Tires Plus Credit Card Login

(cars honking) - hey, i'm here forthe ems training video. - name? - brad anderson. - you're not on the list.

Tires Plus Credit Card Login

Tires Plus Credit Card Login, - that's anderson with an a. - hey, how about i double check for you? - that'd be great. - you're still not on the list.

- you better check again. - not on the list. you're not getting in this building. - but my name's on the building. (bell dings) - hey, there you are. we need you inside for a sound check. so let's go.- he's not on the list. - cool.- alright.

(peppy hip hop music) hello, and welcome to this enterprise mobility security deep dive. it's early 2017, it's been about 12 months since we did this last deep dive. and we thought we needed to do another one because we have enabled anddelivered so much innovation. one thing great aboutworking in an environment where we're working in cloud services

and working in enterprise mobility is that architecture enablesus deliver things to you at a rate faster than ever before. now why is this important to you? we're all living in a world right now where the cloud and mobility is causing every organization, everybusiness, in every industry to face disruption. these trends are forcingall of us to come to terms

with new competition,new ways to do business, and we have to look for partners that are continually delivering innovation that really empower youremployees, your partners, to do what they need todo and to do it fast. so what we're gonna cover today is the innovation that we've done across windows and office 365 and the enterprise andmobility and security solutions

and how we pulled all this end-to-end integration and innovation into one comprehensive solution that we call secure productive enterprise that really enables you to deliver this incredibly rich workingenvironment for your users that they love and you as it trust. a couple of years ago, as wewere defining our strategy in enterprise mobility and security,

we took a comprehensive view to the market and we knew that there weregonna be certain categories that were gonna converge thatwere thought about separately. and so we thought about how identity, and management, andsecurity, data protection, and productivity would all come together to deliver that working experience that is loved by users and trusted by it. so over the next 30 minutes or so

we're gonna cover someof the core scenarios of what we've built. we're gonna talk aboutmanaged mobile productivity, and delivering thatexperience based on office that really your users are looking for. we're gonna talk aboutidentity driven security. more than 65% of all thereported security breaches eventually trace back to somebody's identity being compromised.

and we're gonna talk aboutthe comprehensive nature of what we've built across windows and office and enterprisemobility and security. this comprehensive vision,this comprehensive solution, is really important. attackers are lookingfor ways to get into you and if they find seams,that's where they come in. and so a comprehensive solutionis all working together to help protect your organization,

is what you really need to have. and it's resonating. we see customers moving to this solution as quickly as they can. just to kind of give you alittle bit of data on this, if you take a look at the size of enterprise mobility and security, it now has more than40,000 unique customers. that's more than 2.5times the size of airwatch

and more than three timesthe size of mobileiron. and just to give you a viewon identity protection, there are more than 85 million monthly active users of office 365. just shy of 84 million of themuse the microsoft solution to manage and synchronizeall their identities up into the loud. what that means is, justa little over one percent of all of the monthlyactive users of office 365

use competing identityprotection solutions. ems is the solution that youneed to empower your users to be productive how,where, and when they want, and given that rich, engaging experience. over the next few minutes we'regonna cover a ton of detail and you're gonna see a lot of demos. but you're also gonna havethis table of contents. so if you want to gospecifically to one section, maybe it's your area specialty,

you can get there quickly and watch that section that is most relevant to you. the thing every user wants, is they just want to be productive. they wanna have the kindof rich capabilities that they have in their personal life in their business life. and they just want it to work. and they don't wanna haveany roadblocks in their way.

so we talk about managedmobile productivity. managed mobile productivity is all about delivering everything your users need in a customized, personalizedway on any device. your users just should be able to go pick up any device inthe world, authenticate, and after we verified who they are, everything they need to do their job should just be delivered to them.

