How To Take A Screenshot On An Android

hey guys this is shaan from and in this video i'm going to show you how to take a screenshot on your huawei mate 9 smartphone so we are having multiple methods to capture

How To Take A Screenshot On An Android

How To Take A Screenshot On An Android, screenshot on huawei mate 9 in different ways so you have two started so the very first method to capture screenshot on huawei mate 9 is to

press the following key and volume down key together like this and a screenshot will be captured now if you go to the calorie and then the album's you will find there is a new folder or screenshots will tap on it there is the screenshot that we have just captured you can see this is an image you can edit deleted and you can

perform all of the usual editing stuff that you usually do on an image that you can create it and whatever you would like to put this is nothing but an image and if you go to the information you can see that the resolution of this screenshot is exactly as the resolution of the screen so this is the first method to capture a screenshot on your

huawei mate 9 what you have to do you have to print the following key and volume down get together at the same time active and a screenshot will be captured now we have considered that you want to capture a screenshot of scrolling screen for example you are browsing the web side or something and just you want to

capture the interface for example am in this application and you can see we're having multiple screen here so you would like to capture all of them in one thing elements then what we have to do capture a screenshot and then that on this scroll short option and then equally starts crawling and capturing the whole big as you can

see so now this is one single screenshot captured here you can see this is a very long screenshot it captured the holy screen so this is the fourth shot what we have to do you have to press the following key and william wanted to be there or whatever materials are going to use capture screen charts after their tap on this short option and then if we

started crawling and taking and shut off from any part of the screen now the other method to capture screenshots is by going to the quick setting bar here there is the option to capture a screenshot as you can see here so let's consider that i'm on this screen and i want to look at their screenshot so you just need to wipe it down and staff on

this screenshot options and a screenshot captured you can once again duty cross-shot right from the screen or edit or share directly from the clean yourself after capturing disc in shock so this is the main number three together the screenshot and now we are having through smart capturing method of the screenshot on while they maintained

that you have to enable some settings so first of all let's go to the settings here after that before the mark assistance step on it now look for the motion controls the spot here just step on it again and then here you will find mark screenshot options if it is turned off and just turn it on and now you can

capture screenshots on your huawei mate 9 and using your knuckles gesture so for example if i want to capture a screenshot here i just need to stabbed twice hardly with my knuckle on the screen like this and the screenshot is captured once again i can use short here capture the screen all the next method is going to be fast with knuckles

christmas knuckle and just create a shape on the screen like this and the screenshot is captured here you can see the part that i covered with my knuckle on the screen will capture and at the top you can see that you're having few more options the first one is free hands just the way i moved my knuckle it captured you can also use the quest or

be circular part or hardship and you're going to aid or share data from include shortly after you what kind of he made you want to save it and if you go to the galley once again you can see here is the screen charge that i have just kept here and then there is another method is dedicated for the scroll shot screen capture for that what you have to

go drift or fast with your knuckles and then right as on the screen so that what we have to do is just do like this and you can see the cross shark taking morgan screenshot hodgins on the top at the top and this is the image captured by our huawei mate 9 and scored shock model can see if you take screenshots of my son's failures or

medical screams you can take so these are the meant exactly can choose on your while they maintain capture screenshots so let me show all of the month again the first one is too crazy quality and volume down key together once you use this you can use crossword often from here capture be multiple stages of the box of the screen after

that the other method is just from the this quick settings panel you can just tap on this screenshot option and the screen chart will be captured then the other metrics are in descending in this model assistance you have to go to settings and its model systems than portion control and activate the smart screenshots once it is activated you can

use your knuckles captive screen shocked by double tapping our tab and using this freehand method you can even select the shape the way you are capturing and then the third one is and by starting with your knuckles and writing s or cross shock like this so these are the men that you can use on your huawei mate 9 to capture a screenshot

and various ways thanks watching the difference and do not forget to subscribe the channel to mobile your ship center and hazards like this and you can also get in that with me on instagram and twitter by using the link given in the description of this video so as you guys next time on wednesday

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