M&T Online Banking For Business

my nameachef and not like when i'm like, "oh my god! this story times like sooo weird i like, drank with my friends at a party i'm like so totes weird"

M&T Online Banking For Business

M&T Online Banking For Business, today's video is honestly really fucking exaderaterd all the time, every video, a million comments on every video i'm constantly getting compared to trisha paytas i literally, every single time i click on a trisha paytas video

the top comment is like, "tana in 10 years" like it's honestly a meme at this point it's become like a running joke throughout me and all my friends amari literally calls me trisha like, only refers to me as trisha let's say that amari was like feeling nice and went to get me like a starbucks drink he would put trisha on the cup like it's a thing ok and i've never really like saw it that much i guess

like, trisha and i are both blonde we're both youtubers, we're both outspoken we both cuss all that kinda stuff but at the same time, i don't really feel like we're like similar people, ya know? like, i don't think in 10 years i'm actually gonna be like trisha paytas i don't think 10 years ago, trisha paytas was like me or whatever not that she's like 10 years older than me, i'm just saying i've never really understood the comparisons fully, but i can honestly say today's video is very trisha paytas of me and i love her so much

i'm not like shading her i'm literally like saying my video is like something she would film, you know what i mean? and honestly today's video isn't really that funny either, it's just weird i literally almost debated filming this on my kitchen floor as an ode to my mom trisha paytas and this video is definitely for like my og fans who like used to watch me when i would just sit in front of my camera and talk about fucking nothing and it made no sense and it wasn't entertaining at all and like why the fuck are you watching this type of video it's really fucking weird, i'm just talking about something that's happening to me

it's not a big deal either, like i'm not sitting here going like "i'm having a crisis like what's going on" like something just keeps happening to me all the time and i don't understand it and i have no explanation for it and i know there's like google search and like i'm being overdramatic and impulsive i just want to read the comment section i really want people to give me answers but i feel like all the answers are gonna be like "you're just a dumb bitch tana" i literally don't know how to film this without like seeming like i'm on like meth like i don't know how to say this without sounding like, i'm just like

i need to go to the nut house i'm gonna get into the video i would say "if you haven't already subscribed" but i don't think anyone in their right fucking mind is going to subscribe to my youtube channel after today's video, so watch some of my other videos and then subscribe and i don't even know if this is the right video to promote myself going on tour because anybody watching this would literally never want to see me live this is the weirdest, most pointless video i'm ever going to upload but i am going on tour

i am leaving tomorrow to go to australia to begin an australian tour and when i'm done with that later in the summer, i will be going on a world tour so if you wanna meet me, if you wanna know if i'm coming to your city and you wanna hang out with me and all of my friends and see a crazy, awesome, amazing show please look at the links below now so lately i have been having all of these like really weird like psychic, deja vu i am the next psychic triplet like moments, i don't think i'm psychic

i don't think, like, i have some special power like i'm literally a fucking idiot if anything, like i'm lesser than the regular human race but something weird keeps happening with my brain and i know that 99% of the people in the comments below are going to just say that these are a bunch of coincidences, and they probably are like truthfully, these are probably all just coincidences and i'm like a stupid paranoid bitch who has nothing to think about so i think about this and then i just like overthink and overthink and overthink and i'm-- now i'm going insane

this all probably means nothing i'm gonna tell you about these things that have happened to me so far i've been writing them in my phone cause i have nothing better to do, boys don't like me just-- just tell me tell me what you think of the things that i'm about to say, thank you if i get admitted into a mental hospital after this video, like this was it! like, she went off the rocker, you know? so this has been happening but the day that i got back from mexico, it just like kept happening

and finally, the last time it happened that day i was like you know what? i'm gonna stop just telling my friends and like freaking out for a second i'm gonna start writing these things down so that i can tell someone so if i go insane, they know why, okay? i'm just gonna get into it. so, um, i was sitting on the airport floor with mya and ashley and ivan on the day that we got back from cabo, we'd just flown into lax from mexico and we were all waiting for our uber mya, ashley, and i, were like sitting on our suitcases on the ground

and we were like making these jokes like about cabo, like about mexico like "oh, someone's gonna have to get plan b!" like "i bet someone got came inside of during cabo!" like "ahh, spring break!" just, like, stupid teenager jokes but then we started actually talking about plan b just like i don't know, people do that and then i was talking about how one time i went with this girl in la to buy plan b from the walgreens on vine street like in los angeles