let's actually see whatit looks like in action. let's get a demo equipment here. this isn't an ipad. - sorry. - alright, so let's take a look at some of the things we've done here to really make it easier for your users. and the first thing iwant to start with here is just how your users froma self-service experience

can get all theapplications that they need. so i'm gonna come in here. i'm gonna go to the manage browser. so this is an ems browserthat allows you to manage and have all of yourcorporate browsing contained within one browser. and i come in here andi can go into my apps. when i go into my apps, i getthis personalized experience that is aware of thedevice that i'm working on

and it delivers down tome all the applications that i need to get my job done. these can be saas apps. and incidentally, we actuallymanaged to have it integrated with more than 3,000 of thecloud apps in the world. i can get web apps. i can get native apps thatare coming from the store. i can get apps that havebe built by your company that are then beingside loaded in the end.

but i get it all in one place and it literally isjust a couple of touches and i can provision any application notice here, i'm gonnago into sales force. and what i want you tohere is just how beautiful that single sign on experience is. one of the core values of ems is we have done the integration work, again with more than 3,000 cloud apps

to deliver to you thatsingle sign on experience, so this is easy and fluid for your users. now as we talk about passwords, one the most interesting things is passwords still account for more than 20% of the help desk calls. one of the most commonlyused capabilities of ems is the self-service password reset. right here you can see how easy it is

for me as a user to go in, and without having to call the help desk, without having to call it, i can go out and i can reset my password. many organizations are able to pay for ems just with the self-servicepassword reset value. one of the least-knowncapabilities of ems, is what we call groups. and what this allows you to do,

is you can go out and create custom groups and add the individuals into those groups that you want to collaborate with. it also gives you theability to go and join groups and it's all about makingit a self-service experience so users can share andcollaborate with the people that they want to in an effortless way. these are all capabilities in ems, in a seamless way,delivered down to your users

everything they need to do to get their job done on any device. we talk about manage mobile productivity and at the core of whatwe're talking about here is delivering that work experience that your users love and that you trust. there's a number of challenges doing this. the experience has to be seamless. your users want thatunmistakably office experience

across all of their devices. and we believe in productivitywithout compromises on all devices. so what we've done here at microsoft, over the past couple of years, is we've been engineering the ems solution to work with office 365 in a way that is able to guide theuser that they feel empowered, they feel like theycan get their job done,

but the user is guided tokeep the corporate data secure and protected. and at the same time we also know that our applications, the office mobile apps, are used in people's personal lives and their business lives. and so we had to figure out that way to protect the company data, but at the same timewhen the user's working

in a personal document, we want to protect the user's privacy and stay out of that. so let's just take alook at this experience. and i think as you seethe experience yourself, you'll see how we've focusedon both the end user and it. so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go into word. okay i'm in word on an ipad. and the first thing i want tocall your attention to here

is i can open documentsfrom five different places. onedrive for business, onedrive, sharepoint, dropbox, and from the ipad. now one of the things we had to figure out was we had to be able to identify when the user's in a corporate document to automatically apply data protection. but when the user's in apersonal document stay out of it. and we do it based on identity.

and you're gonna seethroughout this deep dive, identity's at the coreof everything we do. so the way we do it, is when a user goes and opens a corporate document, or a place that requiredtheir corporate credentials to get access to, we automatically apply data protection to it. so i'm gonna go open up this document from onedrive for business.

and because i opened it from a place that required my corporateuser name and password, as the document opens it's automatically applying data protection. now if i go try to save thatto a non-approved location, like dropbox, you cansee the experience here. the user is guided in a very seamless way to keep the corporate documentsin corporate locations. now if i go and i save it inthe onedrive for business,

i can save it. but we help the user and we guide the user to keep the corporate documents secure. now users expect to beable to copy and paste and share data across applications. it's just, it's been afundamental part of office since the beginning. so let me show you some of the innovation we've done here as well.

