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(slow instrumental music) - we are at that time when a great transition takes place. - the society, the way we know it now is changing very rapidly.

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Hancock Bank Business Online Banking, - people are becoming more conscious of the fact that we needto change our habits and take responsibility. - we have to go along withthe change that's happening.

as opposed to fear it and resist it. - we've all heard about 2012. it's doomsday. the world will end, mankind will end. - some people have got this idea that things will stop. things will end up catastrophe. but actually none of thephilosophy is saying that. - the agenda seems to be

trying to put a negative spin on it to radiate fear out on the planet. as opposed to love. - and love is the glue of the universe. - the one more loves and finds unity in this world and harmony, the more the blessings willbe when that time comes. - a prophesied accelerationof both technology and consciousness is occurring right now.

which is right on time with what's been decoded from the mayan information. - all shall benefit on different levels. because that's how theuniverse elevates souls. - what is getting ready tohappen is a positive thing. it's a step forward in an evolution. it's an awakening in consciousness. - if we have a goodlook at our solar system and how it works, the moongoes around the earth,

the earth is rotatingand orbiting the sun. now our sun in turn is orbiting sirius. well that effects theconsciousness of mankind. because we have 100% consciousness when the two stars areclose to each other. then the consciousness falls to 75%, 50%, then 25%. in the great orbit of our two suns we have turned the cornerfrom the dark ages.

now they're pulling towards each other bringing us to a higher consciousness. so we're really in just a great time in history to be living. it's just an amazing time. the great changes that we will see with our own eyes will just be stupendous. the new world of love is coming. (slow paced music)

- [narrator] life on earthis affected by many cycles. the light of the day andthe dark of the night. and our yearly cycle of the four seasons. the stars in the sky arelinked to life on earth and greatly influence our existence. that, which is above, is thesame as that, which is below. as above, so below. but what if there is a greater cycle that takes thousands of years,

which influences human consciousness? according to many cultures, much like the seasonsthat are familiar to us, human kind undergoes a similar cycle in which consciousnessexpands and contracts. it results in great ages of enlightenment and dark ages of misery. different cultures refer tothis cycle by different names, including the yuga cycleor the ages of man.

but one thing is certain, these cycles were known to almost every ancient culturethroughout the globe. the hindu yuga cycleconsists of four ages. the kali yuga or the dark age, dwapara yuga, treta yuga and the satya yuga, the golden age. during the golden age, humanconsciousness is at its peak where unity is celebratedand life is lived in peace,

love and harmony. in the silver and bronze ages, our consciousness begins itsdescend to its lowest point, the dark or iron age. in which suffering andignorance is at its peak and humans are divided and at war. that is our current age. then the cycle makes its wayup again to the golden age. these four ages influence the rise

and fall of civilizationsacross the globe. it is believed that we are at that time when the dark age is coming to an end and the bronze age begins. and the cross over is taking place during the galactic alignmenton december 21st 2012. the mainstream media throughout the globe depicts this date as the end of the world in which catastrophicevents will extinguish

all life on earth. the end of the world theory is based on the mayan long count calendar, which ends exactly on 21st december 2012. although many claim thatthe mayans have predicted the end of the world, thereis no evidence to suggest so. the mayan calendar simplyresets on this date, as one cycle ends and a new one begins. many believe that themarker left by the mayan's

indicates a great change in consciousness as we leave the zodiac age of pisces and enter the age of aquarius. the date has become the mostanticipated day in history and while many areanticipating it with love, others anticipate it with fear. what were the ancients trying to tell us? is it the end of the world? or is it a time of greatchange in human consciousness?

(inspirational music) - man know thyself andyou will know the universe and all its gods. so when one understand that we are the microcosm of the macrocosm, the stars that go above and around in various different cycles, then we understand the connectionbetween us and the god. - individual people by themselves, groups,

societies, the mood of the whole planet can all be altered, can all be changed, and the reason for thatis because the planet, group's, societies aren'twhat they appear to be. they are just another level consciousness. we are all consciousness. - if consciousness changesto a higher vibration, which i feel is happening at 2012, then the society, the way we know it now,

will not be there anymore. the old has to go, the new has to come. - religious traditions arelooking forward to this time, because they know that it will bring much peace and love andjoy and wisdom to mankind. - you become aware of what you really are, you become aware that you are one with god and that you are god. - individual little elementsor atoms of that divine.

and when one realises the god within us, he can see the god within everyone. - just trust in love,everything else comes. - the universe knows what we need and the solar systemknows where its going. the sun is flying through theheaven taking us to new place, so we can rest assurethat we are in good hands. (solemn music) - we have all heard about2012, it's doomsday.

the world will end, mankind will end, comets come down and who knows what. - well some of the things todo with 2012 that are out there are quiet contrasting, aren't they? to say the least. people are looking forwardto terrible things happening. and probably films like 2012 don't help. there is a lot of fear out there. - some people have got thisidea that things will stop,

things will end in a catastrophe. they are saying it's thebeginning of something new. - on 21 december 2012, when you get up in the morning, the sun will be shining. or it's clouded, whatever. and nothing has changed. it's just another day. and then you think, "wherewas all this doomsday talk."

it will be just like another normal day. you have nothing to fear. but what might happen i feel, could have been a greatchange in consciousness. which is right on time with what's being decoded from the mayan information. - and the clock struck oneand everything was sorted, its never ever going to happen. it's a gradual gradual process.

- the mayans are teaching thatbeautiful things will happen. wonderful things, great changes in the consciousness of mankind. certainly there's aconsciousness shift going on. - what is getting ready tohappen is a positive thing, it is a step forward in an evolution, it's an awakening in consciousness. - what is happening at this moment is discussed in all the bible's

and mythologies of the world. the ancient ones knew the cycles. the hindu's called these cycles the yuga cycle of 24,000 years in which we go through the gold, silver, bronze, and iron age. just like we go through the yearly summer, winter, summer, winter. so we do this in the 24,000 year

backward processional cycle. and we are at what the prophesies say is the time of the harvest,the time of the end. the end of the wave ofevolution of mankind. where certain ones awaken. remember who they are andreclaim their divinity. - the society, the way we know now it now, will not be there anymoreor is changing very rapidly. people don't believe inthe old system anymore.

- you are not out chasingthe so called dream that you have been brainwashed to believe you should be anymore. you are actually doing whatyour inner self dictates to you. - people start to becomeaware of who they are and they start to realisethat there is more to life and they really do want more but not in terms of material things, they want more in terms of peace

and love and no more wars. and people are starting to realise that there is a communityof humanity out there. - we're experiencing kind of a tsunami right now in consciousness. and it's about ready, in my opinion, to turn into a tidal wave of awareness. - this beautiful awakeningis quite a positive thing. so it's definitely notsomething that we should

have any fear about. - and when we go into fear and loathing, our body shuts down, ourchakras, our consciousness. - it's possible peoplein that frame of mind could even get left behind. on the other hand if they open up and accept it and become a part of it and they become part ofan amazing transformation that is getting ready to occur.

