Best Texting App For Android

hi, my name is beth worthy and i am the directorof operations at gmr transcription. today i am going to be sharing with you five speechto text mobile apps that will spare much hassle for you. if you want an easy wayto report your thoughts or carryout interviews, you can make use of mobileapps. there are a number of apps that can convert spoken words to text. to getstarted

Best Texting App For Android

Best Texting App For Android, your smartphone should be connected tothe internet and then switch on the app and start speaking. i have five speech totext mobile apps that i'm going to share with you that can help you get thingsdone without a lot of hassle. the first one is dragon dictation. to use dragondictation simply tap the app button and start

talking. the app will handle the rest. whenyou finish dictating the transcribed text will appear. you can use drivingdictation to process lengthy emails and other documents. the app has a highdegree of accuracy and can transcribe audio speech in over 30 languages. the next one isevernote from android. this is one of my favorites. you can useevernote to record speeches and meetings and turn the transcriptions to text. therecorded audio and text are saved in the app and can be searched. the free appuses google android's text transcription service, therefore text-to-speech will onlywork when you are online. the next one is voice assistant. voiceassistant converts your speech to text

and even enables you to post to facebooktwitter and your email. you can convert your transcriptions to the desiredformat without additional clips. moreover you can send your transcriptions toother apps such as evernote or pages to youtube and google search the apps order copy feature. the next one is listnote speech. with this free android app, youcan organize your listed various notes. and to record a speech, tap the speechrecognition button at the top of the app. as you speak, the transcribed textwill appear in the relevant space in a new note section on

the listnote screen. the last and finalapp that i have to share with you ivona text to speech app. like the other appsi've just spoken about, ivona is free and includes some advanced features. asyou speak the app will highlight your words. your dictation will be saved in textas well as an audio file. the app has a pause button, you can use it in case youwant to take a break after speaking for a long period of time. so that's it. those are the five mobile apps and ihad to share with you. they will help you save time so good luck with your projects,and i hope to speak to you soon. have a great day!

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