i'm gonna go into word here. and i'm gonna go and i'mgonna copy a paragraph. now, let's go over into outlook. inside of outlook, i'm gonna go and i'm gonna create a corporate email. i'm in my corporateemail account right now. i'm gonna go and i'm gonna paste that. and paste works just exactly the way you would expect it towork and i'm able to share

corporate data acrosscorporate applications. but if i do that exact same thing, and this time i'm in my personal email, when i go to paste, look what happens. again, the user is guided tokeep the company data secure, and in this case the pasteoption doesn't appear. one of the things that we've learned over the years here as we've built this is building an experiencethat is loved by users

and trusted by it, isactually really hard. to do both of those, you have to engineer the solution from the ground up with the end user in mind and it in mind. this is work that we havedone across ems and office 365 and this has very unique capabilities and this is the kind ofexperience your users want. and i've shown you thiswithin microsoft applications. but this level of control,this level of data protection,

applies to our partners as well, so your own internal applications. so first of all, i'm gonna go in here and show you a similar demo. this time i'm gonna bring up adobe. now notice as it loadsit says adobe for intune. adobe has actually takenthe manned controls of ems and embedded that into their application. so now this can behave justlike all the other applications

and we can treat it as a corporate app. so now, i'm gonna go takethat exact same paragraph that i took from word,and you can see here, i can now paste that into acrobat. so third parties areembracing our manned controls and embedding that intotheir applications as well. we also have an sdk and a wrapper that allows you to take allof your own applications that you are developing, ems enable that,

so that they can participate fully in this secure and dataprotection environment. now we've shown youdata protection on ios. let's show you some innovationwe've done in windows 10, with what we call windowsinformation protection. this is a native capabilitythat comes in windows 10 that ems is integrated with and manages. so first what you're looking at here, is i'm gonna go open a document in word.

and again, we've talked aboutthe importance of identity. look at the column right therethat says file ownership. when i open this particular document, because it is a corporate document, look it's associated withmy corporate identity, as the document opens, again, data protection isautomatically gonna be applied. so it opens up into word, and again, because it is a corporate document

it's gonna apply thatdata protection to it. i'm gonna go and selecta paragraph, copy that, then what i'm gonna do isi'm gonna go into twitter. now i'm gonna go into twitter and when i try to paste thisin, notice what happens here. when i go to paste, it pops up this dialog and it says, "hey, ifthis is personal content, "you need to actually changeit to personal content. "if it's corporate content,

"you shouldn't paste it into twitter." the beauty of this is we empowerthe user to make decisions. so in this case, if thiswas personal content, i can say change it to personal. it would actually logit for audit purposes. but the user is empoweredto do what they need to do in their personal lifeand in their business life and that's the importance ofthis multi-user capability when you talk about mobileapplication management

and the controls. these controls we just showed you inside the office mobile applications are all about helping and guiding the user to take care of and protect company data. our view on this is differentthan others in the industry. we actually believe that ifyou're gonna try to protect data the ultimate way to do that is to have data become self-protecting.

so another one of the innovations at enterprise mobility and security is the ability for us to actually store in the document itself the privileges and the identities of the individuals who have the rights to access a file. now one of the challenges ishow do you help guide users to classify data appropriately? it's an age old problem.

and so what i want to show you now is some of the innovation thatwe've done inside of ems to guide the user and help them classify, and even in cases,auto-classify data to make sure that we protect those company assets. and to do that i'm gonnaswitch to a surface. so here i'm on a surface. and i'm in word. now, one of the innovationsthat we've done here

is we actually give the user the ability for them to be able toself-classify the data. who knows better than the user, the person who's actuallycreating the content, what the classification should be? so in this case right here, you can see that i'mworking in this document. it currently is not set to haveany kind of controls on it. but this is a legal document.

and i wanna go set this tothe legal department only. i want it to be a document that can only be viewed bythe legal department. i can go set that. and just that simple task right there, now has embedded into the file itself that only the legal department at my company can open that file. you can take a look here.

it's now put a watermark on that. you can see the footer. now if i were to actually go out and share this file with anybody, unless they were partof the legal department they could not access the file. now this idea of self-classification, or the user classifying the data, sometimes users forget.