(slow paced music)(tribal music) - what is really in fact going to happen is the galactic alignment. in two respects. if you look at the galactic plane, if you imagine that the galaxy is a very very thin dish in the heavens. well our sun it's in acycle of 24,000 years, called precession of the equinoxes

and during that cycle it spends 12,000 years above the equator of the milky way galaxy,the galactic plane, and 12,000 years below. so, our sun is now sittingbelow the galactic plane and its popping its head through and its passing that galacticplane right now as we speak and on the 21 december2012 it will be more over. the other aspect of this is that the

equinoxes have beenmigrating around the heavens through the signs of thezodiac for 24,000 years. the vernal equinox occurson the 21st of march. now, at the moment on the 21stof march is actually pisces, because its the sign that appears on the horizon on the 21st of march. that sign, is the sign that we are in. now we have been in that sign, the sun has been in it atthe equinox for 2,000 years.

now it is right at the end of pisces and the new sign comingthrough is aquarius. and the sun will be inaquarius for 2,000 years. - each age is aboutapproximately 2,000 years. each age represents a kindof a level of consciousness and at each shift, there isa shift in consciousness. that's the symbol for aquarius. so the age of aquariusis happening right now. the age of aquarius represents a period

where spiritually speaking instead of worshipping the single god or guru or martyr on the cross orwhatever you want to have. instead of focusing yourenergies in that way, the age of the aquarius tends to look for truth in one another, in each other, in each individual person. that's a big shift in the consciousness. it also represents theonset of technology,

but hopefully clean technology. - the piscean age, is an age of division. - different languages, different cultures, different concepts and ideas, we are so divided, its horrific. - the age of pisces hasbeen true to it's name. we've been very divided. we can look forward to anage of harmony with aquarius. a greater level of understanding

and unity of consciousness. - and aquarius is an airsign, it's a fixed air. so it's nature is quite different to the mutable water of pisces. we have been in a mutablecross for 2,000 years. the equinoxes and they've been in the mutable signs of pisces,this is the march equinox. virgo the other equinox and the solstices have been in gemini,

the solstice of june, june the 21st and sagittarius, december 21st. now what's happening as theequinoxes move around that clock and they come into the fixed signs. what is going to happen is this, the vernal equinox will be in aquarius, the autumnal equinox will bein leo, which is fixed fire. the solstices will goto taurus, fixed earth, and the winter solstice willgo to scorpio, fixed water.

now, these four signs are the fixed signs. so the holy cross, thedivine cross in the skies will be in situated intheir most natural home, the fixed sign. well in this age it have beenin pisces, which is mutable, and before that it wasaries, which is cardinal. so, now it gets to be fixedand that is the alignment. that is what's taking place. because those signs thereare very very powerful,

the fixed signs. they are very powerful in transformation of the human consciousness. and in the bible and in the holy books, they are the lion, thebull, the man and the eagle. in revelation the godis described as having the face of the man, the face of the bull, the face of the eagleand the face of the lion. well that is the fixedsigns of the zodiac.

they are going home. the equinoxes and thesolstices are going home. and that is what weare looking forward to. that is what it means, there is big things happening with 2012. - we are getting ready toevolve at a very fast rate. the reason this happens isbecause the centre of the galaxy puts out pulses and their waves. the reason it does that,

is the same reason a cell in your body puts out vibrations within that cell to make sure that the cell as a whole is operating on the same page. if there is a wave of consciousness that is sent out fromthe centre of the galaxy and we pass through one of these waves, then the consciousnesson the planet as a whole begins to expand and vibrateat a higher frequency.

evolve much faster then previously before. (slow paced music)(static) - there is what's called yugasand yugas means world ages. and it starts of withwhat's called satya yuga, which means golden. then it devolves intotreta, which means silver. then we go to dwaparaand this means bronze. and currently we are in thekali yuga, which means iron. these cycles of agesgo around continuously.

the golden age last for1.768 million years. that humans live for 100,000 years, that gold is something you eat off and maybe just discard,like a paper plate today. the point is that they arevery highly advanced souls. the human earth planet, underthe satya yuga, golden age, is only occupied by mystics. serious yogis. it is described that thedemonic's live on another planet.

so we are separated by space. than as we move in to thetreta yuga, silver age, it becomes 1.296 million years. people live for 10,000years, they eat of silver. and now the demons live on another country on the same planet. the only the only thingseparating is ocean. then we come into dwapara yuga bronze age, which is 864,000 years,

or half the length of the golden age. people live for a thousand years. they have good and bad in the same family. you can see in the old testaments, that is bronze age culture, dwapara yuga. so they are living for a thousand years. all the old testament folks, noah or adam, all lived for a longer time than we do. and then we come into iron age.

in iron age we going to live 100, good and bad is in eachand every single one of us. it's not separate now. it is in us. and we have to become conscious of not to "fan the flame" of the negative actions. - in all the traditions, we are at that timewhen a great transition takes place.

a wonderful transition, beautiful. and where the sun is taking us in the 24,000 year processional cycle is back to the dwapara yuga. and all the religioustraditions are looking forward to this time because they know it will bring much peace and love and joy and wisdom to mankind. this is the cycle whichcontinues in it's nature

and behaviour but does nevercome back to the same place. so we are always growing with this, the feathered serpent, our solar system. we just have to trustthat feathered serpent takes us to greener pastures. in fact the mayans tells us that it will, because on the 21st december 2012, where this galacticalignment is going to occur, then we shall start newer influences

and different influencesthat we have not seen for a long time since our awakening, cause we are awakening. and the dead that shall arisethat the scriptures talk about "the dead shall rise". that's not dead in terms of in a tomb and then all of the sudden you pop up out of the tombas literal as christianity is trying to teach.

its talking about we. that we have been dead in sleep fullness. we have been sleeping. now, as we learn this stuff, and we remember the symbols now cause we know what these mean, they've been lying dormant inthe winter of unconsciousness for thousands of years. and the romans went destroyingthe temples of egypt

and defacing their monuments and the hieroglyphs thatthey didn't understand, and the christians, they destroyed themediterranean's cultural, spiritual, hermetic heritage. alexandrian library was burnt. now as we awaken and wereclaim our dominion, this science, this science is essential. astrology is the scienceof "as above so below".

and it is the beginning ofunderstanding of who you are. when you realise that you are this and you look up and you go, "twinkle twinkle little starhow i wonder what you are?", and you know what the starsare, they are fountains of life. - firstly, we have solarsystem, sol being the sun, the male energetic in our solar system, and all the planets areregarded as feminine, generally speaking,dancing with the masculine.

