My Fitness Pal App For Android

i wake up at about 8 a.m. and i sleep 10 hours on average. and yes, i sleep on the floor. first of all, it is good for your back. and secondly, not having a bed, gives space in my small room, where i can train. the first thing i do after i wake up,

My Fitness Pal App For Android

My Fitness Pal App For Android, is drink a liter of water to hydrate the body after the night. then, after some time i go for a quick run. it's usually no more than 5 kilometers. this morning run substitues for a coffee.

ok, i've done 5 kilometeres, so it's time to go for the breakfast. after the run i like to ear sweet, juicy fruit. this time it's a green melon. afterwards breakfast i start working. i work as a freelancer. i design graphics, develop software, make movies and animations. i also work on my own projects, so i am never bored. i work every day for about four or five hours and some days longer, depending on my mood. in the middle of worktime i make a break for the second meal.

today i made lentil pancakes with hummus and vegetables. then, i continue working until about 3 p.m. i'm done working for today, so it's time for the workout. 30 minutes before i train, i drink beetroot juice, as it boosts performance. in the summer i am training in parks like this. as a warm up i'm doing stretching, and then, for the main part of the workout i am doing high-intensity, high-rep full body workout.

i did 3 sets of each exercise. in each set i did as much reps as i could, resting only to catch my breath, no more than 60 seconds. i have just finished my workout, now, i'm getting some sun, and i will be soon going home. for my post-workout meal i am having some plums and some different plums. about one hour after training i am having dinner.

today it is rice with chickpeas in tomato sauce and guacamole which looks like poop, because the avocado was greyish, but it tastes good. in the evening, normally, i play video games, board games and i hang out with my friends, but today i did something different. i went on a bike to this abandonded place in the middle of a forest, which i have discovered. in semptember this place is full of amazingly tasting grapes.

free food for the win! this pretty much concludes my activities as the day is coming to an end. before going to sleep i spent some time on the computer, but that's nothing really worth showing. i go to "bed" quite early and i always read for a solid 30 minutes before falling asleep. usually i am already sleeping at 10 p.m. to get my 10 hours of sleep. hope you like the video, give it a thumbs up if you'd like me to make more videos like this one. i'll see you in the next video!

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