooks. next question. kyla: is web connect free even fromwells fargo? we just had a few questions about verifyingthat web connect is free. gregg: it’s free. web connect vs. –direct connect is the one where they charge you a monthly fee. the benefit is you canupload transactions and also you don’t need to go

to the website after the first time. itjust downloads from the last time you picked to download. that’s direct connect. thatcosts money, but that’s not what i’m teaching, and that’s not what i’mrecommending. i’m recommending web connect, and web connect is free for wells fargodefinitely. it’s free for almost all the banks out there. i don’t know ofa bank that it’s not free for. kyla: we have two people askingthe difference between quickbooks online to just quickbooks. gregg: the online version of quickbooks doeshave the ability to download transactions as well, but i haven’t looked at that. idon’t know how different it is from this one.

i wouldn’t imagine it’s very muchdifferent. the program itself, the online edition, is very different than the desktopversion of quickbooks. it’s not as – well, they are making it better.we’ll do one more question. kyla: off the top of your head, do you knowwhich file format you would use for quickbooks online, because somebody asked that? gregg: no, i don’t. if you have aquestion like that, make sure that you ask me and i’m going to put mycontact information up at the end. we have a pretty vibrantfacebook situation going on these days, and i encourage you to find me on facebookand “friend” me and ask me the question there.

i’ll be glad to answer you.let’s go on. allwe’ve done at this point is we’ve gotten 13 transactions. now we want to add them into quickbooks.this is where things get kind of interesting. i’ve got to see the transactions. where arethey, right? so i can either click on the number “13” to get them or i can click on checkingor i can click add transactions to quickbooks and click checking. any of the three ofthose when i click it, it’s going to open up this side-by-side window that i was talkingabout. so what we have here is we have a left side and a right side of the window. the leftside of the window has all the transactions. there are 13 of them to bereviewed and added into quickbooks, and they’re going to breakwhatever you have, in this case we only have 13,

but you could have 100,you could have 5,000 but anyway, they break it into three different groups.thereare certain transactions, five to be exact, of the 13, that quickbooks has found a matchfor. in other words, the system says that five of the 13 transactionshave already been entered into quickbooks. now it doesn’t show you those matchedtransactions, but if you click the word show here, and i’m going to do it, it shows you thefive matched transactions, and there they are right here. then there is at thebottom unmatched transactions, eight of them. those are transactions that itdownloaded that it doesn’t see in quickbooks because you didn’t enter themprobably. we’ll show you how to enter those.

then there’s this third option in themiddle. in this particular file, we don’t have any yet. new transactions created usingrenaming rules. don’t worry about it. we’ll talk about it in a second. you’llunderstand. this turns out to be one of the most powerful parts of downloading transactionsbut we are going to worry about it in a second. the first thing we’re going to do is,i want you to think about this like a game, and the name of the game iswe’ve got 13 things over here. we want to make sure they’re all inquickbooks and we want this to go to zero. in other words, we want to get rid of all13 of these, and then we know that our quickbooks will basically match the bank, because allthe downloaded transactions will have been entered.

so that’s the game. you want to get this togo to zero. so the first thing i’m going to do is i’m going to click on the firstmatched transaction. a matched transaction again, is a transaction that the system thinks isalready in your data file. here’s the first one. i’ve clicked on it. if i click on this one, it willgo to that one, but we’re going to click on the first one here, check number 5405 for $1630.06.the system is smart, and it found in quickbooks in your data file a checknumber 5405 in the same amount. so it’s thinking “this must be that,” and it’sasking you, “is this a match or is this not a match?” i’m going to say it’s a match.when i sayit’s a match, i’m going to click it but when i click it, i want you to look over see how we have 13 over here.