so we also have the ability here to also go out and haveit be auto-classified. so here i am now in excel. and i'm gonna go in hereand i'm gonna go paste in some credit card numbers. now, once i've pasted thosecredit card numbers in, when i go to save, therules that have been set up by the it professional say that if there are credit card numbers,

i automatically want toclassify this as confidential. and you see that's what's happened. but we also want to empower the users. so say that this was a personal budget, not a corporate budget. the user could actually comein and override that policy, and say "hey, this isactually a personal document." the user is still empowered. the user is in control of the data,

but it's all about guiding theuser to do the right thing. now even taking this further with some of the office integration. now let's say i went out andtried to share that file. just the action of attachingthat file to an email, you can see here thatoffice, when it detects that i'm trying to send thisto an external individual, it comes up and givesyou this tip that says, "really, do you want to do this?

"this is a confidential document "that you're sharing withsomebody outside of the company." and you can see here that in fact when i remove that documentthat tip is taken away. and so you see all of this integration that we've done here towhere we guide the user to classify the data, wecan autoclassify that data. those rights that are stored in the file, that file becomes self-protecting,

and then in the case whereyou try to go share this with people outside ofthe organization, again, we're guiding the user to takecare of the company assets. very unique capabilitiesto this combination of enterprise mobility andsecurity and office 365. one last thing i want to show you in terms of azure information protection. kind of the holy grailof document protection is the ability to actuallysee who's opened a file,

who's attempted to open it,where it's been blocked, and where in the world they were. we deliver that here withazure information protection. so what i'm gonna show younow is this tracking portal where you can actually go in and any document that you've shared that is protected with azureinformation protection, look at what you can see here. first of all, i can see all the users

that have tried to open this file. i can see if they weresuccessful or unsuccessful. and i can really quickly do a scan on that to see if i recognize those names. it's interesting, there'sthis individual here that's been trying to open up a document. looks like he's triedto open it nine times. i wanna go learn more about him. so i can go take a lookand i can see timeline

of when the documents were opened. by day, green is successful,orange is unsuccessful. i can actually go get amap view of this as well. so this gives me a view, worldwide, and i can actually nowdrill in and see exactly where in the world thisparticular individual was when he was trying to open the document. now, of course, we'veprotected that document and the user's not been able to see it.

but if for any reason i thinkthat i need to revoke access, literally it's just a couple of touches, a couple of clicks, and no one can access that document anywherein the world ever again. this is what we mean withself-protecting documents. this is unique to azureinformation protection and ems. so manage mobile productivity. it's all about enabling yourusers to do their best work on any device anywhere in the world.

users want to have thatunmistakable office experience. and they understand theneed to protect the data. we've engineered office 365and ems to be used together to deliver this great,wonderful experience. and again, loved by users, trusted by it. let's talk about identity, and specifically,identity-driven security. we believe identity, by far, is the most importantand foundational aspect

of your enterprise mobility strategy. and the reason we believe that is we know that more than 65% of all of the data breachesthat we all read about eventually trace backto somebody's user name and password being stolen or compromised. and so we've been workingon how we help you identify these accounts that mayhave been compromised. and how we help you ensure that the users

that are accessing your corporate data are who they say they are. so let's actually take a lookat how this works in action. and let me show you theseconcepts of conditional access. so i've got an ipad here. now the concept here, isbeing able to define policies on what you require inorder to approve access to corporate data andcorporate applications. you as an it organization need to be able

to define policies thatsay, "here's what i require "in terms of device, interms of application," and have that enforced in real time when your user makes an attempt to access the corporate resources. let's take a look at thisin the context of email. now the conditional accesspolicy that i have here for this demo is thatthe user requires outlook in order to get access to corporate email.

so the first thing you'll notice here is as i go and attempt to access email from the inbox email app on an ios device, all that's in my inbox is a single email. that email says, and it'sgonna instruct your user, that hey, outlook is required, and you need to be using outlookto access corporate email. now if i flip over into outlook here, you can see all mycorporate email is flowing.