we, as human beings with the human eye can only see the seventh planet. five planets, actually, the sun and moon. the external planets, or the planets in the outer solar system cannot be seen by thehuman eyesight without an optical instrument. those seven planets areinfluencing us daily. and, if you want the proof,

go to your newspaper, and you will see in theweather area "sunrise, sunset, "moonrise, moonset", andin a special little box the rising of venus,mars, saturn, jupiter. they are there. it's there. now, they've been tryingto eradicate astrology, because the grand christianchurch doesn't accept it. but, actually, they are the only group

in the world that doesn't. the jews are based in astrology. you can see the remnants ofit in the christian church with the twelve apostles. they have replaced thehouses of the zodiac. and if you go into a hindu temple, when you firstly go in, on the left, you'll see twelveconstellations as deities. when you go all the way around the temple

to see all the otherpersons in the temple, then there's the seven planets. if it's a bright sunnyday when you wake up, it's having a good effect. if the clouds get between you and the sun, it filters that good effect. now for plant life,aquatic or tidal behaviour, all feminine life on the world planet is governed by the moon.

that's why we call it the menstrual cycle from the word moonstral cycle, and the other word we sayis a luna cycle, luna-tic. and the law knows, the police know, and every authority knows that as the moon movesinto its full position, it has an esoteric effect on humanity. many, many more stupidacts will be occurring around the full moon.

do they affect us? absolutely. the sun and the moon arethe strongest on the earth. - sirius b goes around sirius a, and it takes 49.9 years. it is so heavy, that a teaspoon of it would be hundreds of tonnes. it is spinning on its axis 23 times every minute.

this is a sun, this is a star guys. like it's that heavy. it is so powerful magnetically, that it directly affects our earth. in 1989, when this little fella here, this very heavy hard little fella, when he passed between sirius a and our sun with its earth going around here,

the spin rate slowed down in '89, losing a full second per day for a period of severalweeks before the event. and then sped up gaining a second per day for several weeks after the event. take note of that men, that's a star that iseight light years away. it slowed and sped our earth. if we have a good look at oursolar system and how it works,

for instance the moongoes around the earth, the earth in turn is rotatingand orbiting the sun. so, it takes 365 daysto go around the sun. sirius being the brightest star in the sky and in the sector ofcancer right near gemini. it is in a binary with our star and every 24,000 yearswe go around each other in a clockwise motion. sirius and our sun have beengoing away from each other

for the last couple of thousand years, and now they've turned the corner, so they are heading towards one another. as we reach the outerlimits of that orbit, that elliptical orbitwith our sun and sirius, this is where the iron age is, the golden age is when theyare close to each other and as they separatethey go through silver and the bronze to the iron age.

well, that affects theconsciousness of mankind. the consciousness fallsto 75%, 50% and 25%. we have not enjoyed fullconsciousness for a long time. and many of the gifts and abilities and powers that we once had. as we have turned thecorner in the great orbit of our two suns, sirius and our sun, as we have turned the corner and they are hurtlingtowards each other now,

we have turned the corner from the dark ages. we have come out of the dark period, because the suns have been pulled apart and their influence is weakened. and therefore ourconsciousness has dropped, now they're pulling towards each other, and that's nature. nature helps us, and carriesus through ascension process, so it's all loving.

even though there is chaos,and there's fear and anguish and chaotic events occurringaround us in our world, even though that is happening, that's really just theremnants of the dark ages. so we've turned the corner. the two suns are hurtlingtowards each other at great speeds now, and that's the beautifulpart of where we are. so we are really in just a great time

in history to be living,it's just an amazing time. the great changes that wewill see with our own eyes will just be stupendous. - we are actually just simply locked into a series of cycles. and it's the duty of every human being, when there're ready, to discover their own awareness. to take control of themselves.

- in the book of danielof the bible it says that in this time, many will come to an accurate knowledge of the truth and they will whiten their robes, and they will turn to the truth. but it also mentions that many will just go off into the darkness and continue on the path of darkness. - it's true we are inthe dark age right now,

but we are gettingready to come out of it. and those who identify with the darkness, those who feel at homeand comfortable with it, yeah they want to keep it that way, they don't want things to change. they are afraid of light coming in, they are afraid of people waking up. if everyone starts to find out, what 2012 really is about,

then that's going to acceleratethe process even more. they are going to start catching onto the true of what's happening. so to suppress the informationis part of the 2012 agenda. - the media portrays 2012 as doomsday. comets come down, and who knows what. - the agenda seems to be trying to put a negative spin on it. ♫ keep on dancing until the world ends

♫ if you feel it, let it happen ♫ keep on dancing till the world ends (engine revving) ♫ looks like we made it (loud explosions) (horns honking) (faint hissing)(upbeat music) - [narrator] get it onfor the end of the world. new lynx 2012, the final edition.

- a growing number of americans getting ready for doomsday. you think that's crazy? right after the break spend a couple of minutes listening to our next guest and see what you think then. well you may have your car, lawnmower, and the family junkstuffed in your garage, but for one arizona man,

it is the staging area for doomsday. and he is not the only one. the supplies and tools he needs to survive the apocalypse, whichever way it may come. - people preparing forbasically the end of days. an extreme doomsdays bunkers. jake jacoby is joining us now with more about that. - well there is a phenomenaright now among people

especially because of the year 2012. to take more advantage of being prepared of doomsday like disasters. - [narrator] thousands arenow on high light alert. stockpiling food andbuilding underground bunkers even in australia. and companies are cashing in. they're selling survivalitems like gas masks, nuclear protection suits,

and even food and water tablets. - the obvious question comes to, why would anyone want to take something that isn't necessarily negative and even worse, somethingthat's actually a positive thing and turn it into a negative thing? using it as a means to radiate fear out on theplanet, as opposed to love? - the people who got thehooks into this information,

disinformation, misinformation, have really hoodwinkedhumanity's progress. so, in the movie for instance, 2012, there's fear and loathing. and this is so far awayfrom what the potential is. - cause if you can radiate fear that can keep that frequency, which is expanding andgrowing higher, contracted, that to me suits the 2012 agenda.