i’m going to click “confirm the match.”it goes down to 12. so we’ve started our game. the game is to remove the things off ofhere by either matching them to quickbooks or adding them in. here is anothertransaction that it has found a match for. this was some sort of a draft that went outof the bank account. we had already entered it in, and here it is coming out of the bankaccount. so there’s the downloaded transaction. here it is in quickbooks. i’ll confirmthe match. now, let me tell you something guys, this program, once you start using this thingit’s going to start matching a ton of transactions for you. we only had five, but it’s going tomatch a ton of them. so rather than confirming them individually, you can confirm them as a groupby clicking add multiple. if i click add multiple,

it’s going to give me all those transactionsthat are left, the unmatched ones will be up here, but the matched ones is what iwant to look out. they’re down here. these three other ones are matched. inother words, they’ve already been found in quickbooks. and they’re checked off, sowhat i am going to do is by clicking add selected, there it goes. it matched all threeof them, so now all three of those are gone so now we’re down to eight.those are transactions that quickbooks has already confirmed that are inquickbooks, and i’ve just confirmed the match for sure. now what we’re left with areeight transactions that need to be reviewed. it’s saying that they’re unmatched, andit says that they need to be added to quickbooks.

that may not be the case. sometimes thesystem doesn’t recognize that the transaction has already been entered intoquickbooks. so what we are going to do here is i’m going to show you how tomanually connect one of the transactions over here with quickbooks. we’re going to do itfor expenses, and other words, money going out. here is a check for $42.67. at least it’sshowing as a check in the downloaded transaction pane on the left. i don’t want to enter it. it’ssuggesting i enter it, but i don’t want to enter it here. i’m going to click morematching options.when it comes to an expense, one of the things that you can do is you canjust enter it, record it as an expense, or you can, all the way at the bottom here,match to an existing quickbooks transaction.

i’m going to click that. and thenwe’re going to have here is it showing me the downloaded transaction, and then its’going to give me a list. now here it’s just giving me all the transactions as of the last 30days, but i’m going to tell it to show all because it didn’t appear in thelast 30 days. i’m going to click show all, and then it’s going to give me all thetransactions here that possibly have been recorded in the bank account, and i can look for this$42.67. i can look for it by scrolling up and down, but i can also click on the tops of thesetitles. if i click on payment, it’s going to be sorted by dollar amount from lowest togreatest, so quickly i can see there’s a $42.67. then what would happen in real life is“oh, yeah, i remember they recorded it as a check

but i had recorded it as ajournal entry” or something like that because it wasn’t literally acheck, what have you, for whatever reason. so i’m going to click on that oneand if you scroll down to the bottom here and click confirm manual match. so i’mgoing to click it. now we’re down to seven. that’s how you can manually look fortransactions that really are already in there. it’s just that quickbooks didn’t catch it.another thing that’s kind of cool is if you enter bills in quickbooks, and then you pay the billsonline, that’s what happened with this check right here. this check is actually to scana energy. i’mnot sure why the description is bank of america here. the downloaded transactions have allkinds of weird things in the description field.

that happens from time to time, and that’s oneof the reasons why it sometimes won’t fine a match when one exists. in this case, wepaid scana energy, it’s a gas company. and we paid them maybe with a bankcheck, so that’s why it says bank of america, but we didn’t record it in quickbooks. butwe had entered a bill for it. so if you enter bills, you can actually match these to outstandingbills. i’m going to click more matching options. i’m going to click select open billsin quickbooks. i’m going to type the name of the vendor that this transactionrelates to, scana energy, press the tab button, and it will give me a list ofoutstanding bills. i’ll check off this one and i will click add to quickbooks. so what thisis doing is it’s adding this check into quickbooks

and it’s telling quickbooks that it has todo with this bill, and it’s reducing the bill, so i’m going to click it. nowwe’re down to six. pretty cool, huh? the next one that we see up here,we’re going to handle the deposit at the end. so mainly i’m just going to do the expenses rightnow. bank card, this is something that it can’t find a match for, and this isactually my visa merchant fee. this is the first time i’m going toteach you how to actually enter a transaction, because the rest of these i matchedeither manually or automatically or against a bill. this is the first time i’m going to show youjust how to enter something. and this happens a lot. this is a draft that comes out forthe merchant fee.what it’s going to do is,