and one of the nice parts about this is all my corporate emailnow is completely separated from my personal email. that's really nice froma corporate perspective, in case you need to beable to wipe the data, you can make sure thatyou wipe corporate data without touching the personal data. but let me show you someof the integration work that we've done here.

our vision on ios and on android is for outlook look to giveyou that same experience, that same rich experience that users have been using on windows for decades. so the integration of calendaring, the integration of meetings. and look at how wellthis has been integrated. right here in outlook, ican go with a single touch. i can click on that link.

i'm automatically signedinto skype for business. the skype for business meeting launches. and i get this incredible experience where all the things that ineed from a business perspective to collaborate and beproductive, is all integrated. outlook is the highest-rated email app for ios and for android. your users are going to love the fact that everything is together in one place

in that outlook app. again, just like they'veused on windows for decades. (electronic music) so you've seen what this looks like from the end-user perspective. let me show you some of the work now that we've done as we've brought together these different areas to give you this integrated experienceto define conditional access.

let me move over to a window's device. okay. so here i'm on my surface, and what you're looking at now is the new integrated ems console. this is one of the things i'm actually the most excited about,what we've worked on here, because this is where youcan actually see our vision of where identity protectionand device management

and application managementall come together in one integrated experience. so let me kind of walk you through this. first of all, i'm gonna go show you the conditional access capabilities. right here, i can go and i can set my conditional access policies. so let's go take a look at one of them. now the first thing you're gonna see here

is as i go out and build theseconditional access policies i can associate it with all users, i can have it with different users. you may choose, for example, to have more strictconditional access policies for your high-value targets. i can go and then definewhich applications i'm going to apply this to. and again, you can applythis to cloud apps.

you can apply this apps that are right inside of your data centers. we actually have the abilityfor you to expose out. but you can build theseconditional access policies for all the applications that your users need to have access to. now here's the power. when i take a look at the conditions, look at what we have done here.

we now give you the ability to define conditional access policies, first based on the risk of the identity, the configuration of the device, what application is being used, as well as the network location. this is something unique to ems. nothing else in the worldgives you the ability to define conditional access policies

across all of these capabilities. now as we talk about identity protection, i wanna help you understandone of the things that we have built that i think is one of the most incredible things that i've ever had a chance to work on because it delivers valuein helping you secure and protect your company in ways that we've never beenable to do in the past.

and we call this theintelligent security graph. the intelligent securitygraph is one place where microsoft now issending all the signal and all the telemetryfrom the 200 plus services that we operate around the globe. and let's help you understandkind of the context of this. every month we authenticate over 350 billion authentications. every authentication sendsback telemetry to us.

who the user is, where they're at, the device they're working on, and the characteristics about the device. we can then take that information and if we see, for example,a user working in a place that is not their normal work experience, we can then take action to make sure the user is who they say they are. we scan more than 200 billionemails every single month.

we see the malicious urls. we see the phishing attacks. and everything that we learn, globally, we send back into thisintelligent security graph and put it to work for you. all up, we have more than 200 services and every one of them sends back telemetry every second of every minute of the day. we now have got a data set that we're able

to put to work for you to help you protect your organization that is unlikeanything else in the world. i would argue that thisdata set has more data in it that can be put to work tohelp you protect your company, protect enterprises, thanany data set in the world. now let me give you one specific example that i think, to me, isjust an incredible example of the value of the data. and it has to do with identity protection.