- well with regard to 2012,the media is not the place to source for information,it will be misinformation. and it will be negative. and it is. it's very negative. and, of course, they are drivenby fear, and they love fear, and the people who control those stations and those networks, theyare happy to generate fear. - clips warning viewersabout december 21st 2012,

that's the date that manydoomsday prophets are claiming the world as we know it will end. my next guest jim durdanworks with survival group which is planning for this apocalypse. jim, how will it happen? will it be an object from outer space, will we destroy ourselvesin a nuclear holocaust? how will it happen in 2012? - well, based on the mayancalendar and the dresden codex,

the egyptians and mayanshad the end times of 2012 as an apocalyptic event. - their calendar predictsthat 21st of december is when the world will end. and while that won't stop the most of us from making plans for christmas, there are 10's of thousands of believers who are preparing for the worst. - according to one ancient prophecy,

the end of the world is only weeks away, so, are you ready? it's the ancient calendar that ends on december 21 this year. in other words, doomsday. - it's not the mayanstelling us this business, it's westernersinterpreting what they think the mayans were saying. they see a stela, theysee a piece of carving

and then they start to interpret. what a joke. what an absolute joke. - there's been a lot of co-opted, incorrect information out there. and it's deliberate. - major media destroy information. if we had a mainstream media that even vaguely associated itself

with the true meaningof the word journalism, none of this would be possible. but, the same people thatcontrol the politicians, own the media. and so, the media is notthere, just like governments, to serve the interestsand inform the people. it is there to tell the peoplewhat those who own the media, want them to believe. - they see this consciousness happening

and they are fighting itwith everything they've got. and so they are trying toturn it into a negative thing as opposed to a positive thing which is really what's occurring. - if you take the mayan perspective, the mayans have got atotally different perspective to what we think, towhat we have been taught. but they believe thatgood things are coming. - the mayans themselves never said

the world would come to an end. the only guy who did, thefirst guy was jose arguelles, who later renamed himself valumvotan the ancient mayan god, cause he turned intoa reincarnation of it, and he in 1988 wrote a bookcalled the maya factor. the mayans themselves howeversaid the complete opposite. they had left behind carvings in stone, saying that there would be good things happening in the future.

like such and such dayafter 21st of december. - and the fear for mankind isbasically the fear of death, which we shouldn't have. because if we continued to teach our original nature religion and we didn't stop with theadvent of christianity, we would still know, we wouldknow that death of our body is just a non-event, becausethe soul is immortal. but because we have lostthis wisdom and true religion

about the soul and its immortal nature, with fictional religions,we have fear of death. there was never fear of death. - the fear sets up a victim, perpetrator, and rescuer cycle. and we get trapped inthat victim mentality or perpetrator, or rescuer. a rescuer is just another victim. - and there's nothing moredebilitating, more controlling

and limiting than the "victim mentality." we are encouraged by thismanipulation throughout our life to see ourselves as victimsto blame someone else. "oh, i'm the victim, i'm in this situation "because of a, b, c, d," and on it goes. and when we are in that state, we are going to stay in that state, cause when you think you are a victim, the victim vibe goes out,

the victim circumstance goes in. when you say "hey, i'm not a victim, "i'm in control of my life, "i've created thesecircumstances i don't like, "therefore i can createcircumstances i do." at that point victim mentality is gone, victim circumstances stop being attracted, and suddenly people come into your life who were just the people you need

to get you out of thecircumstances you don't like. and if you don't realise what's happening, and most of us don't at the time, we say "oh my, mate, i was so lucky. "this fella came into mylife at just the right time, "this person, i couldn'tbelieve it, amazing luck!" no, you pulled them in, because your state of being had changed, and you synced with what you needed

to get out of that situation. we are so in control of ourdestiny, it's unbelievable, and yet, billions arepersuaded they are not, and therefore they createa very different reality. so, if we are in fear, we canattract a reflection of fear. - the fear is a lackof being all powerful, and so being anythingless than an infinite love puts us into a state of fear. - one of first thingswe're subject to is fear.

you can just fall over and hurt yourself. i could bleed. you don't want to put yourhands in that pot, it's too hot. there's sharks in the water. all those things, fear. and this is the greateststick that anyone can give to controlling a human being. it's called slavery. any other name you cancall, but nonetheless,

if a person does not have freedom, they have to become some sort of slave. this is the way we become, our consciousness is controlled. we wake up in the morning the alarm goes. we have x amount of timebefore we have to be at work. we know if we leave a few minutes earlier we will probably have aneasier travelling time. this is all fear.

all of it is fear. i don't want to lose my job. if i lose my job, i'll lose my house, my wife will leave me, my children. it's all fear. what we don't want to becomeis slaves to the media. there is a machine that'spumping out every day. they say two things aboutthe paper you can rely on. the price of the newspaper and the date.

those two things you canrely on, and then they say "you better check the date." - if you are trickedinto fearing by the media and people talking ofweapons of mass destruction, and all this over and over again. if you are tricked intogoing into the fear camp, then what is actually happening, you are relating to theuniverse through your ego, which is easily controlledand easily deceived.

- by keeping us involved with fear, it will be very difficult for us to, let's say, ascend, that's the popular word for that. - the people who control our society don't want us to go into bliss. because if our chakras and our kundalini and other things were all awake, and we become more divine-conscious,

as a super-conscious in awareness, they have no control of you. if there is nothing tofear except fear itself, and you drop that fear, thenyou have to be in bliss. - if you choose love, the ego subsides, you wake up and start seeing the reality of what's really going on around you. the ego only has a very small vision of what actually is takingplace and occurring.

and an individual and an egois very easily controlled. but a person awakening, a person who becomes enlightened, can't be controlled at all. in fact there is an old sayingthat an enlightened being plays with the universe the way that a child plays with a ball. because they see thereality of everything, they can't be tricked,they can't be fooled.

- it's like a spell hasbeen cast on the human mind, to disconnects us from thefull magnitude of who we are, and the great news isthe people in control of breaking that spell, is us. not some external force, us. it's just a choice. we are now at a time, a wonderful time, when balance is returning. - you just have to have faith

to trust in love, to chooselove and to trust in love. and that that will end up taking you into a much better place. - the more responsible webecome for our actions, the more harmonious the world will be. - if you continue to operate out of fear, and continue to operate through the ego, then you'll continue to be controlled and you'll continue to not have a clue

about what's going on in the world and around you, or eveninside you for that matter. - governments destroy freedom. this is the great one. if, you know, people are new to this, this is the first big step. governments are not thereto serve the people, governments are there toserve those that control the governments and enslave the people.

that's what they're there for! once we realise that, then a lot of dots start to connect. (static) - [narrator] the very word"secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society. and we are as a people inherently and historically opposedto secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.

its preparations areconcealed, not published. its mistakes are buried, not headlined. its dissenters are silenced, not praised. no expenditure is questioned,no rumour is printed, no secret is revealed. for we are opposed aroundthe world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracythat relies primarily on covert means for expandingits sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion,

on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice. it is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machinethat combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. (dramatic music)

- it's supposed to be a hidden elite, which own and run the corporations, they own the banks, they own the media. and so they have gottotal and absolute control of everything, just about. - they control all the major important institutions of the world. they subvert organisations, they infiltrate organisations,

they are very very active, they send spies all around the world. they hack our telephones andlisten to our conversations. we are being spied on by these families. - i'm talking about the real owners now. the real owners, the bigwealthy business interest that control things and makeall the important decisions. forget the politicians. the politicians are putthere to give you the idea

that you have freedom of choice. you don't. you have no choice. you have owners. they own you. they own everything. they own all the important land, they own and control the corporations, they have long since boughtand paid for the senate,

the congress, the statehouses, city halls, they've got the judgesin their back pockets, and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all the news and information you get tohear, they got you by the balls! they spend billions ofdollars every year lobbying to get what they want.(applause) well, we know what they want. they want more for themselvesand less for everybody else.