it’s going to allow me to basicallyrecord the transaction in quickbooks right here, just like i was going to do on awrite check window. as a matter of fact, the payee links to the names listin quickbooks, like the vendor list. you’ll see down heresomewhere that i have visa bank card center. then it wants to know the account to pointit to. i’m going to pick bank service charges. notice what’s missing here. say i wanted toenter it to a class. there’s no place to enter a class here. kyla, i’m going to ask a question.what would i push to get the class feature to show up? see if anybody knowshow to make that show up. kyla: if you know, go ahead and type it intothe chat pane. michelle says “show splits.”

gregg: yes. if you click this thingright here, then all of a sudden the information that you’re used to seeing in the writechecks window, or on the enter bills window appears, and you can point it to a class. we’ll pointit to the administrative class. in another webinar that i cover, we talk about how you canuse the customer job field to track grants, restricted grants, and you could use this forthat. so i’m going to click add to quickbooks. now when i click add toquickbooks, a warning pops up, not a warning, “renaming rule created.” listen verycarefully because this is one of the most important things in this hour. it says, “all futuredownloaded transactions from this downloaded payee will be renamed to visa bank cardcenter.” what are they talking about?

they’re talking about that import filefrom wells fargo. the downloaded payee name was bank card. so it’s saying allfuture transactions from that payee bank card are going to be renamed visa bank cardcenter. in other words, it’s basically saying “any time i get a download transaction thatsays bank card, i’m going to assume that you mean visa bank card center, and that’s thevendor name i’m going to point to the transaction.” this becomes really important,because an additional thing that quickbooks does is that once it knows the vendor name, itsays, “well, the last time there was a transaction that was pointed to visa bankcard center, it went for credit card fees or actually bank charges.” so it’s goingto remember that and it’s going to automatically

put the account. this is that auto-recall that iwas talking about. it’s connected to this renaming rule. in other words, you download thetransaction from bank card. it created a renaming rule and said, “okay, we’re going to pointit to visa bank card center in the future.” and oh, by the way, visa bank card centeralways goes to the bank service charge account. so i’m going to click okay. now, notice whathappened. i should’ve shown this to you before. there was an additional transaction to bankcard in the downloaded transactions list on the left, and now it’s been put here. newtransaction created using renaming rule. so i’m going to show it. basically therewas an additional visa bank card center download, and when i click on it, it’sassuming it was downloaded as bank card.

it’s using that renaming rule, changingit to visa bank card center in the vendor list and then remembering that it goes to bankcharges. this is really helpful with credit cards, by the way, but debit cards too. if you keepcharging to the same place over and over again, it’s going to automatically rememberthis stuff and it’s going to make the process of getting these transactions intoquickbooks very quick. i’m going to show you that. it’s going to be moreobvious when we do the credit card thing. one thing that it doesn’t remember, andthis is kind of a downfall, is it doesn’t remember the class. it remembers the account but notthe class. you still have to push the clear splits and put the class in each time,but i’ll click add to quickbooks.

great, now we’re down tothree.we’ve got two checks and an irs. i’m just going to add those in realquick. while i’m doing that, who has questions? go ahead and let meknow if you have questions. kyla: we just had a questionasking if quickbooks still has a limitation on the number ofcustomer and vendor names? gregg: yes, there’s a limitation of14,500 in the premiere nonprofit edition of customer and vendornames. anybody else got a question? kyla: oh, yes, we have a bunch ofquestions. does the enterprise version of quickbooks, is it the same process for that?

