Best Flashlight App For Android

alright i know that most of you who watchmy videos use android, so we're gonna do another video just for you, about 10 more cool androidapps to check out. some of these might also be available on ios,but not all of them. and many of these aren't even that well known,so hopefully you'll all find something new. and of course, assuming you all already havethe instagram app, i'm just gonna give a quick

Best Flashlight App For Android

Best Flashlight App For Android, 2 second plug to my instagram, be sure tocheck it out, just @thiojoe. so without further ado, let's begin. starting off, we have a quite useful app,"adobe scan". i've mentioned other scanning apps in thepast, but this one is a bit different, and

potentially much easier to use than all theothers. because with this how it works, is you hoverthe camera over what you want to scan, and it will automatically detect the document,scan it, crop it, and adjust the perspective. so you don't have to even press the shutterbutton, it does everything automatically. and if you have multiple pages, you just holdthe camera up to each page as it snaps the photos to scan them. i've found it to be a lot faster and easierthan other scanning apps. now the one thing i will say is while it'sfaster, i think this is best suited for documents where scan quality is not a top priority.

because you can't choose when it will takethe photo, it might snap the picture at a weird angle, or when you're moving the phonea bit, so it won't look as good as if you were to perfectly center the phone above thedocument, holding the phone as steady as possible. but at least this way you have something youcan use if you're in a hurry. next up, number 2, is a cool photo editingapp that actually is pretty popular called prisma. the idea is kind of similar to instagram,in that it applies filters to photos you have or take. but these filters are a lot more sophisticatedthan just adjusting the colors.

the idea is you take a regular photo and turnit into a kind of "art". and these filters are all actually prettysweet. plus, you don't have to use the full strengthof the filter. so maybe if you want to give your instagramphotos a little extra flair, this is a great way to do it. all these filters look really cool and thereis a ton of them. alright, number 3 is an app that was createdby microsoft, ironically. it's the "next lock screen", and like thename suggests, it's a lock screen replacement for android.

i don't necessarily have a problem with thedefault lock screen, but this one actually looks really nice, and has a lot of customizationoptions you normally wouldn't get. for example, you can have the photo backgroundbe the bing photo of the day, which are usually pretty good. you can also choose to have quick launch shortcutsof your favorite apps at the bottom, or swipe up to see them. and of course when you do that you'll alsosee shortcuts like flashlight, wifi toggle, and battery saver mode. the only downside is it can add a bit of delaywhen unlocking the phone.

because it sort of runs "on top" of the defaultlock screen. you can disable this, but i wouldn't becausethen you'd lose some security from disabling the system fingerprint lock or whatever. still worth checking out if you want somethingthat looks a little bit nicer. moving on, we have an app for those of youwho roam a lot, called wifi mapper. the idea is simple, you open the app, andit shows your location, and any open wifi hotspots that are close by even if they'renot in range. this way if you need wifi, you can just walkto the closest one. but as i've said before, open wifi hotspotsare usually risky, so you should always use

a vpn if you connect to one. the way it maps the hotspots is it just usesthe data from all the other people who use the app. when you open the app, it notes all the hotspotsaround you, and puts them on the map for anyone else nearby in the future. next number 5, is another one probably a lothave heard of, duolingo. the point of this one is to teach you a newlanguage in your free time. they have a ton of languages to choose from,and it uses a bunch of different activities to teach you words in the new language.

one example might be matching up the wordwith an image, or matching up the equivalent word in your language. you aren't supposed to know all of them atfirst obviously, so it's fine if you get some wrong. the point is it's not just going to have youmemorize vocabulary terms, but rather give some context to the words you're learningso you can remember them better. pretty cool idea, and a lot of people seemto like it, so it's worth checking out. now onto number 6, this one is really interestingand clever. it's called "manything", and the idea is thatit can turn your old android phones into security

cameras for your home. i'm sure many of us have old phones lyingaround that still work, but you just don't have a use for them anymore. until now! this is especially great for people who havebeen thinking about getting a camera like nest or something, but don't want to spendthe money on it. this obviously isn't as ideal as a dedicatedcamera, but it's better than nothing. you just open up the app, set the phone asa camera, and then view it. there are settings for resolution, motiondetection, alerts, and a bunch of other stuff.