- they are not in thespotlight, so to speak. they're not the world leaders that we see, but they are something behind that. that's fairly obvious thing because leaders come and go, don't they? they are always transient. but these people do not comeand go, they're always there, and they run the cogs andmachine at the highest level over the ages.

- they go back a long, long, long way. and so they maintain their bloodlines and keep a lot of power and wealth. and as they inter-marry,they amass more wealth and more power against other families. - they own this fucking place. it's a big club, and you ain't in it! (audience laughs) you and i are not in the big club.

by the way it's thesame big club that used to beat you over the head with all day long when theytell you what to believe. all day long beating youover the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. the table is tiltedfolks, the game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice,nobody seems to care. good, honest, hardworking people,

white collar, blue collar, it doesn't matter whatcolour shirt you have on. good, honest, hardworking people continue, these are people of modest beings. continue to elect these rich cock suckers who don't give a fuck about them. they don't give a fuck about you, they don't give a fuck about you, they don't care about you,at all, at all, at all.

- these elite families callthemselves, the illuminati. their symbols are always,you'll have an eye or a pyramid or something like that. not that these are bad symbols,these are beautiful symbols, but by using these beautiful symbols they have given them a bad name. so people associate the pentagram and the hexagram with satanic symbols, well they are not theyare just nature symbols.

- we know you are ruthless, we know you are evil. to david rockefeller, to therothschild representative here, to the queen of thenetherlands, to all of you. we tell you, you are not our queens, you are not our kings,you are not our gods, we do not belong to you. we are not your slaves. we stand as free humans havestood since the beginning

of time against the strongman, against the thugs, against the bullies. we will defeat your world government. - the illuminati are after world control. they want a new world order. - a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.

when we are successful and we will be, we have a real chanceat this new world order. an order in which acredible united nations can use its peace-keeping role to fulfil the promise andvision of the un's founders. - i had planned another closing message, but i feel compelled tosay what i am about to say. now i risk sounding likea conspiracy theorist. but it's no longer a theory,

what i am about to say is fact. the secret organisationsof the world power elite are no longer secret. they have planned and are now leading us into a one world communist government. this is terrorism of the most worst kind, brought on you by our own government. - and it's not going tobe a nice new world order. it's going to be a fascistoligarchy dictatorship.

it's going to be hell on earth. martial law, concentration camps, but they just want their workers. they want a very very wealthyrich class and workers. no smart people, no bottomclass, just slaves and them. - but i will tell youwhat they don't want. they don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. they don't want well informed,

well educated people capableof critical thinking. they are not interested in that. that does not help them. that's against their interest. - darker forces really fear a man who is in touch with his own truth and is dictated by that. because they can't control you anymore. - well, they could verywell lose their power base

by us becoming awakened. and so, in order to keep us under control, they promote an agenda of fear. - if a cow were to somedaywake up and realise its fate. that it's going to end up ina mcdonalds hamburger one day. if it had that understanding, do you think it continued tostay out there and eat grass? or do whatever the farmer wanted it to do? hell no.

but as long as thatfarmer can keep that cow in cow consciousness,that's not going to happen. - we hear about a wholelot of conspiracies and perhaps a lot of them are true. like the idea of fluoride in your water, it affects the pineal gland. perhaps that was a deliberate strategy in order to stop peopleraising their consciousness. - i can give you a long listbut you know the food we eat,

the way we are educated,what we are told to believe, all of this plays a part. they keep us dumbed down. they keep us unaware. - we live in a world,which take a step back, deep breath, look at it again, is utterly, bloody, insane. and we're asked to believe,and so many people do, that we are somehow at thecutting edge of human evolution.

we're nowhere near the edge of what is possible and what is there to be known. but the norms are very powerful. especially when, from cradle to grave, we are constantly manipulated and confused with contradictory information. and when we're pressured to believe it, otherwise we'll get ridiculed or condemned

for being different. "just look at us. "everything is backwards,everything is upside down. "doctors destroy health,lawyers destroy justice, "universities destroy knowledge, "governments destroy freedom, "the major media destroys information, "and religions destroy spirituality." that's where we are!(applause)

- the world is turned upsidedown and people are confused. and the reason this ishappening is because of these illuminati families. they have done this to us, its deception. - society has alloweditself to be dumbed down. i mean we are just asmuch to blame as they are for allowing it to happen. but fortunately there isan awakening happening now and people are starting to wake up.

- people are opening their eyes and seeing what's been done to them. they are finally seeingthat they have been sodomised for such a long time and they are not free. just because we have got the freedom to choosewhat colour milkshake we are going to have, what flavour, does not mean we are free.

that's an illusion, you are not free, it's a police state. - that force which iscontracting awareness and consciousness. i think it's starting toget a little bit nervous and a little bit afraid. its worried and because it seems like it's up scaling things. as this consciousnessrevolution is starting to occur,

and it does not want it to happen. so greater and greater measures are taken. - the elites and the power families realise that they are losingtheir grip on the system. the system is collapsing. so they naturally like every organism are trying to prolong their existence. therefore they try to keep fear out there and fear out there but a lot of people

are just not buying into it. and the reason being is because our sun is bringing us into the higher essences, the higher consciousness. and therefore we refuseto go back, we can't, we can just climb up now. - what was a kind of a willingcomplacent dumbing down, is now getting ready to turn into a big conflict betweenthe forces in control

who want to keep everybody as they were, and this consciousness revolutionwho can't possibly exist on that level now thattheir eyes are open. - we will defeat your world government. i stand before thecreator of the universe, and i ask the creator of the universe as our founding fathers did in 1776, to lead, guide and direct us, and to give us thepower, and the foresight,

and the understandingand the will to stand against your entire agenda, including, your final plan of worldpopulation reduction of 80%. why do you put mercury in the vaccines, stannic sodium fluoride in the water? why? why do you put cancerviruses in the vaccines, why have you used depleted uranium now in four separate nations?

you're arrogant, you have the sickness the elites have hadthroughout the history. - they are standing in thefront of a tidal wave saying "i'm not gonna get wet." they're gonna get wet. and they're gonna get affected by this consciousness shift too,whether they like it or not. - the world has been turnedinto a maze of confusion. and it’s done to keep usfrom the simple truths.