in the intelligent security graph, every single identity has arisk score associated with it. and what we do is we watch and monitor how every identity is used and if we see things that are out of the ordinary or suspicious, we move the risk score up. what you're able to then do is take action and define policy basedupon the risk score

that we have built and identified to either allow or block accessto your corporate resources. so, for example, say thatwe see a user authenticate and use a service from new york and then an hour later log in in london. we know that's impossible, so we know that there is somethingthat is suspicious. and we automaticallyraise that risk score up. but what you can do nowis in this experience,

you can set a conditional access policy that says if i see microsoftsay an identity is high risk, i wanna automatically take action, like you see right here, of i wanna challenge the user with a multi-factor authentication or i want to force themto change their password. getting this right is critical, because if you're gonna implement things

like multi-factor identification, you only wanna challenge the user when you think thatthere is something wrong because they tire and they get fatigue if they're constantly being challenged. so let me show you how itlooks for the end user. so what i'm looking atright here is an experience where you can actually see multi-factor authentication in action.

so what i'm gonna do is i'mgonna go and i'm going to try to authenticate fromtwo different browsers. on the left-hand side hereyou see a standard browser. on the right-hand sideyou see a tour browser. and you can see here thistraffic is being routed throughout europe to basically try to hide where i'm authenticating from. on the left-hand side you can see i was automatically signed in.

on the right-hand side, what happened as soon as we saw that thatuser was in a suspicious browser and trying to hide its ip address, it automatically triggered amulti-factor authentication. now in this case, what's happening is the user is getting a phone call. and so, here on an iphone,i get a phone call, it asks me for a pin. if a user is able to enter their pin,

they're seamlessly givenaccess to the experience. but if they cannot, we block the attack. so multi-factor authentication should be one of your primary guards to help you do what we call protect at the front door, which is verifying the useris who they say they are. but it has to be done in a way that has intelligence behind it and only challenges the user with

the multi-factor authentication when there is somethingout of the ordinary. that's what we have built. and it is very unique,again, in the market. that is one of the coreparts of enterprise mobility and how we've integratedems with office 365 and all the applicationsyou want to give access to. throughout this, we've been talking about the move to the cloudand how you take control

and manage data and applicationsas it moves to the cloud. well one of the new things in the enterprise mobility andsecurity solution is our casb, your cloud app security broker. and what this allows you to do is get a view of all the cloud apps that your users are using,bring them under control, and then identify ifyour users are using them in a way that would actually cause you,

for example, to be noncompliant. but we give you a security view now into all the cloud appsyour users are using. so let's actually take a look at it. so you're looking at here at the cloud app securityadministrative portal. the first thing to point out here is we first give you a viewof all the cloud apps that we've discoveredyour users are using.

in this case, we see thatwe've discovered 552 apps. for an enterprise organization, that number is not that atypical. it's amazing how many cloudapplications users are using. in fact, 80% of users tell us in research that they actually bringin personal applications and unsanctioned cloudapps to get their job done. so we give you this dashboard. and then at what we've done for you.

we actually give you aview now of every one of the cloud apps being used, with metadata, for example,or the security score. so here you can see, thati'm gonna take a look at this particular application. and it has a low security score, but i wanna understand why. so i go take a look at this and it actually now gives me a view

of all the security controls and all the compliance, or theregulatory compliance rules, that it's also been certified with. and you can see here, in this case, this service has veryfew security controls and hasn't been certified with any of the common certifications. that's why this gets a low security score. we've actually done this metadata

and this mapping for morethan 13,000 cloud apps. it's remarkable how ofteni'll find an organization that's trying to go outand do this on their own. let us do it for you. now what's important here, it's good to get the view of all the cloud apps that are in use. but what you really wantto do is investigate how those cloud apps are being used

to see, for example, ifany confidential data's being put up into the cloud. so i will go into this investigate tab, and i'm gonna go do a query here. and i'm gonna say i wanna gotake a look at all cloud apps and i want to take a look at any files that are publicly accessible, meaning they don't requireany kind of a user name or password to get access to it.

now what i want to point out here is we actually show you there are two files that we automatically identified, that are confidential files, that have been stored up into the cloud and i actually want topull your attention, if we take a look at the far right here where it says file type, that is actually an integrated scenario

with the azure information protection where you could actuallydo queries based upon the tags or the auto-classificationthat ems has done. but for the first time now,i, as an it professional, can actually see all of the files that i should be concerned about that my users have put up into the cloud. okay now that's great. but i even want to take a step further.