and as i'm sitting there talking about that, somer texts me and he texts me a screenshot of a walgreens, and he's like "i bought plan b at this walgreens once lol" or like something like that and i was like [silence] like what are the odds that i'm sitting here talking about plan b and then we take it a step further, and we talk about buying the plan b at a walgreens and then, like, i get a text message about buying plan b, like, at a walgreens you get what i'm saying? like that's-- that's a little weird and like a picture of like the walgreens there-- i don't know okay, whatever

so i was like the first one and i was like okay, this keeps happening to me but this was like the first one that i like mentally noted like for a video to talk about and ashley and i were like "what the f*ck?" i called somer and i'm like "what the f*ck" like why did you send me that? and he's like "i just passed the walgreens, like i thought about it, you know? like whatever" and i was like oookay and then like a day later i was sitting at my mom's house i'm literally going insane

i was sitting at my mom's house, i was laying in her bed with her and we were watching the kardashians and there was a scene in the kardashians where kendall jenner is sitting with her mom, kris jenner and kris jenner looks at kendall and she's like "those are cute jeans" and then kendall's like, "your cute jeans" and then kris is like "wait, they're my jeans?" and then kendall's like "no" like and then kris was like "oh, i thought you said 'your cute jeans'" and kendall was like "i did say your cute jeans"

and then the scene just kinda ends and my mom was like "wait, i don't get it either, like, i'm on the same page as kris" i'm like basically it's like a thing people do like kris was telling kendall that her jeans were cute and kendall was like jokingly being like "you're cute jeans" like, calling her "cute jeans" but like kris thought, like, she was saying like, "your cute jeans" like jeans that you own, you know? and my mom was like "i don't think that's funny, i don't get it" and i was like "oh that's weird, like me and somer actually do that all the time"

like i'll be like "what are you doing" and he'll be like "making chicken" and i'll be like lol you're a chicken it's like a thing that we do like it's not really funny, we just do it and then literally in that moment like right as i finished that sentence somer texted me "you're a chicken" i literally called him, i was like, "what the fuck are you doing to me, why would you say that?" like "why would you say that to me?" and he's like "i'm making chicken right now, like i thought about you, i thought that you'd like-- you would say that"

like i'm making chicken, facetime me, i don't believe you he facetimes me, he's making chicken he had no idea that i was having that conversation, with my mom! i'm going insane, so then, like two days later, i wake up and i always, this is like really common so it's not like a weird thing, i wake up with song lyrics stuck in my head like every single day. like today, maroon 5's

"she will be loved" was like stuck in my head all day and i just like sing it throughout the day. sometimes it's like normal songs, sometimes it's like weird songs and one day i woke up with this specific ass song lyric stucc in my head, i used to be obsessed with lil wayne so it makes this like a little less weird it's a lil wayne lyric that says "ass and titties, sex and the city, weezy ass baby..." and the rest of it i forget, but the part

i had stuck in my head all day was like "ass and titties, sex and the city..." all day like i just kept saying that all day, i was like gonna tweet it at one point, like that's how like stuck in my head it was. i go to sushi with my friends, i'm like singing it, i'm like singing it all day whatever, i get to my mom's house and she's like "it's actually so funny, i was watching "sex and the city" last night, and i watched like every single episode of every

single season like you need to watch it and i like take that in for a second, i'm like "that's a little bit weird" and then like 20 minutes later one of my old best friends texts me and was like "remember when you were obsessed with lil wayne?" and i was like like what are the odds that i have a lil wayne lyric about "sex and the city" stuck in my head all day!? i wake up with that stuck in my head.

i spend the entire day singing it, i get to my mom's house and she's like "i watched sex and the city last night, i watched it all. you should watch it, i thought of you" and then in that moment she's talking about sex and the city, someone texts me about lil wayne!? what??? again, this could all be coincidences, i could be being overly irrational, but i'm going insane! the next day i go to sushi again

with my friends and i'm sitting at the sushi bar with all of my friends, and we all order our appetizers, and i'm sitting there and i look at bella and all of a sudden a random song lyric gets stuck in my head, that's not weird for me at all. but i look at her and i'm like "i have died every day waiting for you" and bella like looks at me for a second we look down at our phones, in the sushi place *claps* guess what song starts

playing "i have died every day.." bella literally had her drink and food and pushed it away and went "stee" so then, in the same sushi place two more weird things happen. so they're starting to get a little more frequent as you can see i'm literally going insane, this is what my content has come to all week long, priar to this moment i had been like really stocking gigi gorgeous

like watching her old vlogs like stalking her on instagram i follow her girlfriend on instagram i've been like commenting on her pictures just like, i don't even know i downloaded youtube red to like watch her documentary like i've been like really, in tune on like gigi gorgeous for some reason

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