because complexity is there to stop us finding those simple truths. but when you connect the dots, can you start to see whythe world is upside down. why it is as it is. and crucially, behind that complexity, those smoke screens of complexity. why behind that is an amazing revelation of who we are in the nature of life.

when we start to realise, that far from being ethel jones, or billy smith, we are all that is, hasbeen, and ever will be. that is the difference between who we are, and who we are manipulatedto believe we are. - and obviously we are suffering from the effects of the dark ages, loss of consciousness, andas we awaken in these days,

which we are because thespiralling sun is taking us to greener pastures. - i don't think the mainstream media wants everyone to realise that there is a mass awakening taking place. but yet everywhere i go andeverything i see points to it. everywhere i go there is thisenormous amount of enthusiasm and interest in yoga, meditation, not just eastern things but philosophy.

workshops and things thatare about self-awareness. - people are becomingmore conscious of the fact that we need to change our habits and improve and take responsibility. - you start living in love,instead of living in fear. and if enough people catchon and start doing that, then we'll turn the worldinto a garden of eden again. - our concern is not to worry about the illuminati at this stage.

our concern is to imbue ourlives with bliss and love, because their time is up. it's over and that's obvious. it's obvious to the awakened masses now. they're running for the hills, desperately trying tocling on to their empire, but we can conquer these,like david conquered goliath, by standing up, makinga stand, responsibly. - you will and you are failing now.

your new world order will fall. humanity will defeat you. - [narrator] confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be, free and independent. - there is only one ofus here experiencing a fractal holographicexperience of itself. each one of those individuations, no matter how infinitesimalhas got the entire

whole within itself. - there is this illusion thatwe're are something else, but in truth all we areis consciousness observing the manifestations of consciousness, dance before our eyes. we are all the same person, watching ourselves fromdifferent viewpoints, from different attitudes,from different environments. everything in creation is the same energy,

and energy is consciousness. energy, consciousness. so we are looking at creation being one gigantic consciousness,one gigantic mind, of which we are all part. so we're like droplets of water in an ocean of consciousness. we're individual to a certain extent, but all together we make up the whole.

- there's nothing to doin this world of bamboo, but everyone needs a hobby. you're just here to experience, you're having a good time, right? but the illusion thatwe put ourselves into, can be so powerful, thatwe can get lost in it. every human being is god himself, but he does not understand his true self and he's constantly engulfedby the influence of his mind,

his intellect, which wecall as the great delusion. he's constantly drivenby this great delusion. - the world is like a ridein the amusement park, and when you choose to goon, you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are. and the ride goes up anddown, and round, and round. it has thrills and chills, andit's very brightly coloured, and it's very loud, andit's fun for a while. some people have been onthe ride for a long time

and they begin to question, is this real or is it just a ride? and other people have remembered, and they come back to us and they say "hey, don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, "because this is just a ride, "and we kill those people." (laughter) "shut him up!

"we have a lot investedin this ride, shut him up! "look at my furrows of worry,look at my big bank account "and my family, this has to be real." it's just a ride. - the one energy wishesto experience itself. but, when it's in the oneness, it cannot experience itself, it only knows it as a concept. and so, it does the next best thing,

it forgets what it is. by deliberately forgettingwhat and who you are, you can have theexperience of remembering. - we are consciousness. disembodied, no form awareness,having an experience. like a central american shaman said, "we are perceivers, we are awareness, "we are not objects, we have no solidity. "we, or rather our reason, forget this

"and thus we entrap thetotality of ourselves "in a vicious circle from which we rarely "emerge in our lifetime." and that vicious circleis what the control system wants to keep us in. cause then we are controllable! - when we say i'm doing somekind of spiritual practise or following spirituality, what it means is i'm actuallyfinding out who i am.

what am i? who am i? where did i come from? what am i doing here on this earth? and where will i go? you're actually demystifyingthese concepts yourself, by realising who you are. - eventually you will get to the point where you'll probably experience

the truth of who you really are as opposed to the illusion that you believe you are. you believe you are this physical body, you believe that you areyour thoughts or whatever. the truth of it is, you're the source of all those things, you'rethe source of your thoughts, you're the source of your body, you're the source of all your emotions. you're the place fromwhich all that comes.

but we've been tricked into believing, for whatever reason,that we are these things. but we're not these things, we're actually thecreator of those things. - we are nothing short of divine. we are undifferentiated consciousness. as we remember who we are,and acquiring more powers. we are learning that we are co-creators in this experience andwhat is about to happen.

- enlightenment really means, you become aware what you really are. you become aware thatyou are one with god, - well, like a drop is to an ocean, you put a drop of water into the ocean and it becomes the ocean,well that's what we are. we are units of divinity. we are deific atoms, units of god. and that's what the scriptures say,

we are the sons of god. in that sense, so it's beautiful. - far from being worthless, we are unique and vital droplets in this ocean of consciousness we call god or creation. this god, as we call it, is not some guy with a beardsitting in a throne saying "you've sinned and you shall be punished", or something out there.

it's actually within us, it's around us, it is everything, it is the consciousness that is expressing itself in all the variety of forms that we see. obviously, we are at a different level of consciousness to a wall, but the wall is still god, at a different level of consciousness it's still the same whole.

- doesn't matter which raceculture everyone is confined to, but the same god which residesin me, resides in everyone. - you never see a positive drugstories on the news, do you? isn't that weird, sincemost of the experiences i've had on drugs, werereal fucking positive. who are these morons they're finding that's what i want to know. how about a positive lsd-story, wouldn't that be news-worthy, just once?

to base your decision on information, rather than scare-tacticsand superstitions, and lies? just once. i think it would be news-worthy. today a young man on acidrealised that all matter is merely energy condensedto a slow vibration. that we're all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. there's no such thing asdeath, life is only a dream,

and we are the imagination of ourselves. here's tom with the weather. - the body is the way our awareness experiences this reality. if i want to interact with this reality, which is a frequency range, i have to have an outer shell, we all do, that vibrates within this frequency range, cause our consciousness isvibrating much too quickly.

it's like radio one trying to make a connection with radio two. they're on different wavelengths, it's never gonna happen. so we take on this outerprojection we call our body, and therefore i can pick this up and interact with this reality. what the control system wants us to do, is to believe that projection, that vehicle to experiencethis reality is who we are,

cause then we go from "i am all that is, hasbeen and ever will be, "i'm charley smith, i'm etheljones, i've got no power." it's the whole bottom line of it! - the united states has twosatellites, they're called goes. g-o-e-s. the role of these satellites is to measure the magnetic fields of the earth and send back readings every 30 minutes.

and those readings normally fall within a certain range of datathat scientists are relatively used to seeing. well, it was in september of 2001, that scientists began to see some readings that were off the map, just off the scale compared to what theyhad seen in the past. then they said, what is happening, what is it that could be influencing

the magnetic fields of the entire planet to such a degree that we'reseeing these big spikes? that our satellites are sending back, we've never seen these before. (loud explosion) - [narrator] oh another one just hit! something else justhit, a very large plane. - [narrator] directly over my building, there's been anothercollision, can you see it.