what i wanna go do now, is i wanna go see if any of these filesthat have been put up, would actually causeme to be noncompliant. so i can now go take a look atthe controls that i've built. and here you can see i'vebuilt a set of pci controls. and as i go and click into this it actually now will come back and show me all of the files that have been, again, copied up into the cloudthat would cause me

to be noncompliant with this policy. and i can see here thatthere are three of them. if i go take a look inany one of these files it's gonna give me information such as when the file was put up into the cloud, who put it up into the cloud. again, you can see over onthe right-hand side here, that better together sharingwith azure information and the auto-classificationand labeling capabilities.

this is incredible becausenow i, as an it professional, i can bring all the cloud apps my users are using under management. i can actually see how they're using it and i can see if they're using it in a way that would cause me to have security concerns or to be noncompliant. now one other really cool capability that we've built into this, our solution,

is we actually are, again, using the intelligent security graph and watching for the anomalies. and you can see here that we've detected that this identity forthis particular user has been used on a risky ip address. a bunch of the world's garbage comes from a finitenumber of ip addresses. and so as we see in theintelligent security graph,

threats, attacks, spam, we record the ip address that they're coming from and if we see any trafficcoming into your organization or to the services thatyour users are using and even more specifically your identity is being used on one of those, we can flag that foryou to take action on. again this concept ofidentity-driven security bring awareness to allof your applications.

as we finalize this section, and we talk about the valueof identity-driven security, you have to assume thatyou've been breached. you have to assume thatyou've been breached. the attackers are gettingmore sophisticated. they look for places to attackand they are relentless. and so you have to have tools like this that help you identify those places where you have an identity being used

in a suspicious way andthen block the attack. again the enterprise andmobility and security solution is unique in our ability to do this. so let me help youunderstand a little bit more about how using theintelligent security graph we're able to take all of the knowledge, all of the learning that microsoft has, to help you understand security breaches and security risks.

we all get breached. in fact we encourage you to assume breach. and when it happens, there'sa couple of core questions you have to be able to answer. what is the attack? how did it get in? how did it spread? who did it impact? and, what's the risk to my organization

and to my customers? now let me walk youthrough some of the ways that we have now taken allof this knowledge together put it together in theintelligent security graph to help you answer those questions. so first of all, i'm goingto start in windows defender. and here you can see that ihave one high security issue that i need to go investigate. as i click into that, i see that

this is something called neroblazer. and using the knowledgefrom windows defender i can see that neroblazehas actually downloaded four files onto somedevices in my company. one of these is thisfile called sysdebugger. i wanna go learn more about that. and so i can see that this file itself has actually been called different things in different places.

now one of the firstthings that we do here is we actually go and misfile this into what we call our detonation chamber. so what happens in thedetonation chamber is the file actually executes and we can see exactly everything thatthat file is doing. and look at what it's doing here. it's establishing communicationwith an external ip address. it's starting to installthings on my device.

this is a classical kind of an attack and we're able to see exactlywhat this file has been doing. i can scan down here andi can see more about it. so i can take a look and seethat this particular device, which is liz_bean's pchas been impacted by this. so i go take a look at this. i can scan down here. and i can actually see all the things that have been happening on liz's pc

and i can see that this particular file was brought down via outlook. so now i'm getting more information about how it came in. now i wanna go take alook inside of office 365 to learn more about how the file came in and if it's been sent to anybody else. so right here, i automatically link into what's called officeadvanced threat protection.

and i'm able to do this because of the integration that we've done in the intelligent security graph. and what i can see here immediately is this particular attack has been sent against three individuals. and i can see here that, first of all, we saw it delivered to liz_bean. we then saw that it was problem.

