Solar Panel Shingles

being able to bring low-cost energy to theworld will be a wonderful thing. if you have low-cost energy, you can generateclean water, you can bring light to people who need it. the cheaper the electricity is, the betteroff we are. three cents a kilowatt hour is the target.

Solar Panel Shingles

Solar Panel Shingles, nrel is looking at a number of different possiblesolutions that could contribute. we have a module that's been very fun to watch. the module design allows it to operate ata lower temperature than what's normal. every two degrees centigrade you can reducethe operating temperature, you increase the

efficiency by one percent. we're also looking at soiling. can we understand how dirty the modules willget? how often you need to clean them. what you need to budget. the degradation of pv modules can come aboutfor lots of different reasons. but we've taken modules out of the field thathave been there for more than twenty-five years, and found that they have a power outputthat's more than their original nameplate value.

so, we know that it's very feasible to makea module that's very stable. the most challenging part of meeting the threecents a kilowatt hour goal is to simultaneously get to higher efficiency, lower cost, longlifetime, low degradation rate. we can do all of those individually but doingthem all together in one product is the challenge. i'm a hundred percent confident we're goingto get there.

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