- they overlaid thedata from the satellites onto a calendar of months and days, and low and behold what they found, is that the spike was occurring precisely during the time of september 11th 2001. and even more precisely thatthe first spike occurred 15 minutes after the first plane hit the first tower inthe world trade centre. now, the reason this is soimportant to a scientist

is because for 300 years our science have been basedon two false assumptions. the first false assumption is that everything is separatefrom everything else. that what happens inone place has no effect on what happens anywhere else, and if it looks like it does,it's only a coincidence. the second false assumption is that our inner experiences ofthought, feeling, emotion

and belief have no effect onthe world beyond our bodies. based on those two false assumptions, that had been accepted for300 years by scientists, i can see why there would be a disconnect when they're looking atmagnetic fields of the earth, spiking precisely themoment the human emotion of the planet is focused on a disaster. - we live here in australia, and recently there were two cyclones

in the same year in northern queensland. what i noticed when we went and looked on the weather station,on the weather channel, is the men and women whoare telling the public about that thing, they'resaying it could generate into a much bigger storm. and, so, what's calledfocused human attention, is that they drew everyone's mind into the idea that this is going to

generate into a much bigger storm. and that's what they kept saying. until, focused humanattention on the storm made it grow bigger. now, if we thinking that's not true, then we have to take alook at this gentlemen who's getting some vessel of water, and he says "love" andputs a little label "love", and the molecular structureall goes into harmony.

and then he gets the same water, puts in a different vessel, puts "hate", and everything goes into chaos and stress. in actual fact in a scientificbasis now, if a person, a scientist is carrying out an experiment, he has to leave the building,the area, everything. because his consciousnessis going to affect the outcome of the experiment. so they now have to carryit out when he's not around,

to get a true result scientifically. - thoughts are very powerful. if it is a positive thought, it will travel to the positive collective. if you send out a negative thought, it will travel to the negativecollective around the world, and it will have a negativeeffect on the planet. - almost universally ancient texts and traditions have remindedus that we are connected.

they've said that we are one,that we are part of our world, that we are part of one another, that we're part of the earthand the changes in the earth. and what i found is, over the last 22 yearsas i've travelled nearly every continent of the earth, and spoken to people fromso many different traditions and cultures, is that peoplereally want to believe that. they want to believeand they like to believe

that we're truly connected, but they need a reason for that belief. science is now giving us that reason for our logical mind,to make the connection, to see how we are related andhow we influence the world, and how by honoring thatconnection through our hearts, we literally have the power to influence the veryfields of this planet to sustain life in theworld, sustain the health,

the healing and the wellbeing of our bodies, and it's all about themagnetic fields of the earth. - in washington dc, peoplefrom all over the world came there to meditate, and the crime rate dropped dramatically during that time, proportionally to the amount of people who were meditating, in exact proportion. i work very hard here in this centre to keep the vibrational rate of this room

at a very high frequency. now, it's to the point where people who don't even have aninterest in meditation, come here into this room. there was one person who spentthe night not that long ago. had no interest in meditation and that sort of thing whatsoever, and a kundalini awakened in the morning. and had no understanding of that at all,

had never even heard the word before. and so, just by being in anenvironment which is kept pure, that happened. now, take that on a larger scale, if we were as a society todo that to the whole planet, then your wildestimagination couldn't conceive of what is possible in such a scenario. - a person who sits thereand meditates quietly, in very, very strong gravity,

they set up a gravity field, that they're not moving no matter if the building falls down. they can counter-act thenegative effect of many. - individual people by themselves, groups, societies, themood of the whole planet, can all be altered, can all be changed and the reason is because the planet, they're just anotherlevel of consciousness.

- consciousness changes,generally speaking, because of realisation. however, when we're talkingabout collective consciousness, that is changed by media. - from channel to channel,on the news, and on dramas, and on every other programme, and all it is, is brainwashing and demonization. - generally a human being is bombarded

with unwanted thoughtsconstantly during the day, which depletes his mental energies. when one is depleted with mental energy, it causes a drain ofone's own mental resources and drain of just ourphysical energy as such. due to which our ability tocomprehend and think reduces, our efficiency as a humanbeing reduces as well. but, when you do something spiritual and associated with spirituality,

you're constantly gaining positive energy. so the ability for personalitydefects manifests less. which, i feel, is happening in 2012, the old has to go. the new has to come. - i don't feel that one thing is going to evolveindependently of another. i feel that in this fieldof consciousness we live in, things operate in an uniform way

and we are now passing through a period, in which an acceleration ofconsciousness is taking place. - everybody is benefitingfrom these finer conscious levels that we are arriving at, simply by means of wherethe sun is taking us. - the earth itself is aconscious living entity, and if the beings living on it choose to raise their frequency, they choose to live inlove as opposed to fear.

the plants will grow greener, the oxygen in the air will replenish, the pollution will start to disappear. it'll turn literally intoa utopia, heaven on earth. - it's up to our focusedattention to create that reality. but we have to become aware ofwho's meddling in our minds. our mind is our biggest problem when it's not under our control. under our control.

- somehow we have thiswrong idea that we have to do that by going outthere and building it. you don't go out there to build it, you go in here to build it. you find it in here first, and just allow it toradiate out around you. and everything else thennaturally happens by itself. - as people begin to awakenand take on responsibility, we can expect to see amuch more harmonious world.