we actually blocked accessto this to yolanda and roger. so again, you're taking a look at action that was identified at anattack at windows defender. we then notified office 365and office 365 took action to make sure that theattack didn't spread. but i wanna go learn more about it now. so again i dive now into, in this case, i'm looking at roger's pc. and i can take a lookhere, what's been happening

on roger's pc. and one thing that's very strange is liz's identity has beenauthenticating to roger's pc. why is that? why would liz's identity beauthenticating on roger's pc? so i keep going deeper on this. so now i'm able to drill in using the enterprise mobilityand security capabilities and i can actually now see exactly

what her identity has been doing. and what you see hereis lizabeth's identity is currently trying toremotely execute code on another device. so look at what we've nowbrought to your knowledge. we can help you understandhow an attack came in, how it spread, whopotentially was impacted, we can give you that comprehensive view, because we have integratedall of the knowledge,

security, and telemetryfrom windows defender, office 365, and enterprisemobility and security. how do you get all of this? that is what we call the secure productive enterprise offering. many of you already have anenterprise agreement with us. secure productive enterprise is just the cloud version of that and it gives you access to allof these incredible assets.

now the last thing i want to end on here is just the need to havea comprehensive solution. we've walked you through,over the last several minutes, identity management andidentity protection, mobile device management,mobile application management, data protection, protectingall your cloud apps. we do all of that in enterprisemobility and security and we do it in an integrated way that you just don't get other places.

many of you may have deployed competitors over the past couple of years. and you know what, you probablymade the right decision when you made that decisiontwo or three years ago. state of the art back then wasthese independent solutions that were working in a very specific area addressing a very specific need. i can guarantee you that the attackers that you're trying to protectagainst are looking for seams.

and if you have multiple solutions that are acting and operating completely independent ofeach other, you have seams. with enterprise mobility and security, and office 365 on windows 10, you have an engineered solution that has been built and engineered to give you a comprehensive way to think about enterprisemobility and security

in a way that's working togetherand eliminates those seams. so as you use enterprisemobility and security, you are more secure. we also do it at a far lower cost. it's amazing to me how ofteni'll walk into an organization and they've deployed an mdm solution, and an identity protection solution, and a data protection solution, and the list goes on and on.

everyone one of those is a subscription or its an on-prem service that you have to build and maintain and it's cost. it's remarkable how often as organizations look at enterprise mobility and security they can take out 60, 70% of their cost because they have an integrated suite, an integrated set ofcapabilities at one price. my advice to you, is lookat what your needs are.

look at how you deliver that environment to your users that theylove and you trust. as you look at what is available and you look at what we bring to you, as we've integrated office 365 and enterprise mobility and security and all the aspects ofenterprise mobility and security, you will find that that gives you the absolute best solutionacross all your devices

that your users want to work on. and again, our visionhere, is to enable you to deliver that empowering environment we look forward toworking with you on this. we have resources around the globe that can help you get deployed. one of the most interestingthings that we've set up is what we call fasttrack. the fasttrack program isall about working with you

and with a partner, if that'sthe way you want to do it, to help you get deployed and using enterprise mobility andsecurity and office 365. you can go to this url and very quickly you can get engagedwith a set of engineers that are around the globe. and we can help understandwhat your scenarios are, what your needs are, help youbuild that deployment plan, and help you get deployed in using

all these amazing capabilities. it's been a tremendous time of innovation. there is tremendous opportunity for those organizations that really lean into this digital disruption. the cloud and mobilitypresents opportunities to all of us that we've onlydreamed about in the past. it also presents opportunitiesto our competition, and, quite honestly, to attackers.

you need that comprehensive capabilities that is working for you 24 by seven, empowering your users butprotecting company assets. you can tell we're really excited by ems and the work that we have done. we think that we have built and engineered a solution that empowers your users and gives you the kind of protection and security that you require.

if you wanna learn more about ems, or you wanna keep up onthe constant updates, just go to thank you for theopportunity to work with you and make sure that your usersare empowered and secure.

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