Student Loan Consolidation Review

my name is dorothy council,and i'm 84 years old. i came to philadelphiain '53 after i graduated from high school,and i've been here ever since. well, i love this neighborhood--the west side of philadelphia. ms. dorothy council cameto community legal services

Student Loan Consolidation Review

Student Loan Consolidation Review, one morning because she feltthat she could no longer afford the monthly payments thatshe was being asked to pay to a debt settlement company. the company promisedto pay my credit cards.

they advertised on tv. oftentimes, people hearadvertisements on television or the radio for debt settlementagencies, and they leap at it. at first, ms. council wasa little bit embarrassed when she realized that themoney that she was sending to the debt settlementcompany was not in fact going toher credit cards but instead was goinginto their pockets. unfortunately by then,she had sent over $2,000

to the debt settlement company. when i found out that nobodywas paying, i got upset. the credit cardcompany called me, and i said, whyare you calling me? they said, we're callingyou because you haven't paid on your credit card. i said, oh yes, i have-- there's a company therei got to pay my bill and said they've been taken$200 a month out of the bank.

this is not just somethingthat happened to ms. council, but many people fall preyto these debt settlement companies. we were able to workout a solution where she was no longerrequired to make the payments every month tothe debt settlement companies. people should be very carefulabout entering into agreements with debt settlement companies. if you have anyquestions about it,

talk to somebody whoyou trust, whether it's a family member or friend. there's a lot of peopleout here to help you. i told a lot of people that. get together andtalk about things. if you have a problem witha debt settlement company, contact the federal tradecommission, a nonprofit credit counseling agency, or yourlocal legal aid office. [music playing]

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