Newest Version Of Internet Explorer

internet explorer makes browsing the web easy.and if you’re using windows 8 like i am, you’ll notice that unlike earlier versionsof windows, there are actually two different versions of internet explorer: one for thestart screen, and one for the desktop. if you’ve used internet explorer before,you’ll notice that the desktop version is very close to what you’re used to. it hasa more traditional layout, similar to most

Newest Version Of Internet Explorer

Newest Version Of Internet Explorer, other web browsers, making it easy to navigate.â  you can type in a web address or search termin the address bar to navigate to websites or conduct web searches. as you type, you’ll see suggestions forwebsites and search terms below the address

bar. from here you can type a complete web addressand press enter to navigate to that site. or you can select one of the suggestions. and like all browsers, internet explorer allowsyou to view different pages and open multiple websites in the same window using tabs. to open a new tab, click the new tab button.then just navigate to whatever site you want. to close a tab, just click the x.--- the start screen version of internet explorerlooks quite a bit different, but it still let’s you do all the same things as thedesktop version.

begin by selecting the internet explorer iconfrom the start screen. microsoft designed it to be used with touchscreen devices, like tablets. but whether you’re using the start screen version ona touch screen - or with a mouse and keyboard setup - it’s not difficult, it just takessome getting used to. one major difference you’ll notice is thatthe start screen version has moved the address bar and navigation buttons from the top ofthe screen to the bottom. to navigate to a site, just type a web addressin the address bar like you normally would. as you type, you’ll see suggestions forwebsites and search terms above the address just like the desktop version, you can usetabs to open multiple websites in the same

window. click the new tab button. then choose fromone of your frequently visited sites, or type in a web address or search term. to close a tab, just click the x. the desktop and start screen versions lookvery different, but no matter which one you choose to use, you’ll still have the samegreat web browsing experience.

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