- it's just a ride. and we can change it anytime we want. it's only a choice. no effort, no work, nojob, no savings of money, a choice right now, between fear and love. (upbeat music) - what society would probablylike for us to believe is love is like what wesee on the hollywood films. love is actually a state of being.

it's not actually somethingthat you do to somebody else. if someone loves you and you don't feel love forthem, you don't feel anything. you only feel love whenyou are radiating love, when you are giving love. - if you love yourself, youfeel better in yourself. if you hate yourself, you loathe yourself. and why do you wanna do that? why do you wanna be miserable?

why do you wanna feel bad? is that good for you? - the worry is just anotherprayer for what you don't want. if you want to create what you do want, focus on the, let's say grandest vision of the highest version youcould possibly imagine. if you're gonna do anything, make sure you are doing itout of joy and not fear. - if you feel negative,you have no energy,

if you feel positive, youhave much more energy, and you can do a lot of things, you can help many people and yourself. - to choose to love over fear is choosing a state of awareness, a state of consciousness to exist in, to be in as your reality. and even when the dark forces come along and try to draw you out of it,

you still love them. of course, they reallyhate that when you do that. - and all it is, likeeverything else, is a choice. a choice between fear and love. that's all it is. we can choose to be frightened. we can choose to hate. just a choice. or we can choose not to fear

and we can choose to love. not love on the basis of "i love you if i fancy you darling", but i love you because you exist. i love you whatever. i love you without condition. - as the loving component grows, that becomes more and morecontagious, if you like. and the world tends to become

a more loving place, as a result. the critical mass ofthe love paradigm grows. - and if you want to change the world, it has to start with self. fear, anger, hatred, condemnation, dictating what other people should be, that's the world we got. that's the prison. but paradise is waiting.

it's a thought, an attitude away, that's all it is, it's a choice away. love. we love each other, and love the world, our lives are fundamentally changed, and the world is fundamentally changed. and we are the generations,strange as it may seem when you survey the world today, we are the generations,i passionately believe,

who are gonna love theworld into the paradise it really should be, andwas always designed to be. - human beings actuallyare supposed to be eternal, full of knowledge and full of ecstasy and i'm not talking about the pill. i'm talking about spiritual bliss, which is the highest frequency, a living entity in ahuman body can experience. - bliss is our birthright.

we were made to enjoy love and happiness. that bliss is always there, there's so much potential for bliss. right, it's like a light switch. you go to turn it on, andyou know that the moment you turn it on, the lightcomes on and the room fills. that's what the bliss is like, it's just there waitingfor you to just turn it on, and you can tap intoit as much as you want.

so people are not reminded of that. they've been pulled away by distractions. "go to work. "go to school. "do this, do that. "get a career." and guess what? the bliss just gets leftbehind, all the time. they just leave it behind.

why not enjoy it? - we are not governed by any calendar, no event or any such thing. every decision that you make, takes you in a different direction. when you make gooddecisions, all the time, take a moment to breathe, come into the now, make a conscious decision.

everything has changed. - now is the time to embrace the love and to leave the fear behind. the one that embraces the love, is the one that knowsthat he can never lose. - the eyes of fear wants you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off the eyes of love, instead see all of us as one.

- god is total love, andthere is nothing else. and love is the glue of the universe. - the most important thingi'd like to say to people is to know who you are,reclaim your sovereignty, and learn the scienceof "as above, so below", the macrocosm and the microcosm. because we are themicrocosm of the universe, of the whole universe. our body is universe, full of atoms,

trillions of atoms, which are stars. - i think we're a part of a greater wisdom that we'll ever understand, a higher order, call it what you want. you know what i call it? the big electron! wow. it doesn't punish, it doesn't reward, it doesn't judge at all.

it just is, and so are we. for a little while. - so, once we know this andwe realise what we really are, and who we really are, then we stand up and ignore, virtually ignore this system of fear and embrace the love, and nothing, there's nothing that can stop us, there's nothing that can hurt us,

there's nothing that cancause us to fear anymore. - whatever we do in our life, please make sure that we sprinklesome spirituality onto it. when we sprinkle somethingspiritual onto it, we also get the benefit ofinner peace, inner calmness, otherwise we get so lost in this world, that we do not know what we want. and that's a very bad state to be in. so do take up some spiritualpractise every day,

so that it helps you to nurture your mind, nurture your intellect, calms your mind. be a sane person in this insane world! be the happy person so you canhelp other people be happy. otherwise you're a partof the problem yourself, and that's a worst place to be in. - we left a great place ofunconditioned consciousness, and the purpose of life is to go through this cycle of necessity,

glean all the wisdom that we can from it and return to the cause muchmore than we were before. much, much more. - for those people who havebeen a victim of the propaganda, of the 2012 agenda to promote fear, what i would say the best thing to do is not to get fooled by that, and your worst enemy is the fear itself. and to just trust in love.

- if you remain in love, you receive all the blessings, so there should be nothing at all to fear about 2012 and what is coming. - you are what you think. what you think, you will become. - when the buddha saysthat we are what we think, then i think we would be advised to hold the most positive and grandview we can possibly have,

because what you think aboutis what you're going to create. - so every day make it ablissful spiritual day, and share that, sharecompassion, share love. drop the fear. there's nothing to fear,except fear itself. - it's really true, what my guru and other teachers have said. that if you want to change the world, you've got to start with yourself.

- changing the world is notsomething in the future anymore. "oh it will be better for the kids." it's here and now, we're going to see it happen. - the more one loves and finds unity in thisworld, and harmony, and the time is coming, it's a coming. the beautiful rewards for all those who are poised to receive them.

they are coming. - [narrator] as the date approaches, more and more people are becomingaware of its significance. is it really a window of greatchanges in consciousness? is that what the ancientswere trying to tell us? when we take a look around the world, we have seen decades ofdictatorships collapse, as humanity united and marchedthe streets in tunisia, yemen and egypt.

injustices have been exposed by wikileaks, such as the "afghan war logs"which uncovered corruption, murder of civilians, and a multitude of us military cover-ups. a global network of truth andawareness is uniting mankind via technology and the internet, the one last channel left unfiltered. as knowledge is spreading,people are awakening, and we are beginning tosee a clearer picture

of the world that we live in. consciousness is shiftingright before our eyes. the people in power may try to negatively influence the outcome of the coming shift. by creating a world war or collapsing the global financial system. they may generate enoughfear to open the gates to their new world order. if that day comes, we need toremember their true agenda,

unite as one and risein love and compassion. - [crowd] troops out now! troops out now! the people united will never be defeated! - [narrator] what is the pathway forward? perhaps we are here right nowto define what comes next? is it not up to us to act together and build a better future? a world without suffering?

we have learned that thegalactic shift is empowering us to create great change, and the elites are trying to influence that change with fear. we have learned that we are fractals of one consciousness experiencing itself and with the power of the collective we can change our experience anytime we choose to do so.

when we focus all our devotionand envision a new beginning, we will create a world of peace, love, and harmony. the time is right now. heaven or hell on earth is up to us. and it's only a choicebetween fear and love. how this will play out,only time will tell, as we approach december21st 2012, and beyond.

- in the seventeenth chapterof st. luke, it’s written "the kingdom of god is within man, "not one man nor a groupof men, but in all men!" in you! you, the people, have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness! you, the people, have thepower to make this life free and beautiful, to makethis life a wonderful adventure!

now let us fight to fulfil that promise! let us fight to free the world! to do away with national barriers! to do away with greed,with hate, and intolerance! let us fight for a world of reason, let us all unite! (cheering) - here's what we can do tochange the world right now to a better ride.

take all that money we spend on weapons and defence each year, and instead spend it feeding, clothing, educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we can explore space together, both inner and outer. forever.

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