Best Note Taking App For Android

hi guys! so, it's finally here, the new versionof goodnotes just came out yesterday, and what i want to do today is not a tutorial,but more a quick overview of the app. i want to show you why i think this is one of thebest note-taking app, and why it just became even better.

Best Note Taking App For Android

Best Note Taking App For Android, so, in goodnotes, you can type your notesusing a keyboard, obviously, but this is not how you'll use it most of the time. you'lluse it as a notebook, probably with a stylus, and you'll handwrite your notes.the first thing i like about goodnotes, is that it's super easy to customize and i canhave a wide variety of tools at my disposal.

i was able to create very easily my own paletteof handpicked colors and pen sizes, and the same thing goes for the of the coolest input method is this zoom feature. you want to be able to write continuouslyon the page without having to think about zooming in, moving the page, or going to thenext line, and that's precisely what this zoom window can help you with. just watchhow i write continuously in the area below, while the app manages what really happenson the page. you won't even realize when you go to a new line, actually. super easy touse and incredibly smart feature. while i write, i can quickly access all my tools;here for example, you see how quickly i can change the color of my also have an eraser, but it's no ordinary

eraser. thanks to the auto-deselect option,as soon as i'm done erasing, the app immediately goes back to the tool i was using before,i don't have to do anything. it's super effective, and it dramatically improves your efficiency.i can also manage anything on the page just by selecting it with the lasso. you can movestuff around, change its color, copy it, paste it, you name it, it's that easy.another incredible feature: shape recognition. so this is amazing: i can draw any shape and,boom, the app turns it into its geometrical equivalent. this works with lines, circles,ellipses, or any polygons. next timesaving feature: pulling to add anew page. if i want to create a new page, i don't have to find my way in some menus,i can just pull the current page to the left

with two fingers and boom, the new page iscreated for me. so handwriting on a blank page is nice, butsometimes you want to annotate pdfs. that's also very easy to do in goodnotes. even better:all the features i just told you about, they still work here, even the zoom window forexample. you can even insert blank pages between two pages of the pdf to take side also have this very nice presentation mode, where all the user interface can behidden. i can even lock the screen for my audience, so even if i zoom on my page onmy ipad, the view stays the same for them. so, we have been enjoying these features forquite some time now, but yesterday, a major release took goodnotes to the next level.most of the app has been redesigned and rewritten

from the ground up. first, it brings a completelyredesigned ios 7 style interface. you might have notice it from the beginning of thisvideo. one of the biggest new feature is icloud.icloud provides a nice and seamless way to backup your data, but it can also synchronizeyour documents across all your devices. that's right, "devices": the app is now universaland you can install it on you iphone too. now, you can access your ipad handwrittennotes on the go, and you can even do some editing if you want, because the iphone versionis the full goodnotes, not a simple documents viewer. i can also tell you that we will havea mac client in the future. of course, you can still back-up on thirdparty cloud services like dropbox, and this

has even been enhanced. it's way more transparentand easy to use than the previous one-way sync also have new templates, including scientific papers with semi-log or log-log's a very nice touch, i think. you can of course change the paper templates from onepage to another inside one document, or even after the page is created, just like that.something that most people wanted: goodnotes now allows you to create subcategories. sonow you can group your traditional categories inside master categories, and like that youhave sub-folders. as far as managing documents goes, we also have a trash now, which is asimple way to prevent deleting a document by accident.

now i would like to finish with probably thebiggest new feature for me: a better jot script integration. so, remember that it alreadyworked with goodnotes 3. the stylus was recognized as a jot touch, which is another stylus fromthe same company, and it worked; but it wasn't perfect, and some people had an offset betweenthe tip of the stylus and what they were actually writing on the screen. now, i'm glad to saythat the offset is gone in goodnotes 4. if you go in the settings, you'll notice thisnew panel: it allows you to find the best setting for you, in order to completely compensatethe offset. when you have the correct setting, you can see how precise it can be with thejot script on the right here, compared to what we had before, on the left. for thosewatching this and wondering what is the stylus

i'm using, just go visit my channel, i haveplenty of reviews about the jot script. so, there you have it, the new goodnotes 4.this was just a quick look at the app, there are more functionalities like a very nicepalm rejection technology, or the ability to annotate pictures from the camera roll,or pictures you take right from within the app. there are also many more features tocome, like evernote integration, or tabs to open multiple documents at once. all theseupcoming features can be viewed on the website, you have the link in the video description,and you can even submit your ideas or vote for existing ones. to me, this is really amust have. it's currently at a discount for $4.99, and the final price will likely be$7.99.

if you want to know more about specific featuresof goodnotes, don't hesitate to ask me in the comments. you can also subscribe to mychannel, because i will likely do some goodnotes tutorials in the future to go into detailson some features. i hope you liked this video, i hope you can share it, and thank you forwatching! see you next time.

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