Suniva Solar Panels Review

hi, this is josh roelofs with "fyi", an informationalvideo series from wholesale solar. today, we're going to discuss some of thedifferent options you can consider when selecting solar panels for your system. there are a lot of solar panels availabletoday. we stock two brands which we're extremelyconfident in, called astronergy and solarworld

Suniva Solar Panels Review

Suniva Solar Panels Review, solar panels. astronergy panels are going to offer you thebest value and the lowest overall price-per-watt. they're also a highly durable and reliableproduct. in fact, these are the panels we use on ourown wholesale solar office pv system.

solarworld panels are also highly reliableand durable, but they offer higher efficiency and more output power compared to astronergy. someof the solarworld panels are made in the usa. there's a handful of industry-standard sizepanels available. the first and by far the most common is calleda 60-cell panel, which typically ranges from around 250 to 300 watts and measures 66 x40 inches. the second option, a 72-cell panel (also knownas a 24-volt panel), is most commonly seen in a 300-watt or higher format. it measures 78 x 40 inches. occasionally, you'll see some smaller 72-cellpanels, but they're not nearly as common. your third option, a 36-cell panel, is a specialtyoff-grid panel, also known as a 12-volt panel.

these are used for small, off-grid, remotepower systems (typically consisting of only 1 or 2 panels per system). they're not going to be cost-effective fora large power system. there are a few different color options can get either a silver or a black frame panel. and in some cases there's a black back-sheetoption on select models, offering a slightly different physical appearance. the two most common types of panel technologiesare called monocrystalline and polycrystalline mono solar panels are considered to be slightlymore efficient in high heat and low light conditions, and they also have a slightlydifferent physical appearance.

however, both of these panels are going toperform equally well in a wide variety of conditions. the difference in performance is negligible,so either panel is going to produce great. one factor to consider when selecting solarpanels is the warranty offered through the manufacturer. both solarworld and astronergy offer similarwarranties. they're both guaranteeing 25 years on the power output and 10 years on the workmanshipof the solar panel. one important difference is that astronergyoffers a re-insured warranty, meaning even if the company goes under, your warranty claimis still going to be valid 10 years, 20 years

down the road. as you can see, there are a few options toconsider when selecting a solar panel for your system. if you need help or have any questions, feelfree to contact one of wholesale solar's experienced design technicians. my name is josh roelofs and this is "fyi".

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