Best Mail App For Android

my name is eposvox, and this is the top 10ubuntu desktop apps for the average user that you should be using moving from 2016 to 2017. i have a few other app compilations comingup, as far as recommended apps that i recommend for the ubuntu or linux desktop environments. but these are my top 10 that i recommend,finishing off 2016.

Best Mail App For Android

Best Mail App For Android, let's jump right in. these are in no particular order, but we'regoing to start with bleachbit. bleachbit is a system cleaner that's basicallylike ccleaner, if you've ever used that on windows.

but for linux, it can clear out your cachefiles. it can clear out temporary files or even completelyrevoke all of your browser settings and profiles if you want or if you click the wrong button. you have to be careful what you're workingwith. and you get different sets of options, dependingon whether you're running as the normal user or running it as root or administrator, asit will allow you to clear out some more higher-level system stuff that you otherwise wouldn't beable to mess with if you run it as superuser. you do have to be careful not to delete stuffyou're not supposed to, because again, you will clear out some stuff permanently andthere's no way to get it back.

but it's a great little tool. in my first time using, i cleared out like30 gigs or something. it was pretty cool. neofetch is number 2. neofetch is a tool that if you add it to yourbashrc file to automatically start up whenever you open a terminal emulator, it gives youa cool little graphical representation of your system information, which can be veryhandy. it can tell you system uptime, what operatingsystem you're running, how much memory you have, your computer specs in general, anda little color chart if you need to calibrate

your monitor, as well as the logo of the distributionthat you're using. it's really, really cool. screenfetch is the one that's usually recommended,but i have a lot of issues with screenfetch, as far as like getting it to run properlyon some machines, especially virtual machines. whereas neofetch runs a lot easier for me,and it gives you the cool little color bar. it just seems to work a lot better for me. i generally recommend that. vlc. vlc is probably included with your distribution,depending on which one you're using.

but a lot of them nowadays, especially oneslike elementary os and things like that, are actually including their own video playerinstead, but i highly recommend you get vlc. vlc is a fantastic media player that willplay just about anything. it'll also let you stream internet streams,convert video format, rip a dvd. it will let you do a ton, more than i couldever possibly cover within this one little program, unless it's a pretty baller mediaplayer in the first place. next up we have shutter. shutter is the screenshot tool that i useon linux. it works pretty freakin' well.

it allows you to take really cool, you know,really high-quality screenshots. you can annotate them. it's kind of like the lightshot program thati've recommended for windows, only it runs on linux. it has a lot of really cool tools. you can customize where it saves picturesto or automatically upload them, things like that. and it just runs in the system tray and isreally easy to access. caffeine is an interesting tool.

it allows you--for whatever reason, and thisis a minor nitpick thing about the linux desktop environment, but it's just not quite as polishedas some of the proprietary operating systems yet. one of the issues with that is a lot of thetime, my screen will turn off or my machine will go to sleep if i'm watching a video. now, on windows and mac, this doesn't happen. they know not to do that. but the settings aren't quite there for linux. so caffeine has a system tray indicator thatyou can just click on to disable your system

from going to sleep or turning the screenoff, specifically when you are watching media. and when you know you're pulling up a video,click on it, and your screen will stay on, which for me has been very important in orderto use, because i keep watching youtube videos and then my screen goes off and the videostops. this helps fix that. unity tweak tool is a must if you're usingthe ubuntu desktop. the newer unity controls don't give you customizationof every little thing. honestly, what drives me the most nuts aboutmore recent ubuntu releases is used to, with the gnome desktop, you had so much customizationof literally everything.

and with the unity environment, they hidea lot of features. not necessarily on purpose, but they justdon't make them as accessible. you can still do it from the terminal, butif you want gui, unity tweak tool gives you a ton more customization of your ubuntu desktop,and i highly, highly recommend it. actually, i have a full tutorial on customizingyour ubuntu desktop as of 16.04 in the youtube card icon above or description down below. if you're looking for a messenger app, franzmessenger--franz, you know, like how people say "friends." franz messenger allows you to communicatewith skype, telegram, whatsapp, a lot of different

messaging platforms all at once, all withinthis nice, little messenger program. and it runs windows and mac and linux. it's pretty cool. it reminds of what pidgin used to be. pidgin used to be the messenger that we allused when we had multiple accounts. if we wanted to manage aim, hotmail. i think hotmail had a messenger. windows live messenger, that's what it was. skype, google talk, yahoo!

messenger, all of those at once. pidgin was the program to use. but standard instant messaging somehow diedoff, even though we use the exact same thing still. it died off, and so i've been waiting fora program to show up like it. franz messenger seems to be that program. i've got two image editing programs here. one is gimp, of course. most people have probably heard of gimp atthis point.

if you don't know what it is, it's basicallylike an open source photoshop. the way the program works does technicallywork a little bit differently than photoshop. there is some different learning curves toadjust to, but it is a very, very powerful image editor and design program that can doanything you need to probably for standard design, working on youtube thumbnails, thingslike that. it's free, open source, runs on pretty muchevery operating system. it's great. the other one is darktable, which if you lookat the name, it's basically the opposite of adobe's lightroom.

and that's what it is. it's an open source lightroom-esque programto manage your photos, edit them up. it does a lot of cool photo editing and manipulationtools. and it allows you to mess with the raw filesas well. it's highly recommended by those who are photographerslooking to move to an open source environment, and it's a lot of fun to play with. lastly, we have kdenlive, which is a nonlinearvideo editor for the linux platform. and it is pretty cool. the timeline format reminds you of your standardnle, vegas, premiere, avid a little bit, avid.

it's fairly straightforward to learn, andit works pretty well. i was quite surprised. there is of course openshot and lightworksand things like that, but kdenlive seems to be the like, baseline recommended programto really learn to edit videos. so that is one that i recommend as well. so that's it! 2016 is over! we're going to have a great year for linux,i feel, in 2017, especially with all the crazy stuff that's been going on surrounding windows.

a lot of people aren't happy with the macbookpro's and things like that. so this is the time to get into linux. i have a ton of content planned. these are my top 10 ubuntu desktop apps thati highly recommend. this video is brought to you by system76. if you're looking to get a dedicated linux-runpc built to run linux, i highly recommend system76. they are the best linux pc distributor, andthey're based in the usa, which is always a plus for me.

they're great, recommend them. i've been using my system76 lemur for quitea while now, and it has been probably the most stable computer i own. so... it's been pretty good. check it out in the youtube card above ordescription down below. i hope you enjoyed the video. if you did, smash the like button, get subscribedfor more awesome tech videos, and i will see you in the next one.

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