Amazon Chase Credit Card Login

well ability is a new condom companyaimed toward women and its post to make women take control their own sexual health bybuying these condoms and using these condoms it also gives women moreinformation about sexual health and for some reason or another chasteneddecided that they will not process

Amazon Chase Credit Card Login

Amazon Chase Credit Card Login, any payments made to the company now theowner of the company couldn't really understand this so shereached out to chase n/a did release a statement to her this iswhat they said i wanted to let you know that we actually will not be able tomove forward regarding processing with

chase paymentech that so what they used to processpayments to companies as processing sales for adult oriented products is a prohibitedvertical i apologize for the confusion and i wishyou and your growing brand the best luck in the future now theyalso noted that the reason why they don't want toprocess payments for this vertical is because it's anadult-oriented product and it will lead to significant reputational risk

because chase is really concerned abouttheir reputation eva squeaking clean background there what people talkbad about them by her small growing brand we got it bad up theater her there was totally intended we understandthat um saying the wall you're right i'm jpmorgan chase well as only been in trouble 4 a no happened dozen billion dollar cases where they werefined

and punish over and over again including participating in reading the markets inthe housing market back in 2000 made that led to that epic collapse subprime mortgages look atraw that was involved there in a recently bribery in a case have a chinese officials and their familymembers and on and on it goes let me get one more example in 2011 they had to settle a huge case because they were ignoringsanctions and embargoes against iran in

cuba so the government got involved in theleague what are you doing so they had to settle nine million dollars which is not muchfor jp morgan chase but yet they break the law all the time 102 larry is that they will let you buycondoms from this particular place here but condoms yeah that's the realamerica prop okay that is a growing problem inamerica batter now by the way did you business all thetime with con makers

why these well you got i mean youcouldn't i'm pretty sure you can go into anysexual up any use your chase card and it'll work idon't really understand why they decided to go after this particular company it doesn't really make sense and i'mjust gonna go ahead and you know make the hypothesis thatsomeone at the company at chase decided to take matters into his or herown hands and say now to like this it's against my moral so we're not goingto process these payments he took matters into his own hands for

there's no way it was an appreciableamounts i know its stores which was it a speculation raid but that's it that a fundamentalistto this kind of crap and by the way it's interesting thatit's a woman's company this only condoms all other companyselling condoms are finding continue to do business with them we doit right with the women going to a sex shop and by the biggest dildo available nj refusal okay he had no longer and shane

well process payment why did notallowing the lovely woman to teach women about sexual health and fill them perfectly fine club i justdon't get it unless you don't want people to find outabout sexual health because you think no one should be having sex now it's crazy they've got a reverse thepolicy but to this moment they still have yeah remembers and said you'd even bytheir biggest bill though there is agape which may be ironically might bethe guy who said this part

double don't belong i could double dogaction here i just love the year the prisonertopping would i double dog /url buckingham they could be doing a lot onthe show had through conversation let's justcouldn't hold out okay there is a changed our petition to tryto pressure chaser process the payments for love abilities so check that out if youfeel passionately about this and we'll see what happens my guess isthey're probably gonna end up processing payments for them

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