if it detects movement, it can upload thevideo to the cloud to watch later. this one has both free and paid plans, dependingon whether you want cloud storage for the videos, but otherwise it's free to use. and assuming the phone would be connectedto your wifi, it's not like this would use up any cell bandwidth either. if you don't have a security camera already,i'd check this out. number 7, "twilight". this is one i think really everyone shouldhave. what it does is changes the screen color andbrightness at night automatically so it's

a lot less harsh on the eyes. i've talked about this kind of stuff manytimes before, like flux, night shift on ios, and others. when you reduce the blue light produced byscreens, the less it will disrupt your sleep schedule, which is a big problem these days. and while android n does have a similar featurebuilt in, the effect is not nearly as strong as i think it should be. twilight allows you to choose how strong youwant the effect, so it makes the screen look almost completely red, or maybe not changedmuch at all depending on what you want.

and you can have it set to go from specifictimes, or change automatically at sunrise and sunset. the only downside is the way this app worksisn't the best method for reducing blue light, but because the way android works, it's allyou can do without rooting your phone. instead of adjusting the color profile directlylike you would with flux on your computer, this just kind of overlays a red filter overthe screen. so it works, but makes everything look morered, instead of just removing the blue light. not ideal, but it's all we have to work withunless google allows better functionality in the future.

onto number 8, we have "volume notification". this is probably one of those apps you didn'trealize you needed until you see it. what it does is adds a little menu bar whenyou swipe down for notifications, that lets you directly adjust the different volumesfor music, the ringer, alarms, and others. as you might know, normally if you want toadjust media volume, you have to press one of the volume keys, and hope it adjusts themedia volume instead of the ringer. if it doesn't, you have to go click the dropdown, and then change it. really a pain. with this, you just swipe down, click on whatyou want to change, and it brings up the volume

bar for it right there. and there is another app i'll quickly mentionthat goes along with this called "rocker locker". i've talked about it before but what thatone does is lets you change the default sound setting the volume buttons control. so if you want the volume buttons to insteadcontrol the media volume by default, not the ring volume, you can do that. so these two i think i'll group together. coming near the end, number 9, this one isactually really awesome. it's called "photo math", and it let's yousolve math problems just by pointing your

camera at it. anything from complex calculus to basic arithmatic,you just line it up with the box, and it instantly solves basically anything you throw at it. and not only that, it will even show you thesteps you would need to take to solve the problem yourself. so i think this would obviously be prettyuseful for anyone taking a math class, and maybe there's a weird homework problem, justlet your phone do it. or if your handwriting is so bad it can'tfigure out what you wrote, you can also just type in the problem manually.

so much for all those teachers that used tosay, "you have to learn all this because you won't always have a calculator with you!" ok, finally we have number 10, an app called"navbar apps". this one allows you to customize the way yournavigation bar at the bottom of your screen looks. usually your phone might have a couple settingsto choose between white, black, or clear. but with this the sky's the limit. you can choose from a bunch of different images,or add your own, or just use a solid color. it even lets you add emojis for some reason.

but one really cool one is you can have thenavigation bar act as a bettery meter. so the more battery you have left, the moreit's filled up with one color, and gets smaller as the battery drains. these customizations don't seem to work inevery app, and for some reason it seems to disappear when i'm at the home screen, butit does show up in most of the apps i use. so this is a pretty fun one i think. so, that's it, hopefully out of those 10 youguys found at least a couple you didn't know about before. and be sure to check the comments below incase other people know about some cool apps

i didn't mention. if you want to keep watching, i'll put someother videos right here, you can click on those. and if you want to subscribe, i make new videosevery tuesday thursday saturday. oh and again check out my instagram, just@thiojoe. so anyway, thanks for watching, i'll see younext time, have a good one.

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