gregg: yes, it works at the same place inthe enterprise. i’m going to stop you now, because there are a couple more things i want toteach. i see that we’re getting close to the end. i’m going to leave these two checks here.what i would want you to do is enter both of them. you want this down to zero. i’m going togo to the deposits. when it comes to deposits that it can’t match, what it’sgoing to want you to do is record a deposit. it’s going to want you torecord a deposit if it can’t match it. but i’m going to click more matchingoptions. just like with expenses you have an option that says match to existingquickbooks transaction. then you can pick show all and you can look through all the depositsto see if you can find one. if you are going to

record a deposit in quickbooks, you canrecord it as a deposit by using this section down here. but if you’re the type of person whoenters invoices in quickbooks and receives payments against them, you can point this depositagainst a payment that’s sitting in undeposited funds. finally, if you use sales receipts toenter your donations, then those automatically go to undeposited funds as well. whenthe deposit hits, you can point them against the sales receipt. you can also pointagainst invoices directly. if you invoice but you don’t ever bother tellingquickbooks when the payment has been received because you don’t know it, it just kindof hits the bank, then you can point a payment directly to an invoice. here’s one, andhere’s an invoice, and these two go together

so i’m going to link them, and click addto quickbooks. i’m going to do one more thing i just want to show you. again, the goal is to getto zero, but i am going to click finished this later. i’m going to sign up for americanexpress now, and this will just take a second. i’m going to walk you throughthis, set up account for online services. i’m going to do it for a credit cardnow. i’ll do it for my american express card. american express, and americanexpress right there, you click next. i’m going to do the web connectagain, click next, and go to the website. you get the 2 questions, so it’s worksthe same for credit cards as it does for debit. transactions here you can pick inamerican express land, they downloaded all these.

you want to pick quickbooks and then you want topick your time period. i’m going to do this card, and i’ll do it from april 27 to thepresent. then i’m going to pick download. it’s going to download the file. i’m goingto open it, and it’s going to ask me once again, what account i want to point it to. i’llpoint it to the american express account that i created in quickbooks. the onlinebanking center now has two accounts. i’m going to go to the americanexpress web connect, and there are 29 transactions. i’m going to click them. here are the29 transactions. none of them has been matched. so the last thing and that i will stop andtake questions. again, you do the same thing. you would just go down here entering all ofthese, but i’m going to click on the description column

and i’m going to let you see. we’lldo usps. we have one, 2, 3, 4, 5 transactions to the postal service, so watch whathappens here. u-s-p-s, and this is important. i’m going to click add it, and i’m going to pointit to postage & delivery, and i’ll point it to a class and click add to quickbooks. it’s going tocreate a renaming rule that’s going to say that any time it sees this it’s going toassume that its’ usps. that should mean that these other four transactions shouldautomatically be renamed, and when i click okay, they aren’t. they’re still there. andhere’s why. and you may find this problem a lot. you think that you told it“whenever you see usps, make it to go usps,” and it doesn’t seem to has to do with the renaming rules.

so i’m going to click renaming rules. youcan click this at any time and it gives you a list of every single vendor, and whatthe renaming rules are for that vendor. usps, the renaming rule here isusps-dot-com- space-click-washington. that’s very detailed. if you look at the transaction here– let me close out of here for a second – you can see it right there.there’s actually numbers right here, but when it made the renaming rule it dumped thenumbers. it did it because it was trying to help us because it thinks we don’t wantnumbers every single time because one usps, even though it’s usps-dot-com,the numbers might be different each time. i know if you go to a gas station like shelland then you go to a different shell gas station,

to you it still goes to gasoline expense,but the downloaded name will have a different store number on it. so they’re tryingto help us here by removing the numbers, but since the numbers were in the middleof the word, now it doesn’t recognize this. so what you want to do in these casesis you want to, right here you can change it. i’m going to get rid of all these otherwords and say, “as long as it says usps-dot-com,” it’s going to recognize it. i’m going click saveand then i’ll close it. now all four of them have moved. now i can just show themall, and i can add multiples. show. four new transactions, right. and i’llclick add multiples, and there they are, renamed.

