Microsoft Internet Explorer For Mac

hey guys this is austin. with so many webbrowser options which one should you use? since the last test there have been a fewbig updates with the launch of windows 10 and the new microsoft edge browser. the macside has also seen an update with el capitan so to test i’m using a 2015 13 inch macbookpro that’s dual booting both os x and windows. it’s specced out with a dual core core i7,integrated iris graphics, sixteen gigs of

Microsoft Internet Explorer For Mac

Microsoft Internet Explorer For Mac, memory and a fast ssd. the first test is peacekeeperwhich is a good general test of a browser’s performance. on the windows side firefox doeswell with edge falling a bit behind. move over to os x and you’ll see safari putsin an impressive showing with firefox still doing well. next up is octane which is moreof a pure javascript speed test. things are

very even on windows 10 with chrome, edgeand opera in a dead heat and firefox coming slightly behind. on mac interestingly safaridrops back quite a bit where chrome and opera continue to do well. moving on is the html5test, this measures how each browser supports the various features of the internet. chromeand opera pull this one out which isn’t a huge surprise since opera is based on chromiumwhere both edge and safari fall quite a bit behind. another interesting test is browserscopesecurity which checks how many major threats each browser can block. again opera and chromepull out the win here with microsoft edge coming in right behind. a slightly differenttest is the unity webgl benchmark, this is all about measuring how well each browserhandles more intense games. on windows firefox

pulls out an impressive win here over therest of the field and on mac it’s a similar story although safari does respectably welltoo. for a more real world test i timed how long it took for each browser to open andload the google homepage. here microsoft edge gets a big leg up on everything else withchrome coming in a bit behind and on os x chrome and firefox are the quickest but allfour browsers do well. the amount of memory a browser uses makes a difference especiallyon less powerful computers so here i loaded each with eight tabs and checked how muchram they needed. on windows 10 firefox is the most lightweight with opera and chromecoming in a bit behind. things are surprisingly close on el capitan, safari pulls out a slightedge but all four are close enough to not

make a huge difference. so when you put itall together which browser should you go for? on windows chrome is the best all around choice,it performs well and doesn’t have any major flaws. for mac it’s a toss up between chromeand safari, chrome tends to perform better but safari is more optimized. so what browserdo you guys prefer? let me know in the comments below and i will catch you in the next one!

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