they are up here.the last thingi’ll say is when it comes to credit cards, rather than entering each one individually, youcan just go through here and assign them on the fly like that, and do it for each one of them, andthen you click add selected. i’ll just click okay there, and boom, i’ve already got itdown to 23. let me tell you something. once you’ve been using this credit cardone for a little bit, it’s going to remember where everything goes. therewill be very few that are be unmatched. it’s going to make life a lot easierfor you.the other neat thing about using this is it makes your bank recs really still have to do bank recs, by the way. the transactions that have beenentered – i’m going to get out of here –

you’ll see in your register. by the way,any account that is set up for online banking will have this lightning bolt on it. wehave these two accounts set up for online banking. when i double-click on them,this column here, which is usually where you would check off a transaction, or atransaction gets checked off when it’s cleared the bank, see it hasn’t cleared thebank yet, but it’s been downloaded though. so once you go through a bank rec and check offin a bank rec, then this lightning bolt will change to a check, a little check likethat. it makes doing the bank recs easier because all the transactions, particularlyfor the credit card account, they’re downloaded as of the date they actuallyoccurred, so it makes doing bank recs real quick,

credit card recs anyway, real quick. if youwant to turn off the feature, you edit an account from the chart of accounts list andanything that’s been set up for online banking, you will see another tab herecalled online services, and you can click it and then clickdeactivate and that removes it. let’s go ahead and use therest of the time to take some questions. while we’re doing that, i’mgoing to come back to this slide here. i know we only have a fewminutes. well, maybe i will do this kyla, and you tell me if i’m missing something.these are two places to go to get more information on my product. i’m going to give you adiscount coupon in a second for my training products

that you can sign up for, and alsolive seminars, and also technical support. we have a training product called “theessentials” and it’s listed at the techsoup site. you can get it at techsoup, and that’s thelink for it. this is where to go to get quickbooks i assume, correct. kyla: yep, that's right. gregg: let’s doa couple of questions. kyla: we had oneperson who was asking – gregg: oh, is it worth it upgrading from2012 to 2013? not necessarily. i mean the program only gets better; it doesn’t getworse. but you don’t have to upgrade every year.

kyla: what happens if you havetwo checking accounts in quickbooks? gregg: you would go in and set up asecond checking account for online banking. you don’t have to just set up one. you canset up multiples. you just go back through the process and set up a second bankaccount. you can set up as many as you want. kyla: do you know ifquickbooks can download from paypal? gregg: can quickbooks downloadfrom paypal? there is a download feature. i don’t know if it’s through the online bankingcenter or not, but i’ll check while we’re talking. what’s the next question? kyla: as a nonprofit, most transactions aredonation deposits. how does the deposit show up

on the statement without first manuallyentering them in quickbooks to create the deposit? how does it save that step? gregg: i see. that’s a really goodquestion. if you entered it, if you just matched it to an outstanding invoice, does itshow up as a sales receipt or does it show up as a journal entry? and idon’t know the answer to that question. that person should find me on facebook andask me because i need to know the answer to that. i don’t see paypal as an option here. ibelieve that paypal may have some sort of an import feature but i don’t see it through quickbooks, so whatwe did today wouldn’t necessarily work for paypal. kyla: just so everybody knows, if for somereason we did not get to your question today,

go ahead and friend gregg. i’ll be sendingout all that contact information and the coupon codes in the follow-up email thatshould go out later today or tomorrow. as a reminder, techsoup is a 501(c)(3)nonprofit organization, just like so many of you out there, and we are working towards the day when everynonprofit, library, and social benefit organization has what they need to fulfill theirmission.i want to do a couple of quick thank you’s. i want to thankreadytalk for their webinar support. i want to thank gregg and quickbooks made easy for this fabulous webinar today. of course, i want to thank becky onthe back end for supporting me with chat. and of course, i want to thank all of youfor your time. i know that your time is precious,

and i really do appreciate you joiningus today. if you could, just take two minutes to fill out the survey that should pop up atthe end of the webinar. i would greatly appreciate it. it really does help us in creatingbetter and more webinars in the future. again, thank you, everybody. thankyou, gregg. i hope everybody has a great day. captioning by

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